
NRS 215


Jackson College

Fall 2019

Course Number NRS 215

Course Title Pathophysiology

Credits 4 Credits

Contact Hours: 60 hours (clock hours)


Mike McGlynn MSN, RN, FNP Whiting Hall 223 517-796-8485


OFFICE HOURS Dedicated hours: Mon12:30 – 2:00 pm and Th.1:30 -3:00 pm as well as available online Mon and Wed 7:00 – 9:30 pm via e-mail.

See instructor’s office door for office hour details.

Also available by appointment and after class sessions.


This course challenges students to apply the fundamental principles of pathophysiology in the management of the most relevant acute and chronic diseases within the framework of the nursing process.  The student will use pathophysiology knowledge to develop sound clinical reasoning, promote a spirit of inquiry, and build a strong foundation for a professional identity. 

|Program Learning Outcomes |Level Learning Outcome |Student Learning Outcome |

|Upon successful completion of the program, |Upon successful completion of the level, |Upon successful completion of the course, |

|the graduate will: |the student will: |the student will: |

| | | |

|Human Flourishing: |Human Flourishing: |Human Flourishing: |

| | |Prioritize and integrate culturally |

|Advocate for culturally diverse clients, |Advocate for culturally diverse, |responsive care to complex medical surgical|

|families, significant others, and members of |increasingly complex, critically ill |clients and their families while |

|the healthcare team in ways that promote |and/or multiple clients and their |reinforcing self-determination, integrity, |

|self-determination, integrity, and ongoing |families while providing culturally |and ongoing growth. |

|growth as human beings to reach their maximum|responsive, evidence- based care in ways | |

|potential in various healthcare environments |that promote self- determination, | |

|throughout the lifespan. |integrity, and ongoing growth. |Nursing Judgment: |

| | |Integrate and prioritize the nursing |

|Nursing Judgment: |Nursing Judgment: |process and evidence-based practice to |

| | |provide safe, quality healthcare to complex|

|Make judgments in practice, substantiated |Using the nursing process and evidence- |medical surgical clients while reinforcing |

|with evidence, that integrate nursing science|based practice, prioritizes and provides |health promotion. |

|into the provision of safe and quality care |safe, quality, client-centered care for | |

|that promotes the health of clients |increasingly complex, critically ill, | |

|throughout the lifespan. |and/or multiple clients. | |

| | | |

|Demonstrate competency in nursing health care|Evaluate quality improvement and analysis| |

|technology and informatics to communicate, |of aggregate data for the increasing | |

|manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support|complex, critically ill and/or multiple | |

|organizational reimbursement. |clients. | |

| | | |

|Professional Identity: |Professional Identity: |Professional Identity: |

| | | |

|Implement one’s role as a nurse in ways that |Integrate legal, ethical and practice |Integrate effective, legal, ethical, and |

|reflect integrity, responsibility, legal and |standards into the care of increasingly |practice standards into the care of complex|

|ethical practices, and an evolving identity |complex, critically ill, and/or multiple |medical surgical clients. |

|as a nurse committed to evidence- based |clients. | |

|practice, caring, advocacy and safe quality | | |

|care for culturally diverse clients |Transition from the role of student to | |

|throughout the lifespan. |that of a graduate nurse while developing| |

| |leadership characteristics. | |

|Spirit of Inquiry: | |Spirit of Inquiry: |

| |Spirit of Inquiry: | |

|Evaluate evidence that underlies clinical | |Integrate current evidence-based research |

|nursing practice to challenge the status quo,|Translate, question and challenge the |findings in collaboration with inter- |

|question underlying assumptions, and offer |status quo of research findings in |professional healthcare teams in the care |

|new insights to improve the quality of care |collaboration with inter- professional |of complex medical surgical clients. |

|for clients throughout the lifespan. |healthcare teams to manage increasingly | |

| |complex, critically ill, and/or multiple | |

| |clients. | |

|Student Learning Outcomes |Behavioral Competencies |

|Upon successful completion of the course, the student will: | |

|Human Flourishing: |Human Flourishing: |

|Demonstrate knowledge related to the relationship among |Recognize the influence cultural practices and ethnicity play in |

