Dates for 2008 - Mike's News

Dates for 2019 * means same date each year; Bold? means 2018 date, 2019 dates yet tbc

I Jan International year of the Periodic Table

21 Jan Total lunar eclipse (not visible fr NZ)

27 Jan World leprosy day (last sun Jan) holidays/world/world-leprosy-day

1-28 Feb Bikewise month. Many cities will run a bike-to-work day

1-28 Feb Heart Awareness Month .nz/for-women

2 Feb* World Wetlands Day .nz,

3 Feb 1931 Napier-Hastings Earthquake

4 Feb* World Cancer Day

5 Feb Safer Internet Day

5 Feb Chinese New Year begins

7 Feb National Periodic Table day

11 Feb* International Day of Women and Girls in Science

12 Feb* International Charles Darwin Day index.php

1-31 Mar* Melanoma March .nz/news-events/recent-news

2-10 Mar Sea week (theme care for our seas)

3 Mar* World wildlife Day

3-9 Mar Hearing Awareness Week

11-17 Mar International Brain Awareness Week .nz

13-16 Mar Ak ASB Polyfest

13 Mar Walk to work day .nz

14 Mar World Kidney Day

21 Mar Autumnal Equinox NZ

21 Mar * World Forestry Day .nz

21 Mar* World Down Syndrome Day

22 Mar * World Water Day emap.

23 Mar * World Meteorological Day ( Learning Centre

24 Mar * World Tuberculosis day

30 Mar Earth hour 8:30 – 9:30 pm .nz .nz

2 Apr* World Autism day what-autism/world-autism-awareness-day

7 Apr* World Health day ( Events calendar

12 Apr* International Day of Human Space Flight en/events/humanspaceflightday/

17 April* World Haemophilia day

22 April* Earth day

25 April* World malaria Day

26April1986 Chernobyl /Safety-and-Security/Safety-of-Plants/Chernobyl-Accident/

29 April Save the frogs day day/

30Apr-6May NZ Immunisation Week

5 May World Asthma day

5May-4Jun Ramadan

6-12 May NZ Sign Language Week

8 May National School Nurses Day (NZ) (Wed in Nat nurse’s week)

10 May* World Migratory Bird Day (2nd Sat In May)

12 May World Nurses Day holidays/world/nurses-day

13-17 May Bullying free week

13 -17 May Primary Science Week Term 2 week 3

15 May? International Support Staff day (started 2018)

17 May Pink Shirt Day (bullying) .nz/

18 May* Fascination of Plant Day

22 May* International Biodiversity Day

27May-2Jun? Samoan language week

31 May* World Smoke-free Day .nz

I Jun World milk day

5 Jun* World Environment Day .nz

5 Jun* Arbor Day

8 Jun* World Oceans day wod/wod_ideas.php

7 -9 Jun 40hr Famine weekend .nz

10 Jun 1886 Mt Tarawera erupts

14 Jun* National Support Staff Day .nz (2nd Wed in June)

14 Jun* World Blood Donor Day

15 Jun * Global Wind Day .nz/resources/for-teachers

22 Jun Winter solstice NZ

30Jun-8Jul? NZ Garden Bird Survey

24Jun-7Jul Matariki .nz/

26Jun-3Jul? World Shark Week dsc.videos/shark-week-saving-the-sharks30 Jun

2 Jul Total solar eclipse (not visible from NZ).

5 July international day of LGBT people in STEM.

8 Jul? Red Socks day

11July* World Population Day ( Schools Corner

16 Jul Partial lunar eclipse (not visible fr NZ)

21 July 1969 1st moon walk mission_pages/apollo/apollo11_40th.html#.UtmgLOuBr-k

29Jul-4Aug? Cook Islands Maori Language week

5-9 Aug   ‘The Week of Engineering’ schools programme

6 Aug 1945 Hiroshima Day

10-18 Aug Maths Week (2nd full week Aug, Su-Sa*) .nz/

24 Aug Daffodil Day .nz/ last Fri of August*

29 Aug* International Day Against Nuclear tests en/events/againstnucleartestsday/

30 Aug 1871 Earnest Rutherford was born

1-30 Sep* Save our Sight Month

1-30 Sep Asthma Awareness Month

2 -8 Sep? Tongan Language week

8 Sep* International Literacy day

10-16 Sep? Maori Language week

11-17 Sep? Keep NZ Beautiful Week (= Clean Up Wk) .nz/

14-22 Sep Conservation Week

16 Sep* International Day to Preserve O3 ozonaction/events/ozoneday

23 Sep Spring Equinox NZ

28Sep1928 Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin.

29 Sep World Rivers day (last Sun Sep)

30Sep-6Oct? Tuvalu Language week

1-31 Oct* Health Literacy month

1-31 Oct* Save Kiwi month save-kiwi-week/schools

4-10 Oct* World Space week

5/30 Oct* World/NZ Teachers day

7 Oct World Habitat Day

7-13 Oct? Fiji language week

8 Oct Ada Lovelace day, women in STEM (*2nd Tues in Oct)

10 Oct World Sight Day (2nd Th Oct*)

11-12 Oct Breast Cancer Awareness .nz (Pink Ribbon)

13-19 Oct Earth Sciences week (USA)

14-20 Oct? Niue language week

16 Oct* World Food Day wfd/

21 Oct Peak of Orionids meteor shower

21-27Oct? Tokelau language week

23 Oct* Mole day

24 Oct* World polio day

27 Oct Diwali

7Nov-2Dec NZQA exams

11 Nov Transit of Mercury in front of the sun

12-18 Nov? Antibiotic Resistance

14 Nov* World Diabetes day rmation.htm

17 Nov Peak of Leonid meteor shower

1 Dec* World AIDS Day .nz (Red Ribbon)

5 Dec* World Soil Day .nz

11 Dec* International Mountains day mnts/intl_mountain_day_en.asp

14 Dec Peak Geminid meteor shower

22 Dec Summer Solstice NZ

26 Dec Annular Solar eclipse (not visible fr NZ)

Other NZ Dates

Ak/NL Anniversary Jan 28

Waitangi Day Feb 6

Easter Fri 19 Apr – Tues 23 Apr

DST ends Sun 7 Apr 2019

Anzac Day 25 Apr

Queen’s Birthday Mon 3 Jun

DST starts Sun 29 Sep 2018

HB anniversary Fri 25 Oct

Labour Day Mon 28 Oct

Term 1 = 28 Jan - 12 Apr; Term 2 = 29 Apr -5 Jul; Term 3 = 22 Jul - 27 Sep; Term 4 = 14 Oct - 13 Dec

Moon Phases 2019

3Q Jan. 28 NM Feb. 5 1Q Feb. 13 FM Feb. 20 3Q Feb. 27. NM Mar 7.

1Q Mar 14. FM Mar 21. 3Q Mar 28. NM Apr 5. 1Q Apr 13. FM Apr 19

3Q Apr 27. NM May 5. 1Q May 12. FM May 19 3Q May 27. NM Jun 3.

1Q Jun 10. FM Jun 17 3Q Jun 25. NM Jul 3. 1Q Jul 9. FM Jul 17

3Q Jul 25. NM Aug 1 1Q Aug 8. FM Aug 16 3Q Aug 24 NM Aug 30.

1Q Sep 6. FM Sep 14. 3Q Sep 22 NM Sep 29 1Q Oct 6. FM Oct 14.

3Q Oct 22. NM Oct 28. 1Q Nov 4. FM Nov 13. 3Q Nov 20. NM Nov 27.

1Q Dec 4. FM Dec 12. 3Q Dec 19. NM Dec 26


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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