Model for State Bylaws - Daughters of the American Revolution

MODEL FOR STATE BYLAWSThe following model has been developed to serve as a guide when writing, amending or revising state bylaws. Requirements of the state are of primary importance and the model can be adjusted to fit such specific and unique needs so long as the bylaws do not conflict with the Bylaws of the National Society. NSDAR Bylaws may be used as a guide for proper language. Do not use bold and/or italics in the state bylaws to indicate mandated language.KEY:Bold Face Italics – These words are mandated by the Bylaws of the National Society and must be copied word for word in state bylaws. Examples are Articles I. and II. [Bold and bracketed] – is recommended but is not mandatory. (Underlined within parentheses) – These words are to be filled with language chosen by the state and may include optional wording.[Comments within brackets] – This is for information. Generally these words are not intended to become part of the bylaws.[If applicable, the Articles of Incorporation are printed preceding the bylaws and as they are superior to the bylaws, the two must not conflict.]BYLAWS OF THE (STATE SOCIETY/ORGANIZATION NAME) OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARTICLE I - NameThe name of this (society/organization) (or corporation, if incorporated) shall be the (state) State (Society/Organization) of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution hereinafter referred to as (initials).ARTICLE II - ObjectsThe objects of this society shall be to promote the objects of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, hereinafter referred to as the National Society.(1) To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved American Independence, by the acquisition and protection of historical spots and the erection of monuments; by the encouragement of historical research in relation to the revolution and the publication of its results; by the preservation of documents and relics, and of the records of the individual services of revolutionary soldiers and patriots; and by the promotion of celebrations of all patriotic anniversaries;(2) To carry out the injunction of Washington in his farewell address to the American people, “to promote, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge,” thus developing an enlightened public opinion, and affording to young and old such advantages as shall develop in them the largest capacity for performing the duties of American citizens;(3) To cherish, maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty.ARTICLE III - MembersSection 1. Membership. The membership of the state (society/organization) shall consist of the chapters in good standing of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution in the state of (name).Section 2. New Chapters. The (recording secretary or other state officer) shall enroll a chapter newly confirmed by the National Society as a member of the (state) State (society/organization) upon receipt of the following information from the chapter: name of the chapter; the date of its organization; the names of its officers and of its members.ARTICLE IV - Fees and DuesSection 1. Annual Dues. The annual state dues for each chapter shall be ($___) per member which shall be sent by the chapter treasurer and shall be postmarked no later than (date). A chapter whose dues have not been paid by (date) shall be notified by the state (treasurer/financial officer) that the chapter shall not be entitled to representation at the state conference. [NSDAR Bylaws, Article IV Fees and Dues, Section 2, Article XIII Chapters, Section 8(a) and Article XV States, Section 2, 3 and 9. It should be noted that it is the number of members of a chapter for which dues have been paid for the current year and credited upon the books of the Treasurer General by the first day of December which affects the number of delegates at state conference and Continental Congress.]Section 2. New Chapters. [a.] New chapters organized after (date) are exempt from state dues until (the following year/after the next state conference.) [b.] Newly organized chapters shall pay state dues within (number) days after the date of organization. [Choose from example a. or b. or use other wording that explains the state’s practice]Section 3. State Conference. A registration fee shall be collected for the state conference, the amount to be determined by the (executive committee/board of directors/state board of management). [The state dues and state conference fees may be combined and written such as, "The annual state dues shall be $___ per member, of which (amount/percentage) shall be for state conference expenses."]Section 4. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year shall be (date) through the last day of (month). [If a fiscal year is not set in the bylaws, then the default in RONR is the calendar year.]ARTICLE V - OfficersSection I. Officers. The elected officers of the (state name) shall be a regent, vice regent, (second vice regent, chaplain, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, organizing secretary, treasurer, registrar, historian, librarian, and curator). [Remove above listed officers as desired and list other elected or appointed officers as the state may require.] Section 2. Term of Office. The term of office shall be for (number) years or until their successors are elected. The term of office shall begin no earlier than at the close of the Continental Congress at which the regent and vice regent are confirmed. A member having served more than one-half a term in office shall be deemed to have served a full term. [NSDAR Bylaws, Article XV States, Section 7.]Section 3. Eligibility.To be eligible for the office of state regent or state vice regent, a member shall hold and have held membership in a chapter within the (state name) for at least five (5) years prior to her election and have served a term as chapter regent. [National Bylaws, Article XV States, Section 6, requires