Federal Supply Service

Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List

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Schedule: Professional Services Schedule (PSS)

Contract Number: GS-23F-0049X

Contract Period: March 18, 2011 through March 17, 2021

Contractor: Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC

Business Size: Other than Small Business

Telephone: 334-348-1308

FAX Number: 334-348-1376

Web Site:

E-mail: bcarr@

Contract Administration: William H. Carr

Pricelist current through Modification PO-0006 dated March 18, 2016

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Table of Contents

Customer Information 3

Company Information 6

GSA Pricing 7

Labor Category Descriptions 8

Customer Information

1a. Table of Awarded Special Item Number(s) with appropriate cross-reference to item descriptions and awarded prices.

SIN Description

|520 11; 520 11RC |Accounting |

|520 15; 520 15RC |Outsourcing Recurring Commercial Activities for Financial Management Services |

|520 17; 520 17RC |Risk Assessment and Mitigation Services |

|520 18; 520 18RC |Independent Risk Analysis |

|520 21; 520 21RC |Program Management Services |

|520 22; 520 22RC |Grants Management Support Services |

|520 7; 520 7RC |Financial & Performance Audits |

1b. Identification of the lowest priced model number and lowest unit price for that model for each special item number awarded in the contract. Pricing begins on page 7.

1c. If the Contractor is proposing hourly rates a description of all corresponding commercial job titles, experience, functional responsibility and education for those types of employees or subcontractors who will perform services shall be provided. Labor category descriptions begin on page 8.

2. Maximum Order:

|520 11; 520 11RC |$1,000,000 |

|520 15; 520 15RC |$1,000,000 |

|520 17; 520 17RC |$1,000,000 |

|520 18; 520 18RC |$1,000,000 |

|520 21; 520 21RC |$1,000,000 |

|520 22; 520 22RC |$1,000,000 |

|520 7; 520 7RC |$1,000,000 |

3. Minimum Order:

|520 11; 520 11RC |$100 |

|520 15; 520 15RC |$100 |

|520 17; 520 17RC |$100 |

|520 18; 520 18RC |$100 |

|520 21; 520 21RC |$100 |

|520 22; 520 22RC |$100 |

|520 7; 520 7RC |$100 |

4. Geographic Coverage (delivery Area): 50 States, DC, Puerto Rico

5. Point(s) of production (city, county, and state or foreign country): Enterprise, AL

6. Discount from list prices or statement of net price: Government net prices (discounts already deducted).

7. Quantity discounts: None

8. Prompt payment terms: None

9a. Notification that Government purchase cards are accepted up to the micro-purchase threshold: Yes

9b. Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micro-purchase threshold: Will accept government purchase cards over the micro-purchase threshold.

10. Foreign items (list items by country of origin): N/A

11a. Time of Delivery (Contractor insert number of days): Specified on the Task Order

11b. Expedited Delivery. The Contractor will insert the sentence “Items available for expedited delivery are noted in this price list.” under this heading. The Contractor may use a symbol of its choosing to highlight items in its price list that have expedited delivery: To be negotiated with the ordering activity.

11c. Overnight and 2-day delivery. The Contractor will indicate whether overnight and 2-day delivery are available. Also, the Contractor will indicate that the schedule customer may contact the Contractor for rates for overnight and 2-day delivery: To be negotiated with the ordering activity.

11d. Urgent Requirements. The Contractor will note in its price list the “Urgent Requirements” clause of its contract and advise agencies that they can also contact the Contractor’s representative to effect a faster delivery: To be negotiated with the ordering activity.

12. F.O.B Points(s): Destination

13a. Ordering Address(es):

Carr, Riggs & Ingram

Attention: Keith Hundley

1117 Boll Weevil Circle

P.O. Box 311070

Enterprise, AL 36330




13b. Ordering procedures: For supplies and services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s), and a sample BPA can be found in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405-3.

14. Payment address(es):

Carr, Riggs & Ingram Ph:334-347-0088

Attention: Keith Hundley Fax:334-348-1376

1117 Boll Weevil Circle khundley@

P.O. Box 311070

Enterprise, AL 36330

15. Warranty Provision: N/A

16. Export Packing Charges (if applicable): N/A

17. Terms and conditions of Government purchase card acceptance (any thresholds above the micro-purchase level): Contact Contractor

18. Terms and conditions of rental, maintenance, and repair (if applicable): N/A

19. Terms and conditions of installation (if applicable): N/A

20. Terms and conditions of repair parts indicating date of parts price lists and any discounts from list prices (if applicable): N/A

20a. Terms and conditions for any other services (if applicable): N/A

21. List of service and distribution points (if applicable): N/A

22. List of participating dealers (if applicable): N/A

23. Preventive maintenance (if applicable): N/A

24a. Special attributes such as environmental attributes (e.g., recycled content, energy efficiency, and/or reduced pollutants): N/A

24b. If applicable, indicate that Section 508 compliance information is available on Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) supplies and services and show where full details can be found (e.g. contactor’s website or other location.) The EIT standards can be found at: .

25. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number: 12-751-0790

26. Notification regarding registration in System for Award Management (SAM) database: Registered

Company Information

CRI: About Us

National Strength. CRI’s strength emanates from within. Our accounting professionals, their expertise, and knowledge of industry trends and standards assist local staff members throughout the South as they serve our clients. CRI’s national strength is derived from our technical expertise that soldiers our standing as the South’s premier CPA firm. Performing quality accounting, auditing, consulting, and tax services has always been – and continues to be – our number one objective. Both our peer reviews and PCAOB inspection results are the most favorable and reflect our commitment to quality.


Southern Roots. CRI both acknowledges and embraces our Southern heritage and the emphasis it requires that we place on client service as we provide accounting, auditing, consulting, and tax services. CRI’s core values of client service, respect, and integrity coupled with our dedication to responsiveness enable our clients to receive skilled guidance. At CRI, we believe that ‘Southern’ is a spirit, and we know that we embody it.

GSA Pricing

|GSA LABOR CATEGORY |GSA Price |GSA Price |GSA Price |GSA Price |GSA Price |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Partner VI |$264.87 |$270.17 |$275.57 |$281.09 |$286.71 |

|Partner V |$220.73 |$225.14 |$229.65 |$234.24 |$238.92 |

|Partner IV |$209.04 |$213.22 |$217.48 |$221.83 |$226.27 |

|Partner III |$201.57 |$205.60 |$209.72 |$213.91 |$218.19 |

|Partner II |$176.58 |$180.11 |$183.72 |$187.39 |$191.14 |

|Partner I |$169.23 |$172.61 |$176.07 |$179.59 |$183.18 |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Manager VI |$169.23 |$172.61 |$176.07 |$179.59 |$183.18 |

|Manager V |$165.55 |$168.86 |$172.23 |$175.68 |$179.19 |

|Manager IV |$164.25 |$167.54 |$170.89 |$174.30 |$177.79 |

|Manager III |$158.19 |$161.36 |$164.58 |$167.87 |$171.23 |

|Manager II |$150.83 |$153.84 |$156.92 |$160.06 |$163.26 |

|Manager I |$147.16 |$150.10 |$153.10 |$156.16 |$159.29 |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Senior I |$126.92 |$129.46 |$132.05 |$134.69 |$137.38 |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Staff Accountant II |$114.05 |$116.33 |$118.65 |$121.03 |$123.45 |

|Staff Accountant I |$106.68 |$108.82 |$110.99 |$113.21 |$115.48 |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Paraprofessional IV |$119.45 |$121.84 |$124.28 |$126.76 |$129.30 |

|Paraprofessional III |$115.72 |$118.03 |$120.39 |$122.80 |$125.26 |

|Paraprofessional II |$91.97 |$93.81 |$95.69 |$97.60 |$99.55 |

|Paraprofessional I |$89.59 |$91.38 |$93.21 |$95.07 |$96.97 |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Administrative Assistant II |$84.61 |$86.30 |$88.03 |$89.79 |$91.58 |

|Administrative Assistant I |$80.94 |$82.56 |$84.21 |$85.89 |$87.61 |

Labor Category Descriptions

Administrative Assistant I

Individuals at this level have responsibilities for providing administrative support to professional personnel and have from zero to two years of experience. Administrative Assistants are expected to: (1) coordinate and document all project related materials, (2) maintain calendars and schedules, scheduling meetings and reservations, (3) writing, summarizing, and distributing project documents, (4) processing invoices in a timely fashion.

Administrative Assistant II

Individuals at this level have responsibilities for providing administrative support to professional personnel and have from zero to two years of experience. Administrative Assistants are expected to: (1) coordinate and document all project related materials, (2) maintain calendars and schedules, scheduling meetings and reservations, (3) writing, summarizing, and distributing project documents, (4) processing invoices in a timely fashion.

