[Pages:1]Page 6 Jesup Citizen Herald Wednesday, March 20, 2019

"I glanced out the window at the signs of spring. The sky was almost blue, the trees were almost budding,

the sun was almost bright." -- Millard Kaufman

Public Notice Buchanan County Supervisors March 11, 2019

Horkheimer Homes March 22, 23, 24

March 11, 2019 The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, March 11, 2019 with Clayton Ohrt, Chairman Protem in the Chair and Gary Gissel attending telephonically. Don Shonka absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to approve the minutes of the March 4th and 5th meetings as presented. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to approve the employee reimbursement claims filed with the County Auditor for payment in the amount of $414.88. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to place on file the following manure management plan updates: Tom & Deb Erickson, facility Tom Erickson, Sec. 30 of Middlefield Twp.; Doskidz, LLC, Sec. 30 of Sumner Twp.; Five Sisters, LLC, facility Five Sisters, Sec. 19 of Sumner Twp.; Prairie Gold, LLC, Sec. 8 of Fremont Twp.; Skyline Pork, LLC, Sec. 36 of Westburg Twp.; and Bacon Barns, LLC, Sec. 25 of Perry Twp. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to accept the resignation of Blake Hayward, part-time dispatcher for the Sheriff's department effective February 28, 2019. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Hayward is leaving the county after seven years of service. Motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to accept the resignation from Steve Hepke, Chief Deputy in the Sheriff's department effective April 12, 2019. All in favor, motion carried. Deputy Hepke is leaving the county after 39 years of service. Motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to approve the following resolution. On roll call all voted aye thereon. Motion carried.

RESOLUTION 19-15 WHEREAS, the Buchanan County Compensation Board meets annually to recommend a compensation schedule for elected officials for the fiscal year immediately following, in accordance with Iowa Code Chapters 331.905 and 331.907, and WHEREAS, the Buchanan County Compensation Board met on December 13, 2018 and made the following salary recommendations for the following elected officials for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019: Elected Official: Auditor; Current Salary: $64,000; Proposed Increase: 2.80%; Recommended Salary: $65,792 Elected Official: County Attorney; Current Salary: $97,000; Proposed Increase: 4.00%; Recommended Salary: $100,880 Elected Official: Recorder; Current Salary: $62,000; Proposed Increase: 2.80%; Recommended Salary: $63,736 Elected Official: Sheriff; Current Salary: $83,250; Proposed Increase: 2.80%; Recommended Salary: $85,581 Elected Official: Supervisors; Current Salary: $36,500; Proposed Increase: 3.00%; Recommended Salary: $37,595 Elected Official: Treasurer; Current Salary: $62,000; Proposed Increase: 2.80%; Recommended Salary: $63,736 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors adopts the salary recommendations for elected officials for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 as recommended by the Buchanan County Compensation Board. Passed this 11th day of March, 2019. The Board discussed the maintenance contract renewal options with Brecke Mechanical Contractors. After discussion, motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to approve the three (3) year contract with Brecke Mechanical Contractors for the maintenance of the heating and cooling systems at the courthouse at an annual rate of $14,000 with a three-percent (3%) increase each year. All in favor, motion carried. County Auditor, Cindy Gosse presented a proposal from the City of Winthrop regarding a Voluntary Annexation Petition. After discussion, motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to authorize the County Auditor to send a letter to the City of Winthrop with no objections to the request. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to approve the following resolutions. On roll call all voted aye thereon. Motion carried.

RESOLUTION 19-16 AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 19-A-05 BUCHANAN COUNTY, IOWA The rezoning of property located in Cono Township, Section 7, 6.61 acres from "A-1" agricultural to "R-3" residential. BE IT ORDAINED: That Section IV of the Buchanan County, Iowa, Zoning Ordinance be amended to reflect the zoning change on the official zoning maps as follows: The east 184 ft. of the north 700 ft. and the west 316 ft. of the east 500 ft. of the south 504 ft. of the north 700 ft., all in the E ?, NW ?, Sec. 7, T87N, R8W of the 5th P.M. Buchanan County, Iowa. The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the aforementioned amendment 9:05 a.m. on March 25, 2019 in the Supervisors' Chambers of the Buchanan County Courthouse, Independence, Iowa. Passed this 11th day of March 2019.