certain eligibility be met in order to serve as state regent or state vice regent.] Requests for exceptions may be submitted to the National Board of Management by a vote of a (majority, two-thirds, four-fifths) of the state board of management or state conference at a regular meeting. To be eligible for any other office a member shall have been a member of a (state name) chapter for at least (number) years.No two officers shall be members of the same chapter except the regent and (optional exception such as corresponding secretary).A member holding two or more offices each carrying a vote at an annual state conference shall be limited to vote only in one of the offices held by said member. [NSDAR Bylaws, Article XV States, Section 3.]No officer shall be eligible to serve more than (number) consecutive terms in the same office except for the (state office/s) (and no member who has served a term in a state office is eligible to serve in any other state office except that of state regent or state vice regent until the expiration of at least (number) years). [The state should consider carefully about making eligibility requirements that cannot be waived, such as those in B, C, and E.]Section 4. Vacancy. A vacancy in any office except that of state regent shall be filled by the (board of management/executive board) who shall serve (for the remainder of the term/until the next annual meeting). If the office of state regent becomes vacant, the state vice regent shall become state regent automatically provided she has been confirmed as state vice regent. [If the office of regent or first vice regent becomes vacant, all other vice regents move up, creating a vacancy in the lowest vice regent office, unless the bylaws state otherwise.]Section 5. Honorary State Regent. (Upon her retirement) a state regent may be eligible to be elected honorary state regent (after serving (a term/full term) in office/at a state conference/the state conference at which her successor is elected.) Election (may be by voice vote/shall be by ballot vote) and a (majority or two-thirds or four-fifths) shall elect. An honorary state regent shall have (no duties or privileges/all the rights and privileges of a voting member as long as she remains a member in good standing in a chapter of this state.) [If the state is to have honorary state regents, this must be specified in the bylaws along with the qualifications, if election is to be by ballot or voice vote, the vote necessary to elect and if certain privileges will attach.]ARTICLE VI - NominationsSection 1. Nominating Committee. The nominating committee shall consist of (specify a number) members from (different chapters/districts) and shall be elected by ballot (at the state conference/by the state board of management at its first meeting after the annual state conference preceding the election year/by district.) If only (number required above) are nominated, election may be by voice vote. The member with the largest number of votes shall be the chair, unless there is a tie, and then the members of the nominating committee shall select the chair. [This is only one way to do it; many more options are possible in the manner of selecting the chair, size of the committee, and where or when elected. Additionally, there is no requirement for a nominating committee. Nominations for all offices can come from the floor at the state conference.]Section 2. Duties of the Nominating Committee. The nominating committee shall:obtain the written consent of eligible candidates for each office;select (one/at least one) candidate for each office no later than (number) days before the state conference in the year of an election;ensure that the names of all nominees is published in the call to state conference and shall present the report at the state conference.[List other duties as needed.]Section 3. Endorsement. A candidate, whose consent has been obtained, shall be endorsed by her chapter. No chapter shall present a candidate for office before (date) preceding the year of the election.Section 4. Nominations. Nominations may be made from the floor providing the consent of the nominee has been obtained and the nominee shall have the endorsement of her chapter in writing.ARTICLE VII - ElectionsSection 1. State Officers. Officers shall be elected by ballot (at the state conference held in (even or odd) numbered years/at an annual state conference). A majority vote shall elect. If there is only one nominee for any office, the election for that office may be by voice vote. A member who has served more than half a term in any office shall be considered to have served a term. [Results of the election must be reported immediately to the office of the Organizing Secretary General.]Section 2. Vice President General. A candidate for the office of Vice President General shall have been endorsed for the office by a majority vote by ballot at a state conference of the state in which she holds membership. The motion for endorsement shall designate the specific Continental Congress at which she desires to be a candidate for election and shall be made not more than eighteen months in advance of the Congress so designated. [NSDAR Bylaws Article VI, Section 2(b).]ARTICLE VIII - Duties of OfficersSection 1. Duties. The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws, by the bylaws of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the National Society.Section 2. The regent shall:preside at all meetings of the state, the state board of management and executive committee, and have general supervision of the affairs of the society;(have the option to) appoint a parliamentarian (who shall be approved by the executive board/executive committee/state board of management). The parliamentarian shall serve in an advisory capacity, without vote, and (shall/shall not) be a member of the (executive committee/state board of management). The parliamentarian shall maintain a file of current chapter bylaws;appoint all committees, not otherwise provided for;be ex officio a member of all committees except the nominating committee, audit committee, and disciplinary committee;sign checks in the absence of the treasurer;sign all contracts and agreements made in the name of the state and authorized by the state conference, the board of management, or the executive committee;engage a certified public accountant, with the approval of the executive committee at its first meeting following the annual state conference at which officers have been elected, to perform an audit [or compilation and review]; [States with simple finances may wish to explore other options.]perform such other duties as the National Society may require or as directed by the executive committee, state board of management, or the state conference.