Marine Corps Engineer Association – USMC

A MESSAGE FROM YOUR MARINE CORPS ENGINEER ASSOCIATIONThe Executive Committee of the Marine Corps Engineer Association takes great pleasure in announcing the 2020 Award Recipients.?The entire MARADMIN is as follows:102010Z Jul 20MARADMIN 394/20MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC L WASHINGTON DC//SUBJ/2020 MARINE CORPS ENGINEER ASSOCIATION (MCEA) AWARD RECIPIENTS//REF/A/MSGID: MARADMIN 683/19/CMC WASHINGTON DC//REF/B/MSGID: DOC/MCO 1650.61 CH 1//NARR/REF A IS MARADMIN REQUESTING NOMINATIONS FOR THE SUBJECT AWARDS PROGRAM//REF B IS MARINE CORPS INSTALLATIONS AND LOGISTICS AWARDS PROGRAM(MCILAP)//POC/GAREY A. TUCKER/ MGYSGT USMC/UNIT: LPE/TEL: 571-256-7159/EMAIL: GAREY.TUCKER@USMC.MIL//GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. The Commandant of the Marine Corps takes pleasure in congratulating the following individuals/units who were selected as recipients of the 2020 MCEA annual awards in the categories indicated.Read in three columns:Award Recipients UnitSAME Senior Engr Officer Maj Katie R. Petronio 8th ESBSAME Senior Engr SNCO MSgt Alexander J. Abel MWSS-272Combat Engineer Officer Capt Stephanie L. Damren 8th ESBCombat Engineer SNCO SSgt Tyler C. Strawser 7th ESBCombat Engineer NCO Sgt Derrick Christovale Jr 1st CEBCombat Engineer Marine LCpl Andrew G. Ohl MWSS-373Engr Equipment Officer CWO2 Joshua L. Griffin 8th ESBEngr Equipment SNCO SSgt Kalen T. Gall EEIC, TECOMEngr Equipment NCO Cpl Jonathan Vargas 7th ESBEngr Equipment Marine LCpl Gioacchino A. D’Acquisto 7th ESBUtilities Officer CWO3 Kenneth S. Campbell MARFORSOCUtilities SNCO SSgt Elissa A. Pedelty 8th ESBUtilities NCO Sgt Samuel J. Donahue 1st CEBUtilities Marine LCpl Jennifer Perez 7th ESBBulk Fuel Officer CWO2 Jacob A. Almaguer 9th ESBBulk Fuel SNCO SSgt Clayton S. Leverenz 7th ESBBulk Fuel NCO Cpl Abril A. GraciaQuirino MWSS-172Bulk Fuel Marine LCpl Yevgeniy A. Cazier MWSS-171EOD Officer CWO2 John R. Hall 8th ESBEOD Technician GySgt Seth A. Strait 7th ESBCombat Engineer Bn 1st Combat Engineer Bn 1st MARDIVEngineer Support Bn 9th Engineer Support Bn 3d MLGMWSS Engineer Company Engineer Company, MWSS-171 1st MAW2. Due to the uncertainties of COVID-19 travel restrictions, the 2020 Marine Corps Engineer Association Awards Banquet has been cancelled by the MCEA Executive Committee and awardees are invited to attend the planned 2021 Awards Banquet in Fredericksburg, VA on 24 Sep 2021 to be recognized as a 2020 winner.3. The award packages will be mailed to the award recipient’s commands. Request commands locally recognize the award recipients for their extraordinary accomplishments through appropriate ceremony and where feasible MCEA will provide representation to assist in the award presentation. Contact Major Charlie Dismore, USMC (Ret), at cdismore@ or (512) 633-8880 to arrange for an MCEA representation. Commands should ensure that MCEA receives at least one electronic photograph of the award being presented. Send to cdismore@4. 2020 MCEA Award recipients and unit representatives that plan to attend the 2021 reunion/awards banquet, registration details, itinerary and the mandatory pre-registration form for all attendees (including award recipients and their guests) will be available NLT July 2021 at the MCEA website. To access the page, go to , select the REUNIONS tab, then select 2021 Reunion. For pre-registration questions, contact Marine Corps Engineer Association Reunion Coordinator, Maj Charlie Dismore, USMC (Ret) at 512-394-9333 or email: cdismore@.5. Feedback from the MCEA awards board provided the following: all nominees are very deserving of our respect and deserve special recognition. There were 118 individual and 8 unit submissions this year. Congratulations to all the nominees.6. Release authorized by LtGen Charles G. Chiarotti, Deputy Commandant, Installations and Logistics (L).//Our congratulations to all of the award recipients.Semper Fidelis and Engineers, UP!George A. CarlsonLtCol, USMC (Ret)President/TreasurerMarine Corps Engineer Association ................

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