Goshen County Republicans | Goshen County Republicans

Goshen County Republican PartyBY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF THE COUNTY OF GOSHEN, STATE OF WYOMINGARTICLE I: THE REPUBLICAN PARTYMembership: The Republican Party of Goshen County, State of Wyoming, shall be composed of all persons registered as Republicans to vote in Goshen County.ARTICLE II: GOVERNANCEThe Goshen County Convention of the Republican Party, when assembled, shall be the governing body of the Party and at all other times such governance shall be vested in the County Central Committee of the Republican Party.ARTICLE II: PROCEDURE AND DEFINITIONAll meetings and conventions within the purview hereof shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.As provided by Robert’s Rules of Order at least two (2) tellers shall be appointed by the County Chairman for all forms of voting herein requiring a count of individual votes.Unless otherwise herein provided, the use of the masculine shall be deemed to include the feminine gender.ARTICLE III: GOSHEN COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE1) Membership:a) The Republican Central Committee of Goshen County, State of Wyoming, shall consist of the duly elected Republican Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen within the County and their successors, who shall hold office for a term of two (2) years beginning the first Monday of January following election to the office. Each precinct shall elect one committeeman and one committeewoman for each 250 votes or major fraction thereof cast for the Republican candidate for US Representative in the last general election, but provided no precinct shall be entitled to less than one Precinct Committeeman and one Precinct Committeewomanb) Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen shall be electors registered in the party and resident in the precinct.c) If a precinct Boundary line is changed for any reason, the County Commissioners shall determine the number of Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen to which the affected precinct is entitled.d) All County Central Committee members in office on the date that notice of the County Central Committee meeting is published, as provided in Article III, paragraph 3, herein, shall be allowed to vote at said meeting.2)?Meetings:The County Central Committee shall meet:a) within ten (10) days after the Precinct Committeemen and Precinct Committeewomen of the Republican Party shall have been certified elected by the County Canvassing Board following each primary election for purposes of organizing the County Central Committee.b) During the last fifteen (15) days of March of each odd numbered year for the purpose of electing the County Chairman and vice-chairman, one (1) State Committeeman and one State Committeewoman, and other offices as provided by the County Party By-Laws.The election of offices shall be by secret ballot and the number of votes cast for each candidate announced.)?Notice of Meeting:a) The County Chairman shall publish a notice of all meetings of the County Central Committee in the official county newspaper, being of general county circulation, not less than two (2) days prior to a meeting. Notice of all meetings shall be mailed (postal service or electronic) to each member of the County Central Committee not less than five (5) days prior to a meeting. The County Chairman shall also deposit notice of the March meeting of each odd numbered year in the office of the County Clerk not less than ten (10) days before this meeting.4)?Powers:In cooperation with the State Central Committee, the County Central Committee shall represent and is empowered to further the interest of the Republican Party in Goshen County in any manner authorized by law or not inconsistent with the provisions hereof.5)?Conduct Of Central Committee Meetings:a) Presiding Officer: The County Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the County Central Committee. If two consecutive tie votes on a question occur the Chairman shall vote to break the tie. If, however, the County Chairman has been duly elected as a member of the County Central Committee, he shall also have a vote on all questions to come before the meeting.b) Quorum: Those members attending a regularly called meeting of the County Central Committee shall constitute a quorum.c) Proxy Votes: Proxy votes shall be allowed at a meeting of the County Central Committee. A person holding a proxy for an absent Precinct Committeeman or Precinct Committeewoman must be a resident of the same precinct as the member he represents. No person shall be allowed to vote more than two (2) proxies. All proxies shall be signed and dated by the grantor with said form presented to the presiding officer, certified by the secretary that the holder is eligible.d) Procedure: All County Central Committee meetings shall be governed by?Robert’s?Rules of Order?as provided in Article II, paragraph 1, herein.ARTICLE IV GOSHEN COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE OFFICERS1)?OFFICERS:The Officers of the Goshen County Central Committee shall consist of the County Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. None of the said officers shall have a vote at County Central Committee meetings unless they are duly elected Precinct Committeemen or Precinct Committeewomen. However, if two consecutive tie votes on a question occur, the County Chairman shall vote to break the tie.2)?TERM of OFFICE:The County Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected by the County Central Committee at its March meeting in the odd numbered years to serve for