
Whole page last updated 11 August 2020Full list of all the articles published in Volumes 1-29 of Chemistry Review, arranged by feature100 years agoTitleVol.IssueRobert Wilhelm Bunsen (1811-1899)83Edward Frankland (1825-1899)92Henry Moseley: understanding atomic numbers231Niels Bohr and atomic structure232200 years agoTitleVol.IssueJoseph Black (1728-1799)91Answer backTitleExam BoardVol.IssueThe main features of the atomic spectrum of hydrogenJMB11A question of organic reactionsJMB12Chemistry from group VUniversity of London Schools Examinations 198913A question of idealityJMB14Rates and orders of reactionOxford and Cambridge Examinations Board15Acids and equilibriaJMB21Testing and estimating ionsJMB22Alternative fuelsSalters' Advanced Chemistry23Have you got redox potentialJMB24A question of applying knowledgeSalters' Advanced Chemistry25Silicone polymersUniversity of London Examinations and Assessment Council, 1992 Nuffield A-level examination31Distinguishing between pairs of organic compoundsJMB Syllabus B paper 2, Section B, 199032The Chemistry of LifeNuffield Chemistry Special Study 198933Social Economic, Environmental and Technological aspects of Chemistry Oxford & Cambridge, Paper 3 199234Born-Haber cycle and lattice energiesNuffield Paper 2, ULEAC 198835A Balancing ActJMB 1991, paper IIB41Petroleum technologySalters' Advanced Level Chemistry42The importance of revisionSalters’ Paper 1, 199243Directing aromatic substitutionJMB Syllabus A and Syllabus B 199144Mr Midgeley's discovery CFCsSalters A level examinations 199445Tackling calculationsNuffield Chemistry 1993, Paper 151The mystery of the dead deerSalters A-level 199452AmmoniaOxford and Cambridge Paper 3, Section A 199253Transition MetalsNEAB Paper B Section IIA, 199554An Unusual BeetleSalter A level Paper 1 199555Reactions of Halogenoalkanes with Potassium HydroxideNEAB61A Potentially Dangerous FertiliserSalters (OCR)62Knocking Your Organic Chemistry into ShapeOxford & Cambridge63An Organic WhodunitWJEC64Copper ChemistrySalters (OCR)65Structures Equations & MechanismsNEAB71KineticsNEAB72Planning Your ChemistryNuffield73Periodic PatternNEAB74Chromatography & Structure of DipeptideNuffield75Complex InformationOCSEB81Does faster mean further?WJEC82Organic ChemistryNEAB83Energy, bonding and haloalkanesNuffield84Obtaining Marks from obtaining MethodsNEAB85Ethanol as a FuelSalters (OCR)91Solving a chemical jigsaw puzzleNEAB92Structure and bondingNEAB93Phosphorus and friendsEdExcel94Testing Halide IonsAEB95Testing much more than fertilizersEdExcel101Knowledge and how to apply itNEAB102Assorted AlcoholsAQA103Correcting Fluid correct?NEAB104Redox rights and wrongsEdexcel111Sniffing for extra marksWJEB112Patterns in the periodic tableScottish Higher113Oxidation and reduction at AS and A2AQA114Electronic Structure and Chemical BondingEdexcel121Familiar and less familiar acidsWJEC122Fuelling the FireOCR123Particles, bonding and shapesAQA124Get in the Right GroupOCR131Organic SynthesisAQA132Synoptic Papers and Synoptic QuestionsEdexcel133Longer ResponsesAQA134Halons and the demise of the ozoneOCR141Tales of the Unexpected June 2003WJEC142Acids, bases, pH and buffersAQA143Any Old Ion?Salters (OCR) – A2144Equilibrium, Enthalpy, Entropy ... and ExtrasSalters (OCR) – A2151Photochemical smogSalters - Advanced152Keep in ContactEdexcel - AS 153Why do endothermic reactions happen?AQA – A2154Driven by EnthalpyEdexcel - AS161Ironing out the problemEdexcel - A2162A synoptic organic questionAQA - A2163Extracting chemistry with a metalSalters (OCR) - AS164A weighty problem?Salters (OCR) - A2171Genning up on nitrogenAQA172Changing gear to ASSalters (OCR) - AS173Glorious glycerolSalters (OCR) - A2174Getting into shape with isomersAQA - AS181Communicating chemistrySalters (OCR) - AS182Watch your languageAQA183Sulfuric acidEdexcel184Vitamin CSalters (OCR) – A2191Chemistry and fireworksSalters (OCR) – AS193Rates and catalysisAQA194Fun with phenyletheneSalters (OCR) – AS201CalculationsSalters (OCR) – AS & A2202What comes out of your kettle?AQA204It ain’t what you do (it’s the way you do it)AQA211Structure and spectroscopySalters (OCR) – A2212Folic acidSalters (OCR) – A2213Controversial chlorineSalters (OCR) – AS221Chemistry from a natural productSalters (OCR) – AS222Tricky transition metalsIB – Higher level223Planning for success in extended-answer questionsSalters (OCR) - AS231Absinthe: Lessons from the green fairySalters (OCR) – AS233Alkenes and clean screensSalters (OCR) – AS241Examining equilibriumSalters (OCR) – A2243Indications of changeIB – Higher level244All hail the halogensAQA253A complex way to find nickel compoundsSalters (OCR) – A2254Focus on the basicsSalters (OCR) – A2261Wrack your brainsSalters (OCR) – AS262Not-so stainless steelSalters (OCR) – A2263Concentrate for first-rate answersAQA264Acids, alkalis and pHAQA271Acetals and hemiacetalsAQA273Polymers and azo dyesOCR – A2281Synthesis and analysisEdexcel282Concentrate on sulfuric acidAQA291Back pageTitleVol.IssueCrystal gardens41Horse doping42Watercycle43Column chromatography44Mixing colours45The flame test51Growing a crystal tree52Chemiluminescence53Pyrrole pigments54Stained glass55Winning crystals61Salt mining62The island that time forgot63Rock 'n' roll eggs64Virtual reality65Oceans of mercury71Up in smoke72Women of achievement73Black smokers74Something lost in the translation75The welding torch81Drugs in the hay82The Meissner effect (collagen/gelatin)83Wobbly chemistry84Lac85Egyptian Blue & Nefertiti91Spiders superfibre92The Dome93Galileo thermometer94Hydrogen car95Reaching for the sky101Fire-blocking gel102A different slant on DNA103A close encounter104Thread of science111Glowing fireflies112Where there’s smoke there’s gravity113Displaying vision: LEP114Beyond the molecules121Microdiamonds122Sniffing for trouble123Airbags124Graphite polyhedral crystals131Life under ice132Molecules that grow on trees!133Three forms of elemental carbon134Like a diamond in the sky141Geothermal energy142Swimming in a nano sea143Brightening the future144The world’s smallest test tube151Little Dragon152Iron meteorites on Mars153I’m forever blowing colourful bubbles154DNA origami161A trip to the apothecary’s162Sniffer bees163Raindrops on Titan164Dragon’s breath171Fireflies: a postcard from Sri Lanka172…and then the heav’n espy173Wonderful woad and incredible indigo174Chemistry detectives181Why do onions make you cry?182Dinosaur mummy183Periodic table184Face the truth191Viral DNA packaging192Quinine193PET imaging of tumours194The PET that got away201Science beats food fraud202Feeling the heat203Polymers, plastics and superglue204Gecko glue211Chemistree: food dyes212Perilous poisons213The smell of success214How hot is your chemistry?221Rat wars222You can’t beat beetroot223Celebrating the double helix224Hydrogen fuel cells: Harnessing explosive energy231Burning blue232Feeling blue: Lobster rarities233Super foods234Follicle forensics241Cracking down on chemical weapons242Wake up and smell the coffee243Can we grow gold on plants?2443, 2, 1, liftoff!251Spectroscopy: At the heart of art252Colouring the dinosaurs253Lights in the deep254Seeing with chemistry261Back to Sherlock’s crime scene262Life-saving viper263The two sides of thalidomide264Fuelling Formula 1271Botulinum toxin: Killer of cure?272Molecular cars273Sunshine and vitamin D274Conservation and cyclododecane281Spectroscopy of space282Valentine chemistry283The chemistry of coral bleaching284Radical clean-up291Endangered elements292For the fake of auld lang syne...293Creating the lunar seas294Chemical HeroesTitleVol.IssueA tough mistake111Chemistry in medicineTitleVol.IssuePhotochemistry and drug synthesis282Chemistry on the web / Chemistry