PS/IS 178 The Holliswood School

?2019-2020 ABC Parent Handbook??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Public School/Intermediate School 178Q189-10 Radnor RoadJamaica Estates, New York 11423Tel. (718) 464-5763Fax (718) 464-5766?Jessica Cruz, PrincipalEnesa Purisic, Assistant PrincipalTwitter: @PSIS178?The Holliswood School has earned the distinction of being a New York State Recognition School in celebration of high academic achievement, growth, & graduation rate.The “4 Es” are 178’s ABCs!7905752159000?A?Absences/Absent Notes/AttendanceWhen your child is absent for school, a note must accompany your child on the day that he/she returns to school.? The note should include: Date, Teacher’s Name & Class; i.e. Child‘s Name was absent from school on Date because Reason, and a parent/guardian signature.? The note should be written in ink or typed.? If you know in advance that your child will be out of school for a “Lawful” absence, please notify your child’s teacher in advance (one week) in writing.? (Classwork and homework can be assigned). If your child is absent from school for a period of time, please call the school on the second day of the absence.? Please note that an e-mail to the school or your child’s teacher is not a valid note for absence. Your note must be a signed hard copy. Students are expected to attend school every day.? The education law of the State of New York permits absence from school for the following reasons: personal illness, death or serious illness in the family, impassable roads or weather making travel unsafe, religious observance, quarantine, approved educational trips, required presence in court, attendance at organized clinics, and remedial health treatment.? All other absences are not permitted. When a student is absent from school, an absence note from a parent/guardian must be brought to the official class teacher upon the return of the child. This note must detail the dates and reason for the absence. For absences of three days or more (extended illness) the parent should call the school to inform us of the cause and expected duration of the absence.? Extended or excessive absences will be reported to the District’s attendance teacher, who will personally contact the family. Reasons for the absences will be collected and analyzed. The student is responsible for all work missed during an absence. This includes being prepared for tests given after the child returns. We suggest the student obtain the phone numbers and e-mail addresses of several classmates and contact them daily for missed work during an absence. Planned family vacations are not encouraged during school time.? Such absences constitute unauthorized and unexcused absence from school and are recorded as such by our ATS computerized attendance system.?AddressThe school address is 189-10 Radnor Road, Jamaica Estates, N.Y. 11423.?After School ProgramsCurrently, the after school program at P.S. / I.S. 178 is provided by the Commonpoint Queens?for grades K-8. Families must apply online. The program is tuition free.? Contact the Samuel Field Y with all questions. The school also has in-house programs for students, such as CHAMPS Sports, Debate Team, Math Team, Chess Club, Drama, Robotics, Dance, Active Design, CASA Visual Arts, Foreign Language for Early Learners, Success Programs in ELA and Math and hopes to expand further.?Arrival (Pre-K-8)All students in grades K-8 will enter the school through the school yard entrance on Avon Road. No students will be able to enter the main entrance on Radnor Rd. before 8:00 AM Breakfast will be offered (free of charge) in the cafeteria starting at 7:30.? Students coming early for breakfast will also enter through the yard entrance on Avon Road.? Students will be picked up by the teacher and escorted in.???At 8:00am PK parents will escort their children to the PK doors near 189 St. (directly across from the school yard)School begins promptly at 8 AM.? It is extremely important that students be on time to participate in the morning activities.? Attendance and lateness are used when determining high school admission. School staff and student monitors will be available to assist students who need help.? If a student arrives to school after 8:05am they are considered late. The entrance at that time will be on Radnor Road by the Safety Agent’s desk. They must obtain a late pass to present to their official class teacher.? No student may be in any part of the building without a staff member before 7:30 AM.??PK Students should arrive to school at 8:00 AM.? They will enter the PK doors at the west end of the building near 189th St. Breakfast is in their classroom as it is part of their instructional program. A staff member will be at the Radnor Rd doors to issue late passes to students at 8:05 AM.??Arts ProgramAll elementary classes participate in the art program each week.? The students are introduced to a variety of media. Literacy, social studies, and technology are integrated into the arts program.?B?BackpacksIt is recommended that each child carry a backpack to and from school.? For safety reasons, backpacks with wheels are not allowed to be rolled within the school building.? ?Please check your child’s backpack daily.? It is important that you read, sign and return all correspondences promptly. Please assist your child with organizing the contents of the backpack and for older students, assist your child with eliminating non-relatable items from the backpack.?BirthdaysContact your child’s classroom teacher to arrange for birthday celebrations.? Please see the school policy regarding appropriate birthday party items to distribute to students.? (See parties.)?Blue CardsSee emergency forms and information. Make sure to update these cards with current information.?BreakfastEach morning, from 7:30 to 7:50 AM, the dining hall has a free hot breakfast available for K-8 students.? Students should arrive before 7:45 AM to participate. PK has breakfast in the classroom at 8:00 AM. No hot drinks and glass containers are permitted at any point.?Bus ServiceYellow bus service is available for students in kindergarten through second grade, who live more than one half mile away from the school.? Your child must be authorized to take this free bus service. A list of private bus services is also available at the school. Please contact our transportation liaison for further details (NHarriprasad@schools.). ? Please note that the school has no relationship with any of the bus companies listed on this list.? It is the parent’s responsibility to vet the bus company.?C?CafeteriaCafeteria rules:Waiting your turn in line, talking calmly, and eating your lunch with good manners will help make lunchtime an enjoyable part of the day. ( continued on following page).Each student is required to clean up after him/herself.?Every student should have a school lunch form on file whether they receive school lunch or bag lunch.Students in grades 6-8 are required to checkout of the cafeteria before reporting to another location at lunchtime.All students eligible for school service must have a pass to leave the cafeteria during lunch.No student is allowed to leave the school grounds at lunchtime unless they have been signed out by an authorized adult. Change of Classes ? (Grades 6-8)When you walk from class to class, it is important to remember:To take all of the things that you will need with you.To walk quickly to your next class, using the shortest routeTo go up and down the proper staircases and use the correct doors into and out of the stairways.To walk on the right side of the halls.To use the rest room facilities if necessary?If you are detained by a teacher at the end of the period, be sure to get a late pass.If you must go anyplace other than your assigned subject room, be sure to first report to your subject teacher to get permission and a pass.?CelebrationsFamilies and school community members will be invited to school events celebrating student accomplishments in writing.? (See parties.)