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PROPOSTA DE Acompanhamento Da APRENDIZAGEMAvalia??o de língua inglesa: 2? bimestreNome do(a) aluno(a): ____________________________________________________________________Turma: _____________________________________________________Data: _________________Text for questions 1 and 2.PUBERTYWhat is puberty? Everyone goes through different phases in life. During our adolescent phase, from age 10 to 19, we see many changes in our body, feelings and emotions. All of these changes together are called “puberty” and they are very normal. Everyone experiences these changes but some boys experience these changes before others. [...] Besides body changes, you may experience many emotional changes. You may feel happy one day, then sad the next day, outgoing with friends one day, then shy the next day. [...]NEPAL. Ministry of Health and Population. Kishor. dez. 2011. p. 3. Disponível em: <sites/default/files/sharma_-_2011_-_kishor_boys_puberty_book_0_0.pdf>. Acesso em: 13 nov. 2018.GLOSSARYbesides: além deeveryone: todosgo through: passar por (algo)1. The first paragraph of the text is about ...a) facts about puberty.b) opinions about puberty.c) concerns during pubertyd) medical advice about puberty.2. The main objective of the text is to …a) persuade teens to act as described.b) inform teens about puberty.c) explain the reasons of puberty.d) provide ideas to deal with puberty.Image for questions 3 and 4. Viktoria Yams/3. Where is it more common to find the type of text illustrated in the image above?a) In informal online communication and social network posts.b) In formal online messages and emails.c) In educational texts about adolescence.d) In magazine articles directed to teens. 4. Write a short message to your friend using at least two of the abbreviations shown in the image. You may use other abbreviations in your message.Text for questions 5 to 7.E-WASTE: AN INCONVENIENT CONSEQUENCE OF THE DIGITAL AGEEvery year, 44.7 million tonnes of e-waste is generated around the world [...]. The amount of global e-waste is expected to increase by almost 17% to 52.2 million tonnes in 2021, or around 8% every year. [...][...] documented statistics by the United Nations University show that only 20% of e-waste is collected and recycled while the fate of the other 80% is unknown [...][...][...] Electronics contain hazardous materials [...], so burning these components can damage human health and the environment.[...]What’s the situation in Australia?Millions of electronic devices like televisions, computers and mobile phones are discarded in Australia every year. To prevent e-waste from going to landfill, the?National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme?was implemented [...]. The scheme provides Australian households and small businesses with access to [...] collection and recycling services for televisions and computers.[...]CLEANAWAY. E-waste: An inconvenient consequence of the digital age. 30 jul. 2018. Disponível em: <.au/about-us/sustainable-future/e-waste-problem>. Acesso em: 13 nov. 2018.GLOSSARY e-waste: equipamento eletr?nico que foi jogado fora fate: destinohazardous: perigosolandfill: aterro sanitárioton: tonelada unknown: desconhecido5. The extract of the article above provides ...a) facts about the situation of the electronic waste in the world.b) writer’s opinions about the situation of e-waste recycling in Australia.c) facts about e-waste recycling and the writer’s opinions about the situation in Australia.d) writer’s opinions and advice on how to recycle electronic equipment.6. Which sentences support the idea that it is important to recycle e-waste? Choose all that apply, then check the correct alternative.I. “Every year, 44.7 million tonnes of e-waste is generated around the world [...].”II. “The amount of global e-waste is expected to increase [...].”III. “[...] documented statistics by the United Nations University show that only 20% of e-waste is collected and recycled [...].”IV. “To prevent e-waste from going to landfill, the?National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme?was implemented [...].”V. “The scheme provides Australian households and small businesses with access to [...] collection and recycling services for televisions and computers.”a) I – IV – Vb) II – III – IVc) I – II – IIId) IV – V7. Complete the sentences based on the information from the text and on your previous knowledge about recycling.a) If we don’t recycle electronic equipment, b) If Brazil implements a national e-waste recycling program, c) The amount of e-waste will continue to increase if d) Electronic equipment contains dangerous materials. Human health will be seriously affected if Text for questions 8 and 9.HOW DID ENGLISH CHANGE YOUR LIFE?[…]I’m from Denmark and studying my bachelor degree in business with focus on english [...][...][...] I didn’t realise it was a power of communication before I was 22–24. Learning english and being fluent at it.. gives the power to communicate with a lot of people. [...]Maybe you don’t understand formal english like in the news, but.. you can talk with people in a decent way. [...]English is so powerful when ur good at it. [...][...]D., D. How did English change your life? Quora, 27 jul. 2016 Disponível em: <How-did-English-change-your-life>. Acesso em: 14 nov. 2018.8. The author of the answer above from a Q&A website is explaining the importance of ...a) English to communicate with different people.b) speaking English perfectly.c) English in Denmark.d) learning English for business. 9. The text presents ...a) facts and data about the use of English in Denmark.b) suggestions and guidance on how to study English.c) facts and opinions about the best way to learn English.d) opinions about the importance of English nowadays.Map for question 10.Renato Bassani10. Observe o mapa e explique brevemente algumas causas da expans?o da língua inglesa no mundo. ................

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