
World History II Curriculum Map- 12th GradeTeacher--- Yagielniskie ( the instructor reserves the right to change content/ sequencing at any time)WeekUnit Name (Topic)LessonObjectivesStandards and Eligible ContentResourcesAssessmentsAdaptationsModificationsVocab1234 Historical Research Paper- ProposalChapter 23- Age of IndustryCurrent Events1. Living from the Land2. The Beginnings of Change3. The Growth of Industry4. A New Society1. SWBAT describe what daily life was like before the rise of modern industry.2. SWBAT explain why the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain.3. SWBAT analyze how new technology advanced the growth of industry.4. SWBAT describe how the Industrial Revolution affected people’s lives.8.1.12.B8.2.12.A8.2.12.B8.4.12.A8.4.12.B8.4.12.C8.5.11-12.A8.5.11-12.C8.5.11-12.D8.5.11-12.J8.6.11-12.A8.6.11-12.B8.6.11-12.C8.6.11-12.D8.6.11-12.E8.6.11-12.F8.6.11-12.G8.6.11-12.H8.6.11-12.I1.Textbook2. Worksheets3. Powerpoints4. Videos/Youtube1.Paper Proposal2. Test3. Quiz4. Homework5. Classwork6.Map Activity/ Quiz7.Current Events1. Limited Choices2. Test/Quiz read aloud if needed3. Able to take test with Special Education Teacher.4. Copy of notes provided if designated in IEP/SDI5. Any other modification as specified by IEPs or SDIs1.Domestic System2. Enclosure Movement3. Capital4. Factory System5.Division of Labor6. Interchangeable Parts7.Labor Union8. Collective Bargaining56789Historical Research Paper- OutlineChapter 24- Cultural RevolutionCurrent Events1. New Ideas2. The New Science3. Popular Culture4. Revolution in the Arts1. SWBAT explain why Karl Marx advocated doing away with the capitalist system.2. SWBAT evaluate advances made in science between 1750 and 1914 that have improved life today. 3. SWBAT analyze why the population grew dramatically in Europe and North America during the 1800s.4. SWBAT describe how writers and artists in Europe and North America reflected changes in society between 1750 and 1914 8.1.12.A8.1.12.B8.4.12.A8.4.12.B8.4.12.C8.4.12.D1.Textbook2. Worksheets3. Powerpoints4. Videos/Youtube1.Paper Outline2. Test3. Quiz4. Homework5. Classwork6.Map Activity/ Quiz7.Current Events8. Group Project1. Limited Choices2. Test/Quiz read aloud if needed3. Able to take test with Special Education Teacher.4. Copy of notes provided if designated in IEP/SDI5. Any other modification as specified by IEPs or SDIs1. Laissez-Faire2. Proletariat3. Bourgeoisie4. Communism5. Karl Marx6. Cell Theory7. Genetics8. Sociology9. Psychology10. Charles Darwin11. Sigmund Freud12.Emigration13. Immigration14.Romanticism15. Realism16. Symbolism17. Impressionism18. Postimpressionism1011121314Historical Research Paper- Outline/DraftChapter 25- Democracy and ReformCurrent Events1. Reform in Great Britain2. The Dominions3. Political Struggles in France5. Latin American Independence1. SWBAT describe how political change came to Great Britain during the 1800s. 2. SWBAT relate how new societies emerged in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.3. SWBAT evaluate the changes in government that France underwent during the 1800s.5. SWBAT analyze how the countries of Latin America won independence. 