NO. 19-A-06 BUCHANAN COUNTY, IOWA The rezoning of property located in Cono Township, Section 7, 2.0 acres from "A-1" agricultural to "R-3" residential. BE IT ORDAINED: That Section IV of the Buchanan County, Iowa, Zoning Ordinance be amended to reflect the zoning change on the official zoning maps as follows: Parcel B in the NE ?, NW ?, Sec. 7, T87N, R8W of the 5th P.M., Buchanan County, Iowa as described in Survey and Plat in File No. 2005R02704 in the office of the Buchanan County Iowa Recorder. The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the aforementioned amendment 9:10 a.m. on March 25, 2019 in the Supervisors' Chambers of the Buchanan County Courthouse, Independence, Iowa. Passed this 11th day of March 2019.

RESOLUTION 19-18 AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 19-A-07 BUCHANAN COUNTY, IOWA The rezoning of property located in Madison Township, Section 20, 5.0 acres from "A-1" agricultural to "R-3" residential. BE IT ORDAINED: That Section IV of the Buchanan County, Iowa, Zoning Ordinance be amended to reflect the zoning change on the official zoning maps as follows: Commencing south 575 ft. from the northwest corner of Sec. 20, T90N, R7W of the 5th P.M., Buchanan County, Iowa, thence east 521 ft., south 418 ft., west 521 ft., north 418 ft. to the point of beginning. The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the aforementioned amendment 9:15 a.m. on March 25, 2019 in the Supervisors' Chambers of the Buchanan County Courthouse, Independence, Iowa. Passed this 11th day of March 2019. At 9:15 a.m. the public hearing for the proposed FY20 budget was called to order with the following present: John Klotzbach, Dan Flaucher, Alex Davis, Tai Burkhart, Theresa Endres, Matt Even, Ralph J. Kremer, Sherlyn Hazen and Bill Wolfgram. After discussion, motion by Gissel second Ohrt to close the hearing at 9:20 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to approve the following resolution. On roll call all voted aye thereon. Motion carried.

RESOLUTION 19-19 BE IT RESOLVED that the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors approve the Buchanan County budget for FY20 as proposed with the following levies: General Basic 3.5; Pioneer Cem-

etery .00446; General Supplemental 2.0667; Debt Service .36227 and Rural Services 3.2318.

Passed this 11th day of March 2019. Fred Smock presented a request for funding of a culvert south of Bland Blvd. for the Liberty Trail extension. No action was taken until additional information can be obtained from the County Engineer. Motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to send a letter of termination and a copy of the proposed new contract by certified mail to County Engineer, Brian Keierleber. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to authorize the Chairman to sign a Iowa DOT General Release for Mercedes Taylor and John Taylor for bridge damages in the amount of $1,066.50 that have been paid in full. All in favor, motion carried. Environmental Health Administrator, Matt Even requested the Board to proclaim March 1016, 2019 as Groundwater Awareness Week in Buchanan County. After discussion, motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to approve the following resolution. All in favor, motion carried.


PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, groundwater is the water that soaks into the soil from rain or other precipitation and moves downward to fill cracks and other openings in beds of rocks and sand; and WHEREAS, groundwater is a natural resource that provides drinking water for nearly all of the residents of Buchanan County; and WHEREAS, access for all people and all

communities to safe and affordable drinking water is a basic right and promotes healthier living; and

WHEREAS, the agricultural community, private industry and business, and communities rely on large quantities of high-quality groundwater for economic prosperity; and

WHEREAS, the National Ground Water Association established National Groundwater Awareness Week in 1999 to highlight the responsible development, management, and use of water and to provide an opportunity for people to learn about the importance of groundwater and how the resource saves lives; and

WHEREAS, National Groundwater Awareness Week provides an opportunity to educate residents on the importance of groundwater in their lives and how they can protect and conserve one of our most precious natural resources; and

WHEREAS, Buchanan County Environmental Health has joined with the National Ground Water Association and numerous other local, state, and national organizations and agencies to highlight and celebrate National Groundwater Awareness Week; and

NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Board of Supervisors of Buchanan County do hereby proclaim:

March 10 ? 16, 2019 Groundwater Awareness Week In Buchanan County, Iowa Passed this 11th day of March 2019. .Motion by Gissel second by Ohrt to adjourn at 9:42 a.m. All in favor, motion carried.

Clayton Ohrt, Chairman Pro-tem ATTEST: Cindy Gosse, Auditor


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