|various cultural groups and educate clients to reach their |various pathological conditions and identify specific risks associated |

|maximum potential in various health care settings. |with these groups. |

|Nursing Judgment: | |

|Predict the normal pathophysiological progression and |Nursing Judgment: |

|potential deleterious outcomes associated with various |1. Discuss assessment characteristics representative of normal |

|morbidities. |physiological parameters and specific pathological-health deviations. |

| |2. Recognize and interpret symptoms of specific health deviations and |

|Professional Identity: |adaptive human responses associated with relevant pathophysiological |

|Recognize the importance of pathophysiological processes to |conditions. |

|provide care based on legal, ethical, and practice standards |3. Recognize the relationship associated with various comorbidities and|

|in professional practice. |potential impact on client outcomes. |

| | |

|Spirit of Inquiry: |Professional Identity: |

|Respond to various pathological presentations with an |Demonstrate knowledge of pathophysiological processes as a foundation |

|inquisitive and curious demeanor.  |for nursing practice . |

| | |

| |Spirit of Inquiry: |

| |Interpret various pathological processes based on compiled client data.|


NRS 110 – Nursing Fundamentals

NRS 111 – Nursing Skills

NRS 119 – Health Assessment


NRS 116 – Pharmacology

NRS 210 – medical Surgical Nursing

NRS 211 – Women and Neonate Concepts

Email communication

Course Communications will be made through JetNet and the Jackson College email system. All students must utilize their JC email when sending email communications to faculty regarding the course.

For technical assistance, contact the JC Solution Center or 517-787-8639



1. Attendance in class is not required, but it is HIGHLY recommended. If a student must be absent, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain all lecture notes and other information shared in class PRIOR to returning to the class.

2. Reading assignments (text, assigned articles, handouts, etc.) should be read for understanding before coming to class for which they are assigned. Class discussions and group critical thinking exercises will be based on the student coming prepared to class. Students are encouraged to bring questions to class. Some questions, however, will be best answered following lecture because of limited class time.

3. Cell Phone and Texting Policy: While the nursing faculty recognizes that communication with family and friends is important, the use of cell phones is very distracting to other students and your instructor. Please keep all electronic devices on either vibrate or voice mail mode during class. If you are experiencing a family emergency and must keep a cell phone on, please obtain instructor permission prior to class. We appreciate your cooperating in providing an environment conducive to learning for all students. Cell phones or smart watches may not be out during testing or while reviewing an exam. If a student is found to have a cell phone out during testing or during test review the student will receive a zero on the test in question.

4. Testing is based on objectives. These objectives are found in the syllabus and lecture outlines. Tests may also include content covered in previous nursing classes. Students will be allowed to review the test once testing is complete. Once the review is complete and grades are entered into JetNet the student will not be able to review the test again. If a student has a question or concern regarding the test or a test question it must be made at the time of the review or prior to grade being entered into JetNet.

5. Test Responses: Students must put all their answers for a test on the scantron sheet unless directed otherwise in the test directions. Only answers on the scantron will be graded. It is important to review the scantron and ensure that all questions have been answered. No adjustments will be made if answers were not recorded as directed. The answer marked on the scantron will be considered the student’s final answer. Points will not be given for questions answered on the test booklet correctly and on the scantron incorrectly. Ensure your scantron was marked properly prior to submission.

6. Timed Testing: Students will be given one and a half minutes per question when taking at test. This means that if the test is 50 questions, students will have 75 minutes to complete the test. If the student comes late when a test is being administered, the student will have the option of taking the test in the Testing Center as defined below in Test Make-Up where it will be timed or taking it in the classroom with the reduced amount of time that is remaining when the student arrives. The reason for this limitation is to prepare the student for the timed NCLEX-RN examination. Students need to learn how to pace themselves as they take a test to ensure that they finish on time.

7. Test Make-Up: A student will be allowed to take a make-up test once without penalty. If the student is taking a second test outside of the scheduled test period, 5% may be subtracted from the test score. If the student takes a third test outside of the scheduled test period, 10% may be subtracted from the test as will any further outside of class tests.

