Forsyth County Schools

UNITED STATES MARINE CORPSJUNIOR RESERVE OFFICERS’ TRAINING CORPSNORTH FORSYTH HIGH SCHOOLCADET CONTRACT 2020-2021PLEASE READ, AS SEVERAL TOPICS HAVE CHANGED FROM PREVIOUS YEARSGENERALStudent education is the primary goal of North Forsyth High School. Participation in Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps classes is strictly voluntary and is designed to complement the high school curriculum by offering specialized instruction in such areas as: developing leadership and self-discipline skills, understanding responsibility, acting in a mature manner, experiencing the value and necessity of teamwork, and achieving an improved level of physical fitness to name a few. Enrollment is offered to students in the grades of freshman through senior.REGULATIONSCadets should demonstrate a high level of mature behavior. Self-discipline is required. Cadets are expected to understand and follow all COUNTY AND NORTH FORSYTH HIGH SCHOOL regulations at all times, and to adhere to MCJROTC regulations. Cadets must remember that they represent the county and school, and when involved in MCJROTC activities, the United States Marine Corps.COOPERATIONMCJROTC is a structured program of instruction. As cadets progress through the program they may assume positions of increased responsibility, however, promotions are earned, not given. Cadets who are junior in rank are expected to follow senior cadets’ orders and directions which pertain to MCJROTC.EQUIPMENTAll uniforms, drill, marksmanship, ceremonial equipment and physical training items are supplied by the Marine Corps (except for physical training shoes). Cadets will be issued the required items of equipment. They are expected to properly store and maintain these items. The equipment must be returned to the MCJROTC unit. Normal usage of equipment (wear and tear of uniforms, boot soles, etc.) is expected. However, equipment breakage/uniform wear-out due to misuse, abuse, or loss due to negligence, will result in the cadet being held accountable for item replacement. Each cadet is issued approximately $475.00 of uniform items. Additionally, members of the Color Guard and Drill Team receive over $250.00 in Blue Dress uniform items. All uniforms will be issued in a clean and serviceable condition. They must be returned in the same condition (at the beginning of the school year, a $30 non-refundable fee will be collected from each cadet to assist with dry cleaning).PHYSICAL TRAINING (PT)The goal of the MCJROTC physical training program is not to develop all cadets into Olympic caliber athletes. Rather, it is to make cadets aware of the value of fitness, and to offer them an opportunity to increase their fitness level. Cadets are expected to dress out for physical training, enthusiastically participate in exercise events, develop and maintain a personal fitness program throughout the week (exercising 3-4 times a week on their own for 20-30 minutes), and to seek individual improvement. Failure to dress out in the appropriate MCJROTC provided attire (green shorts and t-shirt and/or sweat suit) and to participate will result in a lower daily grade. Parental notes informing the JROTC staff of a cadet’s inability to exercise will be accepted. However, as at least 20% of the curriculum involves physical training, habitual failure to participate may be cause for exclusion from future JROTC classes. For safety purposes, a sports-type physical is requested for cadets. RESPONSIBILITYLearning to assume responsibility for personal actions and commitments is a goal of the MCJROTC program. Cadets must understand that they are making a commitment to adhere to established standards of conduct, appearance, involvement, and accountability. Specifically, cadets will:Be held accountable for their conduct and actions. If a discipline infraction incident occurs, the cadet in violation will be required to notify their parents via letter correspondence of their actions. This letter will be prepared with the assistance of the first cadet officer in their immediate chain of command. Follow up will be conducted the next school day to ensure that it was received. Comply with MCJROTC grooming regulations. It must be noted that neither shaved heads nor crew cuts are required. Basically, male haircuts must be evenly tapered (not boxed in back), not touch the ears, and not exceed three inches in length on top. When in uniform, females must wear their hair in such a manner that it does not fall below the bottom of the uniform collar. Pins, bands, etc., can be used to style female hair, as long as they are not visible. Nose piercing and multiple earrings are not appropriate when in uniform. Earrings for male cadets are not appropriate at any time they are involved in a JROTC activity. Gum will not be chewed when in uniform or at any time in the MCJROTC classroom. Only wear the MCJROTC uniform when authorized to do so. Uniforms will not be loaned to anyone, or used for hunting, outdoor work, paintball games, etc.Cooperate fully with other cadets. For example, due to levels of MCJROTC experience, it is possible that a 12th grader might be junior in rank to another cadet (9th, 10th, or 11th grade student). If that is the case, the 12th grader is expected to respond appropriately to MCJROTC related orders.Turn in work on time. It is a cadet’s responsibility to meet deadlines.Participate in MCJROTC extracurricular activities (if they have made a commitment to do so). In the past some cadets have made a commitment to participate in an event, only to later change their mind. This lack of commitment has caused problems for the MCJROTC program credibility. Cadets are expected to coordinate with their parents and employers before committing to a project.Be examined by a physician and have that doctor complete a physical form. This may be a sports-type examination that is on file with the school.Obtain an insurance accident policy and provide the MCJROTC staff the insurance company name and policy number (if going on a JROTC field trip). Cadets will be given pick up times for after school events. Drivers should be prepared to pick up the cadet according to this schedule. Per county regulations, instructors are NOT ALLOWED to transport students home.GRADESAcademic grades will be earned, using the school wide grading system (see the NFHS student handbook and the JROTC syllabus). The end of course grade will be a combination of their Formative (daily) and Summative (test) grades, and