onlineTitleVol.IssueWebelements61Finding information about degree courses62Molecule of the Month63Chemystery64Buckminsterfullerenes71Green pages72Ring the changes with Chime73Life, the universe and the electron74Poison81Fire!82Green sites91The Nobel prize92A world of virtual chemistry93A site for you94Surf ‘n’ learn95To boldly go…101Chemistry in the shed!102Virtually isomeric103No worries!104Chocolate gingers111The virtual library112Plastastic!114Find your way with the web index122Catalysis for success!123The double helix 50 years on124Analyse this!131British Antarctic Survey132Transition metals in organic chemistry134Light: the fuel of life141Chemistry by numbers142A greener industry143Chemical role models151The science of surfing152Spectroscopy, mechanisms and calculations online153A world of science just a click away154The nano-world wide web161Practical internet162Extreme internet163Bright sites: in search of the most useful chemistry websites164Molecule of the month171The great communicator172Internet dating173Chemistry in car engines174iExperiment181Professor Dave: Youtube : sustainability works234Picture it…Chemistry244Massive open online courses (Moocs)271ChemysteryTitleVol.IssueThe case of the missing scientist: part 1181The case of the missing scientist: part 2182The case of the missing scientist: part 3183The case of the missing scientist: part 4184Did you know?TitleVol.IssueOptical isomers and penicillin271Photoswitching isomers281Knock knock…283Scrambled scientists291EncounterTitleVol.IssueChemical landmarks of the twentieth century93Chemistry in slow motion95A date with the high and mighty of science102Malcolm Cunnington: the man in the white coat!104How snails could help repair broken bones121Showcase Science 2005152Tracking your degree application154Fruity electricity: Gr?tzel solar cells163Extremophiles in New York164Two pyrones and beyond…171Call to A-level students: preparations begin for Showcase Science 2009182Rainforest chemistry: investigating the atmosphere193Cutting-edge chemistry203Polymers and tulips: a year in industry211AAAS Conference212SeXeY chemistry224Food waste: beyond the bin234The life of a first-year chemistry student241Three years or four? Completing a chemistry degree243Revising 25 years of chemistry251Preventing catastrophic climate change252Treating the AIDS epidemic253Feeding the world with chemistry254Life in undergraduate labs263Atmospheric camp at York264Science Down Under272Interview with Nobel prizewinner Bernard Feringa273Solving climate change in a week274Chemistry with altitude284The elephant in the lab292Chemistry in China294Focus on industryTitleVol.IssueSalt62Making inks stick94The perfect solution: taking catalyst recycling to a new level172Phenol193Polyamides201Kevlar and composites202Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)211Biotechnology213Applications in agriculture: fertilisers221Applications in agriculture: fungicides222Applications in agriculture: herbicides223Applications in agriculture: insecticides224Catalysis: heterogeneous catalysts231Applications of heterogeneous catalysts232Catalysis: homogeneous catalysts233Biotechnology in the chemical industry: biodegradable polymers241Biotechnology in the chemical industry: biofuels242Recent advances in biofuel production243Biorefineries244Copper251Titanium252Zinc253Magnesium254Colourants: Where does colour come from?261Classifying colourants by method of application262Pigments and high-tech colourants: What are the technical applications of colour?263Making paint264Squeaky clean with surfactants272Soap and other surfactants273Chemicals in cleaning274Extracting oil and gas281What happens in an oil refinery?282Cracking and related refinery processes283Fracking284Aluminium291Iron29Steel29Lead29How chemistry works / How science worksTitleVol.IssueModelling the atom171The noble