8. There will be 5 in-class assignments consisting of case studies. Each case is worth one points. If a student misses class the assignment will be available online and students who miss class are require to complete the case study and submit it to the instructor via e-mail before the start of class the next week. Failure to complete the assignment before the start of next class will result in no points for that assignment.

9. A standardized Kaplan Pathophysiology test will be given during the course.  The student must take the exam and remediate each question for a minimum of 2 minutes per question.  Remediation must occur before the date of the final in-class test.  Failure to remediate each question for a minimum of 2 minutes will result in failure and a maximum grade of 1.5 in NRS 215. All questions must be reviewed for 2 minutes not just incorrect answers. The Kaplan test will be worth 5% of your final grade.


Classroom attendance is not mandatory, but is HIGHLY recommended. The student is responsible for his or her own learning. In the event that the student must miss or be late to class, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain lecture notes, messages, instructions, handouts, announcements, etc. from a fellow student. The student will be eld responsible for all material and information regardless of whether the student was in class. Tardiness to class may mean missing a quiz, or reduced time to take a test.

Students are strongly encouraged to be present for all exams. A student may miss only one test for makeup without point reduction. A student must arrange to take a missed exam before returning to class. A five-percent reduction in the earned grade may be made on a student’s first make-up exam. A ten-percent reduction may be made on the second make-up exam, fifteen percent on the third exam, and so on.


Nurses are highly regarded as the most trusted professionals. We are committed to the ideals that honesty and integrity are essential qualities for the profession of nursing. All students are subject to the Code of Conduct for Students and Visitors as outlined in JC's Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. In addition to the categories of misconduct and possible penalties included in the Code, the Department of Nursing has additional standards as follows.

All nursing students will be held accountable for breach of any Jackson College institutional, department, or program policies whether in the live or electronic classroom environment (see Responsible Use Policy, Social Media Policy). Any student found to be cheating on an exam, quiz, or other assessment will receive a maximum grade of 1.5 in the course. Lack of integrity regarding the classroom, clinical setting, or electronic learning environments may result in failing a course, or removal from the program.

CHEATING and serious violation of responsible technology use can take on many forms. These may include but are not limited to:

• Bringing an answer source to the testing site. This could be a cheat sheet, your cell phone, etc.

• Copying answers or work from another student’s test or project.

• Making copies or taking cell phone pictures of test or course materials including PowerPoint presentations.

• Changing an answer or completed assignment after submission.

• Sharing test information, test answers and content with someone who has not yet taken the test.

• Uploading Prohibited Course Materials to any internet site or facilitating others to do so. Periodic audits of the internet are performed. All course materials have been specifically prohibited for distribution by instructors unless specifically indicated otherwise. This includes but is not limited to graded quizzes and exams, group work answers, etc., along with any questions that are or might be intended for future quizzes and exams.

• Unauthorized Possession or Disposition of Academic Materials includes the unauthorized selling or purchasing of exams, quizzes, midterm projects, or other academic work; stealing or using another student's work; using information from or possessing exams/quizzes that a faculty member did not authorize for release to students.

• Facilitation of any act of academic misconduct includes knowingly assisting another to commit an act of misconduct; providing others with course materials to be uploaded digitally or to be shared manually.

• Taking quizzes with another student. Quizzes are to be done individually - do not share answers with others in person, through e-mail, or on the phone. Sharing answers is considered cheating and will be treated as such.

• Plagiarism is another form of cheating. Plagiarism may involve but is not limited to submitting a paper written by someone else (obtained from the web or a fellow student) or using direct quotes from any source without crediting the source.

Additional areas of concern specific to nursing include but are not limited to:

• Covering up or not reporting a clinical error.

• Charting something that was not done.

• Pulling forward documentation and saving it as a current assessment.

• Altering any legal documentation.

• Deviation from an accepted Standard of Care, or Standard of Practice.

• Any form of lying to faculty, health team members or others.

