1-in-3 people inside ODOC has viral hepatitis! More people are living with HIV and sexually transmitted infections than ever before.If you can say YES to the following, you need to know YOUR status:Ever Injected drugs? Shared any drug works?Had unprotected sex? Had prison tattoo? Kyte medical & request a test!! It’s free and confidential! KNOW YOUR STATUS? From Dr. A. ChakwinIMPORTANT INFO ABOUT VISITS:PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING AND MAKE SURE YOU AND YOUR VISITORS FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES IT WILL MAKE VISITING A MUCH SMOOTHER PROCESS. DELAYS DUE TO CLOTHING ISSUES CUT INTO YOUR VISITING TIME AND MAKES IT FRUSTRATING FOR EVERYONE. IF YOU ARRIVE AT YOUR VISIT WITHOUT CHECKING IN WITH YOUR UNIT OFFICER YOU WILL BE CONSIDERED IN AN UNAUTHORIZED AREA. IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU COME FROM A CALL OUT, THE YARD, IF YOU ARE COMING FROM ANYWHERE BUT YOUR UNIT YOU MUST RETURN TO YOUR UNIT AND LET YOUR UNIT OFFICER KNOW THAT YOU ARE GOING TO YOUR VISIT. Visiting is based on a point system if you are a Level 1=24 points, Level 2=29 points Level 3=34 points. Points are awarded on the first of the month. If you run out of points during the month you will need to wait until the next month for visits. It is your responsibility to keep track of your points. Visits on Thursday, Friday or Monday are 1 point per person. Saturday, Sunday and Holidays are 2 points per person. Visits on Thursday’s are for Level 3 inmates, or inmates with children under 18 years old. The only holidays we have for visiting, no matter what day they fall on (even Tuesday and Wednesday):NEW YEARS DAYMARTIN LUTHER KING DAYPRESIDENTS DAYLABOR DAYVETERANS DAYTHANKSGIVING DAYCHRISTMAS DAY Visitors can not wear anything blue, blue denim, camouflage or tight fitting. Be sure your visitors know this, or they will be turned away until properly attired. VISITORS WHO WEAR CLOTHING THAT CONTAINS METAL (INCLUDING UNDERWIRE BRAS AND RIVETS) THAT PREVENTS A VISITOR FROM PASSING THROUGH THE METAL DETECTOR WILL:BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO FIX THE ISSUE.IF ISSUE CANNOT BE RESOLVED, ENTRY WILL BE DENIED. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE ALLOWED IN THE VISITING ROOM:$20.00 IN COIN ONLY (NO PAPER MONEY OF ANY KIND)1 LOCKER KEY OR 1 CAR KEY OR 1 FOBIDENTIFICATION1 CLEAR PLASTIC BABY BOTTLE OR TRAINER CUP5 PHOTOS (NO POLAROID PHOTOS) ALL PHOTOS MUST BE SCREENED BEFORE TAKING INTO VISITING AREA AND SHOWN TO THE OFFICER UPON EXITING THE VISITING AREA. YOU CAN NOT KEEP THEM. If your visitors want, you to have them you will have to have them mailed in. Also, you cannot take photos from the visiting area that your visitors pay for. Again, if they want you to have them they must mail them in. It is your responsibility to ensure your visitors are aware of visiting rules. You can get a pamphlet to send to your family from visiting staff. When you sign the paper approving them for your list, does not mean they are immediately added. It will still take a few days to process. You can ask me if they are approved yet and I will look to make sure, so your visitors do not get here and then find out they are not yet approved to visit.FROM THE DESK OF THE RULES COORDINATOR MS. MOONEYPROPOSED RULES:291-038 Pre-Sentence Reports? Amends the rules to update administrative rule references and reflect current business practices.? Last day to provide comments: 01/30/20 @ 5:00 PM291-070 Records Management (Adults in Custody and Offenders) Amends the rules to implement statutory language changes and to clarify rule language to align with current business practices.?? Last day to provide comments: 01/30/20-5:00 PMThe department has filed a temporary administrative order updating the hygiene rules. The full temporary administrative order is available for review in the AIC legal library. 