gases: not so unreactive after all173How the periodic table was born174What is everything made from?183Boyle’s and Charles’ laws: a load of hot air?191Peer review: avoiding media scare stories192To err is scientific204Patents: protecting your ideas224Making alkenes: the Wittig reaction232Nuclear Magnetic Resonance244Investigating the structure of nucleic acids282The future of the periodic table284Energy291The f-block elements293Fighting fallacies in chemistry communication293Myth busting294In picturesTitleVol.IssueStructure of insulin11A closer look at clay12A hydrogen plant13The work of a conservator14Models of atoms15Different forms of carbon21The Periodic Table22What happens in a Bunsen flame?23Fast & fresh (sandwiches)24From dolomite to magnesium oxide25Versatile silicones31Infrared spectrometry32Gold, frankincense and myrrh33History of the atmosphere34Chemistry can detect faulty genes35A prize collection (Nobel prize winners & stamps)41Gas chromatography42Water43Molecular fossils44The rocaglamide story45Getting your pinta from the cow51Salt of the earth52Fractional Distillation53Nobel54Nuclear magnetic resonance55First class organic chemistry61Ways of representing proteins62Chemistry in the open air63Mass spectrometry64Water treatment65A breath of fresh air71Chocolate72Challenge of materials73Thermal analysis74Seeing atoms75pH: Who needs to know81Medicines in the garden82Chemistry under the microscope83Chemistry on track84The brewer's art85Gemstones91Fireworks92Molecules of the millennium93Generating electricity94Testing air quality95Visual elements101Phosphorus102It’s a chiral world!103Chemistry colour & light104Food to dye for111Antioxidants112Biodiesel113Polymer protected professionals114Dyeing hair121The barking dog122Around the world with chemistry123Modelling the double helix124Machair131The heat is on133Molecules in a virtual world134The Magnificent Seven: magic bullets of 21st century141Science is art142Antifreeze143Magnetic resonance imaging144Probably the most important reactions in the world152Camping with chemistry153Rocks that glow in the dark154Stimulating chemistry161Copper on tap?162Seeing the nanoworld: atomic structures and reaction dynamics172Getting plastered174The disguises of carbon181Hydrogen bonds: holding the world together184The Martian poles191Atoms to patterns192Chemistry in the atmosphere 193Magnetic marvel202Chemistry of the cosmos213Decoding skeletal secrets221Kevlar: miracle material224Hair-raising chemistry231X-ray eyes on a molecular world251Medicinal or murderous: Analysing a Victorian medicine cabinet253Periodic table updated261Is every snowflake unique?262Mass, moles and gas equations263Know your glassware264The chemistry behind baking271Raku pottery: Redox in action273Saving SS Great Britain: Redox in action274Elements of smartphones281Flying over fires282Periodic table completed?283What shape is my molecule?284Cave chemistry291The elephant’s toothpaste experiment292Do you know your functional groups?293Acids and their uses294Lab pageTitleVol.IssueRecrystallisation - purification of solids25Thin-layer chromatography TLC31Making standard solutions32Using a separating funnel33Distillation34Melting point determination35Measuring pH41Extracting and studying enzymes42Measuring volume43Solvent extraction44Colorimeters45Growing crystals51Safe heating52Observing53Electrochemical cells54Steam distillation55Volumetric analysis61Testing for metal ions62Separating solids from liquids64Handling gases65Testing for gases71Measuring the boiling point of a liquid75Measuring pH81What is chromatography?82Recrystallisation84Refluxing and distillation92Calorimetry94Assessing the risks in practical work101Oxidation of alcohols104Experimental error and error analysis112Making a standard solution122Colorimetry123Observing and recording131Distillation141Not all indicators