[Specify other duties as the state may require.]Section 3. The vice regent shall:perform the duties and responsibilities of the regent in her absence or inability to serve;fill the unexpired term if a vacancy occurs in the office of the regent;sign checks in the absence or inability of the regent and treasurer;perform such other duties as may be directed by the regent, the executive (board/committee), the board of management, or the state conference.[Specify other duties as the state may require.]Section 4. The chaplain shall:open all meetings with the reading of scripture and prayer;conduct memorial services and religious services as may be required or requested;keep a file of all deceased members of the state;perform such other duties as may be directed by the regent, the executive (board/committee), the board of management, or the state conference.[Specify other duties as the state may require.]Section 5. The recording secretary shall:keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the state, of the board of management and the executive (board/committee);be custodian of the state records;notify officers and chairs of votes and of proceedings of these meetings which affect their duties;perform such other duties as may be directed by the regent, the executive (board/committee), the board of management, or the state conference.[Specify other duties as the state may require.]Section 6. The corresponding secretary shall:send notices of all meetings to the appropriate members;send notice of proposed bylaws amendments to all chapters, voters, delegates, and alternates (and posted to the members’ website) (number) days before the state conference;conduct correspondence as may be requested;perform such other duties as may be directed by the regent, the executive (board/committee), the board of management, or the state conference.[Specify other duties as the state may require.]Section 7. The organizing secretary shall:assist in organizing new chapters, the merging of chapters, and the disbanding of chapters;consult with the regent concerning chapters whose membership falls below the number specified by NSDAR bylaws and chapters in danger of disbanding, and assist such chapters; assist the Lineage Research and Volunteer Genealogist committees as needed;perform such other duties as may be directed by the regent, the executive (board/committee), the board of management, or the state conference.[Specify other duties as the state may require.]Section 8. The treasurer shall:be custodian of all funds and securities;be bonded in an amount determined by the executive committee and paid for by the (state name) [This may not be necessary if D&O insurance is provided];disburse funds by check only upon order of (the state conference/board of management/executive board); deposit the funds in such banks or financial institutions as may be designated by (the board of management/state conference/bylaws) and approved by the regent;prepare a detailed financial statement representing funds received and disbursed from the beginning of the fiscal year to be presented to the (executive committee/board of directors/state conference);close the books at the end of the fiscal year for (audit/review) by a (certified public accountant/auditing committee) after which it is adopted by the (executive committee/board of directors/board of management/state conference) and which may be published in the proceedings;provide NSDAR with a copy of the appropriate IRS form 990 or confirmation that the 990-N epostcard has been accepted, a copy of the state’s annual financial report, and a copy of the audit report or financial review;ensure that all chapters comply with IRS and state filing requirements, receive a copy of the chapter’s filed federal (and state) tax return(s) or confirmation that the 990-N epostcard has been accepted, and that any electronic state forms have been filed as required;perform such other duties as may be directed by the regent, the executive (board/committee), the board of management, or the state conference.[Specify other duties as the state may require.]Section 9. The registrar shall:keep a record of all members, with their national number, ancestral lines, dates of marriages, divorces, births, and deaths; assist the Lineage Research and Volunteer Genealogist committees with preparation of applications;provide member information, as needed, to the chaplain for the preparation of the annual memorial service; perform such other duties as may be directed by the regent, the executive (board/committee), the board of management, or the state conference.[Specify other duties as the state may require.]Section 10. The historian shall:keep a record of historical and commemorative work done in the state;send a report of each state conference for publication in the Daughters newsletter;perform such other historical works as may be designated by the office of the Historian General;perform such other duties as may be directed by the regent, the executive (board/committee), the board of management, or the state conference.