Gifts and Benefits Register – March 2020 quarter

Gifts and Benefits Received Register Quarter: March 2020Date given or receivedName of recipientName of donorDescription of gift or benefitValue $Was the gift retained by:Employee; orAgencyReasons for accepting (what is the benefit to the Queensland community)Name & title of accountable officer or supervisorTrim Reference Gift & Benefit Declaration23/08/2019S WilliamsThe University of Queensland – ATSIS UnitCorporate Box $295.00a) EmployeeAccepting this invitation provides an opportunity to network and engage with the University of Queensland ATSIS Unit to strengthen the collaborative partnership particularly regarding Solid Pathways program.D HartleyA/Assistant Director-General Indigenous Education19/46377813/08/2019D HartleyErnst and YoungTwo tickets to Bangarra: 30 years of Sixty Five Thousand $224.00a) EmployeeIt shows the department’s commitment to young indigenous Australians and promoting their career choices.P KellyDeputy Director-General State School19/46377129/08/2019M SinghGold Coast TitansUse of corporate box at Titans gamesNote: NRL matches subsequently cancelled COVID19$1,500.00a) EmployeeAcknowledgement of promotion of rugby league and Gold Coast Titans in Queensland schoolsEndorsed Dr R Pointing PrincipalApproved T Cook – Director-General19/705704Date given or receivedName of recipientName of donorDescription of gift or benefitValue $Was the gift retained by:Employee; orAgencyReasons for accepting (what is the benefit to the Queensland community)Name & title of accountable officer or supervisorTrim Reference Gift & Benefit Declaration29/08/2019M SinghGold Coast TitansGift vouchers – Titans merchandise store $500.00b) AgencyAcknowledgement of promotion of rugby league and Gold Coast Titans in Queensland schoolsEndorsed Dr R Pointing PrincipalApproved T Cook – Director-General19/70570403/02/2020C OhmenzetterMy Alter Ego Catering3 Sample Food Platters $200.00b) AgencyAn unsolicited gift from a local catering company to promote their business opening in the local area. Endorsed Duncan Anson, ADG Finance & CFOApproved T Cook – Director-General20/59073 ................

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