Clerk to the Council: Miss L Tyrrell

c/o Minnows,

Longmeadow Road,

Lympstone, Devon EX8 5LF

Tel: 07890717081

Email: lympstonepc@

26th February 2019

To All Members of the Parish Council

You are summoned to attend a meeting of Lympstone Parish Council, to be held 7.30pm, on Monday 4th March 2019 in the Village Hall. The business to be transacted is set out below. Members of the Public are cordially invited to attend and to speak in the open session.

The agenda and all attachments can be found online at


Miss L Tyrrell

Clerk to the Parish Council


| |Public Session |7.30 |

|1 |Apologies |7.40 |

|2 |Minutes |7.45 |

| |To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 4th February 2019 attached. | |

|3 |To receive any Declarations of Interest |7.50 |

|4 |Clerk’s report (see attachments): |7.55 |


| |Correspondence Received – Wotton Brook | |

| |DADBRF Landmark trees – Suitable sites for landmark trees | |

| |ACTION: | |

| |Grant Application – Lympstone Pre-School and Youth Club (joint application) | |


| |Bank Signatories - New bank signatory form. Future signatories could change | |

| |after elections. | |

| |Nomination forms – Clerk to update Councillors when these are due. | |

| |Purda – The period of time when Cllrs remain out of public domain. | |

| |Finance - Payments / Financial summary / Budget report | |

| |Clerk’s Action List | |

|5 |INFORMATION: Reports from the Chairman, East Devon District Councillors and Devon County Councillors if any. |8.10 |

|6 |ACTION: Planning Applications |8.15 |

| |19/0286/FUL - Construction of detached dwelling at Leighton Cottage. | |

| |19/0353/FUL - Retrospective planning application for changes to the ridge height of the garage roof from that approved within | |

| |planning application 17/0765/FUL at Hillside. | |

| |19/0369/TRE - T1, Oak: Crown raise to give 3m clearance above ground level. T2 , Oak: Crown raise to give 3m clearance above ground | |

| |level. Reduce both sides of split limb by 5m. T3, Lime: Crown raise to give 3m clearance above ground. T4, Lime: Crown raise to give | |

| |3m clearance above ground in Candy’s Field. | |

|7 |INFORMATION: EDDC Planning decisions - See attached list: February 19 |8.25 |

|8 |INFORMATION: Exe Estuary Trail |8.30 |

| |To receive an update on the Exe Estuary Trail. | |

|9 |ACTION: The Workshop, Land Adj Heathfield |8.35 |

| |APPEAL REF: APP/U1105/W/18/3216628 | |

| |To bring to members attention the response received by a member of the public and further response to the Appeal Inspectorate. | |

|10 |ACTION: Pre-School regarding LLA/LCA Money |8.40 |

| |To discuss the options and decide on a solution to Pre-school paying outstanding monies to DCC. | |

|11 |ACTION: Housing Needs Survey |8.45 |

| |Parish Councillors to discuss and decide on the housing need survey. | |

|12 |DISCUSSION: Grounds Maintenance |8.50 |

| |To discuss and agree the grounds maintenance tender changes. | |

|13 |INFORMATION: Reports of Lead Councillor |8.55 |

| |Any reports requiring a decision are attached. | |

| |Facilities and Estates – Cllr Acca and Cllr Atkins | |

| |(Rotated monthly:) | |

| |Communications – Cllr Hilton and Cllr Young (was Herald/Website) Transport, Parking and Planning – Cllr Dimond | |

| |Community – Cllr Atkins, Cllr Clark, Cllr Rogers (was YC/VH/NP/CTCRM) Environment – Cllr Corcos (was | |

| |Flood/Emergency/Allotments) Heritage and Structure – Cllr Rogers and Cllr Clark (was Gulliford/Exe | |

| |Estuary) | |

|14 |DISCUSSION: Matters raised by Councillors |9.00 |

NB Attachments are subject to change

4. Clerks report:

ii) DADBRF Landmark trees.


Dear All,

It was disappointing to receive the news that the Devon Ash Die Back Resilience Forum (DADBRF) had been unsuccessful in the collective Trees Outside Woodlands (TOW) Heritage Lottery funding bid.

However, following a recent LERG (Landscape and Ecological Resilience Group) sub-group meeting, I am pleased to be able to ask you to put forward any suitable sites in your parishes for the planting of a “Landmark Tree”. These trees, one per parish, are being offered by DCC as part of their response to   the spread of Chalara Ash dieback (ADB) in the County, and to mark their commitment to mitigate the environmental impact of the disease. Also, this is one of a suite of practical responses, which includes the promotion of the 3:2:1 tree replacement policy (3 trees for every mature Ash tree removed, 2 trees for every semi-mature tree removed and 1 tree for every small tree removed). As part of the 3:2:1 replacement policy to offset the loss of trees through ADB, there are also trees available to plant in the wider landscape. Further information on ADB can be found here


If you have, know of, or able to suggest suitable sites that would have the landowners consent for tree planting, it is probably best In the first instance to let me know and I will liaise with the relevant parties and DCC. DCC are keen to see some trees planted this planting season (up until the end of March/early April -weather dependent).  However, this is a rolling scheme and extends beyond the immediate planting season, with the objective of planting one  “landmark tree” in every parish in Devon and other trees more generally within the landscape.


