University of Alaska Anchorage

Candidacy Packet for Nominees for

Student Regent and Student Commissioner

The USUAA Election Board thanks you for your interest in taking an active role and running for office in the University of Alaska Anchorage Student General Election. In this packet, you will find the requirements for the position and candidacy forms. Familiarize yourself with the regulations and policies. An outline of the roles and responsibilities associated with elected positions can be found in the USUAA Constitution and Bylaws at

The USUAA Elections Board is currently seeking candidates for the following positions:

• UAA Student Regent nominees (up to 2 students)

• UAA Student Commissioner nominees (up to 2 students)

Eligibility Criteria

• Hold United States Citizenship status and be a resident of the State of Alaska

• Must be a registered voter in the State of Alaska

• Be currently and remain enrolled as a full-time student taking at least 12 credits as an undergraduate or 9 credits as a graduate student at the University of Alaska Anchorage and in good disciplinary standing

• Maintain a minimum of 2.5/4.0 cumulative UAA GPA or, if a freshman student, provide proof on high school transcript confirming 2.5/4.0 cumulative GPA

• Submitted a complete application

Candidacy Declaration Form must be received by 5pm, Friday, November 9, 2018 to ensure your name appears on the ballot. Candidates who submit the form after this deadline will not appear on the ballot (other than as a write-in). Deviation from the candidacy requirements and policies may result in your disqualification as a candidate. You may begin campaigning only upon receiving official certification from the USUAA Election Board after 5pm on November 2, 2018. Consult the USUAA Constitution and Bylaws at for further information regarding the election process.

For more information contact the USUAA Election board at, or call 786-1371.

Positions Overview

Student Regent

The Student Regent serves a two-year term beginning June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2021. The Student Regent participates in all of the duties and responsibilities of a Regent (i.e. attends all meetings of the Board and its Committees) and has full voting powers on the Board of Regents.

The ultimate authority in governance of the University of Alaska System is vested in the Board of Regents. The Regents establish policy in areas such as personnel, campus development, student fees, admissions, and financial aid. The duties of the Regents include overseeing the financial management of the University, its investments, and its property holdings as well as appointing the President of the University.

Additional information on the responsibilities and time commitments associated with the position may be found online at: .

Student Commissioner

The Student Commissioner to the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education serves a two-year term beginning June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2021. The Student Commissioner participates in all of the duties and responsibilities assigned to Commission members.

The purpose of the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education is to ensure that postsecondary educational opportunities are more accessible to its citizens; to support recruitment and retention of students to support the state’s postsecondary education system; to create statewide comprehensive planning for postsecondary education, including postsecondary educational institutions and related agencies; and to develop a centralized information and financial aid center to provide a “one-stop” postsecondary educational information and financial aid services center.

Additional information on the responsibilities of the Commission and the duties associated with this position may be found online at: .

Student Regent and Student Commissioner nominees should demonstrate the following characteristics:

• the ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of people

• the ability to think in the abstract, seeing the big picture

• the ability to apply strong analytical thinking to policy issues

• the ability to process large volumes of information

• the ability to reach consensus on complex issues

• a willingness to take a very public role

• skills and comfort level required to interact with various policy-makers, business, political, and civic leaders

• a willingness to devote large amounts of time working on complex academic and administrative issues

Student Regent and/or Student Commissioner Election and Selection Process

Alaska law stipulates that each campus will select two nominees for student regent and student commissioner through an election held under rules established by the Governor. Eligible students must file for candidacy to be considered and appear on the election ballot. A completed candidacy packet must be submitted by the deadline: 5pm on Friday, November 2, 2018. All materials must be submitted to Student Life and Leadership, Student Union 218. Candidates submitting applications after this deadline may not appear on the ballot (other than as a write-in) but must abide by all USUAA Election Board policies and procedures.

Campaigning may not begin until the candidate is verified for eligibility by the Associate Director for Student Leadership (or designee), and after successful completion of a candidacy meeting. Candidate verification is required to ensure each candidate is in compliance with all eligibility requirements according to the USUAA Constitution and Bylaws.

If fully eligible, the candidate’s name will appear on the official election ballot. UAA will hold elections to select nominees on November 13 and 14, 2018. The USUAA Elections Board will certify the election and the two candidates receiving the top percentages of the overall vote will be declared as the UAA nominees for each position. The candidacy packets, along with official election results, will be sent directly to the Governor of the State of Alaska for final selection and appointment in mid February.

Deviation from the candidacy requirements and policies may result in your disqualification as a candidate.

For more information contact the USUAA Election board at, or call 786-1371.


Campaign and Elections Policies

1. Candidates running for any elected position in USUAA must abide by the USUAA Code of Ethics and the UAA Student Code of Conduct policies at all times.