[Specify other duties as the state may require.]Section 11. The librarian shall:solicit and collect historical and genealogical books, with emphasis on (state), for the DAR Library and file duplicate copies in the state library;perform other duties designated by the office of the Librarian General;perform such other duties as may be directed by the regent, the executive (board/committee), the board of management, or the state conference.[Specify other duties as the state may require.]Section 12. The curator/custodian shall:receive and be responsible for all gifts of revolutionary relics and all other items acceptable to the state society;be custodian of the insignia and flags belonging to the state, and all properties pertaining thereto;perform such other duties as may be directed by the regent, the executive (board/committee), the board of management, or the state conference.[Specify other duties as the state may require.][Other elected or appointed officers as required by the state may be listed here or in a subsequent article.]ARTICLE IX - MeetingsSection 1. State Conference. The annual meeting of the state shall be held in the month of (______), unless otherwise ordered by the board of management or the executive committee, for the purpose of receiving reports, electing officers and transacting other necessary business. The regent shall appoint a conference chair and in consultation with her shall determine the site of the state conference.Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the state shall be called by the regent when ordered by (number) members of the board of management, or when requested by (number/a majority of the) chapters. The business for which the special meeting is called shall be stated in the call and no other business shall be transacted at the special meeting. [Special meetings cannot be called without a provision in the bylaws.]Section 3. Electronic Participation. Provision may be allowed for members who are unable to attend in person to (participate/watch) by electronic means. Participation, if available, will be subject to any limitations established in special rules of order or standing rules adopted to govern such participation, and at (no/reasonable) expense to the state. Electronic mail (email) shall not be used to conduct meetings or to hold a vote. [Electronic participation cannot be held without a provision in the bylaws.]Section 4. Emergency Electronic Platform Meetings. In the event of a state or nationally declared catastrophic event where in person gathering is not possible, prohibited or discouraged, the Board of Management by majority vote, may authorize a virtual platform meeting of the state society. The meeting will be subject to all rules adopted by the Board of Management. These rules shall supersede any conflicting rules in the parliamentary authority but may not otherwise conflict with rules or decisions of the Society. A secure, anonymous vote conducted through the designated voting platform shall be deemed a ballot vote, fulfilling any requirement in the bylaws or rules that a vote be by ballot. Section 5. Voting Members. The voting members for state meetings shall be:the elected state officers as provided in these bylaws;the national officers and honorary national officers whose membership is within the state;the chapter regent or in her absence the first vice regent or her alternate;the elected delegates or alternates of each chapter of the state entitled [dues paid by December 1] to representation at the Continental Congress or special meeting of the National Society; [National Bylaws Article XV, Section 2(b) and Section 3][such others as the state bylaws may designate].Section 6. Chapter Representation.The number of representatives from each chapter shall be (number) times the number allowed by the National Society at Continental Congress. [The number of delegates and alternates are determined by the rules for representation of chapters in the Continental Congress except that state bylaws may increase this representation in a direct ratio. [NSDAR Bylaws Article XV, Section 3 and Article XIII, Section 8. Also see new/merged chapters and life members, NSDAR Bylaws Article XIII, Section 8(a).]Delegates and alternates shall have belonged to the chapter at least one continuous year immediately preceding the Continental Congress to be eligible to represent the chapter, except the regent or first vice regent of a newly organized chapter. [NSDAR Bylaws Article XIII, Section 8.]Each chapter may elect two (2) alternates for each delegate. [NSDAR Bylaws Article XIII, Section 8.]The delegates and alternates selected shall be delegates and alternates to attend any special meeting of the state which may be held prior to the annual state conference of the next year. [NSDAR Bylaws Article XIII, Section 9.] [State bylaws should include here any other special requirements of chapters as to deadlines, names of delegates/alternates, or instructions regarding representation.]Section 7. Quorum. (Number) voting members [representing (number) of chapters/districts] shall constitute a quorum for the state conference. (Number) representatives [from (number) of chapters/districts] shall constitute a quorum at special meetings of the state. [If quorum is not set in the bylaws the default in RONR is a majority of the membership.]Section 8. Attendance. All members of the (name of state) in good standing shall be entitled to the privilege of the floor at state conference. [Privilege of the floor means only that a person is permitted to enter the meeting room. See RONR (11th ed.,) p. 29fn.]Section 9. Credentials Committee. As soon as possible after the election of delegates and alternates and no later than (number) days prior to the state conference, a typed list of delegates and alternates to the state conference shall be sent to the regent, treasurer, and to the chair of the credentials committee. The committee will verify that the delegate count is authorized and that those elected are in good standing. [State bylaws/standing rules may establish any details of procedure that meet state requirements.]Section 10. Proxy voting. There shall be no proxy voting at any state meeting.