UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON CRIME STATISTICSBelow are statistical charts for calendar years 2019, 2018 and 2017. Charts for UW-Madison’s School of Social Work Part-Time Master’s Program which is held at UW-Eau Claire are found on page 6. Differences in the statistics themselves reflect the number of crimes reported, and not necessarily a difference in the rate of crime itself. The data does not reflect prosecutions, convictions or the outcome of disciplinary actions.Crime statistics published in this document reflect crimes that are reported to have occurred in one of four federally defined locations. Crimes that are reported to have occurred outside of the following locations are not included in this report. The four federally defined locations are:On-campus property is defined as any building or property owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and used by the institution in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the institution’s educational purposes, including residence halls; and any building or property that is within or reasonably contiguous to campus that is owned by the institution but controlled by another person, frequently used by students, and supports institutional purposes (such as a food or other retail vendor).On-campus student housing is defined as any student housing facility that is owned or controlled by the institution, or is located on property that is owned or controlled by the institution, and is within the reasonably contiguous geographic area that makes up the campus.Public property is defined as all public property, including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking facilities, that is within the campus, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from campus.Non-campus property is defined as any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by the institution; or any building or property that is owned or controlled by an institution that is used in direct support of, or in relation to, the institution’s educational purposes, is frequently used by students and is not within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area of the institution. This category includes property that is outside of Madison, outside of Wisconsin and outside of the United States.For the definitions of crimes and categories in the charts, click here.2019 UW-Madison Campus Crime StatisticsCrimesOn Campus Property# of On-Campus Incidents that occurred in Student HousingPublic PropertyNon-Campus PropertyLiquor Law Violation Arrests0000Drug Law Violation Arrests1331314Weapons Law Violation Arrests21515Liquor Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals951768307Drug Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals18918640Weapons Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals0000Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter0000Manslaughter by Negligence0000Robbery4132Aggravated Assault62213Burglary671007Motor Vehicle Theft2007Arson0000Rape 11810Fondling9202Incest0000Statutory Rape0000Domestic Violence10427Dating Violence1001Stalking48300In 2019, there were 3 hate crimes reported that qualified for inclusion in this report: 1 intimidation motivated by bias against national origin in student housing 1 vandalism motivated by bias against gender identity on campus 1 intimidation motivated by bias against race on campus 3 crimes were unfounded in 2019.2018 UW-Madison Campus Crime StatisticsCrimesOn Campus Property# of On-Campus Incidents that occurred in Student HousingPublic PropertyNon-Campus PropertyLiquor Law Violation Arrests0015Drug Law Violation Arrests102123Weapons Law Violation Arrests1062Liquor Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals12621008428Drug Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals233198154Weapons Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals1100Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter0000Manslaughter by Negligence0000Robbery3060Aggravated Assault1131315Burglary431505Motor Vehicle Theft1042Arson1000Rape 131004Fondling13221Incest0000Statutory Rape0000Domestic Violence6200Dating Violence7310Stalking29812In 2018, there were 4 hate crimes reported that qualified for inclusion in this report:1 simple assault motivated by bias against race on public property1 simple assault motivated by bias against sexual orientation on campus1 aggravated assault motivated by bias against race on campus1 rape motivated by bias against race on campus3 reported crimes were unfounded in 20182017 UW-Madison Crime StatisticsCrimesOn Campus Property# of On-Campus Incidents that occurred in Student HousingPublic PropertyNon-Campus PropertyLiquor Law Violation Arrests10017Drug Law Violation Arrests9 (updated September 2019)410 (updated February 2019)1Weapons Law Violation Arrests0042Liquor Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals1198 (updated September 2019)905 (updated September 2019)53 (updated September 2019)3Drug Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals370 (updated September 2019)334 (updated September 2019)21 (updated September 2019)1Weapons Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals2100Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter0000Manslaughter by Negligence0000Robbery1041Aggravated Assault658 (updated February 2019)7Burglary461105Motor Vehicle Theft1054Arson1101Rape 131101Fondling11400Incest0000Statutory Rape0000Domestic Violence6531Dating Violence2010Stalking16421In 2017, there were 4 hate crimes reported that qualified for inclusion in this report:1 intimidation motivated by bias against national origin occurred on public property1 vandalism motivated by bias against religion occurred on on-campus property in student housing1 vandalism motivated by bias against religion occurred on on-campus property in student housing1 vandalism motivated by bias against race occurred on on-campus property in student housing 8 crimes were unfounded in 2017.2019 UW-Madison School of Social Work Part-Time Master’s Program at UW-Eau Claire Crime StatisticsThere were no reportable crimes, law violations or disciplinary referrals in 2019.CrimesOn Campus Property# of On-Campus Incidents that occurred in Student HousingPublic PropertyNon-Campus PropertyLiquor Law Violation Arrests0N/A00Drug Law Violation Arrests0N/A00Weapons Law Violation Arrests0N/A00Liquor Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals0N/A00Drug Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals0N/A00Weapons Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals0N/A00Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter0N/A00Manslaughter by Negligence0N/A00Robbery0N/A00Aggravated Assault0N/A00Burglary0N/A00Motor Vehicle Theft0N/A00Arson0N/A00Rape 0N/A00Fondling0N/A00Incest0N/A00Statutory Rape0N/A00Domestic Violence0N/A00Dating Violence0N/A00Stalking0N/A000 hate crimes were reported in 2019.0 crimes were unfounded in 2019.2018 UW-Madison School of Social Work Part-Time Master’s Program at UW-Eau Claire Crime StatisticsCrimesOn Campus Property# of On-Campus Incidents that occurred in Student HousingPublic PropertyNon-Campus PropertyLiquor Law Violation Arrests1N/A00Drug Law Violation Arrests0N/A00Weapons Law Violation Arrests0N/A00Liquor Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals0N/A10Drug Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals0N/A00Weapons Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals0N/A00Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter0N/A00Manslaughter by Negligence0N/A00Robbery0N/A00Aggravated Assault0N/A00Burglary0N/A00Motor Vehicle Theft0N/A00Arson0N/A00Rape 0N/A00Fondling0N/A00Incest0N/A00Statutory Rape0N/A00Domestic Violence0N/A00Dating Violence0N/A00Stalking0N/A00In 2018, there was 1 hate crimes reported that qualified for inclusion in this report:1 vandalism motivated by bias sexual orientation on campus0 crimes were unfounded in 2018.2017 UW-Madison School of Social Work Part-Time Master’s Program at UW-Eau Claire Crime StatisticsThere were no reportable crimes, law violations or disciplinary referrals in 2017.CrimesOn Campus Property# of On-Campus Incidents that occurred in Student HousingPublic PropertyNon-Campus PropertyLiquor Law Violation Arrests0N/A00Drug Law Violation Arrests0N/A00Weapons Law Violation Arrests0N/A00Liquor Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals0N/A00Drug Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals0N/A00Weapons Law Violation Disciplinary Referrals0N/A00Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter0N/A00Manslaughter by Negligence0N/A00Robbery0N/A00Aggravated Assault0N/A00Burglary0N/A00Motor Vehicle Theft0N/A00Arson0N/A00Rape 0N/A00Fondling0N/A00Incest0N/A00Statutory Rape0N/A00Domestic Violence0N/A00Dating Violence0N/A00Stalking0N/A000 hate crimes were reported in 2017.0 crimes were unfounded in 2017. ................

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