?Cell Phones and other Communication DevicesIf a cell phone and other computing device is heard ringing or seen being used during the school day, it will be confiscated. (During the school day includes lunchtime, recess, and use in the bathroom.)? Students should keep devices turned off. Students who have a cell phone or other computing device will have sole responsibility over said device and its use. These items will be confiscated if seen or heard and returned to a parent/guardian.?Common Core Learning StandardsThe Common Core Standards are a set of common expectations in reading and math.? Please view the complete standards at These national standards have been designed to add more academic rigor, real world application in problem solving and deeper levels of thinking in writing. Please also visit the NYCDOE Website: schools for a detailed overview of the standards, and how parents can support learning at home.? Please note that the Common Core Learning Standards are being replaced by the Next Generation Standards; however, for the 2019-2020 school year we will still be accountable to the Common Core Learning municationAt 178 we value communication and want to ensure you have access to information and people who can best answer your questions and support you. If you have a concern regarding your child, refer to the chart below to see who you can reach out to first to express your concern or to share ideas.1.My Child’s Teacher↓2. Parent Coordinator, Wanda Adams↓3. .Dean-Social/Emotional Coach, Erica Auster↓4. School Guidance Counselor, Cristina Peters↓5.Assistant Principal, Enesa Purisic ↓6.Principal, Jessica Cruz Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP)The CEP is the working document that defines the mandates, goals, and objectives of the school.? Copies of this document are available in the main office, the parent coordinator’s office, as well as on-line.??Computers/iPadsAll computers and iPads are equipped with Internet capability.? Laptop computers and iPads are also available for student use in the classrooms.? The school has wireless Internet service throughout the building. If you would like access to a computer, there is a computer available in the parent coordinator’s office and in our school library.?CurriculumPre-K (Literacy & Math):? ?NYCDOE PreK Explore: Interdisciplinary Units of StudyGrades K-5 Literacy: ? ?Teachers College Reading & Writing Project (TCRWP) - Reading????????????????????Teachers College Reading & Writing Project (TCRWP) – Writing????????????????????? ? ? ? TCRWP Phonics (Grades K-1)Fundations/Wilson Language Training (Grade 2)Grades 6-8 Literacy:? ? ? Teachers College Reading & Writing Project (TCRWP)- Reading? ? Teachers College Reading and Writing Project (TCRWP) – WritingGrades K-5 Math:? ? ? ? ? Envisions Math 2.0?Grades 6-7 Math: Houghton Mifflin Go Math! HYPERLINK "" 8 Math: Algebra Nation?Grades K-8 Social Studies: NYCDOE Passport to Social Studies CurriculumGrades K-5 Science:? ? ? Amplify Science (NGSS)Grades 6-7 Science:? ? ? ? Amplify Science (NGSS)Grades 8 Science:? The Living Environment, HoltGrade 6-8 Spanish: Realidades, Prentice Hall?D?DanceStudents have the opportunity to participate in our dance program. The dance program is aligned to the NYC Blueprint for the Arts and exposes students to different forms of dance, including choreography.? Currently, grade five participates in a ballroom dance residency (Dancing Classrooms).?DeanSee School Assessment Team?Delayed OpeningsDelayed opening may occur due to inclement weather.? Please listen to the TV and radio stations for up to date school information.? You may also check the Department of Education website: schools.? To register for alerts, families can visit to sign up for Notify NYC or call 311. Delayed opening school hours are 10:00 AM – 2:20 PM.? Remember only the Chancellor will announce the citywide decision to close or delay the opening of schools.?DepartmentalizationAn instructional model in our fourth and fifth grade where teachers move away from “generalists” in all the disciplines and instead become experts in one or two content areas.? Since teachers teach the entire grade their specialized subject, they can go deeper into the given content and determine targeted supports that are both developmentally appropriate and effective particularly for struggling students.? Teachers are also able to hone in on the progressions of learning within their given content affording greater opportunities for effective differentiation.??DisciplineIt is expected that all students display appropriate behavior in school.? This includes being respectful of schoolmates and school staff. The school will follow the CITYWIDE BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS ? ? (Student Intervention and Discipline Code). An on-line copy is available at schools and our school website, . (See Reporting of Incidents and Special Problems Page 15)Door AlarmsAll of the exit doors at the Holliswood door are alarmed for the safety of the students. Please exit only through the main entrance on Radnor Rd.? If other doors are opened the alarm will sound.?Dismissal Locations?????? *On a HALF DAY, students dismiss from their regular dismissal locations.? See times below.Grade-445770108013500Full Day Half DayDismissal LocationsPre-kindergarten2:15 pm 11:15amPre-kindergarten will be dismissed from the Pre-K doors on the west side of the school near their classroom (near the school yard).Kindergarten - 5th Grade 2:15 pm 11:20amKindergarten through 5th grade will be dismissed from the large playground. *Parents may not pull their child off of any class line until the teachers have officially arrived and lined up in the school yard. This is absolutely necessary to ensure the safety of everyone.Grades 6-82:20 pm 11:30amGrades 6-8 will be dismissed from the Radnor Rd. doors on the east side of the school (190th St). STUDENTS IN THE COMMONPOINT QUEENS PROGRAM ARE DISMISSED FROM THE RADNOR RD. DOORS OF THE SCHOOL ONLY*?Grades PK-5 When picking up your child, please arrive at 2:10 pm for the 2:15 pm dismissal and 2:15 pm for the 2:20 pm dismissal. *On a HALF DAY, students dismiss from their regular dismissal locations at the times noted above. Please arrive at 11:10 am for the 11:15 am dismissal and 11:25 am for the 11:30 am dismissal. If you have difficulty picking up your child on time, please apply for the after school program; information is available on our school website. Note:? Students will only be released to persons whose names appear on the blue emergency card in the office.? If anyone else is picking up, parents MUST send in a signed note to the teacher. That person will be asked to present identification.?Grades 6-8 Students will be