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|[pic] |AMERICAN LEADERSHIP ACADEMY: Ironwood High School |[pic] |

| |American/Arizona History Syllabus (2020-2021) | |

| |Mr. Horn dhorn@ (480) 344-9898 | |

| |Class Website: Weebly | |

| |Google Classroom Codes: Listed Below | |

| |ALA Teacher Board | |

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| |0 hour, 1st hour: A109 | |

| |3rd hour: A121 | |

| |4th hour, 5th hour, 7th hour: A128 | |

PHILOSOPHY: ALA was founded to provide parents a choice in their child’s education. We are committed to partnering with families to help every student reach their highest individual potential academically, socially, and emotionally. When it comes to education, we believe environment matters. That’s why we have created an environment that reinforces traditional values (R.A.I.S.E.) that are taught in the home, combined with a rigorous curriculum. The moral and wholesome environment found at ALA creates a safe culture where distractions are minimized and learning is accelerated.

MISSION: ALA’s mission is to provide the best educational experience to as many students as possible in a moral and wholesome environment.

VISION: The vision of ALA is: Learn. Lead. Change the World.

VALUES: ALA espouses five universal values which permeate daily life and culture on and off campus:

Respect, Accountability, Integrity, Service, Excellence (R.A.I.S.E.).

COURSE DESCRIPTION: ALA’s Course Catalog states that, “This course provides a survey of American history from the emergence of the first North American civilizations to the present day. The concepts of critical thinking and analysis introduced in earlier grades will allow students to assess how and why America has come to exist as a nation and global power. Students will also work to develop their ability to communicate clearly and convincingly; express facts and opinions orally; and use technology to research, write, and present information. This course is designed to meet the requirements of the Arizona History and Social Science Content Standards. Students will receive 1.0 History/Social Science credit upon completion of this two-semester course (0.5 credit each semester).”

The main units/topics we will cover during the year are listed below.

|Quarter 1 | | | |

| |- American Revolution & New Nation |- Nation Building | |

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|Quarter 2 | | | |

| |- Sectionalism & Expansion |- Civil War & Reconstruction | |

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|Quarter 3 | | | |

| |- American Growth & Change |- Emergence of Modern America |- Global Conflict |

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|Quarter 4 | | | |

| |- Post-War America |- Contemporary America | |

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Mastery Learning: A method of teaching and learning that assures that students reach a level of predetermined mastery on a unit of instruction before progressing to the next unit. Students are given feedback about their learning progress, as well as learning support, at regular intervals throughout the instructional period.

Grading for Mastery: A detailed grading chart and GPA information is available on p. 3 in the

course catalog.

= Mastery with Excellence (89.5% - 100%)

= Mastery (82.9% - 89.4%)

= Approaching Mastery (69.5% - 79.4%)

= Below Mastery (59.5% - 69.4%)

F = Well Below Mastery (Below 59.5%)

Grading, Exams, and Quizzes: Students will take weekly, by unit, and semester assessments. These ensure and measure student growth and progress. If a student is absent on the day of the assessment, they will need to meet with Mr. Horn to arrange a time to make up the exam.

|Assessments: 50% |Classwork: 20% |Homework: 10% |Finals/Midterms: 20% |

TUTORING: Tutoring will be available upon appointment only. Most weeks Mr. Horn will be available on Wednesday afternoons between 3:00 – 4:00. Please notify him at least 24 hours in advance. Students will be informed if tutoring is canceled due to a meeting.


1 subject notebook for daily notes

1 subject homework folder for papers

Pencils, Blue and Red Pen

Highlighters (multiple colors)

ATTENDANCE/DRESS CODE: ALA’s attendance and dress code policy will be strictly enforced. It is the responsibility of the student to check in with the attendance office upon returning to school. It’s also their responsibility to check their attire and appearance prior to arriving at school each day.

It is the responsibility of the student to follow the “Absence Procedures,” which are posted in the classroom. This will include checking the class calendar to see what was missed, gathering work from the class folder, and updating his or her planner/calendar to reflect missed and new assignments.

All absences must be excused for the student to receive credit. For make up work.

