Grant Number: - HUD Exchange

Grant Number: MS0001L4G001910Tax ID Number:?64-0655566DUNS Number:?839128527?SPECIAL COVID-19?AMENDMENT TO THE??FY 2019 CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT???This Amendment?to Grant Agreement is made by and between?the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)?and?Stewpot Community Services. Inc. (the Recipient).?RECITALS???HUD and the Recipient entered into a Grant Agreement, having Grant No.?MS0001L4G001910 (the Grant Agreement).(Recitals?are below. One amendment can include more than one change, such as both a change in budget and adding an eligible activity.?Keep the?recitals that apply to the amendments?you are making and delete the?others. Delete this?paragraph?once you have read and understood it).?? (recitals for adding eligible activities - Delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement to add eligible activities and to shift funds between eligible activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area? and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.?? (recitals for shifting funds from one activity to another without adding eligible activities - delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement?to shift more than 10% from one eligible activity to another?to assist in?the?response to the COVID-19 pandemic.??HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area?and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.??AGREEMENTS?The Grant Agreement is hereby amended as follows:(if eligible activities are being added or funds are being shifted between BLIs include this – delete section if not using)1.(if the recipient is not a sole recipient or UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds for project number MS0001L4G001910 are now allocated as follows: (if the recipient is the sole recipient or an UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds are now allocated as follows: Budget Line ItemsOriginal BudgetChangeAmended Budgeta.Continuum of Care planning activities??b.UFA costs??c.Acquisition??d.Rehabilitation??e.New construction??f.Leasing$0??g.Rental assistance$0??h.Supportive services$0??i.Operating costs$0??j.Homeless Management Information System$118,650??k.Administrative costs?$2,373??l.Relocation costs???m. HPC homelessness prevention activities:????Housing relocation and stabilization services$0 ?$0$0Short-term and medium-term rental assistance$0 ?$0$0?Total Award:$121,023?$121,023?(the rest of this form must appear in all amendments)This Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties as to amendment of the Grant Agreement and will become effective only upon the execution hereof by all parties. The remaining terms of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect.???The parties, on the dates set forth below their respective signatures, hereby execute this Amendment to Grant Agreement, as follows:???UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,?Secretary of Housing and Urban Development??BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)???RECIPIENT?Stewpot Community Services. Inc.?BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)Grant Number: MS0004L4G001912Tax ID Number:?64-0836580DUNS Number:?969615418?SPECIAL COVID-19?AMENDMENT TO THE??FY 2019 CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT???This Amendment?to Grant Agreement is made by and between?the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)?and?Grace House, Inc. (the Recipient).?RECITALS???HUD and the Recipient entered into a Grant Agreement, having Grant No.?MS0004L4G001912 (the Grant Agreement).(Recitals?are below. One amendment can include more than one change, such as both a change in budget and adding an eligible activity.?Keep the?recitals that apply to the amendments?you are making and delete the?others. Delete this?paragraph?once you have read and understood it).?? (recitals for adding eligible activities - Delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement to add eligible activities and to shift funds between eligible activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area? and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.?? (recitals for shifting funds from one activity to another without adding eligible activities - delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement?to shift more than 10% from one eligible activity to another?to assist in?the?response to the COVID-19 pandemic.??HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area?and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.??AGREEMENTS?The Grant Agreement is hereby amended as follows:(if eligible activities are being added or funds are being shifted between BLIs include this – delete section if not using)1.(if the recipient is not a sole recipient or UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds for project number MS0004L4G001912 are now allocated as follows: (if the recipient is the sole recipient or an UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds are now allocated as follows: Budget Line ItemsOriginal BudgetChangeAmended Budgeta.Continuum of Care planning activities??b.UFA costs??c.Acquisition??d.Rehabilitation??e.New construction??f.Leasing$199,290??g.Rental assistance$0??h.Supportive services$103,968??i.Operating costs$118,149??j.Homeless Management Information System$0??k.Administrative costs?$22,855??l.Relocation costs???m. HPC homelessness prevention activities:????Housing relocation and stabilization services$0 ?$0$0Short-term and medium-term rental assistance$0 ?$0$0?Total Award:$444,262?$444,262?