are equal142Thin layer chromatography143Melting points and boiling points144Electrode potentials153How to be a lab success: using QuickFit apparatus161How to be a lab success: titrations, crystals, separating and mixing164Identifying an unknown organic compound173Planning your own experiment193Heating under reflux202Infrared spectrometers212Flame tests and emission spectra214Recrystallisation222Determining the yield of a reaction223Performing the perfect titration232Steam distillation233Chromatography243Extracting caffeine from tea leaves251How to make skin cream252Esterification253Synthesising aspirin261Nitration of an arene262Make your own dye263Volumetric analysis272Testing turmeric274Constructing an electrochemical cell284Analysing limescale remover by acid-base titration292Making and doingTitleVol.IssueModel of buckminsterfullerene11Models of Clay12Elementary crossword13Asymmetric crystals of tartaric acid salts14Spreadsheets for calculations15Gas testing crossword21Models of zeolites22Wordsearch23Cooking with dough24Crossword31Puzzle page32Solid liquid34Model of DNA molecule35Elementary spelling41History of the Bunsen burner43Using natural dyes45Chemical definitions51Crystal-growing challenge52The sweet smell of danger53Quiz54Chemical dingbats55Polymer word search61Anagrams62Dr Beaker65Element search71Chemistry is fun72Surface tension73Logical chemistry81Neils Bohr puzzle82Gakistuf91Dr Beaker92Dr Beaker94Fun with hydrogels1023D models103Fizz: making sherbet111Calculating carbon dioxide112Popcorn explosions121Bubbles123DIY DNA124Chemical dingbats141More chemical dingbats142Inkvestigation151Chemical crossword152Chemical sudoku153Elemental sudoku154Poetic chemistry161Elementary crossword171Trace elements172Radioactive sudoku173Hydrogen bonds: experiments to try at home184Wonder in carbon land: build your own bucky balls192Numbercross201Transition metal riddles203Build your own spectroscope214Summing up fertilisers221Chemical conundrum231Elementary clues241Chemword242Isomagram251Elemental acrostic252Who said that?253Molecular crossword261Chemword262Chemical vocabulary272Does warm water freeze faster than cold water?273Chemical conundrum274Systematic names283Scrambled scientists291Chemistry in knots291Mystery metal293Red cabbage indicators293Chemical crossword294People / All in a day’s work / Careers in chemistryNameJobVol.IssueHart, JudithFreelance Journalist13Knight, BarryAncient Monument Laboratories (English Heritage)14Gregory, PeterSenior Scientist (ICI Specialty Colours Group)23Hamer, PamForensic Scientist25Senior, ClareAnalytical Chemist in Packaging Research34Crawley, FrankChemical Engineer (ICI, BP), Authority on safety of industrial processes43Tarasova, NataliaRadiation Chemist, Professor of Industrial Ecology, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow44Hutchinson, AnnProcess Chemist (Rhone-Poulenc Agriculture)51Sutton, JanePress and Publicity Officer (Royal Society of Chemistry)52Osman, RobertPlant Manager, Pigment Dispersion Plant, Yorkshire Chemicals53Owen, NickInnovations Marketing Manager, Hickson & Welch54Hewitt, ChrisBrand Manager, Aldrich UK55Hazel, NickIssues Manager, BP Chemicals61Hodgson, AnneUniversity Chemistry Department63Levitt, MelissaCommissioning Editor65Hockley, SianPatent Agent75Julie HallAntarctic Research82Louise ScarryGranular Detergent Technology85O'Brien, PeterUniversity Lecturer93Walker, KarenAgrochemical Registration Specialist95Tinkler, SuzanneConfectionery product developer114Wevill, DaveAntarctic Survey132Barnham, RachelForensic Scientist143Macdonald, AnthonyBiomedical researcher184Hardy, JeffUK Energy Research Centre194Davison, RachaelCosmetic scientist292Project pageTitleVol.IssueDecomposing hydrogen peroxide51What's in water?52The reactions of metals with acids53Making light of Project work54There's more to Vitamin C than