
-95415-516835Department of History – 2019 ScholarshipsThrough the generosity of donors, the History Department is pleased to distribute over $50,000 worth of scholarships and awards to outstanding students each spring.Applicants must be History majors or History master’s students. ?Applying for scholarships- There is one application for all scholarships (.docx), and faculty may also nominate students for scholarships. Please see the descriptions below for more information about each of the different awards. All applications require a statement of purpose and two letters of recommendation from CSUN faculty, and some scholarships and awards may require additional materials. All application materials must be received by email at history@csun.edu or in hard copy at the History Department Office, Attention: Scholarship Committee, Sierra Tower 610 by 4:30pm, Monday March 25, 2019. No late applications will be considered.Students should be aware that the amount of the awards is credited towards the student’s CSUN tuition and fees.Please read Tips on Asking for Recommendations and General Advice for Writing Letters of Application or Personal Statements included at the end of this document.AWARDS - BRIEF DESCRIPTIONSAwards for both Undergraduates and Graduates. Titles link to full descriptions of scholarships.The Baur Scholarships- the Baur Scholarships are given to deserving CSUN History majors and History Master’s students. The award is a credit for at least half of the student’s full CSUN California resident tuition and fees. The Michael Patterson Scholarship- This scholarship is intended to assist a promising History major or History graduate student who is currently enrolled, or who will be enrolled for Fall 2019, either in a credential program through the CSUN College of Education, or in the History Department’s Social Science waiver program. This scholarship consists of a credit towards at least half of the student’s full CSUN California resident tuition and fees.The Ethel Eichenberger Bruce and William John Bruce Memorial Award- This award is given to promising undergraduate or graduate students majoring in History who have completed at least 12 units of coursework at CSUN and who are returning to college after a significant disruption or delay in their collegiate studies.Best Paper Competition-The Department gives awards for outstanding papers by graduates and undergraduates.The Ricci-Lothrop Scholarship- This scholarship is intended to aid a promising CSUN Undergraduate or Graduate student majoring in history with dependent children who is returning to the university following a significant interruption or delay in his or her collegiate study. Jump to full descriptionThe Charles Macune Award- The award is given to an outstanding undergraduate History major or graduate student who has demonstrated excellence in history in a public forum.The Ron Davis Award for US Southern History- This award is given to a student doing original research in Southern US History.The Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship- the Chatsworth Chapter of The National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution is proud to encourage American History students at California State University, Northridge to pursue graduate study in their field by awarding a $500.00 scholarship annually. This year will mark the 9th year this scholarship is awarded to a worthy student who believes the study of American history to be a vitally important part of his/her education.The James Sefton Scholarship- This scholarship is given to a History major or graduate student enrolled in the University’s Department of History program, who has a demonstrated interest in United States political, constitutional, or military history.The Los Angeles City Historical Society Scholarship- This is a $500 scholarship awarded to two outstanding Graduate or Senior Undergraduate students. It includes a free membership to LACHS. Awards for Undergraduate StudentsThe Christine and Albert Zoraster Fellowship- This fellowship is given to a junior or senior with at least 12 units completed at CSUN.The Robert Bailey Memorial Award- This award is given to an outstanding undergraduate upper division History major.David Bullough Memorial Award- The award is given to the undergraduate History major in the graduating class (2018-2019 academic year) with the highest grade point average. Awards for Graduate StudentsThe Rena Vassar Fellowship- This Fellowship is given to a classified graduate student who has great promise, has completed at least 12 units of graduate work at CSUN, and is not in the final semester of his/her graduate program.The Stelck Memorial Award- This award is given to an outstanding graduate student in any of the Department’s post-baccalaureate programs (M.A., 2nd B.A., Credential).AWARDS – FULL DESCRIPTIONS AND APPLICATION REQUIREMENTSAwards for both Undergraduates and GraduatesThe Baur Scholarships The Origins of the Award: These scholarships are provided through the generosity of the late Professor John Baur, who taught in the Department from 1964 until his death from cancer in 1993.The Terms of the Award: This scholarship provides a credit towards at least half of the student’s full CSUN tuition and fees. The number of awards and their value will be determined by the amount of available funds and by the judgment of the Committee regarding the quality of the applications. The award letters will specify the amount of each award. No money will be given directly to the student.Additional Requirements for Applicants: This scholarship may be received only once during the student’s career. The student must be a declared History major.Since the amount of the award is limited to California Resident tuition and fees, the student must indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign students will be based on the fee schedule for California residents.To ensure maximum utilization of available funds, the student must also indicate whether he/she will be a full-time or part-time student during Fall 2019.The Michael Patterson ScholarshipOrigins of the Award: This scholarship is given in memory of the late Professor Michael Patterson, who taught in the Department from 1969 until his death in 1993. He devoted much time and energy to the preparation of students for our credential programs.The Terms of the Award: This scholarship consists of a credit towards at least half of the student’s full CSUN tuition and fees for the Fall semester. This scholarship is intended to assist a promising History major or graduate student who is currently enrolled, or who will be enrolled for Fall, either in a credential program through the CSUN College of Education, or in the History Department’s Social Science waiver program. The number of awards and their value will be determined by the amount of available funds and by the judgment of the Committee regarding the quality of applications. The award letters will specify the amount of each award. No money will be given directly to the student. Additional Requirements for Applicants: The student must also provide documentation of enrollment in, or admission to, the credential program in the CSUN College of Education, or, in the case of the Department’s Social Science Waiver Program, the student must provide written confirmation of advisement and approval by the History faculty member supervising this program.Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.The Ethel Eichenberger Bruce and William John Bruce Memorial AwardOrigins of the Award: These scholarships are provided through the generosity of the Ethel Eichenberger Bruce and William John Bruce Memorial Fund. Terms of the Award: This award is given to promising undergraduate or graduate students majoring in History. Special consideration will be given to students who are returning to college after a significant disruption or delay in their collegiate studies. Students must have completed at least 12 units of coursework at CSUN. The number and amount of awards will be determined by the amount of available funds and by the Committee’s judgment regarding the quality of the applications.Additional Requirements for Applicants: The student’s personal statement should include any information relevant to the explanation of interruption or delay in the student’s collegiate education. Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents. D. Best Paper CompetitionTerms of the Award: The Department gives awards for outstanding papers in two categories:Best Paper written by an Undergraduate History major graduating in the present academic year (2018-2019) in a History course during her or his tenure at CSUN. Best Paper by a Graduate Student in a Graduate Level (500 or above) History course. The paper need not have been written during the 2018-2019 academic year.The amounts of the awards will be determined by available funds and by the judgment of the Awards Committee on the quality of the applications.Additional Requirements for Applicants: Students must submit an unmarked, complete, typed copy of their paper to the Department, either in person or by email to history@csun.edu. The paper MUST be free of all evaluative comments or grades by the supervising faculty member. The paper SHOULD NOT include the student’s name. Instead, the paper SHOULD include at title page with the student’s CSUN ID number, home address, and telephone number. Attached to the paper must also be a statement by the faculty member who supervised it, attesting to the course for which it was written and date it was completed. THIS STATEMENT MUST NOT INCLUDE ANY EVALUATIVE COMMENTS.Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.E.The Ricci-Lothrop ScholarshipThe Origins of the Award: This scholarship was established in the Fall of 2002 in memory of Maria Ricci through the generosity of her daughter, the late Professor Emeritus Gloria Ricci Lothrop, with the assistance of the W.P. Whitsett Foundation.The Terms of the Award: The scholarship is intended to assist a promising student with dependent children who is returning to the university following a significant interruption in his/her college study or delay in beginning collegiate study.The number and amount of the award(s) will be determined by available funds and by the Judgment of the Awards Committee on the quality of the applications. Additional Requirements for Applications: The student’s personal statement must include some explanation about the applicant’s status as a returning student with dependent children, academic experience, and career objectives. Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.F. The Charles Macune AwardThe Origins of the Award: This award is named in honor of Professor Charles Macune in recognition of his devoted service to the Department and the University.Terms of the Award: The award is given to an outstanding undergraduate History major or graduate student, upon nomination by a faculty member and selection by the committee. The student must have demonstrated excellence in at least one of the following areas: 1) presentation of a paper at a professional conference; 2) publication of a journal article; 3) classroom performance; 4) performance as a 694 teaching aide; 5) leader of a student organization.The amount and number of awards will be determined by available funds and the judgment of the Committee on the quality of nominations and applications.Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.G.The Ron Davis Award for US Southern HistoryOrigins of the Award: This award is named in honor of Professor Ronald Davis, a long-time supporter and facilitator of the CSUN history department’s student research program in Natchez Mississippi, and is given by the generosity of his students. Terms of the Award: This award is given to a student doing original research in Southern US history. The amount and number of awards will be determined by available funds and the judgment of the Committee on the quality of applications and nominations.Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.H.The Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship Origins of the Award: This award is given by generosity of the Chatsworth Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Terms of the Award: This award is $500, and is given to a student doing research on the United States before 1865. Additional Requirements for Applicants:The Recipient must be an enrolled student with a clear interest in American History.The Recipient must have upper division status.The Recipient must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.The Recipient must express their good character and leadership goals in their application essay.The applicant must demonstrate financial need.The recipient will visit the Chatsworth Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution at their May 18th meeting to discuss their research.Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.The James Sefton Scholarship Origins of the Award: This award is named after Professor James Sefton in recognition of his long service and teaching in CSUN’s history department and is given by the generosity of his student, Dallas Bethea. Terms of the Award: This award is given to a History major or graduate student enrolled in the University’s Department of History program, who has a demonstrated interest in United States political, constitutional, or military history. The Scholarship recipients will have a record of strong academic performance and the potential for continued intellectual growth.The amount and number of awards will be determined by available funds and the judgment of the Committee on the quality of nominations and applications.Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.J.The Los Angeles City Historical Society ScholarshipOrigins of the Award: This award is given by the generosity of the Los Angeles City Historical Society. Formed in 1976 by local historians Paul de Falla and William Mason, the Los Angeles City Historical Society serves as a resource for Los Angeles history. The Historical Society hosts programs, events, and lectures to introduce members and general audiences of Los Angeles’ rich cultural and geographical landscape. Their mission is to research, study and disseminate knowledge of the rich and diverse multicultural history of the City of Los Angeles, to serve as a resource of historical information, and to assist in the preservation of the City’s historic record.?Terms of the Award: This $500 scholarship is awarded to two outstanding Graduate or Senior Undergraduate students. It includes a free membership to LACHS. An interest in Los Angeles History is preferred but not required.Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.Awards for Undergraduate StudentsK.The Christine and Albert Zoraster FellowshipOrigins of the Award: This award is presented through the generosity of the Zoraster family, long time supporters of the University.Terms of the Award: This Fellowship is given to an outstanding undergraduate History major. The student must be a junior or senior with at least 12 units completed at CSUN.The Fellowship consists of a credit towards the student’s CSUN California Resident tuition and fees. The amount and number of awards will be determined by available funds and the judgment of the Committee on the quality of nominations and applications.Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.L.The Robert Bailey Memorial AwardOrigins of the Award: This award is named in honor of the father of Terry Bailey, a History major who lost his father just as he was graduating from CSUN and preparing for Law School at UC Davis. Terms of the Award: The award is given to an outstanding undergraduate upper division History major.The award consists of a credit towards the student’s CSUN California Resident tuition and fees. The amount and number of awards will be determined by available funds and the judgment of the Committee on the quality of nominations.Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.M.David Bullough Memorial AwardOrigins of the Award: This award is named in honor of the son of the late Emeritus Professor Vern Bullough. His son, David, was killed in an accident in Israel in 1967. Terms of the Award: The award is given to the History major in the undergraduate class of 2019 with the highest grade point average.There are no applications or nominations for this award. The recipient will be determined by the committee from a review of the university records. The amount of the award will be determined by available funds.Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.Awards for Graduate StudentsN.The Rena Vassar FellowshipOrigins of the Award: This award is named in honor of the late Professor Rena Vassar, who taught in the Department from 1965 until her death in 1990. Terms of the Award: This Award is given to a classified graduate student who has great promise, has completed at least 12 units of graduate work at CSUN, and is not in the final semester of his/her graduate program.It consists of a credit towards the student’s CSUN California Resident tuition and fees. The amount and number of awards will be determined by available funds and the judgment of the Committee on the quality of nominations.Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.The Stelck Memorial AwardThe Origins of the Award: This award is named in honor of the parents of the late Emeritus Professor Del Stelck, a founding member of the Department. Terms of the Award: This Award is given to an outstanding graduate student in any of the Department’s post-baccalaureate programs (M.A., 2nd B.A., credential).The amount and number of awards will be determined by available funds and the judgment of the Committee on the quality of nominations.Since the amount of the award is limited to California resident tuition and fees, the student’s application must also indicate his/her university residence classification. Awards to out-of-state or foreign residents will be based on the schedule of fees for California residents.Some tips on asking for recommendationsMost of the awards require students to ask faculty members for recommendations. Students should not hesitate to ask faculty members for recommendations! Faculty want to see students do well and writing recommendations are part of making that happen! But students should bear in mind a few things:Faculty are busy. Make sure that you ask them at least two weeks before the deadline and tell them exactly when the deadline is. A reminder a few days before doesn’t hurt either!Faculty will write better recommendations for students that they know a little bit. Try to ask faculty whom you have met outside of class for office hours or with whom you have worked closely. (It is not a bad idea to make it a policy to visit all your professors outside of class, since you will eventually need a recommendation for something!)It is a good idea to ask in person. It is polite, and many faculty remember faces rather than names, so an email may be mysterious. In addition, an in-person meeting allows your faculty member to ask you any questions that they need to.Try to pick professors in whose class you did well! They cannot say nice things about you if your work was not very good. When you ask, be ready to tell them which award you are applying for, why you have chosen them, and supply your statement of purpose or letter of application. Also, if you have not seen them in awhile, give them some idea of what you have been up to in the meantime. All of this will allow them to write a better letter for you.General Advice for Writing Letters of Application or Personal StatementsEmphasize academic accomplishments and personal characteristics that make you distinct.Tell a compelling story about yourself, your life experiences, and your long-term goals.Provide specific examples illustrating your experiences, accomplishments, and characteristics.If you are applying for an award that identifies certain prerequisites (ex. Ricci-Lothrop), make sure you address them.Be honest. You do not need to lie about or overstate your accomplishments. Proofread! Proofread! Proofread! ................

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