a term of two (2) years. The County Secretary and the County Treasurer shall be appointed by the County Chairman and shall serve for a like term.3)?ELEGIBILITY:None of the foregoing officers need be members of the County Central Committee, but each must be a resident of the County and be an elector registered in the Republican Party.4)?OTHER OFFICERS:The County Central Committee may provide for the selection of such other officers as it deems advisable5)?DUTIES OF OFFICERS:a) County Chairman: In addition to the duties with which he is by statute and otherwise herein charged, the County Chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the Republican Party in Goshen County. He shall preside over all meetings of the County Executive Committee, County Convention, and the County Central Committee. When presiding over the County Executive Committee, County Convention, and County Central Committee, and two consecutive tie votes on a question occur the County Chairman shall vote to break the tie whether or not he is a delegate to the County Convention or a member of the County Central Committee. He shall effectuate the several policies determined by said committees. In the event of an emergency, he shall determine a course of action, which shall be referred to the Executive Committee for ratification as soon thereafter as conveniently may be. He shall have the general powers of administration customarily vested in the office of Chairman, not inconsistent with the provisions of these By-Laws.b) Vice-Chairman: The Vice-chairman shall assist the County Chairman in the duties as may be assigned to him by the County Chairman. He shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the County Chairman during the County Chairman’s absence or disability.c) Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the County Central Committee and County Convention, and the County Executive Committee. He shall serve on the Credentials Committee.d) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Goshen County Republican Party and shall disburse same as authorized by the County Chairman. Either the County Chairman or Treasurer may disburse monies as duly authorized.ARTICLE VGOSHEN COUNTY STATE COMMITTEEMAN AND COMMITTEEWOMAN1)?NUMBER:Goshen County shall have a duly elected Republican State Committeeman and a State Committeewoman.2) TERM OF OFFICE:The County Central Committee shall at its March meeting in the odd numbered years elect a State Committeeman and a State Committeewoman for a term of two (2) years.3)?ELIGIBILITY:Neither the State Committeeman nor the State Committeewoman need be members of the County Central Committee, but each must be a resident of the County and be an elector registered in the Republican Party.4) Voting at County Central Committee Meetings:Neither the State Committeeman nor the State Committeewoman shall have a vote at County Central Committee meetings unless either he or she is a duly elected Precinct Committeeman or Committeewoman.5)?Duties of State Committeeman and Committeewoman:a) In addition to the duties with which they are by statute and state party by-laws charged, the State Committeeman and State Committeewoman shall support by the rules and regulations of the State Central Committeeb) The State Committeeman and State Committeewoman are hereby charged to support resolutions approved by the Goshen County Central Committee.ARTICLE VI: GOSHEN COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE1)?MEMBERS:The Goshen County Central Committee shall have an Executive Committee. The County Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the County Central Committee, the State Committeeman and State Committeewoman, and such other persons as the County Central Committee shall determine.2)?MEETINGS:The County Chairman shall call meetings of the County Executive Committee. He shall preside over said meetings and shall vote in case of a tie.3) POWERS:The County Executive Committee shall have the following powers:a) To call meetings of the County Central Committee as provided in Article III, paragraph 2(d), herein.b) To fill vacancies in the offices of Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen as provided in Article VII, paragraph 1, herein.c) To ratify actions taken by the County Chairman in conjunction with the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 5 (a) herein.d) To determine the County Convention Delegate Apportionment as provided in Article IX, paragraph 2, herein.e) To further the interests of the Republican Party in Goshen County in any manner authorized by law and consistent with the provisions of these By-Laws.f) to confirm vacancy appointments made by the County Chairmang) The County Executive Committee can overrule the County Chairman by a majority vote with a quorum present.ARTICLE VII: VACANCIESVacancies in any of the offices or positions herein provided shall occur by death, resignation, expiration of term, inability to act, or removal from the political subdivision represented. Vacancies in the various offices shall be filled until the next regular election as follows:1) County Central Committee: A vacancy in the office of a County Central Committee member shall be filled by the County Executive Committee which shall appoint a registered Republican elector residing in the precinct in which the vacancy exists.2) County Chairman: A vacancy in the office of County Chairman shall be filled by the Vice-Chairman.3) Vice-Chairman: A vacancy in the office of Vice-Chairman shall be filled by the County Central Committee by election within 120 days of such vacancy.4) Secretary or Treasurer: A vacancy in the