Manager I

Individuals at this level are CPAs, have a college degree and normally have had from five to ten years experience with a minimum of two years of experience as a senior accountant or equivalent experience as deemed appropriate by the partners and have exhibited proficiency and the ability to supervise complete engagements. Managers are expected to (1) plan, supervise, and complete large and complex engagements, (2) supervise ("coach") both staff accountants and seniors, provide feedback to them, and evaluate their progress, (3) become experts in their assigned areas, (4) develop new client contacts and relationships beneficial to the firm, (5) assist in firm administrative functions as assigned by the partners, (6) recognize opportunities to provide additional services to existing clients (7) be proficient at managing clients (8) to exhibit a mastery of the skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms.

Manager II

Individuals at this level are CPAs, have a college degree and normally have had from five to ten years experience with a minimum of two years of experience as a senior accountant or equivalent experience as deemed appropriate by the partners and have exhibited proficiency and the ability to supervise complete engagements. Managers are expected to (1) plan, supervise, and complete large and complex engagements, (2) supervise ("coach") both staff accountants and seniors, provide feedback to them, and evaluate their progress, (3) become experts in their assigned areas, (4) develop new client contacts and relationships beneficial to the firm, (5) assist in firm administrative functions as assigned by the partners, (6) recognize opportunities to provide additional services to existing clients (7) be proficient at managing clients (8) to exhibit a mastery of the skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms.

Manager III

Individuals at this level are CPAs, have a college degree and normally have had from five to ten years experience with a minimum of two years of experience as a senior accountant or equivalent experience as deemed appropriate by the partners and have exhibited proficiency and the ability to supervise complete engagements. Managers are expected to (1) plan, supervise, and complete large and complex engagements, (2) supervise ("coach") both staff accountants and seniors, provide feedback to them, and evaluate their progress, (3) become experts in their assigned areas, (4) develop new client contacts and relationships beneficial to the firm, (5) assist in firm administrative functions as assigned by the partners, (6) recognize opportunities to provide additional services to existing clients (7) be proficient at managing clients (8) to exhibit a mastery of the skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms.

Manager IV

Individuals at this level are CPAs, have a college degree and normally have had from five to ten years experience with a minimum of two years of experience as a senior accountant or equivalent experience as deemed appropriate by the partners and have exhibited proficiency and the ability to supervise complete engagements. Managers are expected to (1) plan, supervise, and complete large and complex engagements, (2) supervise ("coach") both staff accountants and seniors, provide feedback to them, and evaluate their progress, (3) become experts in their assigned areas, (4) develop new client contacts and relationships beneficial to the firm, (5) assist in firm administrative functions as assigned by the partners, (6) recognize opportunities to provide additional services to existing clients (7) be proficient at managing clients (8) to exhibit a mastery of the skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms.

Manager V

Individuals at this level are CPAs, have a college degree and normally have had from five to ten years experience with a minimum of two years of experience as a senior accountant or equivalent experience as deemed appropriate by the partners and have exhibited proficiency and the ability to supervise complete engagements. Managers are expected to (1) plan, supervise, and complete large and complex engagements, (2) supervise ("coach") both staff accountants and seniors, provide feedback to them, and evaluate their progress, (3) become experts in their assigned areas, (4) develop new client contacts and relationships beneficial to the firm, (5) assist in firm administrative functions as assigned by the partners, (6) recognize opportunities to provide additional services to existing clients (7) be proficient at managing clients (8) to exhibit a mastery of the skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms.

Manager VI

Individuals at this level are CPAs, have a college degree and normally have had from five to ten years experience with a minimum of two years of experience as a senior accountant or equivalent experience as deemed appropriate by the partners and have exhibited proficiency and the ability to supervise complete engagements. Managers are expected to (1) plan, supervise, and complete large and complex engagements, (2) supervise ("coach") both staff accountants and seniors, provide feedback to them, and evaluate their progress, (3) become experts in their assigned areas, (4) develop new client contacts and relationships beneficial to the firm, (5) assist in firm administrative functions as assigned by the partners, (6) recognize opportunities to provide additional services to existing clients (7) be proficient at managing clients (8) to exhibit a mastery of the skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms.

Paraprofessional I

Individuals at this level normally have a basic understanding of accounting, bookkeeping, or tax preparation, but may have obtained a specific college degree that includes a significant concentration of accounting or tax courses and have from zero to four years experience. Paraprofessionals are expected to (1) become familiar with the firm's policies and procedures, (2) assist our professional staff in performing controllership and bookkeeping services for clients, (3) assist our professional staff in preparing work papers, trial balances, depreciation schedules, entering data for computer applications, and preparing engagement correspondence, (4) assist our professional staff in gathering data for tax return preparation, maintaining our tax library, and maintaining our client tax files.

