2020 Census Promotion Copy

Newsletter/Website/Email:The 2020 Census is here! Every 10 years, the census counts how many people are in our community to decide how much federal funding and representation we should receive. Households begin receiving census invitations in the mail this month. The nine questions will decide how federal funds are distributed to communities across the nation over the next decade. It will also decide how representation will be distributed based on population.A complete and accurate census count is critical. Census results show where communities need new schools, clinics, roads and other services benefiting families, older adults and children. They help decide federal funding for disaster recovery, mental health services, medical benefits programs, education programs and much more. When you’re counted in the census, you’re helping to build a better community and a stronger Gulf Coast region. Responses to the census are completely confidential. As required by law, they cannot be shared with anyone, even other branches of government. Completing the census is easy! Fill yours out in 10 minutes to claim the most for your community. The census can be completed in over 13 languages online, by phone, or by mail.Visit to learn more about the 2020 Census. Say YES to Census 2020, and help us shape the next 10 years for the Gulf Coast region. You deserved to be counted!Facebook/LinkedIn Captions:Health clinics. Fire departments. Schools. Roads and highways. By taking the census, you help shape funding for all these services and more over the next 10 years. Visit and learn why your response matters. #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsYour privacy matters! Census data is confidential by law. Your private information is never published, and your answers are completely anonymous. Visit to learn more. #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsNine questions in just 10 minutes can shape your community for the next 10 years. The results of the 2020 Census help decide how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into communities over the next decade. Help us shape the future of the Gulf Coast Region. #SayYestotheCensus and #BeCounted. #GulfCoastCounts Visit .The 2020 Census is available in 13 languages. Complete the census in your language online, by phone, or in person with a census representative from your community. Say #YestotheCensus. Visit . #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsHappy National Census Day! Invitations to take the 2020 Census are going out now in your community. Shape your future. Say #YestotheCensus and #BeCounted. #GulfCoastCounts Vist .Did you know that you can complete the Census 2020 online, by phone, or by email? Visit ways-to-respond to learn more. Say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsCounting every living person in the U.S. takes years of planning. Visit en/important-dates to learn about the 2020 Census timeline and important dates. Say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsThere’s still time to participate in the 2020 Census! Your responses help secure funding for hospitals, fire departments, highways and roadways, schools, libraries and much more. Your response matters! Visit and say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsCensus takers are canvassing your neighborhood to help you complete the census in person. For details, visit en/census-takers. #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsWhat questions will you see on the 2020 Census? Explore the questions you’ll be asked on your census form at en/about-questions. Say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsFunding for hospitals and care clinics. School lunches. Plans for highways and roadways. Support for firefighters and families in need. Census results affect your community every day. Visit en/community-impact and learn how the 2020 Census can impact your community. #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsDid you know you can also complete the 2020 Census in person? Visit en/census-takers to know the details. #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsHaven’t completed the 2020 Census yet? There’s still time! Census takers will continue canvassing neighborhoods until July to help make sure everyone is counted. Learn more at en/census-takers. #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsInstagram Captions:Health clinics. Fire departments. Schools. Roads and highways. By taking the census, you help shape funding for all these services and more over the next 10 years. Visit and learn why your response matters. #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsYour privacy matters! Census data is kept confidential by law. Your private information is never published, and your answers are completely anonymous. Visit to learn more. #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCounts Nine questions in just 10 minutes can shape your community for the next 10 years. The results of the 2020 Census help decide how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into communities over the next decade. Help us shape the future of the Gulf Coast Region. #SayYestotheCensus and #BeCounted. #GulfCoastCounts Visit .No matter what your language is, you have the right to complete the 2020 Census. It’s available in 13 languages, online, by phone or in person with a census representative from your community. Say #YestotheCensus. Visit . #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsHappy National Census Day! Invitations to take the 2020 Census are going out now in your community. Shape your future. Say #YestotheCensus and #BeCounted. #GulfCoastCounts Vist .You have 3 ways to respond to the 2020 Census: online, by phone, or by email. Say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsThe census is here! Learn about important dates and more at the Census 2020 website and say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsWe all count! So respond to the census! Visit the Census 2020 website and say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsCensus takers are already in your neighborhood. If you prefer responding online, by phone, or by email, do it now. Say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsHave a peek at the 2020 census questions so you can see how easy it is! Say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsFunding for hospitals and clinics. School lunches. Plans for highways and roadways. Support for firefighters and families in need. The census results will impact your community in several ways over the next 10 years. Help shape your community’s future by taking the 2020 Census today! #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsDon’t want to respond to the 2020 Census in person? Complete it now online, by phone, or by email. Say #YesttotheCensus. #HoustonCounts #HtownCountsHaven’t completed the 2020 Census? Don’t worry. A census taker will visit you before July. Say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsTwitter Captions:By taking the 2020 Census, you help shape funding for schools, health clinics, libraries, firefighters, roadways, and much more over the next 10 years. Visit . #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsYour privacy matters! Census data is confidential and helps to improve your community. Visit . #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCounts Nine questions in just 10 minutes can shape your community for the next 10 years. Stand up and #BeCounted. Say #YestotheCensus. Visit . #GulfCoastCountsComplete the 2020 Census in 13 languages online, by phone, or by email. Learn more at . Say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsHappy National Census Day! Census invitations are out now in your neighborhood. Shape your future. Say #YestotheCensus and #BeCounted. Visit . #GulfCoastCountsDon’t want to respond to the 2020 Census in person? Complete it now online, by phone, or by email. Learn more at en/ways-to-respond. #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsImportant dates for the 2020 Census are coming up! Learn more at en/important-dates. Say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsWe all count! Your response matters! Find out how your participation in the 2020 Census can impact your community at . Say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsWho can participate in the 2020 Census? Everyone! The more people in your community respond to the census, the bigger the impact. Visit . #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsCensus takers play a critical role in the 2020 Census. Visit en/census-takers for more on how they make sure we’re all counted. #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsWhat questions will you be asked on the 2020 Census? Find out at en/about-questions. Say #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsSchools. Disaster relief. Highways. Health clinics. The 2020 Census affects all these and much more. Learn why your response matters! Visit en/community-impact. #YestotheCensus #BeCounted #GulfCoastCountsHaven’t completed the 2020 Census? Don’t worry. A census taker will visit you before July. Learn more at en/census-takers. #YestotheCensus. #BeCounted #GulfCoastCounts ................

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