Buford High School

Course Syllabus

Course Title Honors Chemistry Term 2018-2019

Teacher Ms. Cole room # 210

|Email Address | lisa.cole@ |

|Teacher Web Page | |

|Teacher Support |Help sessions are available Monday-Friday mornings from 6:15-7:40 am, afternoons from 2:40-4:30 pm, and by appointment (room|

|(Help sessions etc.) |210). Lab activities must be made up within 2 days of the absence due to involvement of chemicals. |

Course Description

Chemistry is the study of matter, its structures, properties, composition, and the changes that matter undergo. In this course, the student is given a survey of the different fields of chemistry. Within these fields, the students will study measurement and problem solving in chemistry, the atomic structure of elements, the periodic chart, periodic properties and trends, chemical formulas and equations, electron configurations, nuclear chemistry, molar concepts, acids and bases, the gas laws, properties of matter, and properties of solutions.

Course Curriculum Content

A complete list of the Georgia Performance Standards for this course can be accessed online at .

|Georgia performance standards |Units/Topics |

|Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about |Process Skills and Measurement |

|SC1 the use of the modern atomic theory and periodic law to explain the |Classification of Matter |

|characteristics of atoms and elements. |Atomic Structure |

|SC2 the chemical and physical properties of matter resulting from the ability of atoms|Periodicity |

|to form bonds. |Chemical Bonding/Intermolecular Forces |

|SC3 how the Law of Conservation of Matter is used to determine chemical composition in|Gas Laws/States of Matter |

|compounds and chemical reactions. |Solutions |

|SC4 how to refine the design of a chemical system by applying engineering principles |Chemical Reactions/Stoichiometry |

|to manipulate the factors that affect a chemical reaction. |Acids and Bases |

|SC5 the Kinetic Molecular Theory to model atomic and molecular motion in chemical and |Thermochemistry |

|physical processes. |Nuclear Chemistry |

|SC6 the properties that describe solutions and the nature of acids and bases. |Chemical Equilibrium |

Instructional Materials and Supplies

|Published Materials |Instructional Supplies |

|GLENCOE Chemistry: Matter and Change. Thandi Buthelezi, Laurel Dingrando, |Scientific Calculator |

|Nicholas Hainen, Cheryl Wistrom, Dinah Zike. Columbus: McGraw Hill, 2008. |Pen, pencil, and highlighter |

|(Cost of Replacement $ 72.00) |Notebook/Paper and Graph paper |

|Supplemental Reading: The Poisoner’s Handbook by Deborah Blum |Composition Notebook |

|(Cost of Replacement $16.00) | |

Evaluation and Grading

|Assignments |Grade Weights |Grading Scale |

|Benchmark Assessments |Benchmarks (30%) |A: 90 and above |

|Unit Tests |Unit Tests (35%) |B: 80 - 89 |

|Science Fair Project |Labs/Quizzes (20%) |C: 70 - 79 |

|Labs |Homework (5%) |F: 69 or below |

|Quizzes |Writing Assignments (10%) |(A student must have a grade of 70 or higher in order|

|Homework Problems/Assignments |NOTE: Assignments may be turned in one day after the |to receive the 5 points at the end of the semester.) |

|Performance Exam/Writing Assignments |announced due date but are worth only 70% of the grade| |

|Final Exam |earned. | |

Other Information

|Expectations for Academic Success |Additional Requirements/Resources |

|1) Review notes daily |Students are required to read the rules of conduct in the laboratory and sign the |

|2) Ask questions |laboratory safety sheet before participation in lab activities can occur. Failure to |

|3) Actively participate in class |follow the laboratory safety rules may result in removal from the laboratory area. |

|4) Complete homework assignments | |

|5) Challenge yourself to continuously improve | |

Honor Code:

All BHS students will strictly adhere to the BHS Honor Code which is posted on the BHS website.

For any violation of the BHS Honor Code, students will receive a 0 and be referred to the administration.

Make Up Work:

• All pre-assigned work will be due on the day of a student’s return from an absence.

• For assignments which did not have a pre-assigned due date during the time of the student’s absence, students will be given five days to arrange for make up work or follow other arrangements granted by the teacher.

• Assignments or tests that are not made up by the specified time receive a grade of zero (0).

 All policies outlined in the BCSS student CODE OF CONDUCT and the BHS student handbook will be followed in this classroom.

| |

|Teacher consequences for Minor Classroom Disruptions |

|1st |Penalty assigned at teacher’s discretion – Parent Contact |

|2nd |30 minute faculty detention and parent contact |

|3rd |1 hour faculty detention and parent contact |

|4th |Administrative Referral |


Please complete the following:

Do you wear contact lenses? __________ Are you color blind? ___________

Do you have allergies? ________ If so, list specific allergies. _________________________________________________

List any extra-curricular activities in which you are involved. _________________________________________________

I have read and understand the Honors Chemistry course syllabus, rules of conduct in the laboratory, and laboratory safety sheet.

Student’s Name: __________________________ Student’s Signature___________________________

Student’s BCSS email: ___________________________

Guardian’s Name: ____________________________ Guardian’s Signature_______________________

Guardian’s email:_____________________________ Guardian’s Phone Number__________________




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