I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

David Colman

Senior Arboricultural Officer

East Devon District Council

iii) Grant Application – Lympstone Pre-School and Youth Club (joint application)


|Name of organisation: |

|Lympstone Preschool and Lympstone Youth Club |

|Contact details: |

|07792846555 |

|Vicki.drinkwater@ |

|Please tell us about your organisation. We would like to know what area you cover, who uses your facilities and how often and how your group is |

|run. |

| |

|Preschool operates all year round Monday-Friday’s 8am-6pm providing preschool care and education and also offers a breakfast and after school |

|provision for the primary school |

|Lympstone Youth club offers a weekly evening club for both junior and senior age children within the village – community organisations and groups |

|also operate during weekdays and over weekends |

|Please tell us about the support your organization has in the community and any measures you take to ensure all sections of the community are |

|included in your activities. |

| |

|Open services to all children in the community eligible by age. |

|Please say what you want the money for and how you know there is a need for your activity. |

|If this is to buy equipment, LPC can buy this and donate it to your Group. This is usually more cost effective. |

| |

|We would like to apply for a small grant to purchase a bigger sack trolley to aid the moving of deliveries into the field and buildings as there |

|is no access for vehicles which may need to deliver heavy items |

|If the grant is for a particular project, what is the total cost and where is the balance coming from. |

| |

|No other balance -solely from grant funding |

| |

|We would need a heavier duty sack truck which would range in price between £60-200 |

|Do you have a Constitution? If so, please supply a copy. |

|See attached |

|Accounts. Please supply a copy of your last set of accounts and give details of your current account balance. |

|See attached year end report |

|Policies |

|If your Organisation deals with people, please list the policies you have in place to ensure that they are protected. |

|Full safeguarding and welfare policies as per government requirements and risk assessments of activities and site available on site. |

iv) Bank Signatories - New bank signatory form. Future signatories could change after


v) Nomination forms – Clerk to update Councillors when these are due.

vi) Purda – The period of time when Cllrs remain out of public domain.

vii) Finance - Payments / Financial summary / Budget report

Payments (Feb 2019)

| | | | |

| | | | |

Receipts (Feb 2019)

| | | | |

| | | | |

Financial summary (Feb 2019):

|Balance on 20 January 2019 |£50,233.28 |

|Total Paid In |£ |

|Total Paid Out |£ |

|Balance on 2019 |£ |

Budget Monitoring (Feb 2019):

|Payments | | | |

|Code |Item |Budget |Spent |Balance |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

viii) Clerk’s Action List (Feb 19)

Lympstone Parish Council: Clerks Action List – February 2019

|Month and Minute |Response |Date Actioned |

| |. | |

|Oct – 101 |The Clerk to begin writing risk assessments regarding LPC public shared spaces. |19/02 |

| |10/10/18 – identified areas: The Rag, candy’s Field (inc vehicular access to it), The Green, Burial | |

| |ground, Youth Club. | |

| | | |

|Feb - Public Session |The Clerk speak to Cllr Hilton and remind all working groups to send their reports directly to him as |24/2 |

| |editor of the Herald. | |

|Feb – 182 |The Clerk to email Cllr Acca with a draft sign to be put up in the burial ground requesting parishioners |8/2 |

| |to use the bin now kept in the bin store. | |

|Feb – 182.1 |The Clerk to identify the cost of sport flooring lines on the MUGA. | |

|Feb - 182.4 |The Clerk to notify East Devon Tree Care to begin work. |12/2 |

|Feb – 182.4 |The Clerk to notify Andy Love to put in writing exactly what he will do and give a time frame of when the|12/2 |

| |work will commence and be completed by. | |

|Feb - 182.5 |The Clerk to contact the First Aider and explain that no vehicles are allowed in the field. |12/2 |

|Feb - 182.6 |The Clerk to pay the grant request to Community Transport of £384.44 in April 2019. | |

|Feb - 186 |The Clerk report the sewage outlet discharging in to Wotton Brook information in the Herald. |5/2 |

|Feb - 190 |The Clerk to contact Andy Love and remind him to replace the large gate at the bottom corner of Candy’s |12/2 |

| |Field. | |

|Additional actions: | | |

| |Attended DALC ‘Preparing for elections’ training |7/2 |

| |Arranged a joint Gulliford Meeting for 19/2 |11/2 |

| |Met with Cllr Clark and Cllr Rogers | |

| |Gulliford cemetery wall (ongoing) | |

| |Monthly Defib report |21/1 |

7 EDDC Planning decisions (Feb 19):

18/2743/FUL - Construction of single storey extension at The Workshop, Longmeadow Road. APPROVAL with conditions

18/2869/FUL - Removal of existing front extension and replacement with porch; removal of existing rear single storey extension and replacement with glazed porch; enlarged openings to windows and doors; replacement windows; replacement of roof coverings and installation of dormer and roof windows at Riverside, The Strand. Awaiting

19/0010/FUL – Construction of single storey rear and side extension at Haldon View. Awaiting

19/0081/FUL – Construction of single storey side and rear extensions, dormer window to east elevation, widening of driveway and provision of render to external walls at 3 Birch Road. APPROVAL with conditions

19/0076/FUL - Construction of single storey rear extension including provision of cladding at 3 Barnridge. Awaiting

18/2932/FUL - Construction of detached dwelling at Land South Of Meadowgate, Church Road. Awaiting

19/0091/FUL - Installation of 3 no. rooflights, glazing existing opening and installation of shutter at Strand House. Awaiting



Chairman: Cllr Jenny Clark

Tel 01395 274292


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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