Paraprofessional II

Individuals at this level normally have a basic understanding of accounting, bookkeeping, or tax preparation, but may have obtained a specific college degree that includes a significant concentration of accounting or tax courses and have from zero to four years experience. Paraprofessionals are expected to (1) become familiar with the firm's policies and procedures, (2) assist our professional staff in performing controllership and bookkeeping services for clients, (3) assist our professional staff in preparing work papers, trial balances, depreciation schedules, entering data for computer applications, and preparing engagement correspondence, (4) assist our professional staff in gathering data for tax return preparation, maintaining our

tax library, and maintaining our client tax files.

Paraprofessional III

Individuals at this level normally have a basic understanding of accounting, bookkeeping, or tax preparation, but may have obtained a specific college degree that includes a significant concentration of accounting or tax courses and have from zero to four years experience. Paraprofessionals are expected to (1) become familiar with the firm's policies and procedures, (2) assist our professional staff in performing controllership and bookkeeping services for clients, (3) assist our professional staff in preparing work papers, trial balances, depreciation schedules, entering data for computer applications, and preparing engagement correspondence, (4) assist our professional staff in gathering data for tax return preparation, maintaining our tax library, and maintaining our client tax files.

Paraprofessional IV

Individuals at this level normally have a basic understanding of accounting, bookkeeping, or tax preparation, but may have obtained a specific college degree that includes a significant concentration of accounting or tax courses and have from zero to four years experience. Paraprofessionals are expected to (1) become familiar with the firm's policies and procedures, (2) assist our professional staff in performing controllership and bookkeeping services for clients, (3) assist our professional staff in preparing work papers, trial balances, depreciation schedules, entering data for computer applications, and preparing engagement correspondence, (4) assist our professional staff in gathering data for tax return preparation, maintaining our tax library, and maintaining our client tax files.

Partner I

Individuals at this level have college degrees, are CPAs licensed in their primary state and have had ten to twenty years experience with a minimum of three years experience as a manager, supervisor or equivalent experience as deemed appropriate by the partners, and have exhibited superior technical competence, managerial abilities, and the ability to attract and develop new clients. Partners are expected to (1) provide firm leadership through example, be ultimately responsible for all engagements performed under them, (2) attract and develop new clients, (3) perform assigned administrative duties, (4) be an asset to the firm through civic and community activities, (5) to exhibit a mastery of the skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms.

Partner II

Individuals at this level have college degrees, are CPAs licensed in their primary state and have had ten to twenty years experience with a minimum of three years experience as a manager, supervisor or equivalent experience as deemed appropriate by the partners, and have exhibited superior technical competence, managerial abilities, and the ability to attract and develop new clients. Partners are expected to (1) provide firm leadership through example, be ultimately responsible for all engagements performed under them, (2) attract and develop new clients, (3) perform assigned administrative duties, (4) be an asset to the firm through civic and community activities, (5) to exhibit a mastery of the skills and characteristics delineated in

the Firm's Evaluation Forms.

Partner III

Individuals at this level have college degrees, are CPAs licensed in their primary state and have had ten to twenty years experience with a minimum of three years experience as a manager, supervisor or equivalent experience as deemed appropriate by the partners, and have exhibited superior technical competence, managerial abilities, and the ability to attract and develop new clients. Partners are expected to (1) provide firm leadership through example, be ultimately responsible for all engagements performed under them, (2) attract and develop new clients, (3) perform assigned administrative duties, (4) be an asset to the firm through civic and community activities, (5) to exhibit a mastery of the skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms.

Partner IV

Individuals at this level have college degrees, are CPAs licensed in their primary state and have had ten to twenty years experience with a minimum of three years experience as a manager, supervisor or equivalent experience as deemed appropriate by the partners, and have exhibited superior technical competence, managerial abilities, and the ability to attract and develop new clients. Partners are expected to (1) provide firm leadership through example, be ultimately responsible for all engagements performed under them, (2) attract and develop new clients, (3) perform assigned administrative duties, (4) be an asset to the firm through civic and community activities, (5) to exhibit a mastery of the skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms.

Partner V

Individuals at this level have college degrees, are CPAs licensed in their primary state and have had ten to twenty years experience with a minimum of three years experience as a manager, supervisor or equivalent experience as deemed appropriate by the partners, and have exhibited superior technical competence, managerial abilities, and the ability to attract and develop new clients. Partners are expected to (1) provide firm leadership through example, be ultimately responsible for all engagements performed under them, (2) attract and develop new clients, (3) perform assigned administrative duties, (4) be an asset to the firm through civic and community activities, (5) to exhibit a mastery of the skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms.

