Doc: 18-18/00___r00 - IEEE Standards Association

IEEE 802.18

Radio Regulatory-TAG

|Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group Minutes |

|Date: 20 Dec 2018 |

|Name |Affiliation |Address |Phone |Email |

| |

|Author(s): |

|Allan Zhu |Huawei |Santa Clara, CA |+1(718)877-9645 |chunhui.zhu@ |

| | | | | |

| |

|Officer presiding: |

|Jay Holcomb, |Itron |Liberty Lake, (Spokane) WA|+1(509) 891-3281 |jholcomb@ |

|Chair, RR-TAG | | | | |


Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Teleconference.

These are the Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Teleconference, Thursday, Dec 20th 2018.

Voters for this meeting: 5

|Last Name |First Name |Affiliation |Attendance |

| | | |10/25 |

| | |10/25 |11/01 |11/08 |11/29 |12/06 |12/13 |12/20 | | |Yucek |Tevfik |Qualcomm |Ⅹ |Ⅹ | | | | | | | |Cook |Charles |Windstream Communications | |Ⅹ | | | | | | | |Boldy |David |Broadcom | | | |Ⅹ | | | | | |Hamilton |Mark |ARRIS/ Ruckus | | | | | | | | | |Hervieu |Lilli |CableLabs |Ⅹ | | | | | | | | |Kenney |John |Toyota ITC |Ⅹ |Ⅹ |Ⅹ | |Ⅹ |Ⅹ |Ⅹ | | |Nejatian |Alireza |Ericsson | |Ⅹ | |Ⅹ |Ⅹ |Ⅹ | | | |Rolfe |Ben |Blind Creek Assoc. and UWB Alliance |Ⅹ |Ⅹ | | |Ⅹ |Ⅹ |Ⅹ | | |

1. Chair calls the meeting to order at 15:04 ET.

2. Chair presents slides 2, 3, and 4 of 802.18-18/0162r01, the call to order and administrative items

a. Includes IEEE 802 meeting and participant’s guidelines and requirements.

3. Chair presents slides 5, of 802.18-18/0162r01, the agenda

a. Call to Order

b. Administrative items

c. Approve agenda & last minutes

d. Discussion items

• EU Items

• 5GAA Waiver to Allow ITS C-V2X

• U.S. DoT Releases Request for Comment (RFC) on Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communications

• ACMA consultation for 5G and 60GHz band

• General Discussion Items

e. Actions required

• 5GAA comments and anything new

f. AOB and Adjourn

4. Chair presents slide 6, Administrative – Motions and more

a. Chair called for a recording secretary for the Wireless Interim in Waikoloa, no one stood up.

b. Motion: To approve the agenda as presented on previous slide

• Moved by: Tim Jeffries (Huawei)

• Seconded by: Allan Zhu (Huawei)

• Discussion?

• Vote: Unanimous consent

c. Motion: To approve the minutes from the IEEE 802.18 teleconference 13 December 2018 in document: Posted: 19-Dec-2018 11:07:13 ET

• Moved by: Allan Zhu (Huawei)

• Seconded by: Tim Jeffries (Huawei)

• Discussion?

• Vote: Unanimous consent

5. Chair presents slide 7-8, EU Items

a. ETSI – BRAN – next meeting #100 - 17-20 Dec. 2018, Sophia Antipolis

• The latest rev of BRAN(18)100032r2 on Channel Occupancy Time and LBT proposal has this crossed off below now and just asking 3GPP, not IEEE 802..

b. ETSI - ERM - TG-11 – next meeting # 55 - 08-11 Apr 2019, Sophia Antipolis

• Nothing of note the past week.


• Nothing of note from the meeting for IEEE 802.

d. CEPT – ECC SE45 - f2f #7 in ECO, Copenhagen, 24 - 25 April 2019

• From last week:

• Did complete the draft report, SE45(18)123A1. (it looks to be a larger doc…)

• Included all the inputs from all parties, FSS, Astronomy, UWB, etc.

• Watch for minutes, actually draft is already out, SE45(18)123 .

e. CEPT – ECC FM57 - web meeting #4.1 28 January 2019

• Watch for minutes from last meeting.