[Section 11. Notice. Unless members indicate otherwise to the regent (and/or the recording secretary), in writing, all communication required in these bylaws, including meeting notices, may be sent using electronic measures, including email.]Section 12. Districts/Divisions. The state shall be divided into (number) geographical (districts/divisions) designated by the (state executive committee/state board of management/state conference). There shall be a district director (elected at state conference/appointed by the state regent), a (recording) secretary, and other officers as needed. [This is an optional section in this article. If districts/division are an integral part in the state there should be a separate article listing the purpose, officers, elections, meetings and other duties.][The next two articles are determined by state requirements. Adjust language as needed.]ARTICLE X - Board of ManagementSection 1. Members. The members of the board of management shall be:The elected (and appointed) officers of the (state name);National officers whose membership is in a chapter in the state;Chapter regents or vice regents;Honorary state regents whose membership is in the state, (with/without vote);[If they are members of the board of management, the district directors and parliamentarian may also be listed, with or without a vote. This section can be written as delineated above or in paragraph form.]Section 2. Meetings. The board of management shall meet (at the call of the regent/ quarterly/in the months of (name each month of a meeting)) and shall: have all power and authority over the affairs of the (state name) during the interim between meetings of the (state name) excepting that of modifying any action taken by the state conference;be the custodian for all real and personal property of the (state name);approve the budget (for presentation and adoption at the state conference); fill vacancies in (elective) state offices;fix the time and place of the state conference when not arranged by the preceding conference.(Section 3. Electronic Participation. Provision may be allowed for members who are unable to attend in person to participate by electronic means, so long as all members can simultaneously hear each other and participate, subject to any limitations established in special rules of order or standing rules adopted to govern such participation, and at (no/reasonable) expense to the state. Electronic mail (email) shall not be used to conduct meetings. [Electronic participation cannot be held without a provision in the bylaws.] Section 4. Special Meetings. Special meetings shall be called by the regent when ordered by (number) members of the (executive board/executive committee/board of directors), or when requested by (number/a majority of the) chapters. The business for which the special meeting is called shall be stated in the call and no other business shall be transacted at the special meeting. [Special meetings cannot be called without a provision in the bylaws.] Section 5. Quorum. A quorum for any regular or special meeting of the board of management shall be (number) members. [If a number is not specified, a quorum is a majority of the members of the board.]Section 6. Proxy voting. There shall be no proxy voting.[Section 7. Notice. Unless members indicate otherwise to the regent (and/or the recording secretary), in writing, all communication required in these bylaws, including meeting notices, may be sent using electronic measures, including email.]ARTICLE XI - Executive Committee[When authorized in the bylaws, this committee may be called executive committee, executive board, board of directors or another term as desired by the state.]Section 1. Members. The officers of the state society shall constitute the executive committee [or list by title]. The parliamentarian shall attend executive committee meetings at the request of the regent, serving in those meetings without vote. Section 2. Duties and Powers. The executive committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the state society between its business meetings, make recommendations to the state society, and perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws.Section 3. Meetings. The executive committee shall meet (specific times/at the call of the regent), or upon written request of (number) of its members. [When the executive committee meets at the call of the regent, it is not necessary to include a section for special meetings.] Meetings shall be held at a central location, except that provision may be allowed for members who are unable to attend in person to participate by electronic means, so long as all members can simultaneously hear each other and participate, subject to any limitations established in special rules of order or standing rules adopted to govern such participation, and at (no/reasonable) expense to the state. Electronic mail (email) shall not be used to conduct meetings. [Electronic participation cannot be held without a provision in the bylaws.]Section 4. Quorum. (number) members of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum. [It is preferred to set a specific number for quorum. Alternatively, the quorum could be set as a majority.]Section 4. Proxy voting. There shall be no proxy voting. [Section 5. Notice. Unless members indicate otherwise to the regent (and/or the recording secretary), in writing, all communication required in these bylaws, including meeting notices, may be sent using electronic measures, including email.](Section 6. Email Voting. In matters that require urgency and when a meeting is not critical to a decision, and with the written permission of every member, a vote may be conducted by electronic mail (email) which must be ratified at the next meeting.) [Before adopting this, determine if the non-profit statutes for your state permit email voting, also sometimes called ‘action without a meeting.’]ARTICLE XII - Committees[Standing Committees