West Central Neighborhood Council

Members Attended: Michele Bennington, Kevin Brownlee, Deb Conklin, Kelly Cruz, Shari Frankovic, Steve Kounkel, Elizabeth Marlin, Bonnie McInnis, Blake Waltman, Debbie Waltman, Therese Weyland

Excused Absences: Ken Cruz, Kay Howard, Sylvia St. Clair

Visitors Attended: Brenda Burger, Melissa Wittstruck

Members to be: Anastasia Hall, Grace Fragomeni

Meeting Came to Order: 6:30 PM

Welcomes and Introductions

Approval of Agenda and Minutes and call for Quorum count.

No quorum as only 11 members present.

NOTE: where a recommendation is mentioned in the minutes, this is an advisory vote only since there is no quorum and there are time sensitive voting matters at hand this meeting. This advisory vote will be considered by the Executive members at a special session held to address these time sensitive issues. Separate minutes will be done for that special session.

Chair Report:

George Mulchan Children's fund books/documents handed over to the treasurer from Andy Rathbun. Need to vote on adding another signer to this account. This will require a vote once there is a quorum.

There will be a committee to determine how to use those funds-so far Steve Kounkel and Debbie Waltman will be on that committee. Any one interested in being on this committee can reach out to wcncsecretary@

About $5000 to 6000 in a separate account

Council will be receiving a $500 grant check from Traveler's Ins due to an employee being a volunteer on the council. This volunteer requests that some of those funds be used to purchase a printer and supplies for new secretary. This will require a vote once there is a quorum.

City Council Report: none

Special Orders of the Day

North Bank project-Melissa Wittstruck

Introducing the North Bank planning process is getting started. Reference to map visual aides. Old development standards/boundaries that are from 1982. Discussed several previous projects. West Central is one of the neighborhoods touched by this area. There is a survey closing March 15. They are wanting input. Refer to website for more information. Can email Melissa at mwittstruck@ with any questions/information.

There was some discussion related to parking shortages near the county facilities.

Traffic calming project applications-funded through the photo red funds-app due Friday, March 15.

Ken Cruz presents arterial project related to corner of Broadway and Chestnut, especially related to the crosswalk. Makes a case there will be more children using that corner with the updates at Dutch Jake's Park. Devices can be used to slow traffic down like a sign with flashing lights at the crosswalk.

Recommendation – 8 for, 0 against, 3 abstention

Liz Marlin presents a residential project that would reduce thru traffic by restricting to “local access only” on the block south and the block north of Broadway. Reminded about 2008 neighborhood plan for an eventual greenway on Chestnut and this is a pre-cursor to that and in support of this.

Recommendation – 5 for, 3 against, 3 abstention

Internal/Committee Reports:

Treasurer's report-no $ in. Balance is $7,852.10.

Community Assembly report-Ken is excused, so Liz presented

Asked for an up or down vote to approve or reject updated policies/procedures related to new District Model of CA/CD. Copy of these provided.

District model explained by Kelly Cruz

Recommendation – 0 for, 9 against, 2 abstentions

There is an upcoming community engagement grant ($650) as well and it is proposed we use the $$ to fund a neighborhood movie night. Date is August 17.

Recommendation – 9 for, 0 against, 2 abstentions

Neighborhood clean-up coming April 27 from 9 am to 12:30 pm at the WCCC parking lot. Need volunteers. Need pick-up truck and trailers. Ken is the coordinator for this. Mailer options: first is the standard mailer with no specific neighborhood info and second option is more personalized. The second option will cost us about $5 more than the first.

Recommendation – 10 for, 0 against, 1 abstention

West Central Community Center board report-none

Community Development Report-discussion about options for CDBG fund of $35,000

Handout with project options passed out

Kelly made a proposal for using all the funds for updating all four corners at Broadway and Chestnut near Dutch Jake's Park with ramps for ADA.

Recommendation – 6 for, 3 against, 2 abstentions

Blake made a proposal for allocating half of funds toward the Women and Children Free Restaurant project.

Recommendation – 7 for, 2 against, 2 abstentions

Deb asked what happens if a project is over-funded. Bonnie responded that the money gets returned.


OLD BUSINESS – not discussed; put off until next month

Follow up on commemorative sign for “Clancy”

Proposal for $$ to Easter Carnival


Meeting Adjourned: 7:59 PM


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