office of Secretary or Treasurer shall be filled by appointment by the County Chairman within 120 days of such vacancy.5) State Committeeman or Committeewoman: A vacancy in the office of State Committeeman or Committeewoman occurring by death, resignation, or removal of residence from the County shall be filled by election by the County Central Committee within thirty (30) days of such vacancy.ARTICLE VIII GOSHEN COUNTY PRECINCT CAUCUSES1)?ELIGIBILITY:All registered Republicans who have resided within the precinct at least ten (10) days and who were registered Republicans prior to the date of the call of the Precinct Caucus shall be entitled to participate and vote at the Precinct Caucus. Proof of such residence and registration shall be either by the most recent available County Clerks’ voter list or by the signing of a sworn statement.2)?MEETINGS:The Goshen County Republican Party shall hold Precinct Caucuses not more than twenty-five (25) days and not less than ten (10) days prior to the County Convention. Each Precinct Caucus shall be held on a date, time and specified place within the County as directed by the County Chairman.3)?NOTICE OF MEETING:The County Chairman shall publish a notice of the date, time and specified place within the County of each Precinct Caucus, in the official county newspaper, being of general county circulation not less than ten (10) days prior to such Precinct Caucuses. The calls for Precinct Caucuses may be combined in a single notice.4) CONDUCT OF PRECINCT CAUCUSES:a) Presiding Officer: Either a Precinct Committeeman or Precinct Committeewoman in attendance at the Precinct Caucus shall be elected Caucus Chairman. In the event there is neither a Precinct Committeeman nor a Precinct Committeewoman in attendance at the Precinct Caucus; then those assembled and qualified to vote shall elect, from among their number, a person who shall serve as Caucus Chairman.b) Quorum: Those eligible precinct residents attending a regularly called precinct caucus shall constitute a quorum.c) Proxy Votes: Vote by Proxy at Precinct Caucuses shall neither be allowed nor recognized.d) Procedure: The Caucus Chairman shall conduct the Precinct Caucus. He shall take nominations from the floor of registered Republicans residing within the precinct for the number of delegates and alternates to which such precinct is entitled. The election of Delegates and Alternatives shall be by secret ballot, if desired by anyone in attendance at the Precinct Caucus.CERTIFICATION OF DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES TO COUNTY CONVENTIONa) The Caucus Chairman shall, within the next five (5) succeeding days, certify in writing and deliver to the County Chairman the names of those elected as delegates and alternates to the County Convention from the precinct.If for any reason:(a) a Precinct Caucus is not held and precinct delegates and alternates are not duly elected as prescribed above; or,(b) the Caucus Chairman fails to certify the names of those precinct delegates and alternates elected; or,(c) the Caucus Chairman fails to deliver the certified names of those elected to the County Chairman,The County Chairman with approval of the majority of the County Executive Committee is authorized to appoint the prescribed number of Delegates from the precinct(s) to the County Convention.ARTICLE IX GOSHEN COUNTY CONVENTIONMembership:?Delegates to the county Convention shall be the members of the County Central Committee and those chosen by caucuses of the precincts within Goshen County. The names of such delegates shall be certified in writing by the Caucus Chairman of each Precinct Caucus to the County Chairman within the next five (5) days succeeding the Precinct Caucus.All County Convention Delegates and Alternates shall, at the time of the convention, be residents of the precinct they represent. If the prescribed number of delegates is not duly elected by Precinct Caucuses for any specific Precinct, the County Chairman with majority approval of the County Executive Committee is authorized to appoint the prescribed number of delegates from the Precinct(s) to the County Convention1) Apportionment of Precinct Delegates to County Convention:The County Executive Committee shall designate the overall number of delegates and an equal number of alternates to be elected to the County Convention. The delegates to which each precinct shall be entitled at the county convention shall be determined, as nearly as possible, in proportion to the total votes cast in each precinct for all Republican candidates for the office of House of Representatives of the United States in the last preceding general election; provided, however, that no precinct shall be represented by less than two (2) delegates. The number of delegates to be elected at each Precinct Caucus shall be stated in the published call of the Precinct Caucus.2)?Meeting:The County Convention of the Goshen County Republican Party shall be held during the month of March of each even numbered year.3)?Notice of Meeting:Notice of the County Convention shall be mailed to all delegates not less than five (5) days prior to the Convention and shall be published in the official county newspaper, being of general county circulation, not less than two (2) days prior to the Convention.4)?Powers:The County Convention for Goshen County shall have the power: a) To amend the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the county party as provided for an Article X, b) To elect the delegates and alternates to the State Convention and determine the priority in which alternates shall serve, c) To elect the Delegate or Alternate to the Republican National Convention, d) To conduct such other party business as may come before the County Convention.5)?Conduct of County Convention:(a) Presiding Officer: The County Chairman duly elected by the County Central Committee his successor or his designee shall serve as Chairman of the County Convention. If two consecutive tie votes on a question occur, the County Chairman shall vote to break the tie. If, however, the County Chairman has been duly elected as a delegate at the Precinct Caucus in his precinct, he shall also have a vote on all matters at the Convention.