2. The USUAA office, all USUAA property, the Student Clubs and Greek Life and Student Life and Leadership offices, and all non-election USUAA sponsored events shall be off limits for campaigning and campaign planning of any kind. The USUAA Election Board may exempt this rule in certain official USUAA sponsored events (i.e. candidate forum, USUAA assembly meetings).

3. The Election Board encourages active campaigning that focuses the efforts around interacting in person with the student body through tabling, club meeting attendance, presentations at USUAA Assembly, Club Council, Green Fee Board, Concert, Media Board, etc. Please request permission to be on the agenda in advance. Time limits may be determined by individual organizations.

4. Absolutely no campaigning, including the posting of materials, candidate endorsement discussion, or other obvious actions of campaigning, may take place in the USUAA office. Candidates currently holding official membership in USUAA may not discuss any aspect of his and/or her campaign platform or other information relating to the election in this location. Furthermore, the use of any USUAA resources to further a campaign is strictly forbidden (i.e. Resources may include: USUAA budget, computers, software, printers, equipment etc.).

5. The USUAA Election Board must approve all physical campaign materials, social media posts, and mass correspondence of any kind prior to use. Candidates and campaigns must provide copies, direct links, posts and/or photos of all materials submitted for approval, and the USUAA Elections Board shall retain submitted copies and photos for the duration of the election to prevent confusion as to the approval status of submitted materials. Any and all campaign materials must be in accordance with the following:

a. Materials may not convey subliminal and/or inappropriate messages.

b. No candidate may attempt to monopolize space; everyone must leave room on bulletin boards or other appropriate locations for other candidates or groups to place their posters.

c. Materials may not involve the use of student government funds, materials, or personnel.

d. The election board must approve USUAA events, accomplishments, or photos for all incumbents that wish to highlight individual work in their current positions).

e. All candidates will run an ethical campaign.

f. Public libel (i.e. mudslinging) against another candidate will not be permitted.

a. Mudslinging is defined as: the use of insults and accusations, especially unjust ones, with the aim of damaging the reputation of an opponent.

g. Materials may not be posted until the established campaign date and the USUAA Election Board has certified the candidate. All campaign materials must be removed by the established date as set forth by the USUAA Elections Board.

h. All forms of social media are sanctioned for campaigning.

a. All candidates are responsible for the content and oversight of the social media campaign pages.

6. No mass e-mail communications via listservs (including, but not limited to Blackboard) regarding campaigning are allowed.

a. Individuals may initiate e-mails to constituents that have given their e-mail directly to the campaign.

b. Election Board must be included in all mass e-mails/communication.

7. Campaign materials may be posted on digital signage. There is a maximum of one piece of campaign material that may be posted to digital signage. You must send the material to the Elections Board designating that it is for digital signage and it will be posted on the candidate’s behalf. Specific requirements for digital signage can be located here:


a. For the President/Vice-President campaign, only one piece of digital signage is allowed as well.

8. All registered trademark University logos may not be used without following proper University guidelines.

9. The use of the USUAA logo, or any USUAA material (such as clothing, nametags, etc.) shall be prohibited from use in any campaigning and from inclusion in any campaign material. The purpose of this rule shall be to prevent confusion on the part of the student body as to whether a candidate is campaigning or performing the duties of any office the candidate currently holds in USUAA.

10. Candidates and campaigns are prohibited from using items provided by student fee dollars in campaigning. Candidates and campaigns shall be prohibited from attaching campaign-related material to items provided by student fee dollars.

11. No campaign material may be posted on or attached in any way to a vehicle without the expressed permission of the owner.

12. No campaign material may be attached to The Northern Light distribution boxes, other newspaper or recycling bins, or any People Mover busses or depots. The appropriate parties must approve the placement of campaign material inside any campus building. For example: Approval to place campaign materials within the Student Union must be obtained from the Student Union Information Desk and be placed according to Student Union guidelines.

13. The Department of Residence Life (MAC 6-103) must approve and post any campaign materials. Any campaign materials that are hung in residential campus without the stamp of approval will be removed immediately. If you would like to post your campaign materials on the digital signage in Residential Campus, please email No door to door solicitation is allowed on Residential Campus. Residents may post campaign materials on their own residence hall room doors.

14. Campaign materials may be posted in campus buildings only on recognized campus bulletin boards and kiosks. The stairwells of campus structures shall not be available for the posting of campaign materials.

15. The use of paint for campaigning on any UAA owned property is prohibited.

16. No campaign material may be taped to the ground, walkways, or parking areas.

17. No campaign material, campaign supporter, or campaigning of any kind shall be permitted within 30 feet of any official polling place on the days of elections or referenda.

