The estimated cost of this report or study for the Department of Defense is

approximately $12,000 for the 2019 Fiscal Year. This includes $1,730 in expenses and $9,890 in DoD labor.

Generated on 2019Apr04 RefID: 6-83F16AB

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Table of Contents

Overview ? National Defense Budget Estimates for FY 2020 ........................................................................................................................... 1

Chapter 1: National Defense ? An Overview..................................................................................................................................................... 5 Table 1-1: National Defense Budget ? Long Range Forecast (FY 2018 to FY 2024) ............................................................................ 6 Table 1-2: National Defense Budget Authority ? Discretionary and Mandatory; Current and Constant Dollars (FY 2018 to FY 2024)................................................................................................................................ 7 Table 1-3: National Defense Outlays ? Discretionary and Mandatory; Current and Constant Dollars (FY 2018 to FY 2024) ........... 11 Table 1-4: Federal Unified Budget ? Budget Authority by Function (FY 2018 to FY 2024)............................................................... 15 Table 1-5: Federal Unified Budget ? Outlays by Function (FY 2018 to FY 2024) .............................................................................. 16 Table 1-6: Discretionary Budget Authority for National Defense (FY 2020 to FY 2029) ................................................................... 17 Table 1-7: Discretionary Budget Authority for Past Defense Budgets to the Present (FY 2012 to FY 2024)...................................... 18

Chapter 2: Base Budget, War Funding and Supplementals .......................................................................................................................... 19 Table 2-1: Base Budget, War Funding and Supplementals by Military Department, by P.L. Title (FY 2001 to FY 2020)................. 20

Chapter 3: Legislative Authorization............................................................................................................................................................... 37 Table 3-1: FY 2020 Defense Budget ? Reconciliation of Authorization, Appropriation, BA and TOA .............................................. 38 Table 3-2: Military Personnel Authorizations (FY 2018 to FY 2020) .................................................................................................. 45

Chapter 4: Chronology ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Table 4-1: FY 2018 National Defense Budget Authority Chronology ................................................................................................. 48 Table 4-2: FY 2019 National Defense Budget Authority Chronology ................................................................................................. 50

Chapter 5: Treatment of Inflation.................................................................................................................................................................... 51 Table 5-1: DoD and Selected Economy-Wide Indices (FY 1970 to FY 2024)..................................................................................... 52 Table 5-2: Pay and Inflation Rate Assumptions ? Outlays (FY 2018 to FY 2024)............................................................................... 54 Table 5-3: Pay and Inflation Rate Assumptions ? Budget Authority (FY 2018 to FY 2024)............................................................... 55 Table 5-4: DoD Deflators ? TOA by Public Law Title (FY 1970 to FY 2024) .................................................................................... 56 Table 5-5: DoD Deflators ? TOA by Category (FY 1970 to FY 2024) ................................................................................................ 58 Table 5-6: DoD Deflators ? Budget Authority by Public Law Title (FY 1970 to FY 2024) ................................................................ 60 Table 5-7: DoD Deflators ? Budget Authority by Category (FY 1970 to FY 2024) ............................................................................ 62 Table 5-8: DoD Deflators ? Outlays by Public Law Title (FY 1970 to FY 2024)................................................................................ 64 i

Table of Contents (Continued)

Table 5-9: DoD Deflators ? Outlays by Category (FY 1970 to FY 2024) ............................................................................................ 66 Table 5-10: Chronology of Selected Inflation Profiles (FY 1999 to FY 2024)....................................................................................... 68 Table 5-11: Outlay Rates for Incremental Changes in Budget Authority Purchases .............................................................................. 70 Table 5-12: Military and Civilian Pay Increases Since 1945 (1945 to 2024) ......................................................................................... 73 Table 5-13: Civilian Pay Deflators by Category (FY 1970 to FY 2024) ................................................................................................ 75 Table 5-14: DoD Deflators ? Budget Authority; Base, Discretionary (FY 2010 to FY 2024) ............................................................... 77

