Jess – Reception/Year One Ideas – A place to share ...

center-287296Adult activities timetable Autumn 1 Week 4 Topic – You and Me, Me and You00Adult activities timetable Autumn 1 Week 4 Topic – You and Me, Me and Youleft38129Bits and Bobs for the Week: - Book fair in school from Thursday- JB phonics meeting @ 3.00 on Tuesday 0Bits and Bobs for the Week: - Book fair in school from Thursday- JB phonics meeting @ 3.00 on Tuesday Year One ObjectivesReception ObjectivesEnglishSaying out loud what they are going to write about. Composing a sentence orally before writing it.Leave spaces between words. Writing –30-50months – Sometime gives meaning to marks as they draw and paint. 40-60months – Hears and says the initial sounds in words. Can segment words into sounds and blend them. Use clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning. Understanding –30-50months – beginning to understand ‘why’ questions. Maths Given a number – find one less.Read and write numbers to 20 in numerals and words. Count backwards from 30. Number – 40-60months – counts objects that cannot be moved. Recognises numerals 1-5 and then 1-10. Counts out up to six from a larger group. -292735-548640Adult activities timetable Autumn 1 Week 4 Topic – You and Me, Me and You00Adult activities timetable Autumn 1 Week 4 Topic – You and Me, Me and YouSession One(9.10 – 10.15)Session Two(10.55 – 11.45)Session ThreeMonFunky FingersLiteracy Carpet Session – Today we are going to think about our favourite things. Have some picture or objects of my favourite things. Model explaining ‘why’ I like those things. Link to memories, interests etc. Children to share with their talk partner their favourite things. Give them a category. Favourite food, toy, thing to do at the weekend. Share ideas. JB – Reception – Have the children in groups of 4 or 5. Have lots of pictures or items they might like/dislike. Do a mini circle time, developing group discussion and listening skills. Does anyone like the same things?DM – Year One – To write about their favourite things. Give them a work frame to support. A box for their favourite food, toy, place to go, thing to do at school. Leave two boxes blank for their own ideas. Maths Carpet Session – Warm up – Count to 20 in lots of different ways. Jumping, clapping etc. We are carrying on with our favourite things. We are going to think about our favourite food. Everyone can have a piece of paper and they will use it to vote. Have a large bar chart on the whiteboard and each child will add their piece of paper. Which food is most popular? Which is least popular? How many people like apples and oranges? etcDM – Year One – to have their own bar chart on a clipboard. Go around the class and find out what each child’s favourite colour is. Can they fill in their bar chart? If finished – answer some questions based on their results. JB – Reception – Observe and support continuous provision. When possible find opportunities to observe 1:1 counting skills. (OLP)RE Session‘Who is a Christian and What do they believe?’ Start by having a few objects in a special box. A cross, a Bible, a picture of a church, someone praying etc. Hopefully the children will make the link that they all are about God. They may know the word Christian. Introduce the key question for the next few weeks. Come up with a list of things they already know about God/Christians etc. DM – Year One – in their RE books draw a picture of a Christian and add some captions about what they know about Christians already. For those who find writing difficult, scribe. JB – Reception – Observe and support continuous provision. When possible find opportunities to observe 1:1 counting skills. (OLP)Plenary – Read a story from the Bible. TuesBug Book/Spellings Literacy Carpet Session This week we are going to look at a book called ‘Would you rather?’ It is all about choosing your favourite thing from three silly options. Read the first couple of pages and get the children to vote. Use multilink cubes to vote for their favourite. JB – Year One – We are going to make our own class ‘Would you rather…’ page for the book. Today we are going to gather as many silly ideas as possible to go in their book. Have some books and pictures to help with ideas. DM – Reception – In small groups, gather lots of ideas for their pages they will make later in the week. Adult to scribe on a big piece of paper and use the session to model sounding words out. Children to help with initial sounds and spelling the ‘tricky’ words we have covered so far. BW – Outside – Have the bikes, scooters, large building equipment etc outside. Take observations and support children’s play. Focused group – When appropriate do some number ordering to 10 with Reception children. Use the large tiles and cones. Maths Carpet Session – Warm up – Farmer Pete songMove quickly to provision. JB – Reception – Observe and support continuous provision. When possible find opportunities to observe 1:1 counting skills. (OLP)DM – Year One – (left over from last week) Match the number to its written form. Cut the numbers to twenty out and match them to the written number. BW – Outside – Have the bikes, scooters, large building equipment etc outside. Take observations and support children’s play. Focused group – When appropriate do some number ordering to 10 with Reception children. Use the large tiles and cones. Woodland WorkPut all wellies, waterproof trousers and coats on. Starter activity: Find the coloured pegs for your group. JB – Observations and supporting playDM – To introduce the mallets and talk about how to use them safely. Children to have a go. BW – to support 1:1 in Woodland Work. Free choice:Mud kitchenSwingMud