8.1.12.A8.1.12.B8.3.12.D8.4.12.A8.4.12.B8.4.12.C8.4.12.D8.5.11-12.A8.5.11-12.C8.5.11-12.D8.5.11-12.J8.6.11-12.A8.6.11-12.B8.6.11-12.C8.6.11-12.D8.6.11-12.E8.6.11-12.F8.6.11-12.G8.6.11-12.H8.6.11-12.I1.Textbook2. Worksheets3. Powerpoints4. Videos/Youtube1.Paper Outline/Draft2. Test3. Quiz4. Homework5. Classwork6.Map Activity/ Quiz7.Current Events1. Limited Choices2. Test/Quiz read aloud if needed3. Able to take test with Special Education Teacher.4. Copy of notes provided if designated in IEP/SDI5. Any other modification as specified by IEPs or SDIs1.Suffragette2. Home Rule3. Dominion4. William Gladstone5. Benjamin Disraeli6. Ultraroyalist7. Coup d’etat8. Plebiscite9. Charles X10. Louis Philippe11. Louis Napoleon12. Creoles13. Mestizos14. Francois Toussaint-Louverture15. Miguel Hidalgo16. Simon Bolivar17. Jose de San Martin15161718Historical Research Paper- DraftChapter 26- Reaction and NationalismCurrent Events1. The Unification of Italy2. The Unification of Germany3. Bismarck’s Realm4. Empire of the Czars5. Austria-Hungary’s Decline1. SWBAT explain how nationalizm led to a united Italy in the 1860’s2. SWBAT identify the methods Bismarch used to unite the German states.3. SWBAT Analyze how Bismarck’s policies affected the German Empire.4. SWBAT evaluate the revolutionary movements developed in Russia.5. SWBAT analyze how the growth of nationalistic feelings affected the empire of Austria-Hungry8.1.12.B8.1.12.C8.4.12.A8.4.12.B8.4.12.C8.4.12.D8.5.11-12.A8.5.11-12.C8.5.11-12.D8.5.11-12.J8.6.11-12.A8.6.11-12.B8.6.11-12.C8.6.11-12.D8.6.11-12.E8.6.11-12.F8.6.11-12.G8.6.11-12.H8.6.11-12.I1.Textbook2. Worksheets3. Powerpoints4. Videos/Youtube1.Paper Draft2. Test3. Quiz4. Homework5. Classwork6.Map Activity/ Quiz7.Current Events1. Limited Choices2. Test/Quiz read aloud if needed3. Able to take test with Special Education Teacher.4. Copy of notes provided if designated in IEP/SDI5. Any other modification as specified by IEPs or SDIs1. Nationalism2. Giuseppe Mazzini3. Charles Albert4. Victor Emmanuel II5. Count Camillo di Cavour,6. Giuseppe Garibaldi7. Realpolitik8. Kaiser9. Chancellor10. William I11. Otto von Bismarck12. Papal Infallibility13. William II14.Autocracry15. Russification16. Pogrom17. Alexander I18. Nicholas I19. Alexander II20. Nicholas II21. Lenin22. Mensheviks23. Bolsheviks24. Dual Monarchy1920212223Historical Research Paper- Draft/FootnotesChapter 27- The Age of ImperialsimCurrent Events1. Pressures for Expansion2. The Partition of Africa3. The Division of Asia1. SWBAT Identify the political, economic, and social causes of imperialism.2. SWBAT analyze the effects imperialism had on the continent of Africa.3. SWBAT evaluate how the countries of Asia responded to imperialism. 8.1.12.C8.4.12.A8.4.12.B8.4.12.C8.4.12.D8.5.11-12.A8.5.11-12.C8.5.11-12.D8.5.11-12.J8.6.11-12.A8.6.11-12.B8.6.11-12.C8.6.11-12.D8.6.11-12.E8.6.11-12.F8.6.11-12.G8.6.11-12.H8.6.11-12.I1.Textbook2. Worksheets3. Powerpoints4. Videos/Youtube1.Paper Draft/Footnotes2. Test3. Quiz4. Homework5. Classwork6.Map Activity/ Quiz7.Current Events1. Limited Choices2. Test/Quiz read aloud if needed3. Able to take test with Special Education Teacher.4. Copy of notes provided if designated in IEP/SDI5. Any other modification as specified by IEPs or SDIs1. Imperialism2. Colony3. Protectorate4. Sphere of Influence5. Rudyard Kipling6. Partition7. David Livingstone8. The Afrikaners9. Shaka10.Sepoy11. Viceroy12. Culture System13. Matthew C. Perry14. Ci Xi15. Mutshuhito2425262728Research Paper Footnotes/Final CopyChapter 28- World War ICurrent Events1. The Seeds of War2. The Spark3. The War4. The Russian Revolution5. Peace at Last1. SWBAT analyze the underlying causes of WWI.2. SWBAT describe the series of events that provided the spark that ignited WWI.3. SWBAT interpret where and how WWI was fought.4. SWBAT summarize the events that led to the Russian Revolution5. SWBAT critique why the Treaty of Versailles was ultimately unsuccessful. 