Works Cited - New Mexico Model United Nations

542925-247650The Syrian Arab RepublicThe United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization00The Syrian Arab RepublicThe United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationPolicy StatementGood evening fellow delegates and honorable chair, the Syrian Arab Republic welcomes you all to the 2017 Model UN conference.To commence conference, we wish to address the protection and restoration of World Heritage Sites. Syria is home to six world heritage sites, which are all in peril. As our Director General of Antiquities and Museums, Maamoun Abdulkarim, has stated: “the war will end, the politics will change, but our heritage remains for all of us, for our descendants, and for us to share with the whole world.” He could not be more correct. The Syrian Arab Republic wishes to promote education of these sites and their importance. Yet education cannot save destroyed sties. ISIS, a terrorist group that is not state sponsored, is mostly at fault. Although we want repercussion for these actions, we wish to first protect our shared heritage. As the Syrian government is currently doing, we believe it also beneficial to rebuild and refurbish these structures, but we need funding and assistance. As for Aleppo, another destroyed World Heritage Site, the rebels of our nation and their foreign supporters are at fault. Although we wish to deal with them in separate manners, we must focus on rebuilding these sites and protecting our shared heritage. The Syrian Arab Republic wants every nation present to put forward all they can for the restoration of these sites. Beyond the protection of our heritage, we wish to protect our loyal citizens. In recent years, we have lost almost 5 million people as they flee our country. Yet, since June of 2017, we have seen a significant return of these displaced peoples, according to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commission of Refugees). The Syrian Arab Republic wishes to ensure that these citizens now feel safe and they know that UNESCO and their government will ensure their voices are heard. To do so, Syria wishes to hold more town hall meetings and to provide food and shelter. This is most easily obtained through financial assistance to our nation. Syria will push for all countries in UNESCO help struggling countries to ensure the protection of these peoples. As UNESCO, we must also focus on education. In Syria, as of 2015, two million students were unable to receive an education due to roughly 5,000 schools being destroyed by war, according to the annual World Education News and Reviews Act. Not only are low-income areas less likely to receive equal education, but now they are put farther behind other districts due to the lack of stable infrastructure. Syria will support a resolution not only wishing to bring new education buildings to low-income areas, but to restore and refurbish current infrastructure. Syria would like to address air and water pollution due to our ongoing epidemic of both because of the ongoing conflicts in our country. The uses of explosives have greatly damaged the quality of air and have increased the amount of litter into our water sources. Syria would also like to explore the future uses of the University for Peace and would appreciate the chance to be beneficiaries of Grants and Scholarships.The Syrian Arab Republic wishes to hold the most productive session of UNESCO yet, and hopes to see every other nation do the same.Thank you for your time fellow delegates and honorable chair. Works Cited BIBLIOGRAPHY Al-Shaikhly, S. (2016, April 4). Education in Syria. Retrieved September 29, 2017, from WENR: , F. (2017, February 21). Syrians face toxic time-bomb of radiation, poison and pollution. Retrieved September 29, 2017, from MiiddleEastEye: , E. (2016, March 16). Syria's six Unesco World Heritage Sites all damaged or destroyed during civil war. Retrieved September 29, 2017, from INDEPENDENT: Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Orginization. (2011, August 13). Syrian Arab Republic . Retrieved September 29, 2017, from World Heritage Convention : ................

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