Minutes of the Village Council of Sparta, Kent County, MichiganRegular Meeting of Monday, September 14, 2020 7:00 pm75 N. Union Street (Sparta Civic Center) & Remote Meeting Via Zoom MediaPresent:President Kristi Dougan; Council Members Brenda Braybrook, Robert Carlstrom, David Cumings, Christine Robinson, and Robert WhalenAlso Present:Interim Village Manager Brian Donovan; Police Chief Andrew Milanowski; DPW Supervisor Dennis Brinks; Finance Director David Carpenter; Village Engineer Kevin E. Koster, P.E., of Prein & Newhof; Airport Manager Marty Coaker; contracted Wasterwater Treatment Plant Operator Adam Philipp of Infrastructure Alternatives, Inc.; Downtown Development Authority Director Elizabeth Morse; Code Enforcement Officer Natalie Davenport; and Village Clerk Toni PotesAbsent:Council Member Betty VanPatten1. / 2. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by President Dougan at 7 pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.3. Roll Call: Formal roll call was taken. Those in attendance are noted above.4. Additions or Corrections to Business and Consent AgendaConsent Agenda:a. Approve Regular Village Council Meeting Minutes of August 10, 2020b. Approve Work Session Village Council Meeting Minutes of August 10, 2020c. Approve Special Village Council Meeting Minutes of August 31, 2020d. Approve Executive Session Village Council Meeting Minutes of June 8, 2020e. Approve Executive Session Village Council Meeting Minutes of August 31, 2020f. Accept Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of September 8, 2020g. Accept Regular DDA Meeting Minutes of August 11, 2020h. Accept Regular Fire Board Meeting Minutes of August 20, 20205. Approval of Consent Agenda and Business Agenda: Motion by Whalen, second by Robinson, to approve the Consent Agenda and add item o. “Compensation for Manager Search” to New Business of the Business Agenda. Motion carried 6 to 0.6. Public Comment for Agenda Items—Please note: This Public Comment portion of the meeting is reserved for comment on agenda items. Any member of the public wishing to listen and/or watch the proceedings or provide public comment used the following internet connection or phone numbers, meeting ID number and password: , ID # 950 5450 9916, password 336948, phone 1.312.626.6799 or 1.646.558.8656: Dan Kulakowski of 105 Prospect stated paint is all over his car. Painting of the tower is going on across the street. He asked how much paint is allowed in the sewer system? Power washing went into the sewer system. He is concerned about damage to his vehicle. He was asked to please submit a claim form with the Village, and the Village will submit a claim to the painting company. Dispensing of paint is approved by different agencies. He is worried about PFOS going into the sewer system. He was asked to please put his concerns in writing to the Village.Lindsay and Lucy Tuistra of Nelson Street presented drawings and stated they want chickens.7. Public Hearinga. Application from B.S. Holdings Inc. (commonly known as Hart Enterprises) for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate. The applicant is requesting a 50% tax abatement for a period of twelve (12) years for new building improvements (real property) valued at $880,000. B.S. Holdings Inc. is located in the Industrial Development District located at 400 Applejack Court:Public Hearing opened at 7:08 pm. No one was present representing Applicant Hart Enterprises.No public comment.Public Hearing closed at 7:09 pm.8. Old Business:a. Consider Recommendation from Planning Commission to Approve Ordinance #20–01: An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 10 “Animals” and Chapter 82 “Zoning” of the Sparta Village Code of Ordinances to Allow for the Keeping of Chickens in the Village: Carlstrom reviewed the Planning Commission’s findings. Motion by Robinson, second by Carlstrom, to approve Ordinance #20–01 with the amendments brought to the Council. Whalen wanted clarification as to what happens to the chickens when a permit is revoked. The animal shelter will take them. Robinson stated the questioning is over the top because the ordinance requirements are so thorough. Motion carried 5 to 1, with Cumings opposing.9. New Businessa. Resolution #19–38: A Resolution Approving the Application of C&T Fabrication LLC