291-123 Hygiene, Grooming and SanitationAmends the rules to clarify the department’s policy and operational standards that adults in custody must be properly attired at all timesEffective: 01/07/20 – 07/04/20 PERMANENT RULES:291-032 Land Use CoordinationAmends the rules to better reflect the current practices and applicable rule and law references.? Effective Date: 12/05/19291-210 Transgender and Intersex (AIC)? Amends the rules to reflect consistent standards for unclothed searches and the collection of urinalysis samples for drug screening.? Effective: 12/05/19POLICIES:10.1.6 Government-to-Government Tribal RelationsAmends the policy to implement statutory language changes, update statutory references and to align with requirements for implementation and reporting. Effective: 11/27/1990.3.1 Identification Documents for Adults in Custody Amends the policy to implement statutory language changes and to reflect current business practices. Effective: 12/04/19Copies are available to read at the Legal Library, send a legal kyte to review. Comments can be sent to: Rules Coordinator: Ms. M. Mooney at the ODOC “Dome.” FARMER’S ALMANAC WEATHER PREDICTIONS-Jan ‘204th-7th.Showers Washington/Oregon, then clearing.8th-11th.Fair, then stormy.12th-15th.Fair/chilly.16th-19th.Showers, especially along the coast.20th-23rd.Very unsettled, with rain and, over higher terrain, snow (up to one foot).24th-27th.Fair/cold.28th-31st.Fair, then showers.………………………………………………………..VOEG GROUP from Chaplain Holbrook Are you interested in seeing crime and punishment through a new lens?? The Restorative Justice lens includes all involved parties:? Victims, offenders, and communities.? Rather than focusing on?punishment, it seeks to build accountability and repair harm.? ?It is an “old school" approach to?solving problems and building peace within relationships, families, and communities The Victim Offender Education Group (VOEG) is a 9- month-long restorative justice and trauma?healing program that will help you understand what brought you to prison and the impact of your crime and incarceration on your victims, your family, your community, and yourself.? In the process, you will gain empathy for your victims, understanding and compassion for yourself, and tools needed to live your life in a more accountable, healthy, and satisfying way An incarcerated man in Massachusetts who participated in VOEG had this to say:?“I spent most of my life thinking I was worthless.? Then I committed my crime and convinced myself that the world was unfair, and prison was inevitable for someone like me.? I went through the first (many) years of my incarceration with a chip the size of a mac truck on my shoulder, and everyone suffered because of it, myself most of all.? Then I was introduced to the ideas of restorative justice, and someone challenged me to participate in VOEG.? It was not easy, but I came out the other end understanding that there were reasons my life took the turns it did.? Yes, I was and am ultimately responsible for my actions, but there were circumstances that contributed to my destructive choices.? I now understand that I was not worthless, that prison was not inevitable, and that it is possible to live a different life – both inside and outside of prison.”? If you are interested in learning more about VOEG or participating, Send a kyte to Chaplain Holbrook ? ROSE CITY TOASTERSby President Eric S. DavisINCLUSION, CONNECTION & COMMUNITYSPECIAL EVENT TO BE HELD IN DINING HALLJANUARY 21ST at 6:00 – 9:00 pmRefreshments provided.The first 75 AIC’s to kyte Ms. Wilks, Programs you’ll be put on a call out for the event. This doesn’t apply to current members nor any AIC currently on the call out who are in compliance the Toastmaster Constitution.A leader recognizes the importance of inclusion, connection and community. A leader is constantly working at becoming a master student: competent, efficient, and resourceful. Toastmasters International is committed to developing these leadership traits with all its members. I was recently told by an individual “I may not be qualified to speak at Toastmasters.” That’s the beautiful thing about Toastmasters everyone is qualified. Babe Ruth said it best “Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.” Pride has a way of distorting how we see ourselves, while humility offers a realistic perspective.* Many of us believe greatness lives outside of us & if we could somehow import it, we too will be great.* We believe that we are empty or lacking and others are whole, and we can offset our lack by getting some of their light to shine into our darkness.* So, we emulate them, idolize them, rub shoulders with them, drop their names, and get our photos taken with them.*We build our identity around them hoping that the power, beauty, wealth, fame, love or happiness they possess will become our own.*Yet when we seek to live in reflected glory, we miss the glory we already own.*You are already a STAR IN YOUR OWN NIGHT, and no one outside of you can add to your brilliance.