South West Asia Geography and History Test Study Guide …

South West Asia Geography and History Test Study Guide Answers

Fill out what you know about each of the following. Use your notes.

Types of governments in SW Asia

1. Monarchy – Jordan

2. Democracy – Israel

3. Islamic State – Iran

4. Dictatorship – Iraq

5. Many claim to be Republics (they really are not)

Iran/Iraq War

Conflict between Sunni and Shiite groups

Iran had an Islamic Revolution became hardcore Islamists who wanted an Islamic state

Iraq took land and didn’t want the revolution spreading to their country

Ended in a draw; US gave money to Iraq

Persian Gulf War

Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 to control oil

Sanctions are placed on Iraq, no selling oil until they stop making weapons of mass destruction

2003 US Invasion of Iraq

US believed Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

US invaded as part of the war on Terrorism

Saddam is captured, tried, and executed

Trying to rebuild, but has become a breeding ground for terrorists


Small groups of extremists who are trying to disrupt life with the use of fear and violence

Goals are to eliminate Israel, create Islamic state, get rid of western influence

US is targeted because of their support of Israel


Language spoken and written in Iran


Non-Arab nation

Has one of the Largest populations along with Turkey

Its people are Muslim, but not Arab, and they speak Farsi

Ruled as an Islamic State

Islamic state

Type of government in Iran

Follows the rules of the religion of Islam



Formally Palestine

Formed after WWII in 1948 as the Jewish homeland

Government has the only democracy in the region

Supported by the US


Those who practice hardcore Islam

They want to create an Islamic State

The 3 sub-regions

Middle East

Arabian Peninsula

Northern Tier


Settlement of Jewish people in Israel; they live and work together, it is very Democratic and women have equal rights.

Divisions of Islam



Jerusalem (nickname and why it’s valued)

The Golden City

The city is the holy city to Christians, Jews, and Muslims


Desert nomadic herder

Economic systems and how they work

1. Socialism – government controls many or all parts of businesses

2. Mixed Economy – government controls some businesses while others are controlled privately


Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

They attempt to control oil production to increase price.

US as a target for international terrorism

This is happening because the US supports Israel.

Geography of the area. Where countries and bodies of water are located.

Study your maps

Differences and Similarities between Palestinians and Israelis

Study your Venn diagram

Oil (its importance and location)

Study your resource map.

Groups have fought over it and it is a HUGE part of the economy for the whole region.

It is the reason for US involvement in conflicts throughout the region.

Largest Populations

Iran and Turkey


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