for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for new facilities in the Amount of $2,600,000: No action taken.b. Resolution #20–17: A Resolution Approving the Application of B.S. Holdings Inc. for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for New Improvements; and Consider Approval of Property Tax Agreement with B.S. Holdings for New Facilities: Motion by Whalen, second by Robinson, to table so that the application can be filled out correctly by Applicant Hart Enterprises and request that they have representation at the Council meeting taking place after submission of the corrected application. Motion carried 6 to 0. c. Resolution #20–18: A Resolution for a Rezoning Request from Tesa Tape to Rezone the Northern 241’x358’ of the Parcel Located at 465 S. Union Street (Parcel #41-05-23-302-009) from R-1 Residential to LI Light Industrial: Tobias from Tesa Tape was present to answer any questions and provided an update. Motion by Braybrook, second by Cumings, to approve Resolution #20–18. Motion carried 6 to 0.d. Consider Award of WWTP Phase II Electrical Improvement Project to Feyen Zylstra for an Amount Not to Exceed $118,500.00: Phillip and Koster explained the cost comparisons and the reason for the project. Motion by Robinson, second by Carlstrom, to award Feyen Zylstra the WWTP Phase II electrical improvement project at a cost not to exceed $118,500. Motion carried 6 to 0.e. Consider Award of WWTP Return Piping Improvements to Deans Landscaping & Excavating for an Amount Not to Exceed $74,479.00: Koster explained the project. Motion by Whalen, second by Braybrook, to award Deans Landscaping & Excavating the WWTP return piping improvements project at a cost not to exceed $74,479. Motion carried 6 to 0.f. Consider Approval of Silver Creek/S. Union Street Improvement Project Change Order #1, Change Order #2, and Final Pay Application #1 to CL Trucking & Excavating in the Amount of $55,241.63: Koster explained the project. This expense will be reimbursed by General Formations. Motion by Braybrook, second by Cumings, to approve Change Orders #1 and #2, and to pay Final Pay Application #1 to CL Trucking & Excavating for the Silver Creek/S. Union Street improvement project in the amount of $55,241.63. Motion carried 6 to 0.g. Consider Approval of East Spartan Drive Water Supply Improvement Project Change Order #1, Change Order #2, and Final Pay Application #2 to CL Trucking & Excavating in the Amount of $125,837.42: Koster explained change orders and the project. Motion by Whalen, second by Robinson, to approve Change Orders #1 and #2, and to pay Final Pay Application #2 to CL Trucking & Excavating in the amount of $125,837.42. Motion carried 6 to 0.h. 223 E. Division St. Development Agreement Between Great Lakes Real Estate Investment LLC and Downtown Development Authority: Morse stated the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) wants the Village Council’s support in entering negotiations. The Council had no objections.i. Request from DDA for 2021 Debt Forgiveness Related to 223 E. Division St. Development to Achieve Downtown Priority Projects: Morse shared a presentation by the DDA on investment in the community vs. the 2021 debt payment to the Village. Motion by Whalen, second by Robinson, to forgive the first payment of $27,498.99 to the Village and that amount to go to Priority Project #1 (Arches Parking Lot, $21,000) and #2 (Native Landscaping & Nash Creek Design Boardwalk, $6,500). Motion carried 6 to 0.j. Request from DDA for Fireworks Display to be held on November 20 During Shop Sparta Event: Motion by Braybrook, second by Cumings, to approve the fireworks display on November 20, 2020, during Shop Sparta Event, with a rain-day date of November 21. Motion carried 5-0-1, with Whalen abstaining.k. Authorize Airport Manager to Solicit Bids for Construction of Multi-Unit T-Hangar with 60’x65’ End Hangar at Sparta Municipal Airport: Coaker explained the project. The loan for the project is from the Village general fund. Motion by Braybrook, second by Carlstrom, to authorize the Airport Manager to solicit bids for construction of multi-unit T-hangar with 60’x65’ end hangar at Sparta Municipal Airport. Motion carried 6 to 0.l. Approve Purchase of Airport Maintenance Truck from Sparta Chevrolet for an Amount not to Exceed $32,013.14: Coaker corrected his