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Auto 110


A1 Michelin (France)

A2 Loe (Brazil)

A3 General (IL)

A4 H. A. Pusan (Korea)

A5 Ciech-Stomil (Pol.)

A6 Apollo (India)

A7 Bridgestone (Thai.)

A8 Bridgestone (Indo.)

A9 General (OH)

AA General (OH)

AB General (TX)

AC General (NC)

AD General (KY)

AE General (Spain)

AF General (Portugal)

AH General (Mexico)

AJ Uniroyal (MI)

AK Uniroyal (MA)

AL Uniroyal (WI)

AM Uniroyal (CA)

AN Uniroyal (AL)

AP Uniroyal (OK)

AT Avon (England)

AU Uniroyal (Ontario)

AV Seiberling (OH)

AW Sampson (Israel)

AX Phoenix (Germany)

AY Phoenix (Germany)

B1 Michelin (France)

B2 Dunlop (Malaysia)

B3 Michelin (Nova Sc.)

B4 Taurus (Hungary)

B5 Ciech-Stomil (Pol.)

B6 Michelin (SC)

B7 Michelin (AL)

B8 Michelin (Brazil)

B9 Michelin (SC)

BA Goodrich (OH)

BB Goodrich (OK)

BC Goodrich (PA)

BD Goodrich (OK)

BE Goodrich (AL)

BF Goodrich (IN)

BJ Goodrich (Germany)

BK Goodrich (Brazil)

BL Goodrich (Col.)

BM Goodrich (Austria)

BN Goodrich (Phill.)

BP Goodrich (Iran)

BT Semperit (Austria)

BU Semperit (Ireland)


BW Gates (CO)

BX Gates (TH)

BY Gates (CO)

C1 Michelin (Higeria)

C2 Kelly (Brazil)

C3 McCreary (MD)

C4 Armstrong (TH)

C5 Ciech-Stomil (Pol.)

C6 Mitas (Czech)

C7 Ironsides (KY)

C8 Bridgestone (Taiwa)

C9 Seven Star (Taiwa)

CA Mohawk (OH)

CB Mohawk (AR)

CC Mohawk (VA)

CD Alliance (Israel)

CE Armstrong (CT)

CF Armstrong (IA)

CH Armstrong (CA)

CJ Inque (Japan)

CK Armstrong (TH)

CL Continental (Italy)

CM Continental (Ger.)

CP Continental (Ger.)

CT Continental (Ger.)

CU Continental (Ger.)

CV Armstrong (MS)

CW Toyo (Japan)

CX Toyo (Japan)

CY McCreary (PA)

D1 Viking-Askim (Nor.)

D2 Dayton (TN)

D3 United (Ontario)

D4 Dunlop (India)

D5 Dunlop (India)

D6 Borovo (Yugo.)

D7 Dunlop (S. Africa)

D8 Dunlop (S. Africa)

D9 United Tire (Ont.)

DA Dunlop (NY)

DB Dunlop (AL)

DC Dunlop (Ontario)

DD Dunlop (England)

DE Dunlop (England)

DF Dunlop (England)

DH Dunlop (Scotland)

DJ Dunlop (Ireland)

DK Dunlop (France)

DL Dunlop (France)

DM Dunlop (Germany)

DN Dunlop (Germany)

DP Dunlop (Engalnd)

DT Dunlop (Australia)

DU Dunlop (Australia)

DV Verdestein (Neth.)

DW Verdestein (Neth.)

DX Verdestein (Neth.)

DY Denman (OH)

E1 Chung Hsia (Taiwan)

E2 Firestone (Brazil)

E3 Seiberling (TN)

E4 Firestone (N.Z.)

E5 Firestone (S. Africa)

E6 Firestone (Tunisuia)

E7 Firestone (Kenya)

E8 Firestone (Ghana)

E9 Firestone (S. Africa)

EA Metzeler (Germany)

EB Metzeler (Germany)

EC Metzeler (Germany)

ED Okamoto (Japan)

EE Nitto (Japan)

EF Hang Ah (Korea)

EH Bridgestone (Japan)

EJ Bridgestone (Japan)

EK Bridgestone (Japan)

EL Bridgestone (Japan)

EM Bridgestone (Japan)

EN Bridgestone (Japan)

EP Bridgestone (Japan)

ET Sumitoma (Japan)

EU Sumitoma (Japan)

EV Kleber (France)

EW Kleber (France)

EX Kleber (France)

EY Kleber (Germany)

F1 Michelin (Scotland)

F2 Firestone (Ven.)

