READING, PA 19601-4309



Chairman McKeon called the regular monthly meeting of the Berks County Planning Commission to order at 3:01 p.m. The meeting was held on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 as a virtual meeting using the platform GoToMeeting.

The following members were present:

Thomas C. McKeon, Chair

Jodi L. Gauker, Vice-Chair

James A. Adams

Glenn R. Knoblauch

James C. McCarthy

Douglas R. Myers, Secretary

Lee C. Olsen, AIA, NCARB

Douglas P. Rauch, Esq.

Barry L. Schlouch

Also Attending:

Beth A. Burkovich, GISP, GIS Analyst

Cheryl A. Auchenbach, Planner III

Michelle D. Franklin, Subdivision Planner III

Michael D. Golembiewski, Trans. Modeler

Devon B. Hain, Transportation Planner II

David N. Hunter, Sr., AICP, Executive Director

Matthew F. McGough, Intergovernmental Planner

Laura F. Mursch, Planner II

Alan D. Piper, Transportation Planner III

Ashley J. Showers, Planner II

Amanda M. Timochenko, Planner II

Pauline R. Klopp, Office Support IV

Heather Berger, Berks County Information Systems

Dave Myers, GRCA

Deb Millman, GRCA

Katherine Hetherington Cunfer, GRCA

Rosemary Frank Vitale

Harriet Rauenzahn


There was no public comment.


A. Executive Director’s Report

Mr. Hunter informed the Commission that the County furlough of staff has been extended to June 30, 2020. He then mentioned that the County had asked departments to put together a video for the “Stop the Spread” Campaign. Amanda Timochenko created a video titled “Tales of Safety Amid Covid 19” and it can be found on the Planning Commission’s web page. He encouraged Planning Commission members to view the video.

Mr. Hunter informed the Commission that staff is continuing to work on the update to the TIP and Long Range Plan. Alan Piper will give an update at the June Planning Commission meeting, which will probably be a virtual meeting. He mentioned that we will also be discussing Economic Development Areas at the June meeting as well as the Smart Growth Alliance (SGA). The SGA has existed since 2004 and the original purpose of the group was to help with the implementation of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Hunter feels that the SGA should not just focus on the implementation of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, but their goal should be broader and wider. Staff is working on a platform to build a coalition of groups so that we can make the Smart Growth Alliance a relevant entity.

Planning Commission members then shared how the pandemic has been affecting their businesses and lives.


A. Approval of Minutes of March 11, 2020

B. Letters of Support for Reaffirmation

The following list of review letters were previously prepared and sent out with prior approval of the Planning Commission.

1. Letter of Support for Pineland Park and Farming Ridge Park Improvements, Exeter Township, PA DCED Grant Application

2. Letter of Support for Pineland Park and Farming Ridge Park Improvements, Exeter Township, PA DCNR Grant Application

3. Letter of Support for Pennvest Loan for Water Distribution System Upgrade, Fleetwood Borough

4. Letter of Support for Reuben Strauss and Richard Seidel Park Revitalization Projects, Ruscombmanor Township, DCNR Grant Application

5. Letter of Support for Reuben Strauss and Richard Seidel Park Revitalization Projects, Ruscombmanor Township, DCED Grant Application

6. Letter of Support for Community Park Master Plan, Shoemakersville Borough, DCNR Grant Application

7. Letter of Support for Sinking Spring Borough Park Master Site Plan, DCNR Grant Application

8. Letter of Support for Sinking Spring Borough Park Land Acquisition, DCNR Grant Application

9. Letter of Support for Metka Property, Union Township, DCNR Grant Application

10. Letter of Support for Weber Property, Union Township, DCNR Grant Application

11. Letter of Support for Yocum Property, Union Township, DCNR Grant Application

C. Reports for Approval

- Land Development & Subdivision Activity Report & Summary

- Endorsed Land Development & Subdivision Activity Report

MOTION: Mr. Myers made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. McCarthy and passed unanimously.


A. February 2020 Staff Activities

B. February 2020 Review Actions

These are just informational items for the Planning Commission to review.


1. Michael Golembiewski – Local Census Update

Mr. Golembiewski mentioned that since coming back to work after April 15th, the Complete Count Committee has been meeting weekly. They have been receiving updated statistics from the Bureau. He mentioned that as of last week, the national response rate was just over 57% which is low for this time frame. Pennsylvania is slightly higher at 60% and Berks County is at 65%. He mentioned that the City of Reading is at 42%. The problem lies in that the Complete Count Committee is not allowed to get out there and be face to face with anyone. They are trying to figure out methods on how to reach out.

Mr. Golembiewski stated that Congress is pressing for legislation to allow the reporting of Census counts be deferred 90 days to give enumerators time to get out to gather the information and give the Bureau time to tabulate and get the reports out.

Mr. Schlouch asked if it would be possible for Representative Chrissy Houlihan and Senator Judy Schwank to reach out via phone since they have those resources to do so. Mr. Golembiewski stated that he would relay that information to the Committee. He mentioned that the Complete Count Committee is considering working with the Reading Area Water Authority because back in March the Authority, on behalf of the City, called everyone in their database with a message in both English and Spanish telling everyone to stay home.

Mr. Golembiewski mentioned that when looking at the Zip Code Map that was released with cases of the Coronavirus in the City of Reading, the areas with the highest number of cases are consistent with the areas that we are having the most difficulty receiving responses to the Census.

2. Deb Millman, Great Reading Chamber Alliance

Deb Millman spoke about how GRCA is working through the pandemic. She mentioned that their social media and member outreach has been incredibly active. Katie Hetherington-Cunfer has been collecting all Federal, State and Local resources that come in on a constant daily basis and is keeping members up to date on these. One thing that the Chamber is currently focusing on is the development of a Recovery Plan - Rebuilding Berks. She stated that it is not necessarily a reopening plan, but more of what they can offer their members in terms of resources, as the area moves through the red, yellow and green phases of reopening.

3. Staff Update on NPC20 @ Home APA Conference

Mr. Hunter mentioned that the APA Conference that was scheduled to be held in Houston this year was held virtually and he feels it went very well, except for some computer glitches early on. Mr. Hunter, as well as Laura Mursch, Beth Burkovich, Matt McGough and Ashley Showers sat in on the conference and briefly gave their takeaways from the conference. The main takeaway from the virtual conference was staff’s need to explore innovative means of virtual public engagement.

Dave Myers, Berks Alliance then mentioned that the Alliance has been working on Passenger Rail Restoration. A preliminary report has been written by an outside consultant and the Alliance is waiting on two more elements from that. Conversations have been started with some of the other communities along the corridor because the report was much more promising than what was seen in the past. The Alliance will share that final report with the Planning Commission once they receive the Economic Impact Analysis from the communities along the corridor and some understanding of how much of the corridor is being used by freight rail.


MOTION: Mr. Adams made a motion to adjourn and the meeting adjourned at 4:17 p.m.

___________________________________ ____________________________________

Thomas C. McKeon, Chairman Douglas R. Myers, Secretary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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