(b) Quorum: Those delegates attending a duly called County Convention shall constitute a quorum(c) Proxy Votes: Vote by proxy at County Convention shall neither be allowed nor recognized.(d) Procedure: The unit rule method of voting shall not be adopted by any precinct delegation. All County Conventions shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order as provided in Article II, paragraph 1, herein.(e) Committees: The following Committees shall act at the County Convention:(i) Credentials; By Laws; Platform; Resolutions; and Nominating. The powers and duties of such committees shall be those customarily performed thereby and as herein provided.Credentials: The Credentials Committee shall consist of the County Secretary and such other members as the County Chairman shall appoint. The committee shall be responsible for examining credentials of all delegates to the County Convention.By-Laws: the By-Laws Committee shall consist of such members as the County Chairman shall appoint. The committee shall receive written by-law revision to be coordinated and presented to the County Convention. Nothing herein, however, shall preclude any delegate from submitting additional by-law revisions from the floor, in writing, at the County Convention.Platform: The Platform Committee shall consist of members appointed by the County Chairman from delegates to the County Convention. The committee shall meet at least one (1) week prior to the County Convention to draft platform proposals and to receive platform suggestions from the Precinct Caucuses to be coordinated and presented to the County Convention. However, nothing shall preclude any delegate from submitting additional platform proposals from the floor, in writing, at the County Convention.Resolutions: The Resolutions Committee shall consist of members appointed by the County Chairman from delegates to the County Convention. The committee shall meet at least one (1) week prior to the County Convention to draft resolutions and to receive written resolutions from the Precinct Caucuses to be coordinated and presented to the County Convention. However, nothing shall preclude any delegate from submitting additional resolutions from the floor, in writing, at the County Convention.Nominating: The Nominating Committee shall consist of such members as the County Chairman shall appoint. The committee shall receive all nominations to be coordinated and presented to the County Convention. Nothing herein, however, shall preclude any delegate from submitting additional qualified nominations from the floor at the County Convention.The County Chairman may appoint other committees as he deems necessary.Order of Business: The order of business in the Goshen County Republican Convention shall be as follows:Call to order by the County ChairmanReport of the Credentials CommitteeReport of the By-Laws CommitteeReport of the Platform CommitteeReport of the Resolutions CommitteeReport of the Nominations CommitteeNominations from the floorElections: Selection of delegates and alternates to the Wyoming GOP State Convetion.Elections: Selection of the delegate and/or alternate to the Republican National Convention – when entitledOther BusinessAdjournment(ii) Such order of business may be changed by a majority vote of the County Convention(2) Roll Call Votes: A roll call vote (“Yeas” and “Nays”) upon any question presented to the Convention may be ordered by the Chairman of such Convention or can be compelled by a majority vote of the delegates elected to such convention. However, a request for a roll call vote must be sought before the question is first voted upon. The preceding sentence in no way interferes with the right of a delegate to request a standing vote on a question presented to the ConventionARTICLE X AMENDMENTSThese By-Laws, Rules and Regulations may be revoked, amended or added to only by a majority vote of the delegates elected and in attendance at the County Convention or their alternates. Such action shall be certified by the County Chairman and Secretary of the Goshen County Central Committee.RATIFICATION:These By-Laws, upon adoption by a majority vote of the Delegates elected to the Republican County Convention, shall repeal and replace all By-laws that preceded them and shall be binding upon adjournment of the convention at which they are adoptedCERTIFICATIONWe do hereby certify that we are respectively the County Chairman and County Secretary of the Goshen County Republican Party Central Committee, State of Wyoming. That the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of Goshen County and of the Republican Party, State of Wyoming, unanimously adopted at duly called and constituted Republican County Convention of Goshen County held in Torrington, Wyoming on the 12th day of March 2016.?ATTEST:____________________________________Corey A SteinmetzCounty Republican Party Chairman_________________________________________Vickie ZimmerCounty Republican Party Secretary ................

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