(the rest of this form must appear in all amendments)This Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties as to amendment of the Grant Agreement and will become effective only upon the execution hereof by all parties. The remaining terms of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect.???The parties, on the dates set forth below their respective signatures, hereby execute this Amendment to Grant Agreement, as follows:???UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,?Secretary of Housing and Urban Development??BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)???RECIPIENT?Grace House, Inc.?BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)Grant Number: MS0039L4G001908Tax ID Number:?64-0800603DUNS Number:?833206147?SPECIAL COVID-19?AMENDMENT TO THE??FY 2019 CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT???This Amendment?to Grant Agreement is made by and between?the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)?and?New Dimensions Development Foundation, Inc (the Recipient).?RECITALS???HUD and the Recipient entered into a Grant Agreement, having Grant No.?MS0039L4G001908 (the Grant Agreement).(Recitals?are below. One amendment can include more than one change, such as both a change in budget and adding an eligible activity.?Keep the?recitals that apply to the amendments?you are making and delete the?others. Delete this?paragraph?once you have read and understood it).?? (recitals for adding eligible activities - Delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement to add eligible activities and to shift funds between eligible activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area? and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.?? (recitals for shifting funds from one activity to another without adding eligible activities - delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement?to shift more than 10% from one eligible activity to another?to assist in?the?response to the COVID-19 pandemic.??HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area?and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.??AGREEMENTS?The Grant Agreement is hereby amended as follows:(if eligible activities are being added or funds are being shifted between BLIs include this – delete section if not using)1.(if the recipient is not a sole recipient or UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds for project number MS0039L4G001908 are now allocated as follows: (if the recipient is the sole recipient or an UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds are now allocated as follows: Budget Line ItemsOriginal BudgetChangeAmended Budgeta.Continuum of Care planning activities??b.UFA costs??c.Acquisition??d.Rehabilitation??e.New construction??f.Leasing$0??g.Rental assistance$0??h.Supportive services$37,468??i.Operating costs$105,279??j.Homeless Management Information System$0??k.Administrative costs?$6,436??l.Relocation costs???m. HPC homelessness prevention activities:????Housing relocation and stabilization services$0 ?$0$0Short-term and medium-term rental assistance$0 ?$0$0?Total Award:$149,183?$149,183?(the rest of this form must appear in all amendments)This Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties as to amendment of the Grant Agreement and will become effective only upon the execution hereof by all parties. The remaining terms of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect.???The parties, on the dates set forth below their respective signatures, hereby execute this Amendment to Grant Agreement, as follows:???UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,?Secretary of Housing and Urban Development??BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)???RECIPIENT?New Dimensions Development Foundation, Inc?BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)Grant Number: MS0101L4G001901Tax ID Number:?64-0655566DUNS Number:?839128527?SPECIAL COVID-19?AMENDMENT TO THE??FY 2019 CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT???This Amendment?to Grant Agreement is made by and between?the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)?and?Stewpot Community Services. Inc. (the Recipient).?RECITALS???HUD and the Recipient entered into a Grant Agreement, having Grant No.?MS0101L4G001901 (the Grant Agreement).(Recitals?are below. One amendment can include more than one change, such as both a change in budget and adding an eligible activity.?Keep the?recitals that apply to the amendments?you are making and delete the?others. Delete this?paragraph?once you have read and understood it).?? (recitals for adding eligible activities - Delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement to add eligible activities and to shift funds between eligible activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area? and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.?? (recitals for shifting funds from one activity to another without adding eligible activities - delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement?to shift more than 10% from one eligible activity to another?to assist in?the?response to the COVID-19 pandemic.??HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area?and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.??AGREEMENTS?The Grant Agreement is hereby amended as follows:(if eligible activities are being added or funds are being shifted between BLIs include this – delete section if not using)1.(if the recipient is not a sole recipient or UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds for project number MS0101L4G001901 are now allocated as follows: (if the recipient is the sole recipient or an UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds are now allocated as follows: Budget Line ItemsOriginal BudgetChangeAmended Budgeta.Continuum of Care planning activities??b.UFA costs??c.Acquisition??d.Rehabilitation??e.New construction??f.Leasing$0??g.Rental assistance$0??h.Supportive services$139,201??i.Operating costs$0??j.Homeless Management Information System$0??k.Administrative costs?