are those permanent committees listed in the bylaws. This article should specify those committees required or needed by the state, their duties, number of members needed, and any other special or unusual requirements.]Section 1. Standing Committees. The standing committees shall be: (bylaws; finance; newsletter; pages; and yearbook.) Standing committees shall meet at the call of the chair of the committee (or the regent). [Add specific requirements that pertain to all committees such as qualifications or number of members.]Section 2. Members. The regent shall appoint the members of all standing and special committees, not otherwise provided for in these bylaws, unless authority to appoint is reserved by the executive committee, board of management or state conference upon creation of the special committee.Section 3. A bylaws committee of (number) members shall:review the state bylaws for compliance with NSDAR bylaws;give consideration to all proposed amendments properly submitted;edit and correlate proposed amendments before notice is given;prepare the notice of proposed amendments for distribution by the (corresponding secretary) (number) days prior to the state conference.Section 4. A finance committee shall consist of (list specific officers) [or number of members from the general membership, who shall serve as chair, and probably with the regent and treasurer ex officio.] The committee shall:prepare an annual budget based on receipts of the preceding year;present the budget for approval at the (executive committee meeting/board of management meeting) preceding state conference;present the approved budget for adoption (at the state conference);supervise expenditures within the adopted budget.[Above are examples. Specify required duties in the bylaws. Itemize the section on each committee. The NSDAR handbook can be used as a guide for duties of committees.]Section 5. Meetings. Meetings shall be held at a central location, except that provision may be allowed for members who are unable to attend in person to participate by electronic means, so long as all members can simultaneously hear each other and participate, subject to any limitations established in special rules of order or standing rules adopted to govern such participation, and at (no/reasonable) expense to the state or committee. Electronic mail (email) shall not be used to conduct meetings. [Electronic participation cannot be held without a provision in the bylaws.]Section 6. Quorum. A quorum of each committee shall be a majority of the committee members. [Specify number if necessary.]Section 7. Proxy voting. There shall be no proxy voting.[Section 8. Notice. Unless members indicate otherwise to the chair, in writing, all communication required in these bylaws, including meeting notices, may be sent using electronic measures, including email.](Section 9. Email Voting. In matters that require urgency and when a meeting is not critical to a decision, and with the written permission of every member, a vote may be conducted by electronic mail (email) which must be ratified at the next meeting.) [Before adopting this, determine if the non-profit statutes for your state permit email voting, also sometimes called ‘action without a meeting.’]ARTICLE XIII - Chapter ResponsibilitiesSection 1. The chapter regent, immediately following her election shall furnish:a list of chapter officers to the office of the Organizing Secretary General, the state regent and the (name of other state officers as required);the name of the corresponding chapter officer to each state officer;the name of the corresponding chapter chair to each state chair;a current copy of the chapter bylaws to the state parliamentarian;a current copy of the chapter (yearbook/directory) to the state regent.Section 2. The chapter regent shall complete the Chapter Master Report, or ensure it is completed, and submit it as instructed by the state regent.ARTICLE XIV - Parliamentary AuthorityThe rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws, standing rules, or rulings of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, these bylaws, or any special rules of order the organization may adopt.ARTICLE XV – Amendment of BylawsSection 1. Notice. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any state conference provided a copy of the proposed amendment has been sent to the board of management and/or the executive committee, the national officers and honorary national officers of the state, honorary state regents, and all the chapters of the state, at least (number) days before the state conference.Section 2. Effective. Any amendment to the bylaws shall take effect at the close of the state conference at which it is adopted unless otherwise provided for prior to its adoption or in the motion to adopt.Section 3. Mandatory Amendments. Any amendment to the bylaws of the National Society shall become the law of the state without further notice. [NSDAR Bylaws Article XXI, Section 3.]ARTICLE XVI - DissolutionAlthough the period of duration of the state organization is perpetual, if for any reason the state organization is to be dissolved or otherwise terminated, no part of the property of the state organization or any of the proceeds shall be distributed to or inure to the benefit of any of the officers or members of the state organization. Upon the dissolution of the state organization, assets shall be distributed by the Board of Management and/or the Executive Committee to and only to the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. [Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the local United States District Court, exclusively to such organization or organizations as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated within the meaning of section 501(c)(3), with purposes and objectives consistent with those of the state organization.]Amended (date) or Revised (date) [List date bylaws last amended or revised] ................

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