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For each of the following FRQs, start a timer for 25 minutes and try to answer each of them in that time. You can use your notes, book, google. You cannot use other people to help you. This is the time to see how you might do on the 1st FRQ for the AP exam.I have separated them by pages so you can avoid seeing the next question.I would suggest setting a timer on your phone or computer or microwave and then starting each question. Consider keeping track of the time for each question below. If you can’t finish in 25 minutes, please still finish the question but try and self-assess what slowed you down. PLEASE WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES AND APPLY THE TERM TO THE SITUATION. Good luck!Question 1 ____________Question 2 ____________Submit answers to all three questions in the same document on turnitin by Thursday 4/30 at 10:45am.1)Isla has moved to a large city to start her first job after college. She likes her new apartment and her work colleagues, but she cannot seem to shake the feelings of sadness. Over time, she begins to sleep more and eat less. Even playing with her dog seems less fun than it used to be. Isla calls home to ask her father’s advice. He says that when he was her age, he went through the same feelings for about a year. He said he found a physician to work with that helped him use medication properly to balance out his mood.How does each of the following concepts apply to Isla’s current situation?Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)AmygdalaReceptor SiteKristi has been training as a ballet dancer since she was very young. When Kristi’s car is hit by another motorist, she is diagnosed with mild trauma to the area of the back of her brain. Kristi tries to dance again soon after her accident but has a great deal of trouble maintaining her balance.Explain how each of the following concepts applies to Kristi’s current situation.Long-term potentiationCerebellumMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)Neuroplasticity2)Melly just moved into her first apartment. She is excited to decorate the apartment and make it her own. Her first step is choosing paint colors for the wall. She has a hard time choosing between two different shades of blue, but her friend was able to point out that one was darker therefore better for a bedroom. IN the kitchen, she chose a lemon-yellow paint. Melly had little money for furnishings and ended up with a lumpy chair from her mother and sofa that was covered in a slightly itchy fabric. On her first evening in the apartment, she lit a vanilla-scented candle that reminded her of home. Based on the scenario described, how is Melly using each of the following concepts to help her settle into her new apartment?Olfactory BulbSensory AdaptationDifference ThresholdBrightnessLater than night, Melly gets up to get a drink of water from the kitchen. She does not turn on any lights as she makes her way past stacks of boxes in the living room. Briefly, she is frightened by what looks like a man standing in the corner of the room. But then she realizes it is only a coat she has thrown on a hook. Based on the scenario described, how do each of the following concepts explain Melly’s actions?Feature DetectionDark AdaptationTop- Down Processing ................

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