*Instead of importing greatness from the outer world, tap into the magnificence you already own and are and bring it forth.*You do not need to brush with greatness; You simply need to brush from greatness!BRIGHT YELLOW FUNDRAISER BRACELETS “BELIEVE YOU CAN & YOU’RE HALFWAY THERE ***TEDDY ROOSEVELT” ARE NOW ON SELL FOR $5.00 send a kyte with a CD28 to Ms. Wilks for the bracelet. It must be signed by you and stamped/initialed by staff & ALSO write #EPTA2-2824 on the CD28.2019 crci Battle of the bunk: “Winter Wonderland” winners and pictures! BY Ms. L. Hust This year’s Battle of the Bunks is over. I wish to thank everyone that participated. The guys that did their best with limited supplies, the unit officers that supported them, photographer and kept the units safe, finally the judges-Mr. Hanley, Ms. Vega and me, who took time out of their busy day to make the hard decisions.Each participant received a large candy cane and 2020-21 calendar. All the Winners received various levels of goodie bags – colorful pencils, erasers, tablets, nacho or mushroom sauces, free copies, candy, colored pencils…Grand prizes also included Sweet Drop Flavorings, multi colored ink pens, photo tickets, & pop tickets,We saw a huge Christmas tree canopy over a bunk, windows with snow falling, 3D ski scene, tall snowmen, sleighs, fireplace, a guitar solo and so much more. The Grand Prize entry was a backdrop of snowy mountains with a train filled with guests & gifts, the scene also included a handmade abominable snowman doll.This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SAThis Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA***Unit 1:1st place (Team)Jeff Burke & Shawn Erb2nd place Irvin Haines3rd place Colby Cruickshank ***Unit 2: 1st place Mark McCarran 2nd place Carl DeWeese3rd place no other entries***Unit 3: 1st place & Grand Prize Winners (Team) Shawn Camp & John Peters2nd place Ronald Hassler3rd place Eric Davis**Unit 4: 1st place (Team) Gabe Whitford & Matthew Tilly 2nd place Cherlens Kalson3rd place Robert Jacobson***Unit 5: 1st place David Phipps2nd place Joe Sumner3rd place Hiram Vickery***Unit 6: 1st place Josh Hedrick2nd place Shakari Medinger3rd place no other entries***Unit 7 1st place Justin Ryan2nd place Sean McCallister3rd place Brian Starr***Unit 8 no entries (continued next page)Thank you everyone. I was coordinator this year at the last moment. We chose a “theme” and an Iron Chef type competition to have everyone on the same playing field. I was given permission to supply work days and DOC supplies through the Legal Library, and Programs area also generously ordered construction paper for you. Now we would like some feedback from YOU!There are slips on the top of the dining room book drop to give us your opinions to be turned over to the 2020 coordinator. Each participant has been sent one in the mail.Please take time to fill it out it helps staff to know how you feel. Know that there are always supplies, safety and security restraints but your thoughts will be considered in the future. Thank you.CRCI 2019 DECORATED BUNKS!Photos taken by Colby Cruickshank Will be coming soon in a special supplement! There were too many to place in this Newsletter.Inmate Newsletter Article Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA Information) The Oregon Department of Corrections (ODOC) has a zero tolerance policy for sexual abuse, sexual harassment and for retaliation for reporting an incident. You may report in person to any staff, through an inmate communication, through the grievance system, by calling the PREA hotline by dialing 9 from any inmate phone. Filing an Anonymous PREA Report If you are uneasy about filing a PREA allegation, you may file an anonymous report with an outside agency. You may write to:Governor’s Office of Constituent Services900 Court Street NE, Suite 160Salem, Oregon 97301Please indicate in the beginning of your letter you are filing a PREA allegation and you are requesting to remain anonymous. The Governor’s Office will refer all anonymous allegations to the DOC PREA Coordinator to assure an investigation is completed based off the information that is provided.? Community-Based PREA Advocacy (Support) ProgramODOC has partnered with community based, confidential advocates of sexual abuse victims to provide services to inmates. Inmates at ODOC who have experienced sexual abuse may reach a community-based