dismissed independently, from the Radnor Rd. doors on the east side of the school. ? They are to exit the building in a calm and respectful fashion.For their safety, students should not leave the building and can never be picked up from the line or the hallway at school prior to dismissal. All students participating in after school clubs or activities MUST report to the auditorium after the 2:20 dismissal.? Students enrolled in afterschool programs must remain in the auditorium until their scheduled activity.?Please Note: Parents will be permitted to enter the building only through the Radnor Rd. entrance at dismissal.? However, as in all NYC public schools, photo identification is required.?Dismissal time is not the appropriate time for a Parent-Teacher Conference. For the safety of all students, please make an appointment to speak to the teacher at another time.? Additionally, please do not take your child off of the line as the teacher is walking toward the identified exit.? In order to maintain safety for all students, please meet the teacher at the identified dismissal spot. If you have arrived after all the remaining children are brought back into the building, you will be able to pick them up from the waiting room; Room 118. If you have made a change to your child’s regular dismissal routine (such as not going on the bus) you must inform the teacher in writing and send the note with your child to school.? If an emergency arises and this change is unexpected, you must inform the office by calling and following up with a written email or fax before or by 1:55PM. Your child will only be released to individuals on the blue card. If you need to make a change on your child’s blue card, please request a new blue card from your child’s teacher or the main office.?Dress CodeChildren are expected to be sent to school in appropriate clothing.? Please listen to the daily weather reports so children wear and bring clothing suitable for indoors and outdoors.?Sneakers should be worn on days that the student has gym.? For safety reasons, please do not send your child in flip-flops, or other open back footwear.?Students are not permitted to wear graphic T-shirts with profanity or depicting anything deemed inappropriate to the school community.? No provocative or suggestive clothing should be worn to school.Beachwear, sleep pants, short shorts or skirts (must be within 3 inches of the knee), tube tops, halter-tops, or see-through tops are not appropriate.All outerwear must be stored in the closet in the classroom. (Outerwear includes: coats, jackets, hats, bandanas, gloves, sunglasses, etc.).Parents/Guardians of students of whom are inappropriately dressed will be called and may be asked to bring a change of clothing to school for their child.? At the Principal’s discretion, a student may be kept in the office until such clothing is brought to school.?DrillsEvacuation DrillDuring the school year, students will participate in evacuation drills.? These drills are important in the event that the school must evacuate the building for any reason.? All students must be silent and listen carefully to instructions from the teacher. These drills can happen at any time of day and in any weather.? Listening and knowing what to do in an emergency can save lives. Students in transit should report to the nearest classroom. They will wait at their assigned locations for further instruction.? If necessary, students will be taken to a designated site. Parents/guardians will be contacted if this is necessary. In an actual evacuation, the relocation site’s address will be posted on the Radnor Rd. main entrance door. In order to maintain safety no children can be picked up from the line or during a transition to an evacuation site.? Parents must follow emergency response protocols including specified sign out procedures once their child arrives at the evacuation site.?Lockdown Drills and “Shelter-In” DrillsDuring the school year, students will participate in lockdown drills.? These drills are important in the event that an intruder enters the building.? In a “shelter-in,” all school doors will be locked until an “all clear” is given from the main office.? Students must be silent and listen carefully to instructions from the teacher. Students in transit should report to the nearest classroom.? In a lockdown drill, all doors are locked except the main entrance. During an official lockdown, do not proceed into the school building, only the NYPD can officiate an official school lockdown if there is an external threat to the building.E?Early DismissalA parent/guardian or authorized adult must notify the office in person and sign the child out (ID must be presented).? If you anticipate taking your child out of school early, please be sure to send a letter to the teacher in advance. When a student must be picked up because of illness, an authorized adult must pick up the child, despite the fact that the student is a middle school student or usually a ‘walker.’?E-Mail Addresses/WebsitesYou may email your child’s teacher when you have comments, questions or concerns.? You may also email our parent coordinator by clicking on the parent coordinator link on the school website.? Additionally, Skedula is an online application we have subscribed to in order to communicate between home and school (and for MS-Skedula is also used as an online grading system to share up-to-date grades on various assignments).Department of Education website: ? Website: Our school portaportal website: grading system/communication application: Please make sure your current E-mail address is on file in the main office.??Elementary CHAMPSThe Elementary CHAMPS Program is a before school sports program for elementary students.? The physical education teacher will send information and applications about these programs.?Emergency Cards/FormsIt is necessary that parents complete three blue cards for each of their children.? Please also complete one emergency contact form.? The school must have a current home address and current phone numbers.? If there is an emergency concerning your child, this is the information that the school uses to contact you.? Therefore, it is important that emergency cards be filled out completely and updated as necessary. Emergency blue cards should also be updated to include which adults have permission to pick up each child.? Please return all blue cards within the first three days of school.Emergency School ClosingsDuring an emergency (weather, power outage) the school may be closed.? Listen to TV or radio announcements, or sign on to the DOE website schools to find out if NYC Public schools are closed.? To register for alerts, families can visit to sign up for Notify NYC or call 311.? Remember our school is in District 26.? If an emergency occurs during the school day resulting in the need to close the school, parents will be contacted via the emergency contact form/School Messenger.?See delayed openings.?ENL (English as a New Language)Our full time ENL Coordinator, provides small group instruction to students who come from homes where a language other than English is spoken and may need additional support in learning the English language.? Upon registration, the completion of Home Language Surveys will determine a child’s eligibility to be assessed for ENL services.?F??Family EngagementParents/Guardians play an