Board of Education Regular Meeting

October 28, 2019

Call to Order and Roll Call

President Miriah Ranken called the meeting to order and on roll call, the following members were:

Physically Present: Miriah Ranken, President

Mark Heller, Vice President

Jonathan Jones, Treasurer

Daniel Graber, Board Member

Joanie Novak, Board Member

Present By Other Means: None

Absent: Tonya Sarver, Secretary

Paul Williams, Board Member

Also present were Superintendent Curt Rheingans, Hannah Larsen, P.E. teacher, Katie Kettleson, and Ashley Newlun from CPTO.

Pledge of Allegiance

President Miriah Ranken led the Board of Education and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.


a. CPTO – Ashley Newlun gave a presentation of what accomplishments they have made and what their plans are moving forward.

Superintendent’s Report

a. March Meeting Update – Mr. Rheingans shared with the Board the March meeting date change.

b. Lunch Update – Mr. Rheingans explained that we are still waiting for confirmation from Preferred Meals for a modified menu.

c. District Report – Mr. Rheingans gave a brief overview of the District Report Card.

d. District Boundary Lines – Mr. Rheingans shared some maps of our district boundaries.

Consent Agenda Action Items

a. Approval of Minutes: Open Session Regular Meeting of September 30, 2019

b. Approval of September 2019 Treasurer’s Report

c. Approval of Bills for Payment

d. Personnel Report

Mr. Heller made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Novak, that the consent agenda be approved as presented.

On which motion a roll call was held with the following results:

Aye: Miriah Ranken

Mark Heller

Jonathan Jones

Daniel Graber

Joanie Novak

Nay: None

Absent: Tonya Sarver

Paul Williams

The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Old Business


New Business

a. Action to Adopt New Policy: 5:60 General Personnel – Reimbursement and Purchase Orders (Second Reading)

Mr. Jones made a motion, seconded by Mr. Graber, that the Board Adopt the New Policy: 5:60 General Personnel – Reimbursement and Purchase Orders (Second Reading)

On which motion a roll call was held with the following results:

Aye: Miriah Ranken

Mark Heller

Jonathan Jones

Daniel Graber

Joanie Novak

Nay: None

Absent: Tonya Sarver

Paul Williams

The motion carried by unanimous vote.

b. Proposed Revised Policy: 7:70 E1 Compulsory Attendance, 5 and 7 Day Attendance Letter; 7:70 E2 Compulsory Attendance, 10 Day Attendance Letter, and 7:70 E3 Compulsory Attendance, 10+2 Day Attendance Letter. These are updated to reflect the Illinois State Truancy Guidelines. (First Reading).




The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be November 25, 2019.

Public Comments

The following people addressed the Board of Education during public comments:



Board President Miriah Ranken adjourned the meeting at 7:27 p.m.

________________________________ ________________________

Miriah Ranken – President Date

________________________________ ________________________

Tonya Sarver – Secretary Date


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