Brussels55Reactions that don't add up61Clock reactions62Aspirin63Investigating enzymes64How accurate are titrations?71What’s in wine73Ion exchange resins74Oscillating reactions83Adsorption and inclusion84Concentration of copper ions91Dyes and dyeing101A Reaction that speeds itself up113Anyone for spaghetti and peas?114How quickly does bleach deteriorate?163Remember rememberTitleVol.IssueUsing mnemonic methods81The story system82The loci system83The peg method84Research teamTitleVol.IssueAre you part of a research team?81Naphthazarin, PDT and the fight against cancer82The problem with PET84Are you part of a research team?91Nitric oxide as a synthetic reagent95Pushing back the frontiers…101Revision noteTitleVol.IssueBonding between molecules11Spectroscopy12Electrolysis13Shapes of molecules and electron pair repulsion theory14Interpreting mass spectra15What makes a reaction go?21Redox (and oxidation numbers)22Energy profiles23An overview of organic reactions24Acids25The Periodic Table31Testing for functional groups32A new angle on bonding33Solidification of solutions34Melting point determination35The transition metals41Naming aliphatic organic compounds42Keeping track of energy changes45Drawing organic compounds51Born-Haber cycles and lattice energies52Melting and boiling points53Keeping things short54Acids & bases55Acid-base indicators and buffer solutions61Ultraviolet and visible spectra62Kinetics64Group 465Identifying gasses71Intermolecular bonds72Isomerism73Halogens81Spider diagrams82The alkanes83Changing state91Exam tactics92Transition metal complexes I93Transition metal complexes II94Organic synthetic pathways95What is isomerism?103Amines104Gases Part 1111Calculations involving masses112Gases Part 2113Trends in period 3 elements114The elements in group 2122Titrations123Nucleophiles124Moles – the basics131Calculating pH132Carboxylic acids133Establishing a rate equation142Aliphatic organic compounds151Summary of reactions for benzene/aromatic compounds152From creaking joints to saving a steamship153Bonding: sticking atoms together161Interpreting infrared spectra162Classifying organic reactions163Trends in ionisation energy173Acids and bases: a whistle-stop tour182Acids and bases: developing ideas further183Oxides of carbon201Solid foundations: part 1213Solid foundations: part 2214Tackling stretch and challenge questions224Copper sulfate and ammonia: stretch and challenge question234Understanding NMR spectra244Nucleophilic substitution263Electrophilic substitution of aromatic rings264Know your units273The continuum of bonding281Disentangling polarity282Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curves294Scientists of substanceTitleVol.IssueMendeleev, creator of the chemists’ logo131John Newlands132Harry Moseley133Fritz Haber134John Priestly141Sir William Ramsay142Sir Humphry Davy144Linus Pauling151Thomas Midgely152Gilbert N. Lewis: his acids and bases153Glenn T. Seaborg: creator of elements154Lise Meitner: radiochemist, physicist and co-discoverer of nuclear fission161Ida Tacke-Noddack: co-discoverer of rhenium and nuclear fission162Rosalind Franklin: physical chemist, X-ray crystallographer and DNA pioneer163Marguerite Perey: discoverer of francium164Organic growth from Deutsche Chemiker171More organic growth from Deutsche Chemiker: Liebig and W?hler172Seeds of structural organic chemistry: August Kekulé173Adolf von Baeyer and Victor Meyer174Avogadro: count and counting chemist181John Dalton: Quaker scientist and law maker182van der Waals: famous for recognising feeble forces183Michael Faraday184Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin: great discoveries in X-ray crystallography194Carothers: inventor of nylon201Kwolek: creator of Kevlar202Benerito: the chemist who banished ironing203Marie Curie: probing the atom212The fascinating Fenton reaction221Rachel Louise Carson: Environmental champion272SubstancesTitleVol.IssueTin and lead41Iodine42Methyl mercaptan43Sodium carbonate44Argon - in the spotlight45Helium51Platinum52Nitric Acid53Propanone54Iodine55Hydrogen peroxide61Alumina62Silica63Nitric oxide64Mixed oxides65Chlorides71Potassium chloride72Aluminium chloride73Cl4 and SiCl4+74HCl75Butane83Ethanoic acid84Phenol85Aluminium92Caesium93Sulfur94Cyanides101Chlorine102A bitter isomerisation103Carbon monoxide104Strontium111Gallium112Selenium113Hydrogen121Chromium123Bromine124Hydrogen sulfide131Titanium133Nitrogen oxides141Ozone142Carbohydrates144Carboxylic acids151Hydrogen: alkali metal or halogen?152Lithium153Supercritical carbon dioxide163Silicones and silanes164Platinum: not just for jewellery174The fight against bacteria: every cloud has a silver lining181Deadly beauty183Finding a fix191Graphene192Vanadium194Calcium carbonate203Water water everywhere204Iridium: life-saving transition element212Cocaine: atoms of addiction213Aerogel: ‘frozen smoke’214Tetrodotoxin: famously deadly poison222All things ice223Iodine in medicine231Magnesium233Looking into glass234Hydrogen cyanide: Poison and precursor252Barium254Analgesics271Turmeric: Medicinal applications274Sugar: A bittersweet tale?294Top tipsTitleVol.IssueGetting the language right71Oxidation states72The shapes of molecules73Calculations involving amounts81Identifying reactions (1)84Identifying reactions (2)85Calculating yields in chemical reactions92Drawing enthalpy cycles93Interpreting mass spectra101Interpreting NMR spectra102Writing structural isomers using stick formulae103Tackling chemical calculations104Know your Ks114Understanding electrode potentials121Using electrode potentials122Balancing equations123Using oxidation states124Van der Waals Forces131Classifying organic reactions132Measuring the rate of a chemical reaction141Born Haber Cycles144What’s in a word?151Watch your language!152Hess’s Law154Guidelines for drawing organic structures161Shapes in inorganic chemistry162Drawing lab diagrams164Representing chemical reactions171Drawing reaction mechanisms181Drawing radical reaction mechanisms182Atom economy: avoiding chemical waste192Naming esters193Tracking your degree application194Making use of electrode potentials223Hess cycles and the MASK check242Amino acids in chemistry252Succeeding in chemistry without A-level maths254Dealing with significant figures261Esterification mechanisms273Naming (R/S) isomers293Wonders of chemistryTitleVol.IssueLiquid breathing111Paved with titanium112Saving reefs from grief113Self-healing plastic114Windows that clean themselves122Twenty-first century batteries124Seeing with selenium132Solution to a sticky problem: non-drip ice-lollies133Tougher than a speeding bullet134The future’s bright, the future’s …tritium142Luminol: shedding the light on ‘hidden’ evidence143Potty power: microbial fuel cells144Cracking concrete heals itself211Molybdenite Valley? The search for new semiconductors222Won’t you step into my parlour…spider silk232Molecules of revision234Graphene and carbon nanotubes241The jeans that eat pollution242Lyotropic liquid crystals: essential for life243X-rays reveal a lost treasure252Solar power: nature does it better281Elements old and new283Chameleon colour changes292Recharging the batteries293Worth readingTitleVol.IssueMolecules at an Exhibition84Nitroglycerine92The Shocking History of Phosphorus: a biography of the Devil’s element102The X-ray detective111Science, not art: ten scientists’ diaries141Uncle Tungsten144Better Looking, Better Living, Better Loving: How chemistry can help you achieve life’s goals172Eurekas and Euphorias: The Oxford Book of Scientific Anecdotes183Max Perutz and the Secret of Life184Chemistry3: introducing inorganic, organic and physical chemistry192A Healthy, Wealthy, Sustainable World204The Elements – a very short introduction211Nature’s