6. Chair presents slide 9, 5GAA Waiver to Allow ITS C-V2X

a. Chair reviewed document 18/0159

b. C: wish someone with experience can put together our official comments to FCC.

c. Timeline was discussed: the comment date is right before the Jan F2F meeting;

d. The chair lead a discussion going through a draft of the comments and adding brought up points to 18-18/0159r01.

e. C: Some channels, like 182 and 184, are for public safety and are being used by some local governments (CA, UT, AZ, NY and etc.). DoT document may have this information. Changing their use means changing the rules.

f. C: Some indicated no same-channel coexistence is possible. Need further confirmation on this. Chair suggested holdback on this point.

g. C: One member will go find examples of 182/184 channel usage.

h. 2 volunteers spoke up to draft some text for parts II and III. Still need more volunteers.

i. Some useful information:

j. A NHTSA press release above includes this statement: "The automotive industry and municipalities are already deploying V2X technology and actively utilizing all seven channels of the 5.9 GHz band."

k. Maybe able to use some inputs from the US DOT Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployments:

7. Chair presents slide 10, U.S. DoT Releases RFC on V2X Communications


b. The RFC can be found at v2x

c. Or in Mentor:

d. SUMMARY: Over the past several years, the Department of Transportation and its operating administrations have engaged in numerous activities related to connected vehicles, including vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) communications, collectively referred to as “V2X” communications. Recently, there have been developments in core aspects of the communication technologies that could be associated with V2X. This notice requests comment on how these developments impact both V2X in general and the Department’s role in encouraging the integration of V2X.

e. DATES: You should submit your comments within 30 days after the date of publication in the Federal Register

f. There are 9 basic questions.

g. Will head toward doing comments (after 5GAA).

8. Chair presents slide 11-12, ACMA - Proposed updates to class licensing arrangements supporting 5G and other technology innovations

a. [1] The proposed variation considers updating and expending 60 GHz arrangements (57-66 GHz) for data communication systems, including 5G. Specifically:

• adding 66-71 GHz frequency band

• updating existing arrangement in 57-66 GHz regarding indoor and outdoor data communication systems.

b. For more details see IFC 45/2018 Class licensing updates: Supporting 5G and other technology innovations (18 December 2018, closes 22 February 2019).

c. Related documents are on Mentor: 18-18/163, 18-18/164, and 18-18/165.

d. Additional from what was sent to 802.18 list server:

• [2] adding new arrangements for "All transmitters" in the 57-64 GHz band.

• [3] revising arrangements for underground transmitters in certain bands supporting fixed and mobile services between 70-520 MHz.

• [4] adding support for higher power radiodetermination transmitters i.e. radars operating in the 76-77 GHz frequency band [5] adding support for ground and wall penetration radar as adjunct to current apparatus licence arrangements (30-12400 MHz) [6] aligning existing arrangements for ultra-wideband devices with US and European arrangements for generic (indoor and hand-held) devices (3100-3400 MHz and 8500-9000 MHz) and aircraft applications (6000-8500 MHz).

e. And further inputs from members:

• Proposed UWB rules look to be positive.

• Supporting the mmWave band expansion, considering both 802.11 and

802.15.3 systems are being implemented and deployed which the expanded

60 GHz band.

• May also want to look at [2] above to see if there are any negative impacts on the 802.11 and 802.15.3 mmWave based systems.

f. Didn’t have time to discuss in detail, though will continue to consider doing comments.

9. Chair presents slide 13, General Discussion Items

• Nothing discussed.

10. Chair presents slide 14, Actions Required

a. 5GAA Waiver to Allow ITS C-V2X , is out for comments.

• All, please provide points and text for IEEE 802 comments to the chair or the list server.

• See documents 18-18/0160 for inputs and 18-18/0159 for draft comments.

• Goal will be to have comments in by 11 January (knowing we have a back up, by 28 January they would still be accepted.)

b. Be thinking about DOT request for comments on V2X.

c. Be thinking about ACMA consultation that had 60GHz.

11. Chair presents slide 15, Any Other Business

a. Next meetings through the holidays?

• 27 Dec - will be meeting.

• 03 Jan - will meet, with a new call in, watch for 18-18/0038r11.

12. Chair presents slide 16, Adjourn

a. Next teleconference: 27 Dec 2018 – 15:00 – ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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