Partner VI

Individuals at this level have college degrees, are CPAs licensed in their primary state and have had ten to twenty years experience with a minimum of three years experience as a manager, supervisor or equivalent experience as deemed appropriate by the partners, and have exhibited superior technical competence, managerial abilities, and the ability to attract and develop new clients. Partners are expected to (1) provide firm leadership through example, be ultimately responsible for all engagements performed under them, (2) attract and develop new clients, (3) perform assigned administrative duties, (4) be an asset to the firm through civic and community activities, (5) to exhibit a mastery of the skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms.

Senior I

Individuals at this level have a minimum of four years experience as a staff accountant, a college degree and normally have passed the CPA exam. Seniors are expected to (1) know and understand the reason behind the firm's policies and procedures, (2) possess technical knowledge sufficient to supervise ("coach") staff accountants, (3) begin acquiring the skills necessary to develop quality client relationships and loyalty, (4) exhibit or develop skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's evaluation forms, (5) if assigned primarily to financial statement engagements begin to develop a command of GAAP, OCBOA, unique or specialized accounting principles, and financial statement presentations, obtain a thorough understanding of generally accepted auditing standards and common audit procedures and techniques, assume responsibility for efficiently supervising both audit and non-audit engagements, interact with all low-levels of client personnel in an intelligent and professional manner, begin developing proficiency in interacting with high-level client personnel, (6) if assigned primarily to tax engagements begin developing a command of pertinent IRC sections and regulations, become proficient at tax research including knowledge of the reference sources available to the firm, assume responsibility for the supervision of tax return preparation engagements, begin developing proficiency in tax planning.

Staff Accountant I

Individuals at this level normally have a college degree with a major in accounting or other related business field. Staff accountants are expected to (1) become familiar with the firm's policies and procedures, (2) understand the rules, regulations, and code of professional conduct of the AICPA, (3) progress professionally by working toward passing the CPA exam, (4) exhibit or develop skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms, (5) If assigned primarily to financial statement engagements, become familiar with pronouncements of the FASB and the AICPA, as well as those of the GAO, GASB, and PCAOB, if applicable, become proficient at preparing financial statements, obtain exposure to the various types of financial statement engagements, assume responsibility for unaudited financial statement engagements or segments of audits under the supervision of more experienced staff, interact with lower-level client personnel in an intelligent and professional manner, (6) if assigned primarily to tax engagements, become familiar with the pertinent IRC sections and regulations, obtain a working knowledge of research techniques and the various research sources in the firm library, become proficient in the preparation of corporate, individual, partnership, fiduciary, and other tax returns prepared by the firm, assume responsibility for the completion of tax returns under the supervision of more experienced staff.

Staff Accountant II

Individuals at this level normally have a college degree with a major in accounting or other related business field. Staff accountants are expected to (1) become familiar with the firm's policies and procedures, (2) understand the rules, regulations, and code of professional conduct of the AICPA, (3) progress professionally by working toward passing the CPA exam, (4) exhibit or develop skills and characteristics delineated in the Firm's Evaluation Forms, (5) If assigned primarily to financial statement engagements, become familiar with pronouncements of the FASB and the AICPA, as well as those of the GAO, GASB, and PCAOB, if applicable, become proficient at preparing financial statements, obtain exposure to the various types of financial statement engagements, assume responsibility for unaudited financial statement engagements or segments of audits under the supervision of more experienced staff, interact with lower-level client personnel in an intelligent and professional manner, (6) if assigned primarily to tax engagements, become familiar with the pertinent IRC sections and regulations, obtain a working knowledge of research techniques and the various research sources in the firm library, become proficient in the preparation of corporate, individual, partnership, fiduciary, and other tax returns prepared by the firm, assume responsibility for the completion of tax returns under the supervision of more experienced staff.

Service Contract Act: The Service Contract Act (SCA) is applicable to this contract as it applies to the entire PSS Schedule and all services provided. While no specific labor categories have been identified as being subject to SCA due to exemptions for professional employees (FAR 22.1101, 22.1102 and 29 CRF 541.300), this contract still maintains the provisions and protections for SCA eligible labor categories. If and / or when the contractor adds SCA labor categories / employees to the contract through the modification process, the contractor must inform the Contracting Officer and establish a SCA matrix identifying the GSA labor category titles, the occupational code, SCA labor category titles and the applicable WD number. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the contract.


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