Building Blocks (2nd edition)212Molecules with Silly or Unusual Names214Breverton’s Encyclopedia of Inventions22230-Second Elements223Every Molecule Tells a Story242Molecules That Amaze Us253The Sun and moons271The Disappearing Spoon281Periodic Tales: the Curious Lives of the Elements283Reactions: the Private Life of Atoms284Themed articles (one-off series)TitleVol.IssueChemistry and the environmentNitrogen and phosphorus in estuaries71Mountains of waste72SO2 and acid rain73Climate change and CO274Tracing oil spills at sea75Chemistry and healthQuinine – one of the great molecules81Metals in medicine82Body parts from the polymer lab83The discovery of Ventolin84Green chemistryCatalysts91Green beans?92Environmental solutions93Plants of the future94Atom efficiency and catalysis95Chemistry in spaceDIBs: a great unsolved mystery101What a dusty universe!102Space: the first and last great brewery103Beagle 2: looking to explore a blurred vision of life on Mars104A taste for chemistryCool chemistry: what’s in an ice cream?111Cooked to a turn! Non-enzymic browning in food112A root to white sugar: how to turn a plant into something sweet113Understanding cocoa flavour114Chemistry everywhereCurly locks121Roast beef and ashes to vegetarian shampoo122All you should know about dough123The ultra-blue: the story of ultramarine124Forensic chemistryThe chemistry of fingerprints131Resurrecting the past132Behind the scenes at the National Gallery133Drugs on money134Fuelling the futureElectricity generation141Electricity, the next generation142Driving towards a cleaner future143Global impact of fuels144Sporting chemistryPerformance fuel for people151Chemistry has the right fibre for sporting glory152Designer magic sponges153Catching the cheats: detecting drugs in sport154NanotechnologyNanochemistry: delivering new medicines?161Nanotechnologists inspired by nature: building new model enzymes162Liquid crystals: the fourth state of matter163When superconductors get crabby164Chemistry and climateNatural climate variability171The Antarctic ozone hole172The benefits of bracing sea air173The chemistry of indoor air174Medicinal chemistryPrecious medicines181Don’t hold your breath: the diagnostic potential of breath analysis182Curing cancer with chemistry183Salbutamol: saving your breath184Design for the futureThe polymer predicament: making plastics from plants191Biocatalysis192Lab on a chip193LEDs: light fantastic194Out of thin airFrom volcanoes to sea salt: atmospheric sulfur201Atmospheric nitrogen202Poison in the air: atmospheric carbon monoxide203Do ants destroy the ozone layer?204What’s your poison?Cuppa chemistry211Chemistry of wine212Biochemistry, brewing and beery scientists213A mug of coffee and chemistry214Lifestyle chemistryChemistry’s calling: mobile phones and touchscreen technology221Curried chemistry222Two in one: the chemistry of shampoo and conditioner223Shades of chemistry224Greener and cleanerArtificial photosynthesis: putting sunshine in the tank231Reclaiming plastic waste232What can we make from carbon dioxide?233Biocatalysis in biosolvents234Chemistry in medicineDeveloping and delivering drugs241Mind-numbing drugs242Fighting mental illness243Viral chemistry24425 years of...Gel chemistry: From jellies to 3D printing251Retrosynthesis252Carbene chemistry253FT-NMR254Energy and efficiencyThe chemistry of LEDs261Shining a light on solar energy262Batteries required: Advances in energy storage263Fuel from sunshine264Wonder bugsLandmine-detecting bacteria271Plastic-eating bacteria272Microbial medicine factories273New fuels from nature274Animal chemistryBees, honey and venom281Frogs and toads282Cats and dogs283Spiders284A brief history of...Atomic structure: Part 1291Atomic structure: Part 2292The chemistry of nuclear energy294 ................

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