18. T-shirts, stickers, buttons, and all other campaign material must be covered when entering an official polling place. Candidates and campaigns shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with this rule. The USUAA Election Board shall be responsible for periodically monitoring official polling places to verify compliance with this rule.

19. Drug/Alcohol policy:

a. No active campaigning may take place in an establishment that is denying entrance to patrons under the age of 21.

b. There shall be no exchange of alcohol in the attempt to influence a vote or votes.

c. There shall be no encouraging alcohol consumption.

d. Any emblem or logo from an establishment that produces, distributes, or serves alcoholic beverages that is included on any campaign material must be accompanied by an appropriate responsible drinking emblem or logo of equal or larger size.

e. No illegal drug related activities may be involved in fundraising or campaigning and must be in accordance with University of Alaska policies.

20. Finance Policy:

a. The Election Board limits spending for all campaigns to a total of $150.

b. USUAA does not provide funding to support campaigning for individual candidates; the expense of campaigns resides solely with the candidate.

c. Registered Student clubs and organizations may use funds within their University account for the purpose of endorsing or supporting candidates.

i. Any material purchased with student club funds must bear the name of the registered student club or organization.

ii. If a student club and/or organization reserves space and/or a facility on behalf of a candidate, the club/organization will be considered liable.

iii. Student clubs and organizations endorsing or supporting a candidate through financial means are not eligible to serve as polling commissioners.

d. Candidates may seek donations from local businesses. Total donations may not exceed the campaign spending limit. Any donation should be recorded and used at fair market value.

e. Any item used by a campaign must be to promote the candidate and not in exchange for votes.

i. No gifts, food, or items (except campaign flyers) may be given out on Election Day(s).

f. Candidates, registered student clubs and organizations, and other official groups may not apply for USUAA funding to specifically support a campaign (i.e. Club Council event funding).

g. Candidates must submit a budget summary including spending and donations by 5pm the day prior to the election. If your summary isn’t received by the deadline, you will not be listed as an official candidate on the ballot until it is received.

21. Any students campaigning who are not currently members of the USUAA Assembly, Green Fee Board, Concert Board, or Media Board and want to be able to review any internal working documents during campaign season may do so, by requesting permission from the USUAA Advisor or designee.

22. Candidates may seek endorsements and support from individual students, student clubs or Greek Life organizations. Official endorsements from student clubs require approval from the President, Secretary (or other designated position) and Advisor. Students may not seek endorsements from faculty or staff within the UA system. Endorsement forms must be completed and submitted to the Election Board.

a. Use of any club or Greek life logos requires approval as stated above.

23. The USUAA Election Board reserves the right to add to, delete, or modify these policies at any time.

a. This includes prior to and during the election.

b. Additional policies may be implemented if the President/Vice-President candidates are incumbents.

24. Deviation from the candidacy requirements and policies may result in your disqualification as a candidate.

25. In the event a candidate violates these or any other regulations of the USUAA Election Board or the University, the following sanctions are examples of actions that may be taken: Verbal warning, written warning, public reprimand, removal from the ballot, and/or disciplinary referral to the Dean of Students Office.

a. The decision to levy a sanction lies solely within the discretion of the USUAA Election Board and depends on the severity of the infraction.

b. Information regarding the Election Board members and their backgrounds will be available to candidates upon their written request. Additionally, candidates may meet with the Election Board at any of the general meetings is prior arrangements are made.

Students and candidates wishing to report a violation regarding the elections process or contest the certified results must complete an official Elections Violation Form. This form may be found online at

Questions: For more information contact the USUAA Election board at, or call 786-1371.

Election Timeline

Friday, November 2, 5:00 pm Candidacy Declaration Form deadline. Turn in to Student Life and Leadership, Student Union 218.

November 1 – 5, 2018 Candidacy meeting with Associate Director (e-mail: to set up a time to meet).

Friday, November 2, 5:00 pm Candidates may begin campaigning upon completion of mandatory candidacy meeting.

Monday, November 12 by 8:00pm Candidates must remove all campaign materials from within 30 feet of the polling locations.

Tuesday & Wednesday, November 13 & 14 Voting. Online at or at an on-campus location from 9am-7pm: Student Union (times may vary).

Thursday, November 15, 5:00pm Candidates must remove all campaign materials.

Friday, November 16, 5pm Un-official election results posted on the USUAA office door and

Friday, November 16 - 19, 5pm Contesting period. Any complaint related to the election process must be received by this deadline. Submit complaints to Student Union, Room 218.

Tuesday, November 20, 5:00 pm USUAA Election Board will certify election results and post official election results on USUAA office door and at

For more information contact the USUAA Election board at, or call 786-1371.

