


1. Name

The name shall be the Eastleigh Railway Institute Golf Section.

2. Aims and objects

The aims and objects of the golf section shall be to develop social and recreational activities amongst the members and to foster the spirit of fellowship and goodwill.

3. Membership and contributions

3.1 Membership shall be open to members and associate members of the Eastleigh Railway Institute and their families.

3.2 The section annual fee, which includes entry into monthly competitions, shall be determined at each Annual General Meeting (AGM).

3.3 Members whose subscriptions for the following year are not paid by the 31st January will forfeit their membership.

3.4 The annual fee for new members will be £5 for the first year, then the full fee thereafter. New members joining after 31st May each year will not be eligible for major competitions in that year.

3.5 The Annual fee for members over 65 years shall be 50% of the full members fee.

3.6 The annual fee for members over the age 80 will be free, the intention to remain a member must be indicated to the Secretary each year before 31st January.

3.7 Life memberships may be granted at the discretion of the committee with ratification at an AGM.

3.8 A Life-President may be elected at the discretion of the Committee with ratification at an AGM.

4. Management

4.1 The section shall be managed by a committee comprising of a Life-President (see 4.2), Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Captain (see 4.2), Vice-Captain, Competition Secretary and six (6) other members - all of whom, with the exception of the Life-President and Captain shall be elected or declared elected at the AGM of the members of the section.

4.2 The positions of the Life-President and Captain will not be for election at the AGM. The elected Vice-Captain will take over as Captain the following year and shall be deemed to be a member of the committee.

4.3 Nominations for Committee shall be made in writing to the Secretary at least twenty-eight (28) days before the AGM.

4.4 Annual General Meeting shall be held on the last Friday in November each year. Not less than ten (10) days’ notice of this shall be given at which a financial statement for the preceding twelve months shall be presented.

4.5 The section committee may call an extra-ordinary General Meeting at any time.

4.6 An extra-ordinary General Meeting must be convened within twenty-one (21) days of the receipt of notice in writing, stating the objects of the meeting and signed by not less than ten (10) members so entitled.

4.7 A committee member may hold two (2) official positions at the same time.

5. Competitions

5.1 Competitions will be played under the rules of the R & A Golf Club of St.Andrews subject to the local rules laid down by the course committee of the club, the member may be using for the stated competition.

5.2.1 In the monthly competitions, vouchers will be awarded, but a tankard may be awarded on request.

5.2.2 In knock-out competitions, vouchers will be awarded unless a trophy is requested.

5.2.3 The minimum entry for the tankards to be awarded in the monthly competitions shall be six (6) different members. Two (2) prizes will be awarded if the number of entrants is at least six (6), otherwise only one (1) prize will be awarded.

5.2.4 In the Monthly competitions members may submit an unlimited number of cards with the best card counting. Note: - Only the best four cards will be taken into account for handicapping purposes.

5.3 A Stableford competition will be run throughout November, December, January and February each year. Members may submit an unlimited number of cards with the best card counting. Note: - Only the best four cards will be taken into account for handicapping purposes.

5.4 Score cards submitted for the November, December, January and February competition will not count towards the best three (3) aggregate Stableford Competition.

5.5 When there is a tie of Two (2) or more players in the best three (3) aggregate competition, the award shall be shared.

5.6 Members will be allowed to enter a duplicated card from one round of golf. That is, a card to be entered in another competition (such as a club competition) can be duplicated for submission of the section competition on the same date—even though the type of competition may be different.

Note: A card of an E.R.I. Section event cannot be duplicated for another competition.

5.7 A member of the golf section or a reputable playing partner or observer must sign competition cards.

5.8 Every competition card must be submitted, and unfinished cards must be marked C.N.C. and submitted.

5.9 The following will be deemed the annual Major competitions:-

5.9.1 The Club Championship & The Club Handicap Championship.

5.9.2 The Ted Wilkins Rosebowl Knockout.

5.9.3 The Singles Knockout.

5.9.4 The Fourball Knockout.

5.10 The following conditions are applicable for these competitions:

5.10.1 The Ted Wilkins Rosebowl – The first round losers in the Singles KO will be drawn in a straight knockout competition.

5.10.2 The Long Handicap Trophy. Only players with a handicap between twenty (20) and thirty-six (36) inclusive will be eligible for an 18 hole Stableford competition held on the afternoon of Championship Day.

5.11 The Fourball and Singles knockout competitions may be played on the Home player/players choice of course which must be within a twenty (20) mile radius of the Eastleigh Railway Institute Club. And all finals to be played on a course mutually agreed.

5.12 An appointed referee may be in attendance for all Major competition finals if required.

5.13 The following Handicaps apply:-

5.13.1 Major competitions will be played off a maximum handicap of twenty-four (24) with the exception of the ladies and juniors who will have a maximum handicap of thirty six (36).

5.13.2 The Long Handicap competition will be played off a maximum handicap of thirty six (36).

6. Handicaps

6.1 The Handicap committee will comprise of the Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary and the Competition Secretary.

6.2 The Handicap committee will revise all sectional Handicaps in relation to members play within the sections competitions. The decision of the Handicap Committee will be final.

6.3 The handicapping of the section will have no direct connection with the handicapping of any other club.

6.4 It is the responsibility of each member to return cards of any consequence to the section handicap committee. A duplicate will be made out and returned to the member for submitting to his/her club, should they so wish.

6.5 The Handicap Committee has the right to handicap on general play.

6.6 Application for revision of handicap can be made in writing to the Secretary who will place the application before the Handicap Committee. The decision of the Committee will be final.

6.7 Having submitted three (3) completed cards in accordance with normal procedure, any new members without a handicap will start with a maximum handicap of twenty-eight (28).

6.8 All members must declare and play off their lowest handicap.

7. General

7.1 Members changing their address or telephone number must notify the Secretary in writing / e-mail so as the section’s web site can always be fully up to date.

7.2 All members where possible should view the section’s web site to obtain the latest information concerning the section.

7.3 Any complaints must be made in writing to the Secretary, who will submit it to the Committee. The decision of the Committee will be final.

7.4 No notice will be posted on any of the sections notice boards without the authority of the Section Committee or the Secretary.



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