slideMalletsBug collectors/magnifying glasses and information sheetsRopes and tarpaulin Gloves for helping cut down Spades for diggingWedFunky FingersICT Carpet SessionToday we are going to learn how to log on the computer. Have the screen up on the IWB. Model logging in and selecting the two programs we know how to use. DM – Reception – Count objects that can’t be moved. Take the children for a walk around the school. Can they find things that can’t be moved? Can they count them? Can they find the number from the large numbers on the floor? JB – Reception – ICT – in small groups see if they can log on the computer by themselves. Double click a program and look a mouse control. Year One – Access continuous provision. DM – Reception – Observe and support continuous provision. (OLP) When possible try and observe speaking in the correct tenses. JB – Year One – iPads – Pic Collage. Children to take some photos around school on the iPad. Teach this skill if any child isn’t sure how. Then back in the classroom teach the children how to use PicCollage. They can use their pictures to create a collage. We will add captions next week. PE sessionJB – PE sessionWarm up – Stretching. Play the bean game and traffic lights.Activity – Start by putting the spots down to model finding their own ‘space’. Move in different ways, always coming back to their spot. Focus on hopping, skipping and galloping. Split into teams and play some competitive games. Have cones, children to run in and out of the cones and back to their team. Balance a bean bag on their head etc. Cool down – classical music and breathing techniques. DM – Go through all the HFW for Reception and Year One children. P.S.H.E session (PSED for Reception) Self-confidence and awareness. 40-60months – Confident to speak to others about own interests and opinions. Remind the children of the circle time rules. Start by everyone telling each other about their favourite fruit. What do they enjoy doing? Why? ThurFunky FingersLiteracy Carpet SessionRead the next couple pages of our class book. They should now know the structure of the story. Today we are going to make our own page of the book. Have three large sections on the IWB, one section for each idea. Use the children’s ideas to draw and write about our three ‘Would you rather…’ options. DM – Year One – Today we are going to try and create our first page for our ‘Would you rather…’ class book. Each child to make their own page and we can make our own class book. Have an A4 page for each child and boxes ready for them, for their three ideas. The children will need to choose their three favourite ideas from Tuesday. Today we need to try and write the first one of their ideas and add a detailed picture with a caption. JB – Reception – We are going to start our own ‘Would you rather...’ pages. The children will have two sections. Have the big sheets from earlier in the week and read them, to help the children gather some ideas. -Those writing CVC words – have a go at writing the caption under the picture hearing 3 sounds.-Those hearing initial sounds have a go at writing some initial sounds.-The rest to draw their pictures and an adult can scribe their ideas. Maths Carpet SessionWarm up – bossy numbersSplit quickly today, as both year groups are doing a different activity. JB – Reception – CONTINUED FROM FIRST SESSION DM – Year One – Lead a short introduction session. This week we are learning about one less. Last week we looked at one more. What does one less mean? Quick fire some one less questions to 10 and see if the children can still recall them.One way we can find one less if to get some objects and then take one away. Do this for a few numbers to 20. Activity – Each child to have a one less activity. The sheet has pictures of different objects. For each one, they need to count how many objects there are. They then need to cross off one object. How many are left? Do they need to count to check? PPA1.00-1.50DM and SM Art afternoon –Design their Christmas Cards for the PTA. 2.00 – Library FriFunky FingersLiteracy Carpet Session Read some of the Reception children’s ‘Would you rather…’ sheets. Children to vote on their favourite ideas. SM – Year One – Pick up from where they were yesterday. Children need to try and finish the final two options on the ‘Would you rather…’ sheets. JB – Reception – Observe and support continuous provision. (OLP) When possible try and observe speaking in the correct tenses.Maths Carpet Session – M/O – counting in 2’sJB – Year One – Continuing on one less from last week. Each child to have a number line to 30. Practise finding different numbers on the number line. How can we find one less? Jump backwards? Answer some one less questions by jumping back. (Try and assess if any are doing this without the number line.)Activity – Children to use their number line to 50 to find some ‘one less’ answers.At the end, try and look at the patterns. Can they spot that one less than 3 is 2, so one less than 23 is 22? Write some on the board and try and look for patterns. SM – Reception – Observe and support continuous provision. (OLP) When possible try and observe speaking in the correct ic and Finishing Off AfternoonJB – Readers, interventions, finishing off, support play or whatever is needed. BW – Games afternoon – All children to play a game of ‘Shopping List’. Focus on good listening, taking turns and following instructions. Over lunch – JB to put our class book together. Take a photo of each child’s page to go on the 2simple software on in Year One books. We can then share our new version of the book at the end of the day. ................

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