Indiana AEYC

Local Indiana AEYC Chapter AgreementFor all chapters of the Indiana Association for the Education of Young Children, Inc. The Indiana Association for the Education of Young Children (INDIANA AEYC) is an affiliate of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). All members of INDIANA AEYC are also members of NAEYC. I. STRUCTURE: The structure of INDIANA AEYC is as follows:A. State Affiliate: The state organization is the primary structure for conducting the business of the association. The state Board of Directors is responsible for establishing and enforcing the operating policies and procedures of the organization. The Board has divided the state into Chapters to enhance the delivery of membership services statewide.B. Chapters: Any group of 25 or more INDIANA AEYC members (city, county, or metro) may petition the Board to become a Chapter of Indiana AEYC. All chapters are a part of Indiana AEYC. Each chapter is provided services through the state Board of Directors. The Chapter President or their designee will serve as a voting member of the Indiana AEYC Board of Directors. Local Chapter representatives are encouraged to attend state Board meetings. Chapters are an extension of Indiana AEYC and NAEYC and are organized to maximize member engagement with less formality. II. MEMBERSHIP: The types of INDIANA AEYC membership shall be in accordance with NAEYC membership categories. Members join at the local chapter, state affiliate (Indiana AEYC) and NAEYC levels.A. Chapter Members: Any member living in an area served by an active chapter will automatically be assigned chapter membership in addition to state membership and NAEYC membership. Services will be provided through the local chapter. Members living in areas closely adjoining another chapter or those who live in an area that is served by one chapter while working in an area served by another chapter will self-select their local chapter affiliation. Members will join through the NAEYC online system. III. INDIANA AEYC BENEFITS TO CHAPTERS: INDIANA AEYC will provide services to local chapters including leadership training, organizational/operational management, bonding up to $15,000, liability insurance, and membership services. Local chapters will qualify for INDIANA AEYC tax exempt status by virtue of becoming an affiliated chapter and by following INDIANA AEYC procedures. IV. LOCAL CHAPTER AGREEMENT WITH INDIANA AEYC:Indiana AEYC and its Chapters embrace the tenets of NAEYC’s vision and mission which may change from time to time as determined at the discretion of the NAEYC Governing Board.Indiana AEYC Chapters must ensure that they adhere to the highest legal and ethical standards, protecting the name, reputation, and intellectual property of the Association, ensuring sound nonprofit management and governance, and maintaining positive relationships with members and Indiana AEYC. Chapters must maintain a minimum of 25 active INDIANA AEYC members for each membership year. (Chapters falling below this minimum must submit a recruitment action plan and a list of chapter officers who are INDIANA AEYC members in good standing. The Board will review this petition and determine if the chapter should be put on probation or dissolved.)Chapters will work closely with Indiana AEYC staff and the member/chapter liaisons to increase membership recruitment, retention and engagement. Chapters will identify and increase member satisfaction with available benefits, programs, services, and engagement opportunities offered by Indiana AEYC and the local Chapter. Chapters will identify membership recruitment and retention strategies and assist in meeting the goals of the Indiana AEYC Strategic Plan.Chapters must maintain a brand identify consistent with NAEYC/Indiana AEYC’s brand identity and will be required to comply with the NAEYC/Indiana AEYC brand guidelines.Chapters are required to use “a Chapter of Indiana AEYC” on all materials (including print and electronic media) documents when conducting official business on behalf of their members or as related to their Chapter status with Indiana AEYC. Chapters will support a diverse community of members through a relationship of transparency, partnership, and the principles of a high performing, inclusive organization in accordance with the Indiana AEYC/NAEYC mission, vision and strategic direction.Chapters will follow the by-laws and financial policies and procedures of Indiana AEYC. Chapter elections will be held in accordance with the state board election cycle and conducted electronically through the Indiana AEYC office. Chapters shall file with the Indiana AEYC state office annual reports including:Chapter calendar of events for all members for the coming yearAn annual strategic plan connected to the Indiana AEYC strategic plan, budget and financial records for review.The name of a member who shall serve as the Chapter Public Policy liaison.Chapter financial reports for the previous year with copies of the June and July bank statements.Strategic plan final report with progress related to objectives.Chapter officers will plan a calendar of activities/events for each year in coordination with other chapter and state events. Chapters must avoid duplication and overlap of services to members in the district by confirming dates of conferences in advance with the Board. Chapters will not hold an event within 30 days of the annual state conference to avoid duplication of membership benefits. Chapters will assist with the annual Month of Young Child campaign within their local chapter service area. Chapters are encouraged to hold a member/early childhood professional recognition event, secure proclamations in each of the counties/cities served by the Chapter and engage with policymakers to increase the importance and recognition of young children and their families.Chapters must report all income to the Indiana AEYC office. Chapters must submit to the Indiana AEYC office information about the origin of the income, intended use of the funds, organization granting/donating the funding, and a copy of the income award letter.Chapters must hold at least 2 membership events/conferences/activities per year. Member engagement will be tracked through the state association’s registration system for all Chapter events Q. Chapters must follow all policies, procedures, and guidelines of INDIANA AEYC.VI. PROCEDURES FOR DISSOLUTION OF A LOCAL CHAPTER: A local chapter may be dissolved on completion of the following process:A. Adoption of a Motion to dissolve by three-fourths of the members of a local chapterB. The INDIANA AEYC Board may suspend the local chapter from participation in INDIANA AEYC activities and from using the name "Association for the Education of Young Children" if and when the local chapter does not have 25 active INDIANA AEYC members or does not meet the guidelines stated in section IV above.C. In the case of dissolution of a local chapter, the assets of the chapter shall be vested in Indiana AEYC to provide continued member benefits for the Chapter, and shall be conveyed to the INDIANA AEYC Executive Director within 60 days following the motion to dissolve ................

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