essential role in directing and supporting the educational achievements of their child.? P.S. /I.S. 178 is taking great steps to make our school more welcoming to parents and make it easier for parents to be meaningfully involved in their children’s education. We invite you to participate in parent workshops, discussion groups, four parent teacher conferences, Career Day, Multicultural Night, Family Fridays, Coffee with the Principal, and other family events and activities.? Tuesdays are designated for after school parent engagement from 2:20pm - 3:35pm. Please do not send your children to these events unaccompanied or leave children unsupervised.Fax Number718-464-5766?First Day Student Packets(Important Required Information to be Returned to School the Next Day)On the first day of school ALL students will receive a packet of information that contains letters to be signed and returned to school the next day as part of their homework.? Parents/guardians please read, sign, and return the packet the next day. Please note:? Checks may be required for some items.?FundraisingBoth the school and the PTA coordinate fundraisers during the school year.? The Principal’s Big Apple Fundraiser occurs during the beginning of the year. Funds that are raised are used towards school activities, programs and materials.? The PTA discusses their fundraising opportunities during their opening meeting in September.??G?GrantsGrants provide many important and enriching materials and activities for our students. P.S. / I.S. 178 welcomes parent/guardians interested in writing grants for the school.? Please contact the ParentCoordinator.? Previously funded grants include technology equipment, our playground, and audio-visual equipment for our auditorium.?H?HealthDental FormsIt is recommended that each child periodically visits the dentist.? Students will receive a dental form that needs to be submitted to the school.HIV/AIDS CurriculumHIV/AIDS curriculum provides age and developmentally appropriate lessons to help children and adolescents understand the nature of HIV/AIDS.? Please note that as per NYS Regulations, all children are required to receive lessons on the nature of HIV/AIDS and its methods of transmission. We believe these lessons to be age appropriate and protective.? However, parents/guardians have the right to opt their children out of the individual lessons on methods of prevention. Parent information brochures are available at schools.? Letters will go out in the spring.MedicationAs per Chancellor’s Regulations, medication may be administered in school if it is needed to permit the student to participate in his/her educational program.? A health care provider (physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant with physician signoff) licensed to prescribe in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut must complete a Medication Administration Form (“MAF”), prescribing the medication to be administered during the school day. This form may be obtained by parents at their child’s school or on the DOE website.? Any changes to the MAF must be in writing and signed by a licensed healthcare provider. A new MAF must be supplied at the start of the school year.?All medication must be hand-delivered to the school in the original pharmacy container.? The school nurse will store the medication in a locked cabinet or refrigerator. The nurse will maintain a medication log (and other documentation as indicated) for each student approved to receive medication in school.? Middle School and High School students may self-medicate where there is physician and parent approval documented on the MAF.”? To view the complete Chancellor’s Regulation A-701 or other regulations, please visit schools.IllnessChildren should not attend school if they have any of the following symptoms: fever, abnormal skin rashes, vomiting, or dizziness.? Any child who is advised to go home due to illness must be picked up by an authorized adult.ImmunizationsIt is required by law that children have the following immunizations before they attend public school.? Please visit your pediatrician to verify that your child has the correct doses to enter school.New immunizations requirement for students:? entering 6th graders-TDAP and entering 7th graders meningococcal. Please consult with your pediatrician.? As of June 13, 2019, public, private and parochial schools and childcare programs in New York can no longer accept requests for religious exemptions from school immunization requirements. This law applies to students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade and to all childcare settings. Schools and childcare programs will continue to accept medical exemptions.Medical OccurrenceIf a student is injured, he/she must report immediately to the adult in charge of the area or activity. All ? school injuries or accidents MUST be reported. The injured student will be sent to the office for treatment.? The office staff and the student will complete an accident report and a parent/guardian will be called.? Students will be released only to adults on the emergency card or emergency form.??NurseP.S. / I.S. 178 has a school nurse on site five days per week.? Please notify the school about any health issues that your child is having or any medications that need to be administered.? The school nurse, office, and nutrition staff keeps track of any allergies. It is important to notify us of any allergies.?Physical ExaminationState law requires a physical exam for every child prior to entrance to P.S. / I.S. 178.? Parents/guardians must have the physical examination form complete and signed by their child’s pediatrician.? Forms must be on file in the school. All immunizations must be up to date.?HomeworkThe best use of time to practice skills outside of school is when students can further develop their interests and curiosity. When students read everyday they are able to practice important skills and unpack texts across different genres. At times, students may be assigned a group project where they will collaborate with their peers to produce a group project.? Other times, students may be assigned an independent project. Homework is an additional opportunity for children to continue growing verbally, socially and academically and therefore will be designed to support that level of growth and engagement. PS/IS 178 also has a “no-homework on Fridays” policy as we value family time and strongly believe children and families need this time to process what they’ve learned during the week and engage in rich conversations.?Honor Rolls Honor rolls are posted outside of the main office two times a year.??Elementary School Honor Roll-Principal’s Honor Roll A student must have a level 3.7 and above on all subjects on the report card for the respective marking period in order to be eligible.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-Academic Honor Roll ? A student must have a level 3.0 – 3.69 on all subjects on the report card for the respective marking period in order to be eligible.? ? ? ? ? ? Middle School Honor Roll (Grades 6-8)-Principal’s Honor Roll A student must have a 94% and above cumulative average on his/her report card for the respective marking period and at least an S in behavior in all subjects. ? ? ? ? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-Academic Honor Roll ?A student must have an 85% - 93.9% cumulative average on his/her report card for the respective marking period and at least an S in behavior in all subjects.?HoursRegular Hours: Pre-K - Kindergarten-8:00 AM – 2:15 PM Grade 1- 8: 8:00 AM – 2:20 PM Monday through Friday?I?ImmunizationsSee Health?Individual Education Plan (IEP)A plan used to address the needs of identified students with disabilities.??Interim Assessments or Periodic Assessments?Assessment designed to provide specific ongoing feedback about what your child is learning and the areas of strength and of improvement.? The purpose of this tool is to provide appropriate instruction so that all children will reach standards. See NYC Periodic Assessments.?Interim ReportsDuring any of the first three marking periods, should there be unsatisfactory performance in any subject area, a “Promotion in Doubt” letter will be sent home with the student for a parental signature. This letter will indicate the subject(s) in which the weakness occurs. Parents will be invited to contact the teacher for more information.? The guidance counselor or another school assessment team member may also become involved.JKL?Lateness to SchoolAfter 8:00 AM students must report to the main office where they will receive a late pass. The Avon Rd. door will be locked at 8:05 AM.? Please use the main door on Radnor Rd. after 8:05 AM. Lateness is a part of the student’s permanent record. Contact with the home will be made via School Messenger (calls, texts, & e-mail through pupilpath). The attendance coordinator will review lateness and maintain data. Repeated lateness to school will result in further administrative action.?Lost and FoundLost articles are stored in the back of the cafeteria.? Every Friday these items will be donated.?Lunch ProgramNYCDOE now provides free lunch for all students.? However, the school lunch forms handed out in September still must need to be completed, signed, and returned to school. Failure to do so may have negative impacts on the school’s federal funding.? Students may bring lunch from home in the morning or receive a school lunch.Hot drinks,Soda, glass bottles, and candy are not permitted at lunch. Lunch deliveries are not permitted on a daily basis. Parents/Guardians should not bring lunch to the main office on a daily basis; but rather plan ahead as lunch drop offs cause disruptions throughout the day.??M?Math AssessmentSee NYS Math Assessment?Math TeamsStudents meet once a week to prepare for various competitions throughout NYC.? ??Medical Occurrences and MedicationSee Health?Meet the Staff Night“Meet the Staff Night” takes place one evening in September.? Parents/Guardians are encouraged to participate. You will learn all about the school’s and teacher’s expectations for your child.? You will also receive beneficial information on school wide goals, new programs, and meet new staff members.??Metro CardsStudents who need public transportation may apply for and receive a half-fare or reduced fare metrocard. Contact the main office for a metro card.? Students must live a certain distance from the school to be eligible for these cards. The distance from the school is determined by the Office of Pupil Transportation.? The school has no say in this matter. Students who lose their metro cards will not be given a replacement card for the remainder of the month. The parents are responsible for paying the bus fare or transporting the child to school.? Students who misbehave on the bus or who lend their metro card to another student will have their card confiscated. They also may be suspended from the bus for a period of time.N?No Place for HateNo Place for Hate? is designed to create inclusive school communities by promoting unity and respect, and empowering schools to reduce bullying, name-calling and other expressions of bias. In compliance with the New York State Dignity Act, No Place for Hate offers schools the opportunity to be recognized for their staff development and student training related to bullying, harassment and discrimination. Schools that fulfill all requirements receive recognition and a personalized No Place for Hate banner at the end of the school year. Notes? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Write a brief note via email or hand written to your child’s teacher to stay in touch about issues that concern your child. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Nurse?See HEALTH.NYC Periodic Assessments & Teacher’s College Assessments? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? In grades 3-8: Periodic assessments measure skills commonly taught within specific instructional guidelines.? Teachers will distribute information regarding performance levels on these assessments, which are used to inform instruction.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????NYC Schools Account You have a new way to access key information about your child’s progress in school. With a NYC Schools account, you will be able to view your child’s attendance, grades, and contact information in one of ten languages on a computer, phone, or tablet. ? Register online for your NYC Schools account at to view your child’s attendance, grades, and contact information.? Available in August, are your child’s most recent state test scores. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????New York State ELA Assessment All students in grades three – eight will take a 3-day English Language Arts assessment. The assessment measures reading comprehension through multiple choice and constructed written response.? The multiple choice section assesses a student’s comprehension of various reading passages, articles, poems, and nonfiction texts. ?For guidelines regarding the NYS ELA assessment, please visit New York State Math Assessment All students in grades 3-7 will take a 3-day math assessment. The math assessment includes problem solving and computation. See websites under NYS ELA Assessment for more information about the state assessment. NYS Regents The Holliswood School offers the Living Environment and Integrated Algebra Regents to all eighth grade students who have completed the necessary lab hours and course work.The Spanish Proficiency Exam is also offered to every eighth grade student.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NYS Science Assessment ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Students in grades four and eight will take the state science assessment.? This assessment is comprised of multiple choice, open-ended questions, and a performance section based on lab experiments. It is timed and presented in several sections.? The material covered is based on the NYS approved standards.? See websites under NYS Assessments for more information about the state science assessment. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?NYSESLAT (NYS English as a New Language)? ? ? ? ? ? An assessment that identifies the skills ELL students have mastered as they become proficient in English?O/P?Parent Coordinator (PC)The parent coordinator is responsible for encouraging and promoting active involvement by parents in their children’s education.? The PC is an important first point of contact for parents at their child’s school. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please contact the parent coordinator for parent information, reading materials, and other available resources.? The PC is available during school hours and can be reached at the school number.??Parent Teacher Association (PTA)PS/IS 178 has a very active PTA.? They run various fundraisers during the school year. Book fairs, and picture day are other services provided by the PTA.? Contact them at PTAofPSIS178Q@.??PartiesTeachers will notify students and parents about special events and parties that their classes have scheduled.? If your child would like to celebrate his/her birthday with the class, please make arrangements with the teacher in advance.? To the extent possible, all students with the same birth month will celebrate their birthdays on the last Friday of the month. The teacher will have to plan in accordance with the school calendar. ? Parents/guardians should provide juice boxes and an individually wrapped cupcake, munchkin or cookie for each child (no foods requiring cutting are permitted - this includes sheet cakes). Siblings will not be allowed to attend birthday parties at school. Please note that hiring companies for entertainment is not allowed. Candy, gum, toys, and goody bags are not permitted and will not be distributed. We are encouraging parents/guardians to opt for a healthy alternative.?Performing Arts Programs ArtOur students have the opportunity to choose a specialization in 3d Design, Fashion, Cartooning and Animation, Photography, or Fine Art.? Our students have earned international recognition through the Artsonia Online Museum Program. This year our third and fourth grade students participated in an afterschool art residency with CASA.-DanceStudents audition and are selected for the Holliswood Dance Program.? This group performs for school assemblies and numerous off campus events.-TheaterOur program is designed to allow our children to thrive in an environment of creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, self-expression, and above all the learning of theatrical and drama-centered skill-sets.? The theater program immerses children in the art of storytelling and dramatization while building communication skills, self-confidence, and empathy for all differences. We listen, create, express, sing, play, and dance together to understand a huge variety of theatrical concepts.? The Theater program also explores various theater-based careers and careers that include drama and communications skills-TechnologyThe students have the opportunity to work closely with our technology specialist within our computer facility.? They build websites and learn advanced programs such as Dreamweaver and Flash, robotics, coding, as well as various programs within Microsoft Office and other application-Vocal MusicGrade 3-8 students may audition for the 178 Chorus (which is part of the Young People’s Chorus of NYC).? Over the past few years, our students performed at Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, the Apollo Theater, and the 92nd Street Y.? Middle school students have also received scholarships to continue during weekends and after school with YPC.Third Street Music ProgramStudents in grades PK-5 have the opportunity to work with music teachers from our partnership with the Third Street Music Program; sessions take place during the school day. ?Peer Mediation ProgramPS/IS 178 is part of the NYC Commission on Human Rights Peer Mediation Program.? This program recognizes that students understand the conflicts of their peers better than adults. Selected students in grades six through eight, and several staff members were trained to mediate student conflicts.? As a result, we have seen a decrease in the number of student disciplinary incidents. We will continue our peer mediation program with previously trained seventh and eighth grade students. Recruitment of new students will take place in the fall.? Parents/Guardians will receive an informative letter about how the Holliswood School Peer Mediation Program works.?Permission to be photographedAll students must have a signed NYC Permission to be Photographed form on file at the school each year. Your child’s picture will not appear in the school yearbook if this form is not on file at the beginning of the school year.?Phone Calls HomeStudent phone calls home will be limited.? A phone call home during the day should be for emergencies, such as a change in your child’s schedule that will effect travel arrangements.? Students should not be calling for homework or other items that they left at home. If your child is sick at school, the nurse will call you.? If it is learned that a student used a cell phone to call home, the cell phone will be confiscated. See the cell phone policy.Physical EducationStudents will participate in physical education. The NYCDOE utilizes Fitnessgram assessments to assess a student’s level of physical fitness.? Fitnessgram assessments include a height/weight component, tests student’s coordination and abilities in certain sports. On gym days, sneakers and comfortable clothing should be worn. Participation in physical education is expected unless a doctor’s note is submitted.?PlannersStudents in grades 3-8 are highly recommended to purchase a planner.? This will help students with their organizational skills.? For your convenience, school planners are sold at the school; however, you may use any other planner if you wish.?PlaygroundOnce students are dismissed, parents/guardians are responsible for supervising their children on any of the playground equipment.? School day playground rules will remain in effect. The playground will be locked at a designated time each day.?Pre-KindergartenP.S. / I.S. 178 provides a full day pre-kindergarten program from 8:00 AM – 2:15 PM Monday through Friday.???Promotion PolicyIf a student in grades 3-8 does not demonstrate sufficient progress toward attaining NYS Learning Standards, the school shall compile a promotion portfolio. If the principal determines that the student’s promotion portfolio demonstrates that the student has attained minimum promotion benchmarks, the student shall be promoted in June and, conversely, if the promotion portfolio demonstrates that the student has not achieved minimum promotion benchmarks as defined in DOE-issued guidance, the student shall not be promoted and shall be recommended for summer school. The principal shall share this decision with the parents.Q/R?Read AloudFamilies are encouraged to read a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts together to foster communication, build vocabulary, critical thinking, and enhance a child’s comprehension skills.??Reading LevelsDuring the school year, students’ reading levels are assessed a minimum of four times per year.? This ensures that your child is reading appropriate books. Teachers review this procedure with students and inform students of their independent reading levels.? Students are then grouped based on their reading levels during small group literacy instruction. Parents/Guardians should know their child’s reading level.?RecessLunchtime recess takes place in the schoolyard.? When there is inclement weather, students may be in the auditorium, gym, or library as scheduling permits. Unless there is medical documentation, students are not exempt from recess.? As quoted, “Because children benefit from vigorous exercise, they should be given the opportunity to play outside whenever possible. Unless it is snowing or there is ice on the playground, low temperatures should not be a barrier to outside play, as long as children are appropriately dressed. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene strongly encourages principals to maintain outdoor play periods on the vast majority of winter days.” (NYC Department of Education Wellness Policy)?RegentsSee NYS Regents.?Religious Education Release TimeRelease time is on Wednesdays.? Notes signed by a parent/guardian should be on file at the school if your child will be leaving early.? If you pick up your child for release time, you must sign out your child in the office. Please notify classroom teachers and/or the main office if changes are made to a child’s schedule, i.e. the child will not attend religious instruction.?Report CardsReport cards will be distributed three times per year in grades K-5 and four times per year 6-8. Interim progress reports are also distributed.?Reporting of Incidents and Special ProblemsSafety is our first concern. If a student is having a problem with another child, he/she shouldn’t get involved in an oral battle or a physical fight and should not enlist the aid of any of his/her friends or classmates. He/she should walk away and seek help from any adult in the school.? If the student is unable to safely resolve the conflict and/or feels scared or threatened; here is a list of the adults in the school who can help: Teacher, Dean, School Counselor, Social Worker, Paraprofessional, Parent Coordinator, Assistant Principal, Principal, and School Safety Agent.Five R’s (Reporting and Investigation Procedure)Step 1: Report (Verbal Reporting & Written Incident Report)Step 2: Research (4 Areas of the Investigation Process)Step 3: Results (Founded or unfounded)Step 4: Response (How to provide appropriate notifications)Step 5: Resolutions (Sequence of Interventions-Bully & Bullied)Failure to report a possible problem to school authorities may lead to disciplinary action including notification of parents.?Respect for AllPS/IS 178Q is committed to cultivating a safe and supportive learning environment that is free from harassment, intimidation, bullying/cyber-bullying, and from discrimination based on actual or perceived race, color, citizenship/immigration status, religion, creed, national origin, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or weight. Speak to everyone politely and respectfully.? Never use hurtful language. In accordance with Chancellor’s Regulations, students will be reprimanded if committing any disciplinary infraction, which may include detention or suspension.?Responsive Classroom?Responsive Classroom approach is an evidence-based approach to elementary and middle school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning (SEL). ? It is associated with higher academic achievement in math and reading, improved school climate, and higher- quality instruction.? For more information on Responsive Classroom, please visit – Cross where crossing guards are stationed (188th St. and Avon Rd.).Cars - Do not Double Park. Do not make U-turns.? Enter and exit your car on the sidewalk side of the street.? The NYPD will issue tickets to anyone who is violating traffic laws.?School Assessment Team (SAT)-DeanThe dean will conduct disciplinary actions involving students, as per the CITYWIDE BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS: Student Intervention and Discipline Code. Parents/Guardians will receive communication if your child is involved in a disciplinary action. You may contact our dean at?? (718) 464-5763 x2075.-PsychologistThe school psychologist provides guidance to families on available services.? The psychologist evaluates prospective students who are eligible for an individualized education plan (IEP).?-School CounselorOur school counselor is an integral part of a child’s education. Our school counselor provides personal and academic support. She provides mandated and at-risk services to students.? School Counselors are also the points of contact for articulation into high school.-Social WorkerThe school social worker is available for at-risk or mandated counseling services, and can address any of your concerns pertaining to your child’s well-being.-SIT/Special Education CoordinatorThe School Implementation Team (SIT) and Special Education Coordinator oversees students’ IEP’s and facilitates Special Education Programs and processes. You may contact her through the main office ? ? ? ? ? 718-464-5763.??School Leadership Team (SLT)This is a committee comprised of administration, teachers, staff, and parents.? The team meets monthly to discuss academic, safety, and social needs of the school community as they relate to the CEP (Comprehensive Education Plan).? Meetings are open to all. However, only members of the team may speak unless you are recognized by the chairperson. Meeting minutes are displayed on the parent bulletin board in the lobby or can be accessed through your PTA representative.?School Messenger Phone SystemThis is an avenue of communication that will be used to contact families about upcoming events, school schedule changes, attendance, and emergencies at the telephone number, cell number, and e-mail address designated on the current blue emergency card on file in the main office.?School Phone NumberPhone: 718-464-5763?School Safety Agents (SSA)Any person who needs to enter the school must do so through the main entrance on Radnor Rd.? As required by law, all visitors must sign in at the security desk before being permitted to enter.? Current photo identification must be shown. Visitors and school staff must exit through Radnor Road as well.? (SSAs are NYPD officers)?School Social MediaWebsiteOur main avenue of communication is the school website .? You will find the school calendar, menus, and all important information on the website. Twitter @ PSIS178Sending Money to SchoolAlways send money (cash/checks) to school in a sealed envelope, clearly labeled with your child’s name and class, the amount, and purpose.? Checks must be made out to PS/IS 178Q.?ServiceThere are many opportunities for school service.? The students help in the morning at line up, at lunchtime, dismissal, and in the office.? Grade 6-8 students may do both school service and outside service. Grade 6 is required to do 5 hours of inside school service.