$13,800??l.Relocation costs???m. HPC homelessness prevention activities:????Housing relocation and stabilization services$0 ?$0$0Short-term and medium-term rental assistance$0 ?$0$0?Total Award:$153,001?$153,001?(the rest of this form must appear in all amendments)This Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties as to amendment of the Grant Agreement and will become effective only upon the execution hereof by all parties. The remaining terms of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect.???The parties, on the dates set forth below their respective signatures, hereby execute this Amendment to Grant Agreement, as follows:???UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,?Secretary of Housing and Urban Development??BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)???RECIPIENT?Stewpot Community Services. Inc.?BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)Grant Number: MS0106L4G001900Tax ID Number:?64-0655566DUNS Number:?839128527?SPECIAL COVID-19?AMENDMENT TO THE??FY 2019 CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT???This Amendment?to Grant Agreement is made by and between?the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)?and?Stewpot Community Services. Inc. (the Recipient).?RECITALS???HUD and the Recipient entered into a Grant Agreement, having Grant No.?MS0106L4G001900 (the Grant Agreement).(Recitals?are below. One amendment can include more than one change, such as both a change in budget and adding an eligible activity.?Keep the?recitals that apply to the amendments?you are making and delete the?others. Delete this?paragraph?once you have read and understood it).?? (recitals for adding eligible activities - Delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement to add eligible activities and to shift funds between eligible activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area? and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.?? (recitals for shifting funds from one activity to another without adding eligible activities - delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement?to shift more than 10% from one eligible activity to another?to assist in?the?response to the COVID-19 pandemic.??HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area?and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.??AGREEMENTS?The Grant Agreement is hereby amended as follows:(if eligible activities are being added or funds are being shifted between BLIs include this – delete section if not using)1.(if the recipient is not a sole recipient or UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds for project number MS0106L4G001900 are now allocated as follows: (if the recipient is the sole recipient or an UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds are now allocated as follows: Budget Line ItemsOriginal BudgetChangeAmended Budgeta.Continuum of Care planning activities??b.UFA costs??c.Acquisition$0??d.Rehabilitation$0??e.New construction$0??f.Leasing$0??g.Rental assistance$42,636??h.Supportive services$28,000??i.Operating costs$0??j.Homeless Management Information System$0??k.Administrative costs?$7,000??l.Relocation costs???m. HPC homelessness prevention activities:????Housing relocation and stabilization services$0 ?$0$0Short-term and medium-term rental assistance$0 ?$0$0?Total Award:$77,636?$77,636?(the rest of this form must appear in all amendments)This Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties as to amendment of the Grant Agreement and will become effective only upon the execution hereof by all parties. The remaining terms of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect.???The parties, on the dates set forth below their respective signatures, hereby execute this Amendment to Grant Agreement, as follows:???UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,?Secretary of Housing and Urban Development??BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)???RECIPIENT?Stewpot Community Services. Inc.?BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)Grant Number: MS0107L4G001900Tax ID Number:?64-0466850DUNS Number:?119747822?SPECIAL COVID-19?AMENDMENT TO THE??FY 2019 CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT???This Amendment?to Grant Agreement is made by and between?the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)?and?Catholic Charities, Inc. (the Recipient).?RECITALS???HUD and the Recipient entered into a Grant Agreement, having Grant No.?MS0107L4G001900 (the Grant Agreement).(Recitals?are below. One amendment can include more than one change, such as both a change in budget and adding an eligible activity.?Keep the?recitals that apply to the amendments?you are making and delete the?others. Delete this?paragraph?once you have read and understood it).?? (recitals for adding eligible activities - Delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement to add eligible activities and to shift funds between eligible activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area? and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.?? (recitals for shifting funds from one activity to another without adding eligible activities - delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement?to shift more than 10% from one eligible activity to another?to assist in?the?response to the COVID-19 pandemic.??HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area?and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.??AGREEMENTS?The Grant Agreement is hereby amended as follows:(if eligible activities are being added or funds are being shifted between BLIs include this – delete section if not using)1.