Instructor Information

?Intro to Engineering Design and Leadership535559075565Instructor InformationRoger Gonzalez, PhDrvgonzalez@utep.eduAlondra Martinezaimartinez3@miners.utep.eduCesar CaraveoCacaraveo2@miners.utep.eduZachary Chanoizchanoi@miners.utep.eduGrading CriteriaHomework 15%Notebook 20%Quizzes 15%Class Participation 10%Project 1 20%Project 2 20%2860083600Instructor InformationRoger Gonzalez, PhDrvgonzalez@utep.eduAlondra Martinezaimartinez3@miners.utep.eduCesar CaraveoCacaraveo2@miners.utep.eduZachary Chanoizchanoi@miners.utep.eduGrading CriteriaHomework 15%Notebook 20%Quizzes 15%Class Participation 10%Project 1 20%Project 2 20%Design NatureEL 1302Tuesday and Thursday 3:00 pm – 4:50 pmRoom C101In this course, we will take nature, an important source of inspiration and understanding, as a theme and develop bio-inspired ideas into functional prototypes. Our focus is on the general principles and methods that shape the practice of engineering design. Students complete individual and team projects in a studio environment where we seek to develop a shared practice and understanding of engineering design. Students also gain experience in visualization, experimentation, estimation, fabrication, and presentation as they relate to designing. Please note that this class is fast paced, thus it requires time management and organization in order to stay on top of assignments.1. Learn elements of and management of an engineering design process with an emphasis on taking ideas through to functional prototypes.2. Experience the excitement, breadth and power of engineering design.3. Learn methods supporting common design activities such as generation, evaluation and selection.Course MaterialsRequired Software:Google DocumentsAutodesk InventorRequired TextsGood to Great, Jim CollinsLeadership: Theory and Practice 7th Edition, Peter G. NorthhouseOvercoming The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick LencioniWhat Every Engineer Should Know about Accounting and Finance Field Guide, Jae ShimAdditional Materials: In addition to the materials described above, you must allocate $15 dollars for use in the second half of the semester. We will also be providing you with academic papers to read as well as additional instructional materials.AttendanceAttendance is mandatory in this course. If you are tardy or absent for a total of three unexcused times you will be dropped from the course. Disability If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, please contact The Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS) at 747-5148, or by email to, or visit their office located in UTEP Union East, Room 106. For additional information, please visit the CASS website at Integrity The instructors expect a commitment to truthfulness, honor and responsibility, without which you cannot earn the trust and respect of others. Therefore, we will not tolerate plagiarism, lying, cheating, or stealing in any form. Collaboration is encouraged, however, representing other’s work as your own will not be tolerated.Grading RubricsEngineering Notebook (Will be graded twice during semester each time is worth 10% of your final grade) Excellent (3)Competent (2)Needs Work (1)Not Present (0)Project 1Project 2Notes/HomeworkOrganizationHomework0-+Assignment was not turned inAssignment did not meet standardsAssignment met standardsAssignment exceeded standardsMimic– Project 1 Grading Rubric:Group – Project 2 Game Play (30%) - Grading Rubric:Group – Project 2 Final Presentation (70%) - Grading Rubric:Course Tentative Calendar ?ConceptDate Class ContentDue before classDue in classHomeworkWeek 1 Biomimicry1/22/2019?Syllabus ReviewClass and Personal Goals?Good to Great Chapter One ?Course IntroductionBiomimicry Homework??Course Contract (HW)?Project Descriptions???Student Goals (HW)1/24/2019?Good to Great Chapter 1 (Quiz)Good to Great Chapter 1Group Design Activity?Google Document?Basic Engineering Design ProcessCourse ContractShare Google Document w/ TAs?Case Study 12.1 (HW)?Journaling and DocumentationStudent Goals???Hopper Examples???Week 2Prototyping1/29/2019?Leadership Case Study 12.1Leadership Case Study 12.11 sketch of method of motion/ propulsion in notebooks and mechanical representation?Good to Great Chapter Two ?The physics of motion, propulsion, and examples in nature?Project Goal Contract?5 methods of motion/propulsion in notebooks and mechanical representations ?Intro to 3D animation???1/31/2019?Good to Great Chapter Two (Quiz)Good to Great Chapter TwoGoals for Project Reviewed?Leadership Case Study 12.2?Energy