Absolutism and Gunpowder Empires: A Snapshot Map

Absolutism and Gunpowder Empires: Project due 11/30

This project will explore the following states and empires: France under Louis XIV, Russia under Peter and Catherine the Great, Tokugawa Japan, Qing Dynasty China, the Ottoman Empire and the Mughal Empire.

Where to find information:

1. Locate the material on these states in your textbook

2. Internet – document the websites in APA format. NO WIKIPEDIA. If you have questions about citations… please see me!

What to do:

1. Appetizer: 40 points

a. Requirements: You will create a map of the empires that includes the region(s) of each empire, the date of absolutism era and the greatest or most exemplary ruler(s) (HINT: Look at introduction), and a picture of the ruler(s).

b. Choices:

i. Create a PowerPoint presentation with each region and the information in the requirements on a separate slide.

ii. Create Hand-drawn maps on 8 ½ x 11 sheets of white paper for each region that include the information in the requirements above.

iii. Create a Poster with all of the regions in their proper places (ie. A map of the hemisphere or continents) and the information in the requirements above.

iv. Create a Comic Strip that includes the maps and information listed in the requirements.

2. Entrée: 60 points

a. Requirements: You will use PERSIA to describe each of the empires listed above. (Political – Economic – Religious – Social – Intellectual – Artistic).

b. Choices:

i. Movie – Create an animated movie or other type of electronic story depicting the characteristics of each empire.

ii. Children’s Book: You will create a book that can be read by a 3rd – 5th grader. It should have pictures on each page to illustrate your story.

3. Dessert: 20 points

a. Requirements: You will give the major reasons for success and reasons for decline for EACH empire. Then choose 2 of the empires and write 2 comparative statements that represent the major conclusions you have come to about the 2 empires.

b. Choices:

i. Chart: Create a chart that shows the reasons for decline and success for each empire and place the comparative statements at the bottom of the chart.

ii. Written: Write out, in paragraph form, the reasons for decline and success for each empire and include the comparative statements in the paragraphs.

4. Documentation: 10 points

a. All of your information (from sources OUTSIDE of the textbook) MUST be documented on a Works Cited page on a separate sheet of paper. This needs to be typed in APA format.

** If you have other ideas for how to cover a section, please come see me first for approval!

TOTAL POINTS = 130 points

(your percentage is based on the number of points earned divided by the total number of points available. Ex. 115 divided by 130 = 88%)



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