(if the recipient is not a sole recipient or UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds for project number MS0107L4G001900 are now allocated as follows: (if the recipient is the sole recipient or an UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds are now allocated as follows: Budget Line ItemsOriginal BudgetChangeAmended Budgeta.Continuum of Care planning activities??b.UFA costs??c.Acquisition$0??d.Rehabilitation$0??e.New construction$0??f.Leasing$0??g.Rental assistance$132,324??h.Supportive services$64,403??i.Operating costs$0??j.Homeless Management Information System$0??k.Administrative costs?$15,879??l.Relocation costs???m. HPC homelessness prevention activities:????Housing relocation and stabilization services$0 ?$0$0Short-term and medium-term rental assistance$0 ?$0$0?Total Award:$212,606?$212,606?(the rest of this form must appear in all amendments)This Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties as to amendment of the Grant Agreement and will become effective only upon the execution hereof by all parties. The remaining terms of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect.???The parties, on the dates set forth below their respective signatures, hereby execute this Amendment to Grant Agreement, as follows:???UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,?Secretary of Housing and Urban Development??BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)???RECIPIENT?Catholic Charities, Inc.?BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)Grant Number: MS0108L4G001900Tax ID Number:?64-0655566DUNS Number:?839128527?SPECIAL COVID-19?AMENDMENT TO THE??FY 2019 CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT???This Amendment?to Grant Agreement is made by and between?the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)?and?Stewpot Community Services. Inc. (the Recipient).?RECITALS???HUD and the Recipient entered into a Grant Agreement, having Grant No.?MS0108L4G001900 (the Grant Agreement).(Recitals?are below. One amendment can include more than one change, such as both a change in budget and adding an eligible activity.?Keep the?recitals that apply to the amendments?you are making and delete the?others. Delete this?paragraph?once you have read and understood it).?? (recitals for adding eligible activities - Delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement to add eligible activities and to shift funds between eligible activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area? and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.?? (recitals for shifting funds from one activity to another without adding eligible activities - delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement?to shift more than 10% from one eligible activity to another?to assist in?the?response to the COVID-19 pandemic.??HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area?and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.??AGREEMENTS?The Grant Agreement is hereby amended as follows:(if eligible activities are being added or funds are being shifted between BLIs include this – delete section if not using)1.(if the recipient is not a sole recipient or UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds for project number MS0108L4G001900 are now allocated as follows: (if the recipient is the sole recipient or an UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds are now allocated as follows: Budget Line ItemsOriginal BudgetChangeAmended Budgeta.Continuum of Care planning activities$64,347??b.UFA costs??c.Acquisition??d.Rehabilitation??e.New construction??f.Leasing$0??g.Rental assistance??h.Supportive services??i.Operating costs??j.Homeless Management Information System??k.Administrative costs??l.Relocation costs???m. HPC homelessness prevention activities:????Housing relocation and stabilization services$0 ?$0$0Short-term and medium-term rental assistance$0 ?$0$0?Total Award:$64,347?$64,347?(the rest of this form must appear in all amendments)This Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties as to amendment of the Grant Agreement and will become effective only upon the execution hereof by all parties. The remaining terms of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect.???The parties, on the dates set forth below their respective signatures, hereby execute this Amendment to Grant Agreement, as follows:???UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,?Secretary of Housing and Urban Development??BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)???RECIPIENT?Stewpot Community Services. Inc.?BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)Grant Number: MS0109L4G001900Tax ID Number:?64-0564343DUNS Number:?82494691?SPECIAL COVID-19?AMENDMENT TO THE??FY 2019 CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT???This Amendment?to Grant Agreement is made by and between?the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)?and?Voice of Calvary Ministries (the Recipient).?RECITALS???HUD and the Recipient entered into a Grant Agreement, having Grant No.?MS0109L4G001900 (the Grant Agreement).