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Grade 7 students are required to do 10 hours of inside school service.? Grade 8 students are required to do 15 hours of inside school service. They will receive service credit on their record which will go on to high school and will also be used to determine service awards and National Junior Honor Society eligibility.?Showcase School?The Showcase Schools program is designed to recognize, celebrate, and share promising practices across New York City Department of Education schools by providing innovative professional development for educators by educators. With support from the Showcase Team, Showcase schools design and host visits that are active, transformational learning experiences to expose visitors to promising practices and the conditions that help those practices thrive.PS/IS 178Q was identified as a Showcase School for the 2018-2019 school year highlighting our practices in early childhood development and education with a primary focus in our Pre-K and Kinder classes.?Spanish Proficiency AssessmentHolliswood students will have the opportunity to take the Spanish Proficiency Assessment in Grade 8.? This exam assesses all forms of communication in the Spanish language, such as: speaking, listening, reading and writing.?Spring Performing Arts FestivalFamilies are invited to an outstanding evening event.? Our talented students entertain the audience with amazing performances.?STEMSTEM is an acronym for the four disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM includes both formal (classroom) instruction and informal (afterschool) education across all grade levels (Pre-K-12). ?STEM education involves the study of science and mathematics, and the meaningful integration of technology and engineering to provide opportunities for innovative problem solving. Using the engineering design process, students identify problems, develop and test possible solutions, and ultimately reach a solution. The integration of mathematics, science, and engineering practices used in conjunction with digital literacy will help students recognize and utilize the variety of perspectives that may be tapped into to help unravel complex inquiries.???Student Advisory GroupsStudents in grades 6-8 will meet in an advisory group one period per week.? Each official class will be assigned an advisor. Advisors will be conducting planned lessons. The school counselors will also address groups. An elementary advisory for students in grades 3-5 has been piloted and is in its second year.???Student CouncilStudents in grades 4-8 are invited to participate in the Student Council.? In early fall, nominations are made to the Student Council. The Student Council sponsors the school talent show and leads the school’s recycling club, runs a school store, and numerous fundraising drives for the school. ? For information about the Student Council, please contact the Student Council Advisor.?Student GoalsEvery Holliswood student will periodically receive student goals from their classroom teacher.? As your child meets his/her goals they will change. Parents/Guardians should know their child’s individual goals and have conversation about goals with their child.? If you have any questions, please contact the teacher immediately.?Student-Led ConferencesParents/guardians are invited to participate in four conferences (which include Meet the Staff Night in the fall and a session in May). We will continue having student led conferences; which have been so successful in the last few year. .Parents may schedule an appointment using doodle link.? If you are unable to keep the appointment, please arrange with the teacher a more convenient date and time.? Please be mindful that you are only allotted a short time. If you have further concerns that are not addressed at the conference, schedule another appointment.?Support StaffP.S. / I.S. 178 provides the following support services for our students:? AIS, speech, hearing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, adaptive physical education, reading specialist, social worker, school counselor, school psychologist, ELL, and SETSS.? Additionally, the school has a Response to Intervention Team (RTI) to support students who are at risk of not meeting standards.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????T?Therapeutic Crisis Intervention in Schools (TCIS)Therapeutic Crisis Intervention in Schools was developed by Cornell University. The training begins with a review of Chancellor’s Regulation A-411 Behavioral Crisis De-escalation, including table-top behavioral crisis case scenario discussions.? Throughout the training, participants actively engage in:Learning co-regulation skills and strategies.??Proactively preventing and/or de-escalating potential behavioral crises with studentsSafely and therapeutically manage crisis situationsBe able to process with students to help improve coping strategies ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?????Technology Program???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Our technology program is a model for other schools in the city. All students are exposed to technology both in the computer lab and in the classroom.? Laptops, iPads, and Smart Boards are available to students in the school. Students will create PowerPoint presentations, computer animation, illustrations, and some students create their own websites.? In addition to learning Microsoft Office, students use advanced programs such as Robotics, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, and Coding.???????????????????????????????????????Textbooks and Software?Students are responsible for covering all textbooks. If your child loses or damages a textbook or CD you will be asked to pay for the book or CD and the report card may not be distributed.? Please contact your child’s teacher to be current on the teacher’s textbook policy.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Translation Service? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Translation services are available at the school. Please contact your parent coordinator. Traveling FolderEach student should have a folder that is designated for carrying information between home and school. Have your child carry this folder to and from school each day to ensure that notices, trip information, report cards, letters, etc., reach their destinations.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Trips? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Most trips are curriculum-centered. Permission slips signed by a parent/guardian are required prior to going on a trip.? Students cannot call their parents/guardians on the day of the trip to obtain permission.? Parents/Guardians will be informed of the trip location, hours, and any cost involved. School shirts should be worn the day of the trip to allow for easy identification. ? Students may be excluded from the trip by the Principal, in accordance with the current NYC Department of Education Discipline Code. This is done for the safety of all other students on the trip.? These students should, however, report to school on the day of the trip.?UV?VolunteeringParents are encouraged to volunteer at the school.? If you are interested, please contact the parent coordinator or the PTA.?W?WebsitesThe following websites contain valuable information for parents/guardians:The next generation standards: NY: NYC Department of Education: schoolsTo register for alerts, families can visit to sign up for Notify NYC or call 311.NYC Schools Account: Register online for your NYC Schools account to view your child’s attendance, grades, and contact information.? School Website: ?XYZ?YearbookP.S. / I.S. 178 has a school yearbook.? Included are class pictures, special events of the year, as well as written work and other photographs.? Be sure to order early. Your child must have a signed permission to be photographed on file. ?Young People’s Chorus (YPC) is an internationally acclaimed children's chorus based in NYC. The Young People's Chorus (YPC) provides children of all ethnic, religious and economic backgrounds with a unique program of music education and choral performance, while maintaining a model of artistic excellence and humanity that enriches the community. Holliswood students in grades 3-5 are proud to be a part of this chorus. ................

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