8.1.12.C8.4.12.A8.4.12.B8.4.12.C8.4.12.D8.5.11-12.A8.5.11-12.C8.5.11-12.D8.5.11-12.J8.6.11-12.A8.6.11-12.B8.6.11-12.C8.6.11-12.D8.6.11-12.E8.6.11-12.F8.6.11-12.G8.6.11-12.H8.6.11-12.I1.Textbook2. Worksheets3. Powerpoints4. Videos/Youtube1.Paper Footnotes/Final2. Test3. Quiz4. Homework5. Classwork6.Map Activity/ Quiz7.Current Events8. Group Project1. Limited Choices2. Test/Quiz read aloud if needed3. Able to take test with Special Education Teacher.4. Copy of notes provided if designated in IEP/SDI5. Any other modification as specified by IEPs or SDIs1. Alliance System2. Entente3. Conscription4. Ultimatum5. Mobilization6. Francis Ferdinand7. Gavrilo Princip8.Propaganda9. War of Attrition10 Trench11. Alfred von Schlieffen12. Winston Churchill13. Woodrow Wilson14.Alexander Kerensky15. Vladimir Lenin16. Leon Trotsky17. Armistice18. Reparation19. Georges Clemenceau20. David Lloyd George29303132Research Paper- Final CopyChapter 29- Between Two FiresCurrent Events2. The Western Democracies3. Fascist Dictatorships4. The Soviet Union 2. SWBAT analyze why democratic governments survived in the United States, Great Britain, and France during the post-World War I era.3. SWBAT interpret the factors that led to the rise of Fascist dictatorships in Italy and Germany after WWI. 4. SWBAT assess how Joseph Stalin’s rule transformed the Soviet Union.8.1.12.C8.4.12.A8.4.12.B8.4.12.C8.4.12.D8.5.11-12.A8.5.11-12.C8.5.11-12.D8.5.11-12.J8.6.11-12.A8.6.11-12.B8.6.11-12.C8.6.11-12.D8.6.11-12.E8.6.11-12.F8.6.11-12.G8.6.11-12.H8.6.11-12.I1.Textbook2. Worksheets3. Powerpoints4. Videos/Youtube1.Paper Final2. Test3. Quiz4. Homework5. Classwork6.Map Activity/ Quiz7.Current Events1. Limited Choices2. Test/Quiz read aloud if needed3. Able to take test with Special Education Teacher.4. Copy of notes provided if designated in IEP/SDI5. Any other modification as specified by IEPs or SDIs1. Disarmament2. General Strike3. Coalition4. FDR5. Totalitarianism6.Fascism7. Kristallnacht8. Concentration Camp9. Benito Mussolini10. Adolf Hitler11.Collectivization12. Kulak13. Purge14. Socialist realism15. Vladimir Ulyanov16. Leon Trotsky17. Joseph Stalin18. Maksim Gorky33343536Chapter 31- World War IICurrent Events1. The Path to War2. War in Europe3. A Global Conflict4. Turning Points5. Allied Victories1. SWBAT explain in what sense WWII was a product of WWI. 2. SWBAT interpret how Hitler took over most of Europe and how Great Britain and the United States responded to German expansion.3. SWBAT conclude why the Soviet Union and the United States entered WWII.4. SWBAT analyze how the tide of war turned in favor of the Allies during 1942 and 1943.5. SWBAT assess how new technology affected the conduct and outcome of WWII. 8.1.12.C8.4.12.A8.4.12.B8.4.12.C8.4.12.D8.5.11-12.A8.5.11-12.C8.5.11-12.D8.5.11-12.J8.6.11-12.A8.6.11-12.B8.6.11-12.C8.6.11-12.D8.6.11-12.E8.6.11-12.F8.6.11-12.G8.6.11-12.H8.6.11-12.I1.Textbook2. Worksheets3. Powerpoints4. Videos/Youtube1. Test2. Quiz3. Homework4. Classwork5.Map Activity/ Quiz6.Current Events1. Limited Choices2. Test/Quiz read aloud if needed3. Able to take test with Special Education Teacher.4. Copy of notes provided if designated in IEP/SDI5. Any other modification as specified by IEPs or SDIs1. Sanctions2. Appeasement3. Mussolini4. Franco5. Stalin6. Hitler7. Chamberlain8. Blitzkrieg9. Cash-and-Carry policy10. Lend-Lease11. Churchill12. De Gaulle13. FDR14. Holocaust15. Scorched-Earth Policy16. Genocide17. Yamamoto18. Kamikaze19. Rommel20. Montgomery21. Eisenhower22. MacArthur23. Nimitz24. D-Day25. Patton26. Truman27. Attlee*Big Idea page will be added ................

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