(Recitals?are below. One amendment can include more than one change, such as both a change in budget and adding an eligible activity.?Keep the?recitals that apply to the amendments?you are making and delete the?others. Delete this?paragraph?once you have read and understood it).?? (recitals for adding eligible activities - Delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement to add eligible activities and to shift funds between eligible activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area? and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.?? (recitals for shifting funds from one activity to another without adding eligible activities - delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement?to shift more than 10% from one eligible activity to another?to assist in?the?response to the COVID-19 pandemic.??HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area?and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.??AGREEMENTS?The Grant Agreement is hereby amended as follows:(if eligible activities are being added or funds are being shifted between BLIs include this – delete section if not using)1.(if the recipient is not a sole recipient or UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds for project number MS0109L4G001900 are now allocated as follows: (if the recipient is the sole recipient or an UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds are now allocated as follows: Budget Line ItemsOriginal BudgetChangeAmended Budgeta.Continuum of Care planning activities??b.UFA costs??c.Acquisition$0??d.Rehabilitation$0??e.New construction$0??f.Leasing$0??g.Rental assistance$113,256??h.Supportive services$61,940??i.Operating costs$0??j.Homeless Management Information System$0??k.Administrative costs?$17,520??l.Relocation costs???m. HPC homelessness prevention activities:????Housing relocation and stabilization services$0 ?$0$0Short-term and medium-term rental assistance$0 ?$0$0?Total Award:$192,716?$192,716?(the rest of this form must appear in all amendments)This Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties as to amendment of the Grant Agreement and will become effective only upon the execution hereof by all parties. The remaining terms of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect.???The parties, on the dates set forth below their respective signatures, hereby execute this Amendment to Grant Agreement, as follows:???UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,?Secretary of Housing and Urban Development??BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)???RECIPIENT?Voice of Calvary Ministries?BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)Grant Number: MS0110L4G001900Tax ID Number:?64-0655566DUNS Number:?839128527?SPECIAL COVID-19?AMENDMENT TO THE??FY 2019 CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT???This Amendment?to Grant Agreement is made by and between?the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)?and?Stewpot Community Services. Inc. (the Recipient).?RECITALS???HUD and the Recipient entered into a Grant Agreement, having Grant No.?MS0110L4G001900 (the Grant Agreement).(Recitals?are below. One amendment can include more than one change, such as both a change in budget and adding an eligible activity.?Keep the?recitals that apply to the amendments?you are making and delete the?others. Delete this?paragraph?once you have read and understood it).?? (recitals for adding eligible activities - Delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement to add eligible activities and to shift funds between eligible activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area? and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.?? (recitals for shifting funds from one activity to another without adding eligible activities - delete section if not using)??The parties are desirous of amending the Grant Agreement?to shift more than 10% from one eligible activity to another?to assist in?the?response to the COVID-19 pandemic.??HUD has determined that the change is?necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area?and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.??AGREEMENTS?The Grant Agreement is hereby amended as follows:(if eligible activities are being added or funds are being shifted between BLIs include this – delete section if not using)1.(if the recipient is not a sole recipient or UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds for project number MS0110L4G001900 are now allocated as follows: (if the recipient is the sole recipient or an UFA use this) HUD’s total funding obligation for this grant remains the same, however the funds are now allocated as follows: Budget Line ItemsOriginal BudgetChangeAmended Budgeta.Continuum of Care planning activities??b.UFA costs??c.Acquisition$0??d.Rehabilitation$0??e.New construction$0??f.Leasing$0??g.Rental assistance$0??h.Supportive services$0??i.Operating costs$0??j.Homeless Management Information System$74,671??k.Administrative costs??l.Relocation costs???m. HPC homelessness prevention activities:????Housing relocation and stabilization services$0 ?$0$0Short-term and medium-term rental assistance$0 ?$0$0?Total Award:$74,671?$74,671?(the rest of this form must appear in all amendments)This Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties as to amendment of the Grant Agreement and will become effective only upon the execution hereof by all parties. The remaining terms of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect.???The parties, on the dates set forth below their respective signatures, hereby execute this Amendment to Grant Agreement, as follows:???UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,?Secretary of Housing and Urban Development??BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title)?_________________________________________________?? (Date)???RECIPIENT?Stewpot Community Services. Inc.?BY:_________________________________________________?? (Signature of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Typed Name and Title of Authorized Official)?_________________________________________________?? (Date) ................

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