
December 29, 2020Greetings Our Lady of Consolation Family!As a priest, but more importantly, as the pastor of Our Lady of Consolation, I pondered what to share in this end of year message. I decided to focus on the many blessings in spite of 2020 being an unforgettably challenging year for each and every one of us. Our challenges differ, but so do our blessings. There is much to reflect on as we close out this 2020 Year. I have seen a magnificent outpouring of love, support, compassion, fellowship, fortitude, creativity and flexibility as we learned to navigate the pandemic. The challenges have brought forth an unprecedented level of togetherness from our church and surrounding community.As we close out 2020, let us take all of the hurt, disappointment, trials and tribulations and transform them into hope, love and positive change as we make our way forward together and experience life in ways that champion our Catholic faith.This Christmas holiday spotlights the great burdens that many of our fellow brothers and sisters are carrying, and we must remember to help others who are in need. The Scripture says, “…God is able to make every grace abundance for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work…He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.” 2 Corinthians 9:8-9Please remember our Capital Campaign. Let us pray it forward so that we can continue to experience God’s Love. May the Lord Bless You with an Abundance of Health and Prosperity in the New Year! Please raise your hearts and claim the Priestly Blessings prescribed by the Church for the New Year liturgy, extracted from Numbers 6:22-27 as follows: May the Lord Bless you and Keep You; The Lord let his face shine upon you, be gracious to you; and the Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021!!!Sincerely In Christ,Fr. Basile SedePastor ................

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