Chapter 6: TOA, BA, Outlay Trends and Program Changes ....................................................................................................................... 79 Table 6-1: DoD TOA by Public Law Title (FY 1948 to FY 2024)....................................................................................................... 80 Table 6-2: DoD TOA by Category (FY 1948 to FY 2024) ................................................................................................................... 87 Table 6-3: DoD TOA by Military Department (FY 1948 to FY 2024)................................................................................................. 94 Table 6-4: DoD TOA by Major Force Program ? Current Dollars (FY 1962 to FY 2024) ................................................................ 101 Table 6-5: DoD TOA by Major Force Program ? Constant Dollars (FY 1962 to FY 2024) .............................................................. 103 Table 6-6: DoD TOA, BA, and Outlays by Appropriation Account ? Current Dollars (FY 2018 to FY 2024)................................. 105 Table 6-7: DoD TOA, BA, and Outlays by Appropriation Account ? Constant Dollars (FY 2018 to FY 2024)............................... 119 Table 6-8: DoD Budget Authority by Public Law Title (FY 1948 to FY 2024) ................................................................................. 133 Table 6-9: DoD Budget Authority by Category (FY 1948 to FY 2024) ............................................................................................. 140 Table 6-10: DoD Budget Authority by Military Department (FY 1948 to FY 2024) ........................................................................... 147 Table 6-11: DoD Outlays by Public Law Title (FY 1948 to FY 2024)................................................................................................. 154 Table 6-12: DoD Outlays by Category (FY 1948 to FY 2024)............................................................................................................. 161 Table 6-13: DoD Outlays by Military Department (FY 1948 to FY 2024)........................................................................................... 168 Table 6-14: DoD Civilian Pay ? Current Dollars (FY 1970 to FY 2024) ............................................................................................. 175 Table 6-15: DoD Civilian Pay ? Constant Dollars (FY 1970 to FY 2024) ........................................................................................... 177 Table 6-16: Army TOA by Public Law Title (FY 1948 to FY 2024) ................................................................................................... 179 Table 6-17: Navy TOA by Public Law Title (FY 1948 to FY 2024) .................................................................................................... 186 Table 6-18: Air Force TOA by Public Law Title (FY 1948 to FY 2024) ............................................................................................. 193 Table 6-19: Army Budget Authority by Public Law Title (FY 1948 to FY 2024) ............................................................................... 200 Table 6-20: Navy Budget Authority by Public Law Title (FY 1948 to FY 2024) ................................................................................ 207 Table 6-21: Air Force Budget Authority by Public Law Title (FY 1948 to FY 2024) ......................................................................... 214 Table 6-22: Army Outlays by Public Law Title (FY 1948 to FY 2024) ............................................................................................... 221


Table of Contents (Continued)

Table 6-23: Navy Outlays by Public Law Title (FY 1948 to FY 2024)................................................................................................ 228 Table 6-24: Air Force Outlays by Public Law Title (FY 1948 to FY 2024) ......................................................................................... 235 Table 6-25: DoD Base, Discretionary BA by Public Law Title (FY 2010 to FY 2024) ....................................................................... 242 Table 6-26: DoD Base, Discretionary BA by Military Department (FY 2010 to FY 2024)................................................................. 244 Chapter 7: Defense, the Public Sector and the Economy ............................................................................................................................. 247 Table 7-1: Total Federal Outlays ? Current Dollars (FY 1945 to FY 2024) ....................................................................................... 248 Table 7-2: Total Federal Outlays ? FY 2012 Constant Dollars (FY 1945 to FY 2024)...................................................................... 251 Table 7-3: U.S. Public Spending: Federal, State, Local and GDP ? Current Dollars (FY 1945 to FY 2024) ................................... 254 Table 7-4: U.S. Public Spending: Federal, State, Local and GDP ? FY 2012 Constant Dollars (FY 1945 to FY 2024) .................. 257 Table 7-5: Department of Defense Manpower ? End Strength/FTE's (FY 1940 to FY 2020)............................................................ 260 Table 7-6: U.S. Labor Force ? End Strength/FTE's (FY 1940 to FY 2020) ....................................................................................... 263 Table 7-7: Defense Shares of Economic and Budgetary Aggregates (FY 1940 to FY 2020)............................................................. 266 Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 269 Notes ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 273


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Overview - National Defense Budget Estimates for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020

The National Defense Budget Estimates, commonly referred to as "The Green Book," is a reference source for data associated with the current budget estimates of the Department of Defense (DoD). It provides current (nominal) and constant (real) dollar historical data for the Department, as well as selected data on all National Defense, the total federal budget, and the U.S. economy. This edition reflects the FY 2020 President's Budget as submitted to the Congress in March of 2019.

The Green Book may be used as a companion to the Budget Request Summary Justification Book. However, while the Justification Book speaks mainly to the Department's budgetary request in terms of discretionary budget authority, most tables in the Green Book display combined discretionary and mandatory funding. The difference between discretionary and mandatory is discussed later, and can also be found in the Glossary of Terms at the end of the book.

Also to follow is a short guide to understanding the data presented in this document. There is an explanation of budget authority vs. total obligational authority, along with outlays. Next is a section on discretionary, mandatory and emergency funding. Current vs. constant dollars, a mainstay of inflationary analysis, is then defined, followed by an explanation of deflators. Finally, there is a discussion of calculation methodologies and how rounding and differences in scoring cause disparities between DoD reporting and that of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

Budget Authority, Total Obligational Authority and Outlays

Green Book funding data are provided in three standard categories: (1) budget authority (BA) ? discretionary and mandatory authority are combined in most tables; (2) total obligational authority (TOA);

Department of Defense

Discretionary Budget Authority

(As Reflected in the FY 2020 President's Budget Submission)

(Dollars in Billions)

800 700

670.6 685.0



713.5 727.0


741.5 746.7




600 65.2


164.61 155.8




599.6 616.1 544.5

707.0 721.5 736.7 557.7



0 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24

Base OCO Emergency

1. Funding consisting of $66.7 billion for OCO requirements and $97.9 billion OCO for base requirements. 2. Emergency requirement to address border security and reconstruction efforts for Hurricanes Florence and Michael.

and (3) outlays. While Department analysts may distinguish between BA and TOA, BA is what the general public tends to recognize as funding appropriated by the Congress. It is the authority to legally incur binding obligations (signing contracts and placing orders), which will result in current-year and future outlays.

On the other hand, TOA is a DoD financial term expressing the value of the direct Defense program for a given fiscal year, exclusive of the obligation authority from other sources (such as reimbursable





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