F3 Michelin (France)

F4 Fapobol (Portugal)

F5 FATE (Argentina)

F6 Firestone (Spain)

F7 Firestone (Spain)

F8 Vikrant (India)

F9 Dunlop (N.Z.)

FA Yokohama (Japan)

FB Yokohama (Japan)

FC Yokohama (Japan)

FD Yokohama (Japan)

FE Yokohama (Japan)

FF Michelin (France)

FH Michelin (France)

FJ Michelin (France)

FK Michelin (France)

FL Michelin (France)

FM Michelin (France)

FN Michelin (France)

FP Michelin (Algeria)

FT Michelin (Germany)

FU Michelin (Germany)

FV Michelin (Germany)

FW Michelin (Germany)

FX Michelin (Belgium)

FY Michelin (France)

H1 Michelin (Spain)

H2 Kumbo (Korea)

H3 Sava (Yugoslavia)

H4 Bridgestone (Japan)

H5 Hutchinson (France)

H6 Shin Hung (Korea)

H7 Li Nsia (Taiwan)

H8 Firestone (OK)

H9 Reifenberg (Ger.)

HA Michelin (Spain)

HB Michelin (Spain)

HC Michelin (Spain)

HD Michelin (Italy)

HE Michelin (Italy)

HF Michelin (Italy)

HH Michelin (Italy)

HJ Michelin (Ireland)

HK Michelin (Ireland)

HL Michelin (England)

HM Michelin (Engalnd)

HN New Glasgow (N.S)

HP Michelin (Viet.)

HT Ceat (Italy)

HU Ceat (Italy)

HV Ceat (Italy)

HW Gurmarne (Czech)

HX Dayton (OH)

HY Dayton (OC)

J1 Philips (OK)

J2 Bridgestone (Sint)

J3 Gumarne (Czech)

J4 Rubena (Czech)

J5 Lee (OH)

J6 Jaroslav (USSR)

J7 R & J (IN)

J8 Da Sing (Shanghai)

J9 P.T. Latirub (Indo)

JA Lee (ON)

JB Lee (OP)

JC Lee (PA)

JD Lee (MO)

JE Lee (VA)

JF Lee (NC)

JH Lee (IL)

JJ Lee (AL)

JK Lee (AN)

JL Lee (CA)

JM Lee (MA)

JN Lee (KS)

JP Lee (TX)

JT Lee (TN)

JU Lee (Ontario)

JV Lee (Ontario)

JW Lee (Ontario)

JX Lee (Quebec)

JY Lee (Argentina)

K1 Phillips (OH)

K2 Lee (KY)

K3 Kenda (Taiwan)

K4 Uniroyal (Mexico)

K5 Premant (Ger.)

K6 Lee (OK)

K7 Lee (Chile)

K8 Kelley (Malaysia)

K9 Natier Tire (Taiwan)

KA Lee (Australia)

KB Lee (Australia)

KC Lee Brazil)

KD Lee (Columbia)

KE Lee (Zaire)

KF Lee (France)

KH Lee (Germany)

KJ Lee (Germany)

KL Lee (Guatamala)

KM Lee (Luxemburg)

KN Lee (India)

KP Lee (Indonesia)

KT Lee (Italy)

KU Lee (Jamaica)

KV Lee (Mexico)

KW Lee (Peru)

KX Lee (Phillipines)

KY Lee (Scotland)

L1 Goodyear (Taiwan)

L2 Wuon Poong (Kor.)

L3 Tong Shin (Korea)

L4 Cipcmp (Romania)

L5 Lassa Lastik (Turk.)

L6 Dunlop (Zimbobwe)

L7 Cipcmp (Romania)

L8 Dunlop (Zimbobwe)

LA Lee (S. Africa)

LB Lee (Turkey)

LC Lee (Thailand)

LD Lee (Turkey)

LE Lee (Venezuela)

LF Lee (England)

LH Bridgestone (Austl)

LJ Uniroyal (Belgium)

LK Llantas (Col.)