If you are unsure if a practice might be considered cheating, please check with an instructor and/or do not engage in that practice. Please remember that failing a course may mean permanent dismissal from the program.



• Collaborative/group work

• Lecture

• PowerPoint

• Discussion

• Audio Visual materials

• Handouts

• Assigned and optional readings

• Quizzes

• Case


• An electronic version of the Medical-Surgical textbook is available.

• Handbook of Pathophysiology Ramona Browder Lazenby, Lippincott 2011, 4th Edition: ISBN 978-60547-725-1

• Porth, C. (2015). Pathophysiology: Concepts of altered health states (4th ed.). New York: Lippincott ISBN: 0781749883


You may utilize your current editions of the following:

• Ignatavicius, D.D, Workman, M.L, Rebar, C.R.: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care 9th edition. Elsevier.

• Tortora, G. J., & Derrickson, B. (2009). Principles of anatomy and physiology (12th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley ISBN 0470084715

• Students are strongly urged to utilize their Nursing Physical Assessment text such as Jarvis by Saunders when studying content for this course. Student’s consistently relay that their pathophysiology texts and physical assessment textbooks are useful thorough out the Nursing Program.


"Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Office of Learning Support Services as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion."

Tutors are available through Center for Student Success in Bert Walker Hall. See your instructor if you feel this would be helpful for you. The Center for Student Success can help students with academic and personal problems. If you feel the need to talk with the faculty, their office hours are available and posted on their office doors. Keeping communication open assists both student and faculty.

EXAM ORGANIZATION and SCHEDULE; Further information including deadlines for completing exams will be will be provided at the first class session.

• Detailed learning objectives and study guides/outlines as well as Power Point notes for each Unit will be available on JetNet. Students are expected to download at home and review prior to class/

• The majority of the testing for this course will be done at the “JC Testing Center”. Student’s should confirm hours of operation and plan accordingly. It is the student’s responsibility to allow adequate time for testing (minimally 80 minutes).

• Students are expected to have completed exams one hour prior to the closing of the testing center. Please be respectful and plan accordingly!

|See below for detailed weekly schedule. |

|Unit 1 |

|Week 1-4 Test One 30% of Final Grade Due week 5 in testing Lab. |

| |

|Concepts of Pathophysiology, Cellular biology, and Alterations in Body Defenses |

|Neoplasia: A Disorder of Cell Proliferation and Differentiation |

|Immune Response |

|Inflammation, Tissue Repair and Fever |

|Disorders of the Immune Response |

|Sensory System |

|Structure and function of the eye and response |

|Alterations in function, including associated pathological conditions |

|Integumentary System |

|Structure and function of the Integumentary system |

|Alterations in integumentary function |

| |

|Endocrine System and Regulation |

|Structure and function of the Endocrine system |

|Alterations of the Endocrine system |

|Unit 2 |

|Week 5-9 Test Two (30% of Final Grade) Due week 10 in testing Lab. |

| |

|Hematologic System |

|Structure and function of the Hematologic system |

|Alterations in hematologic function |

|Pulmonary System |

|Structure and function of the Pulmonary system |

|Alteration of Pulmonary function |

|Musculoskeletal System |

|Structure and function of the Musculoskeletal system |

|Alteration in function of the Musculoskeletal system |

|Renal and Urologic System |

|Structure and function Renal and Urologic system |

|Alterations of Renal and Urologic system , including acid –base balance |

|Unit 3 |

|Week 10-14 Test Three (30% of Final Grade) Due week 15 in testing Lab. |

|Cardiovascular System |

|Cardiovascular System |

|Structure and functioning of Cardio-vascular system |

|Alterations of Cardiovascular function |

|Neurological System |

|Structure and function of the Neurological system |

|Alterations of the Neurological system |

| |

|Digestive System |

|Structure and function of the Digestive system |

|Alterations of Digestive function |

| |

|IN-CLASS Assignments: There will be 5 in-class assignments consisting of case studies. Each case is worth two points. If a student misses class |

|the assignment will be available online and students who miss class are require to complete the case study and submit it to the instructor via |