advocate by dialing 711 inmate telephone systems, or may request a private call through the PREA Compliance Manager at the facility. Advocates provide victims of sexual abuse information about their options, resources, information and emotional support. There is no charge for calls to advocates. Role of an Advocate: Provide confidential support and crisis interventionInform you about the investigation and medical examination processEducate you about healing from sexual abuseOffer resources and referrals Advocates will:Not tell you what to doNot communicate with the institution unless you request them to do so and sign a releaseNot provide legal advice Community-based advocacy centers provide sexual abuse support to people of all genders. Community-based advocates will not report unless you request them to do so and if you sign a release of information. DOC is committed to providing inmates with avenues to seek assistance. Below are additional resources:Just Detention International Headquarters3325 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 340Los Angeles, CA 90010 The community-based advocacy crisis line is for individuals needing assistance coping with sexual abuse related issues and should not be used for other purposes. Telephone calls and mail with community-based advocacy centers is considered privileged communication and will be handled similar to legal calls/official mail. (continued) If you have any other questions regarding PREA, you may ask any staff member, write the PREA Compliance Manager at your institution, or you may write:E. Sage, PREA CoordinatorOregon Department of Corrections2575 Center St.NESalem, Oregon 97301=====================================Thank you for your interest in College Inside through Chemeketa Community College. We run programs at three different facilities, each with different and some overlapping focuses. Many of our programs have reached maximum capacity and will not be accepting applications for the foreseeable future. Admissions criteria and current program status information is listed below. You can also find basic information about our funding, as well as a summary of each major that we offer on the second page of this document.Applicants for all programs must meet the following criteria:*A HS Diploma or GED*Enough time remaining on sentence to graduate from the program*At least 18 months of clear conduct*A release date within 7 yearsSantiam Correctional Institution: Computer-Assisted Drafting (CAD) Certificate of Completion Status: OPEN – We are accepting applications until March 1, 2020Program Length: 14 monthsStart: Starts every June and goes through the following AugustCapacity: 16 students per yearTo Apply: Application Period: January 1, 2020 to March 1, 2020Kyte your interest to SCI Education. Potential candidates will receive an application and should return it prior to March 1, 2020. We will notify applicants of their admissions status prior to May 15, 2020. The new cohort will start June 22, 2020.Applications: We started a cohort in winter 2020 and don’t plan on starting a new one for likely at least a year.Automotive Technology - Entry Level Technician CertificateStatus: OPEN – Currently accepting applications for the waiting listProgram Length: 14 monthsStart: A new cohort starts every June To Apply: Kyte your interest to Bill Gastoni in VT Automotive at OSP. Potential candidates will receive an application. The top applicants may be invited to interview.===================================BEAT THE FLU 2019-2020!!!Oregon SB488 requires Oregon Department of Corrections to offer flu vaccine to all AIC on an opt-out basis; meaning everyone will sign a consent form accepting or declining flu vaccine beginning flu season 2019-2020.-19431024828500Why get YOUR flu shot?It decreases the chance of you getting flu and flu-related complications!It decreases your chance of getting FUTURE flu due to your immune systems ‘memory’ of the vaccine!It decreases the chance you will give the flu to someone!Look for YOUR chance to manage YOUR health soon! Flu vaccine programs will begin in most institutions 10/1/19 and YOUR part will be needed to succeed to Beat the flu in 2019-2020!Common MythMyth:Vaccines are bad for you, they cause things like AutismFact:There are no studies showing the causal nature of vaccines-in-and-of-themselves to cause any chronic or debilitating conditions. 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