LL Uniroyal (France)

LM Uniroyal (Germany)

LN Uniroyal (Mexico)

LP Uniroyal (Scotland)

LT Uniroyal (Turkey)

LU Uniroyal (Ven.)

LV General (Ontario)

LW Treileborg (Sweden)

LX Mitsuboshi (Japan)

LY Mitsuboshi (Japan)

M1 Goodyear (Mor.)

M2 Goodyear (KY)

M3 Michelin (SC)

M4 Goodyear (OH)

M5 Michelin (Nova Sc.)

M6 Goodyear (OK)

M7 Goodyear (Chile)

M8 Pramier (India)

M9 Uniroyal (CT)

MA Goodyear (OH)

MB Goodyear (OH)

MC Goodyear (VA)

MD Goodyear (AL)

ME Goodyear (MI)

MF Goodyear (CA)

MH Goodyear (ME)

MJ Goodyear (KS)

ML Goodyear (MD)

MM Goodyear (NC)

MN Goodyear (IL)

MP Goodyear (TX)

MT Goodyear (PA)

MU Goodyear (Arg.)

MV Goodyear (Austrla)

MW Goodyear (Austrla)

MX Goodyear (Brazil)

MY Goodyear (Col.)

N1 Maloja (Switz)

N2 Hurtubise (NY)

N3 Nitto (Japan)

N4 Cipcmp (Romania)

N5 Paeumant (Germany)

N6 Paeumant (Ger)

N7 Cipcmp (Romania)

N8 Lee (Malasyia)

N9 C.P. Tropical (Brz)

NA Goodyear (Zaire)

NB Goodyear (England)

NC Goodyear (France)

ND Goodyear (Ger.)

NE Goodyear (Ger.)

NF Goodyear (Greece)

NH Goodyear (Guat.)

NJ Goodyear (Lux)

NK Goodyear (India)

NL Goodyear (Indo.)

NM Goodyear (Italy)

NN Goodyear (Jamaica)

NP Goodyear (Mexico)

NT Goodyear (Pen)

NU Goodyear (Phill)

NV Goodyear (Scot)

NW Goodyear (S. Afr.)

NX Goodyear (Sweden)

NY Goodyear (Thai)

P1 Gislaved (Sweden)

P2 Kelly (KY)

P3 Skepplanda (Swed.)

P4 Kelly (OH)

P5 Genl Popos (Mex)

P6 Kelly (OK)

P7 Kelly (Chile)

P8 Da Sing (China)

P9 MRF (India)

PA Goodyear (Turkey)

PB Goodyear (Ven.)

PC Goodyear (Alberta)

PD Goodyear (Quebec)

PE Seiberling (Ontario)

PF Goodyear (Ontario)

PH Kelly (MD)

PJ Kelly (HC)

PK Kelly (IL)

PL Kelly (TX)

PM Kelly (PA)

PN Kelly (OH)

PP Kelly (ON)

PT Kelly (VA)

PU Kelly (AL)

PV Kelly (MI)

PW Kelly (CA)

PX Kelly (MA)

PY Kelly (KS)

T1 Hankook (Korea)

T2 Ozos (Poland)

T3 Debickie (Poland)

T4 Carideng (Belgium)

T5 Tigar-Pirot (Hun.)

T6 Hulera Tornel (Mex.)

T7 Hankook (Korea)

T8 Goodyear (Malay)

T9 MRF (India)

TA Kelly (TN)

TB Kelly (Argentina)

TC Kelly (Australia)

TD Kelly (Australia)

TE Kelly (Brazil)

TF Kelly (Columbia)

TH Kelly (Zaire)

TJ Kelly (England)

TK Kelly (France)

TL Kelly (Germany)

TM Kelly (Germany)

TN Kelly (Greece)

TP Kelly (Guatamala)

TT Kelly (Lux)

TU Kelly (India)

TV Kelly (Indonesia)

TW Kelly (Italy)

TX Kelly (Jamaica)

TY Kelly (Mexico)

U1 Lien Shin (Taiwan)

U2 Sumitomo (Japan)

U3 Miloje Zakie (Yugo.)

U4 Byers & Sons (OH)

U5 Farbenfabrik (Ger.)

U6 Pneumant (Ger.)

U7 Pneument (Ger.)