|e-mail before the start of class the next week. Failure to complete the assignment before the start of next class will result in no points for that|

|assignment. |

| |

|78% average required on overall course grade to pass course. The testing component of the course will account for 90% of the course grade. In-class |

|assignments will account for 10% of the course grade. The student must achieve a 78% average on the testing component of the course before the |

|in-class assignment percentage is added to the course grade. |

|Sample Final Grade |

|PASS 72/90 on 3 tests (80 %) + 7/10 assignments = Final Grade 79 %= Grade 2.0 |

|FAIL 68/90 on 3 tests (76%) + 10/10 assignments = Final Grade 78 % = Grade 1.5 (Did not achieve an average of 78% on the 3 tests. (78% x 90 = |

|70) |

|Summary of Grading |

|Unit Tests 3 x 30% = 90% |

|In class case studies (5 X 1%) = 5 % |

|Kaplan Test Remediation (Must remediate 2 min per question. Failure to remediate by the last day of class will result in failure. 5% |


The grading scale for the course is as follows:

4.0 94-100%

3.5 90- 93%

3.0 86- 89%

2.5 82- 85%

2.0 78- 81%

5. 74- 77%

1. 70-73%

5. 66-69%

0.0 < 66%

Each test will be graded utilizing the above scale. If the percentage includes a decimal, 0.5 or more will be rounded up to the next whole number (e.g. 83.5=84). A decimal grade of 0.4 or less will be dropped (e.g. 83.4 = 83). If the faculty decides that a test question is not valid/reliable, everyone in the course receives a maximum of one point for that question whether they got the question “right or wrong.

Participation Reporting (HQV)

Student participation feedback is provided by instructors up to 3 times per course (see Participation Reporting in the JCC catalog). The feedback is accessible via e-Services.

*V – Your instructor confirms you are participating regularly.

*H – Your instructor feels you would benefit from additional assistance and has referred you to the Center for Student Success for academic tutoring.

*Q - Your instructor believes that your lack of attendance/participation may prevent your success and has recommended to the registrar that you be dropped and/or withdrawn from the course.


• Please note that all JC grades and transcript information are accessed online via click on online classes to access JetNet.

• Course Information available on JeNet

□ The system will be used as the mechanism to disseminate class/course specific information.

□ It is the expectation that students regularly check their JC Outlook email for course announcements and updates throughout the course. DO NOT USE JETNET FOR email.

□ The system allows students to check grades, access announcements and course documents at any time.


• Weather closings and cancellations: In the event of inclement weather closings or other emergencies, please go to college closings at the bottom of the JC main page. It is also advised to tune in to local radio and TV stations.

• Instructor Illness: In the case of instructor illness, every attempt will be made to contact the student as soon as possible. You will be updated regarding class status, cancellation, and make-up.

• Please be advised that some revisions may be necessary during the course in any given semester and the instructors reserve the right to make necessary revisions.

Jackson College Nursing Department Testing Guidelines for Students

1. All student possessions (backpacks, cell-phones, water bottles, hats, etc.) must be left at the front or sides of the room – not under individual desks or tables.

2. Students are not permitted to sit at their desk with notes prior to the test. Any last minute studying must be conducted outside the classroom.

3. The student may have only a pencil, scrap paper, simple calculator with no memory (if warranted) and earplugs as warranted by faculty. Watches and cell phones are not allowed.

4. Once class begins, students are not permitted to sit at their desk with class notes and or text prior to the test. Last minute studying or review must be conducted outside the classroom.

5. Students are not allowed to remove any testing material from the testing/classroom.

6. If a student must take an exam at a different time than the rest of the class due to an illness or emergency, a different exam is given.

7. Bathroom breaks will not be permitted during any exam or quiz.

8. There will be no discussion of test items between the student and faculty on the day of the test.

9. Students who disagree with the answers may complete a Student Test Item Query form to explain their rationale for their chosen answer. These forms will be submitted the faculty for consideration.

10. Students will be given 1.5 minutes per test item.

11. Students must pass a Dosage Calculation Competency at 90% within three attempts. Failure to obtain a 90% results in failure of the course.