and energy transferred explainedProject GoalsPeer review of at least 3 peer designs?3 revised sketches (HW)?Sketches peer reviewed5 Sketches??Week 3Simulation2/5/2019?Leadership Case Study 12.2Leadership Case Study 12.2?25% of 3D model complete ?Good to Great Chapter Three?Rapid Prototype Review3 Revised Sketchs Turned in on BB (HW)??3D Model?Intro to 3D Printing???Rapid Prototypes????2/7/2019?Good to Great Chapter 3Good to Great Chapter 3?Practice Simulation?Simulation of Rocket (HW)?Intro to Simulation?Project goals revised?Case Study 12.3 ?Energy and Energy Transferred Explained???Rapid PrototypesWeek 4Rapid Prototypes2/12/2019?Leadership Case Study 12.3Leadership Case Study 12.3?Revised Prototype?Simulation of 3D Inventor model??Sketch Model Presentation?3 Rapid Prototyping on YouTubePeer Review of Sketch Models ?1 Revised Sketch Model Video on YouTube?TA reviewSimulationCAD model and Simulation?Good to Great Chapter Four 2/14/2019?Good to Great Chapter 4Good to Great Quiz Chapter 480% of Inventor Simulation Complete ?Leadership Case Study 14.1?Studio timeSketch Model Video Review on YouTube?(HW)?Inventor Simulation on YouTube Channel?(HW)?Sketch Model Video Reviews??????Week 5Design Iteration2/19/2019?Leadership Case Study 14.1Leadership Case studyFunctioning Prototype?Good to Great Chapter Five ?Studio timeInventor Simulation?on YouTube (HW)??2/21/2019?Good to Great Chapter 5Good to Great Chapter Five ??Leadership Case Study 14.2??Studio time???Week 6Design Iteration Refinement2/26/2019?Leadership Case Study 14.2Leadership Case Study 14.2??Good to Great Chapter 6 ?Studio Time???2/28/2019?Good to Great Chapter 6Good to Great Quiz Chapter 6???Studio Time???Week 7Technical Presentations3/5/2019????3/7/2019?????ConceptDate Class ContentDue before classDue in classHomeworkWeek 8Target Audience Research3/12/2019?PhysicsPhysics??Good to Great Chapter Seven????????3/14/2019?Good to Great Chapter Seven QuizGood to Great Chapter 7Studio Time?Research Behind Target Audience?Assign Teams 3 Game Ideas??Case Study on Engineering Design (Counts as 3 Homework grades)?????Case Study 14.3????Read Chapter One of What Every Engineer Should Know About Finance and AccountingWeek 9Spring BreakWeek 10Brainstorming3/26/2019?Target Audience PresentationsResearch Behind Target Audience3 Game Ideas ?Good to Great Chapter Eight?Case Study 14.3 Case Study 14.3??Case Study on Engineering Design??Chapter One of What Every Engineer Should Know About Finance and Accounting QUIZRead Chapter One of What Every Engineer Should Know About Finance and Accounting?3/28/2019?Good to Great Chapter Eight (Quiz)?Good to Great Chapter 8?How will Bioinspiration be included in your game?Leadership Assignment Self-Assessment 12 (HW)?Bio-Inspiration???Finalized Game Idea????Read Chapter Two of What Every Engineer Should Know About Finance and AccountingWeek 11Company Image/Physics4/2/2019?Team Presentations Finalized Game Idea and How it Will Be Bio-InspiredFinalized Game Idea and How it Will Be Bio-Inspired (Participation)Company Logo?Good to Great Chapter Nine?Company Logo?Game Slogan?Team Name?Leadership Chapter 12 Self AssessmentsLeadership Assignment?4/4/2019?Good to Great Chapter Nine (Quiz)Logo, Name and Slogan Due on BB (HW)Hopper Physics Mapped Out?Physics ?Physics???Week 12Packaging/Game Instructions4/9/2019?Team Presentations on Game PhysicsGame Physics (Participation)Sketch of Packaging ?Good to Great Essay?Packaging Presentation given by TAs???Packaging?Chapter Two of What Every Engineer Should Know About Finance and Accounting QUIZ???Commercial4/11/2019?Team Presentations on Packaging?Packaging Presentation (Participation)Group Activity?Game Instructions?Instructions Activity???Leadership Assignment Self-Assessment 14 (HW)??????Week 13Marketing Plan 4/16/2019?Teams Presentations on Game InstructionsGame Instructions (Presentation) and due on BB (HW)??Marketing Plan ?Leadership Chapter 14 Self Assessments????Marketing Plan Presentation Given By TAs???4/18/2019?Finance over their game presentations???Week 14Game Building4/23/2019?Teams Presentations on Marketing PlansGood to Great EssayWork on editing commercials?????4/25/2019?Finance assignment due???Week 15Final Stretch4/30/2019?Commercials Watched in ClassCommercials Uploaded to YouTube?Final Presentation5/2/2019No ClassWeek 16Game Play5/7/2019Games of bottom three teams will be played (ALL Games Due)5/9/2019Games of top three teams will be played?Final Presentation will take place on time and date of the final ................

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