U8 Hankang (Taiwan)

U9 Cooper (MS)

UA Kelly (Peru)

UB Kelly (Phillipenes)

UC Kelly (Scotland)

UD Kelly (S. Africa)

UE Kelly (Sweden)

UF Kelly (Thailand)

UH Kelly (Turkey)

UJ Kelly (Venezuela)

UK Kelly (Alberta)

UL Kelly (Quebec)

UM Kelly (Ontario)

UN Kelly (Ontario)

UP Cooper (OH)

UT Cooper (TX)

UU Cartisle (PA)

UV Kyowa (Japan)

UW Okada (Japan)

UX Tay Feng (Taiwan)

UY Cheng Shin (Taiwan)

V1 Livingston’s (OH)

V2 Vsesojuznoe (USSR)

V3 Ta Msia (Taiwan)

V4 Ohtsu (Japan)

V5 Firestone (Mexico)

V6 Firestone (Mexico)

V7 Vsesojuznoe (USSR)

V8 Boras (Sweden)

V9 M & R Tire (MA)

VA Firestone (OH)

VB Firestone (OH)

VC Firestone (GA)

VD Firestone (IL)

VE Firestone (IA)

VF Firestone (CA)

VH Firestone (TN)

VJ Firestone (PA)

VK Firestone (CA)

VL Firestone (Ontario)

VM Firestone (Alberta)

VN Firestone (Quebec)

VP Firestone (Italy)

VT Firestone (Spain)

VU Universal (PA)

VV Viskators (Sweden)

VW Ohtsu (Japan)

VX Firestone (England)

VY Firestone (England)

W1 Firestone (TH)

W2 Firestone (HC)

W3 Vredestein (Neth.)

W4 Dunlop-Oly (Austrl)

W5 Firestone (Arg.)

W6 Firestone (Phill)

W7 Firestone (Port.)

W8 Firestone (Thai.)

W9 Firestone (Brazil)

WA Firestone (France)

WB Firestone (C.R.)

WC Firestone (Austria)

WD Firestone (Switz.)

WE Hankang (Taiwan)

WF Firestone (Spain)

WH Firestone (Sweden)

WK Mansfield (MS)

WL Mansfield (OH)

WM Dunlop-Oly (Austrl.)

WN Olypmpic (Austraila)

WP Schenuit (MD)

WT Madras (India)

WU Ceat (India)

WV General (Taiwan)

WW Euzkadi (Mexico)

WX Euzkadi (Mexico)

WY Euzkadi (Mexico)

X1 Tong Shin (Korea)

X10 Vsesojunzoe (USSR)

X2 Hwa Fong (Taiwan)

X3 Vsesojuznoe (USSR)

X4 Pars (Iran)

X5 JK Industries (India)

X6 Vsesojunzoe (USSR)

X7 Vsesojunzoe (USSR)

X8 Vsesojunzoe (USSR

X9 Vsesojunzoe (USSR)

XA Pirelli (Italy)

XB Pirelli (Italy)

XC Pirelli (Italy)

XD Pirelli (Italy)

XE Pirelli (Italy)

XF Pirelli (Spain)

XH Pirelli (Greece)

XJ Pirelli (Turkey)

XK Pirelli (Brazil)

XL Pirelli (Brazil)

XM Pirelli (Argentina)

XN Pirelli (England)

XP Pirelli (England)

XT Veith-Pirelli (Ger.)

XU Sam Yang (Korea)

XV Dayton (Ontario)

XW Dayton (Alberta)

XX Bandag (LA)

Y1 Goodyear (Brazil)

Y2 Dayton (NC)

Y3 Seiberling (NC)

Y4 Dayton (OH)

Y5 Tsen Tai (China)

Y6 Dunlop (Malaysia)

Y7 Bridgestone (TN)

Y8 Bombay (India)

YA Dayton (OH)

YB Dayton (OH)

YC Dayton (GA)

YD Dayton (IL)

YE Dayton (IA)

YF Dayton (CA)

YH Dayton (TN)

YJ Dayton (PA)

YK Dayton (CA)

YL Oy Nokia (Finland)

YM Seiberling (OH)

YN Seiberling (OH)

YP Seiberling (GA)

YT Seiberling (IL)

YU Seiberling (IA)

YV Seiberling (CA)

YW Seiberling (TN)

YX Seiberling (PA)

YY Seiberling (CA)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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