September 4, 2020, memo in that the quote from Berger Chevrolet is for a Chevy Silverado 2500 (not 3500) for $31,800; the quote from Sparta Chevy is for a Chevy Silverado 3500 for $31,998.10. Motion by Whalen, second by Cumings, to purchase the Silverado 3500 from Sparta Chevy for an amount not to exceed $32,013.14. Motion carried 6 to 0.m. Consider Sale of the 2016 Ford Taurus Police Interceptor to the Sparta Municipal Airport for Use as a Courtesy Car: Motion by Robinson, second by Braybrook, to authorize sale of the 2016 Ford Taurus to the Sparta Municipal Airport for use as a courtesy car. Motion carried 6 to 0.n. Consider Proposal from Sable Developing for 110 S. State Street Single Family Development: The Village manager is directed to negotiate on the house type and price with John Bitely of Sable Developing including: a sale price of $10,000; expanding the front porch, maybe a wrap-around porch; additional curb cut for the home’s private driveway (currently the driveway is shared); a colonial look or a design more compatible with the homes in the area; landscaping and trees.o. Compensation for Manager Search: Due to the extra work performed by former Village manager Julius Suchy on the hiring process of a new manager, President Dougan suggested a payment of $2,500 to Mr. Suchy. Motion by Whalen, second by Braybrook, to pay Julius Suchy $2,500. Motion carried 6 to 0.10. Village Manager & Department Reports: Submitted reports included Chief of Police Report of August 2020; Municipal Airport Report of August and September Newsletter; Department of Public Works Report of Sept. 2020; Wastewater Treatment Plant Report from Infrastructure Alternatives for August 2020; and DDA Director Report dated September 8, 2020. Philipp showed a picture of a 14” catfish that was sucked in. Brinks is working on placement of drinking fountains, bottle fill, and dog bowl; Lamoreaux Park should be considered. The police department has two part-timers. President Dougan reported that she is negotiating with Shay Gallagher as the new Village manager. She was directed to offer three years initially. She has requested his current contract. She secured other background check documents. Gallagher is currently in both retirement plans—President Dougan was directed on what to offer and not offer. Gallagher will give 30-days notice to his current employer, so a special meeting of Council may take place before the next regular meeting to approve a contract.11. Communications:a. Letter from Village of Clinton regarding EGLE Lead & Copper Rule: The Village manager was directed to communicate with the Village of Clinton that the Village of Sparta will support the cause and to ask to please clarify the plan or process when determined. Motion by Robinson, second by Whalen, to authorize the expenditure of up to $1,000 now and up to $1,000 more at the time a plan is determined. Motion carried 6 to 0.August 2020 Payables(101) General Fund$105,239.65(202) Major Street Fund$22,566.04(203) Local Street Fund$3,516.55(208) SRA Park Fund -(230) Civic Center$1,479.98(250) Downtown Development Authority$3,522.52(351) Capital Improvement Bond-(376) 2008 USDA Sewer Debt$32.69(401) Sidewalk Fund-(581) Airport$54,441.16(590) Sewer Department Fund$29,424.16(591) Water Department Fund$27,513.72(592) Sewer Capital Improvement Fund$9.21(593) Water Capital Improvement Fund$4,460.75(661) Equipment Rental Fund$3,521.61(730) Payroll Benefits-Total$255,728.0412. Payment of Bills: Motion by Cumings, second by Braybrook, to approve payment of the August 2020 payables totaling $255,728.04. Motion carried 6 to 0.13. Public Comment: None.14. Executive Session: None.15. Council Member Announcements: Brinks updated the Council on the water tower painting progress, which is on track to be done at the end of September. The Village staff went around two times to homeowners regarding the painting project, and the painting company offered tarps to cover residents’ vehicles. One resident refused the tarp. Staff went above and beyond to work it out.16. Adjournment: President Dougan adjourned the meeting at 8:57 pm by executive privilege. The next regular Village Council meeting will be Monday, October 12, 2020, at 7 pm.Respectfully submitted,—Toni PotesVillage Clerk ................

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