Students have 1 school day per absent day to make up assignments missed due to an excused absence. Ex: If a student is absent for 2 days, they have 2 days to turn in their work.

LATE WORK/RETAKE POLICY: Homework is due at the beginning of class and must be turned in on the due day. Students will turn in their work on Google Classroom this year. Late work will be accepted for up to 3 business days after the assigned due date. Grades will be reduced by 20% for each day an assignment is late (this includes turning an assignment in late on the same day it was due). Please review the ALA Student Handbook regarding the make-up work policy. Homework that is due the day that a student is absent is due upon return. Assignments missed due to an absence will be given an equal number of school days to complete assignments. Please email Mr. Horn with questions.

CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: The entire purpose of school is to educate the youth into becoming productive members of society. That is why teachers are paid from public taxes. In order to do so, the teacher must create and manage a safe, comfortable classroom environment, free of fear or threat to life, liberty, and property. All directions that I give are given with the intent of making the learning process more effective for the entire class.

Be prepared for class and follow the R.A.I.S.E. values

Be kind and considerate

Electronic devices are prohibited. Water only. No food and gum.

All rules and directions, from the teacher, school, or law must be followed the first time they are given.

No behavior can interfere with my right to teach and the right of all students to learn.

No behavior can undermine the right to a safe environment. This includes any behavior that harms or threatens another person or their property in any way (physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, etc.)

ONLINE LEARNING & GOOGLE CLASSROOM: Daily and weekly class discussions, weekly calendar with objectives, assignments, and classwork will be posted to Google Classroom. In-person students and distance learners must check their Google Classroom daily to ensure success. Please visit the ALA online learner policies and procedures for more information.



Parent Contact

Yellow card


Turn in assigned homework/classwork that is due.

Be in seat as tardy bell rings ready to respond in complete sentences to the bellwork on the board.

Consult the board for your subject’s daily Clear Learning Objective (CLO) and note any upcoming homework/classwork listed. See the Google Classroom calendar for upcoming work.

Participate and show respect throughout the class period. Take daily notes in order to create a study guide for assessments.

Limit taking care of any personal issues (bathroom, nurse visits) to passing periods or during lunch. Any passes will be issued at Mr. Horn’s discretion.

Abide by ALA’s Electronics Policy. The use of laptops, phones, and earbuds/headphones will not be permitted in class, unless it is part of the student’s academic plan.

Textbooks MUST remain in the classroom. Any student will be held financially responsible for damage done to a textbook.

Demonstrate LEADERSHIP when leaving the classroom. Clean up your area and push in your chair.

COMMUNICATION: As ALA leaders, I encourage you to be self-advocates and communicate with me any issues you have before or after class, as well as through email. Please allow me at least 24 hours to respond. If you need to discuss an issue with me in more depth, I am happy to set up meetings after school. Grades are updated each week, and students and parents should check them often using the Infinite Campus portal on ALA’s main website. Additionally, each week’s assignments and assessments will be listed on Google Classroom.

Google Classroom Codes:

|0 Hour: rfxunlp |3 Hour: eyvouid |5 Hour: fpqaliu |

|1 Hour: vauchwu |4 Hour: 2zyfvav |7 Hour: 2zkvtie |

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PLEASE RETURN this to your American/Arizona History teacher, Mr. Horn, by

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Dear ALA IWHS family:

Your student is about to go on a great learning adventure in American/Arizona History. Expectations for students are high, but achievable. As a class, we have reviewed the preceding syllabus. Please also review this information with your student at home, complete the lower portion of this handout and return this entire page by Wednesday, August 19, 2020.

I have read and discussed the policies and course requirements for American/Arizona History with my child. I have access to the Infinite Campus portal.


Class Period - American/Arizona History

|__________________________, |____________________________ |____________ |

|Student Last Name |Student First Name |Date |


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|___________________________ |______________________________ |____________ |

|Parent/Guardian Full Name |Parent/Guardian Signature | Date |

Please use the space below to provide me with any information that I would need to know in order to help your student to be successful in American/Arizona History.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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