Student Regent and/or Student Commissioner

Declaration of Candidacy Form

Name: _____

Degree Program:


City: State: Zip:

Phone Number: Email Address:

Please attach the following application materials to this form:

1. Candidate Agreement Form

2. Resume or Personal Biography

Resumes and Biographies should be no longer than 2 typed pages and should include dates associated with each experience and describe the following:

1. Elected or appointed leadership positions and jobs with your areas of responsibilities, accomplishments, and/or skills acquired.

2. Organizations, committees, or boards for which you hold membership and any details of your work with these groups.

3. Scholarships, honors, awards or special recognitions.

3. Copy of Alaska Driver’s License or other Alaska State ID

4. Letters of Recommendation

Candidates should submit at least 3 letters of recommendation from individuals who can speak to your leadership, character, and anticipated success in the appointed position.

All materials must be submitted to Student Life and Leadership, Student Union 218. Campaigning may not begin until the candidate is certified by the USUAA Election Board and successfully completes a candidacy workshop.

Applications and required materials must be submitted to the Office of Student Life and Leadership, SU218 by 5pm on Friday, November 2, 2018.

For Office Use Only

Date/Time Received: Staff Initials: ____

Application Complete: ☐ Yes ☐ No


Meets Eligibility Requirements: ☐ Yes ☐ No Staff Initials: ____

Student Regent and Student Commissioner

Candidate Agreement Form

I, , Student ID # authorize the Associate Director of Student Life and Leadership or designee to verify my eligibility for candidacy in the Election for Nominees for Student Regent and Student Commissioner. I understand that my enrollment status, G.P.A, and disciplinary standing will be verified. I attest that I meet all the requirements for holding this position.

All candidates must hold United States Citizenship status [Alaska Statute 14.40.130] and be a resident of the State of Alaska [Alaska Statute 14.40.130]. If 18 years of age or older prior to the last general election, must be a registered voter in the State of Alaska [Alaska Statute 39.05.100]. Candidates must be currently and remain enrolled as a full-time student taking at least 12 credits as an undergraduate or 9 credits as a graduate student at the University of Alaska Anchorage and in good disciplinary standing [Alaska Statutes 14.40.130 and 10.42.015.e]. Candidates must also maintain a minimum of 2.5/4.0 cumulative UAA GPA (at time of application) or, if a freshman student, provide proof on high school transcript confirming 2.5/4.0 cumulative GPA [Office of the Governor].

I hereby declare my intention to be a candidate for the following office within the University of Alaska and State of Alaska governing structure and agree to abide by all requirements as established by the USUAA Election Board. A candidate’s name may only appear on the ballot once (i.e., you may only run for one office).

( Student Regent ( Student Commissioner

Signature Date

Attendance at one (1) Candidacy Meeting is required before campaigning can begin. This meeting takes about 15-20 minutes. Contact Kim Morton ( to schedule the meeting.

If you are unable to attend one of these workshops, contact the USUAA Election board at, or call 786-1371.

Letters of Recommendation

To the Applicant: You must submit three (3) letters of recommendation with this application. You may give the information below to an individual who can speak directly and specifically about your service experiences or projects.

To the Recommender: This student is applying to become one of two UAA nominees for Student Regent or Student Commissioner. Please read the following information on the positions to inform your letter. Include your name, title, phone number, email, and signature in your letter. If this student is successfully elected as the UAA nominee your letter of recommendation will be included with the nomination packet to the Governor of the State of Alaska. Accordingly, please address your letter directly to the Governor Bill Walker.

Student Regent

The Student Regent serves a two-year term beginning June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2021. The Student Regent participates in all of the duties and responsibilities of a Regent (i.e. attends all meetings of the Board and its Committees) and has full voting powers on the Board of Regents.

The ultimate authority in governance of the University of Alaska System is vested in the Board of Regents. The Regents establish policy in areas such as personnel, campus development, student fees, admissions, and financial aid. The duties of the Regents include overseeing the financial management of the University, its investments, and its property holdings as well as appointing the President of the University.

Additional information on the responsibilities and time commitments associated with the position may be found online at: .

Student Commissioner

The Student Commissioner to the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education serves a two-year term beginning June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2021. The Student Commissioner participates in all of the duties and responsibilities assigned to Commission members.

The purpose of the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education is to ensure that postsecondary educational opportunities are more accessible to its citizens; to support recruitment and retention of students to support the state’s postsecondary education system; to create statewide comprehensive planning for postsecondary education, including postsecondary educational institutions and related agencies; and to develop a centralized information and financial aid center to provide a “one-stop” postsecondary educational information and financial aid services center.

Additional information on the responsibilities of the Commission and the duties associated with this position may be found online at: .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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