NRS 214 Medical Surgical 2

Name (Please Print): Date:

Please Check All That Apply:

□ I have read the complete syllabus, weekly schedule and reviewed all resource materials for NRS 214 including the Dosage Calculation Competency Requirements and the Nursing Department Testing Guidelines for Students.

□ I have reviewed the NRS 214 Clinical Guidelines as well as the IV Administration Guidelines.

□ I understand that off-site clinical experiences are observation only experiences. If I participate in client care during the off-site experiences without a clinical instructor present it may result in failure of NRS 214 clinical which will result in failure of NRS 214.

□ I understand that it is my responsibly to maintain updated records of immunizations and BLS certification. Failure to comply with the health care requirements may result in an unexcused clinical absence and possible failure of the course. Failure to submit the required documents at the beginning to each semester will result in a 3% deduction in the final course grade.

□ I have reviewed the JC Nursing Department AAS-N Student Handbook Simulation & Social Media Policy as it relates to this course. I will adhere to the guidelines for Responsible Use of Technology at Jackson College at all times while I am a student of the nursing program. I understand if I violate these policies I may be dismissed from the course/and or/ nursing program.

□ I understand that all types of electronic devices may not be appropriate at certain times within this course and that it is not permissible to take photos of any course PowerPoints, or any other form of lecture/online materials without expressed permission from my instructor. Failure to abide by this policy may result in dismissal from the course. No exceptions!!

□ All my questions related to course resources have been answered at this time.

I understand the information contained within the resources checked and will adhere to any additional course, JC Nursing Department and, or College policies not mentioned in this document that may apply to my status as a student in NRS 214.

Signature: Date: [Please sign and return to your instructor by the first week of class.]


See the Nursing Handbook for progression policies. The student must earn a 2.0 grade in each course to progress. Students who withdraw or fail this course cannot progress into third semester courses. Consult the handbook for current Progression/Readmission policy.





Please fill in the form below to inquire about a test question. Email this form to the instructor no later than 48 hours after the test review.

Student Name:___________________________

Student Email:___________________________


Test Date:__________________________

I am inquiring the following test item(s) and/or content:

Reason for inquiry: (Explain why you believe the test item is incorrect)

References: (Cite three peer 1·eviewed published resources, including the page

number, to validate your inquiry. One resource should be the course textbook.)




JC Exam Item Inquiry Form, 1/19. Adapted from Jean Flick MS, RN, Susan Morrison PhD, RN, FAAN &

Ainslie Niebert, PhD, RN 2006.

NRS 215 Pathophysiology

Fall 2019 Calendar (Note Nov. 11/25 and Dec 2 class meets from 1 – 5)

|Week |Topic |Monday |Exam Schedule: |

| | | |All Exams are take in the Testing Center Valid ID Must Be |

| | | |Presented |

|Unit 1 |

|1 |CELL & CANCER |Sept. 9 | |

|2 |Integumentary System |Sept. 16 | |

|3 |Endocrine System and Regulation |Sept. 23 | |

|4 |Endocrine System and Regulation Continued |Sept. 30 |EXAM ONE DUE IN TESTING CENTER BY: Oct. 7 |

|Unit 2 |

|5 |Hematologic System |Oct. 7 | |

|6 |Pulmonary System |Oct. 14 | |

|7 |Pulmonary System Continued |Oct. 21 | |

|8 |Musculoskeletal System |Oct. 28 | |

|9 |Renal and Urologic System |Nov. 4 |EXAM TWO DUE IN TESTING CENTER BY : Nov. 11 |

|Unit 3 |

|10 |Cardiovascular System |Nov. 11 | |

| | |1-5 pm | |

|11 |Cardiovascular System continued |Nov. 18 | |

|12 |Sensory System |Nov. 25 |Mandatory Kaplan Exam In Testing Center Exact Dates and Times |

| | |1-5 pm |Announced in Class |

|13 |Neurological System |Dec. 2 | |

| | |1-5 pm | |

|14 |Digestive System |Dec. 9 | |




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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