their final exam grade. Homework assignments, properly wearing their uniform on uniform day, current event reports and dressing out for physical training are considered in the Formative grade. Tests/exams (Summative grades) will consist of written tests, practical application and uniform inspections. Cadets will be provided a weekly schedule of classroom topics, homework assignments and exams/inspections. Missing assignments/make up exams will be accepted in accordance with the school’s make-up policy (five days). There will be two after school day mandatory formations (ceremonies) one in the Fall Semester (the Marine Corps Birthday Ceremony, date TBD in Nov) and one in the Spring (the Change of Command and Award Ceremony: date TBD in April.) Participation in these formations will count as a test grade. Cadets will be notified of these dates at least 30 days before the event. GRADING AND TESTING POLICYLearning to assume responsibility for personal actions is a goal of the MCJROTC program. Students participating in the program must understand that their decision to pay attention to the published Plan of the Week (found on the MCJROTC Web page, on the MCJROTC bulletin boards, briefed every Friday in class and on the ItsLearning site) is their responsibility. Paying attention to upcoming events (i.e., due dates, class activities, exams, inspections, etc.) will help keep cadets reminded of the need to prioritize their actions and manage their limited time. Normally the MCJROTC program will try to follow a specific pattern for events (academic/classroom activities on certain days and uniforms /close order drill and physical training on other days.) However, due to unpredictable variables, at times the days for some activities will change. It is therefore very important for cadets to look ahead and plan, vice be surprised and react, to the MCJROTC scheduled activities.Specifically, the MCJROTC Department will follow the school’s grading policies (Per the student handbook: A= 90-100; B= 89-80; C= 79-70; F=69 and below). Both daily (formative) and test (summative) grades will follow this system. While we reserve the option of using a “pop quiz” or an unannounced daily grade event, the vast majority of grades (both daily and tests) will be published in sufficient time, and in posted in sufficient locations to afford a cadet ample opportunity to know of the events and to properly prepare for them. Rarely will, “I didn’t know about it”, be an accepted excuse for failure to be ready for a project, assignment, exam, inspection, etc.Scores for most daily grades will be simple: Either the cadet is prepared for class (e.g., wearing the proper Physical Training (PT) uniform) or not.) Being properly prepared demonstrates a “mastery” of that assignment and will receive an appropriate grade. Likewise, failing to be properly prepared (e.g., forgetting to research and have a Current Event Report at the beginning of class) demonstrates a failure to remember tasks and a lack or organization and dependability----a failure to “master” these important traits (and will result in a grade which reflects their level of preparation). In the event of an extenuating circumstance, the Senior Marine Instructor and Marine Instructors reserve the right to use their discretion in allowing a cadet to make up daily assignments (due to the cadet’s failure to prepare). In accordance with school policy, a cadet who is absent from class will always be given the opportunity to make up evaluated work (e.g., Current Event Reports, wearing the proper uniform, homework, etc.). However, class work which is evaluated on a participation basis (e.g., physical training, Close Order Drill) cannot be made up. Cadets who are absent for these activities will not receive a grade (counts neither for nor against them).Grades for announced tests, inspections and projects (summative grades) will be objective: If 25 questions are given on an exam, each is worth 4 points. For uniform inspections, each item of the uniform is examined against an established standard. For projects, a matrix of expected results will be used to determine the extent to which the work met the expected results. Should a cadet fail a written test (achieve less than a 69), they may, at the instructor’s discretion and after a structured review of the material, take another test. This must be accomplished within five class days of learning of their failure. Students who re-test will receive the average of the two test grades. This may only be done ONE time during each semester. Uniform inspection failures will not be reexamined.IEP mandated modifications will be followed. Cadets with IEP provisions, and who wish to do so, will be allowed to have their tests administered in a different location.Parents/guardians will be contacted in the event a cadet is failing JROTC. For that reason, it is extremely important that accurate telephone information/emails/addresses be provided to the school. Failing MCJROTC should not be an option! Parents are highly encouraged to use the Parent Portal system provided by the county to check their cadet’s progress. Grades will be posted within three days of an event, and classroom attendance will be annotated every day. SMI/MI CONFERENCESConferences can be scheduled with the MCJROTC instructors either before or after school from 7:30-8:00 in the mornings or from 3:40-4:30 in the afternoon.ACADEMIC STANDARDSStudents are expected to maintain passing grades. Cadets participating on the Rifle and Raider Teams will be required to meet all Georgia High School Athletic Association standards. Cadets who fail to achieve a passing score in a MCJROTC class may not be allowed to continue in the program.EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESMCJROTC field trips, color guard, rifle team, drill team, Raider Team, etc. activities will be scheduled. However, before a cadet may participate in any of these events/activities, Parental Consent Forms, physicals, insurance information, etc. must be provided.FUND RAISING PROJECTSProjects to raise funds will be conducted several times throughout the year. Per county policy, the number of fund raisers is limited, and these projects must be pre-approved by the school administration. As every cadet benefits from the profit made by these projects (e.g.: Gatorade during PT, food and snacks for field meets, field trip transportation, physical training equipment, etc.). It is expected that every cadet will actively participate in fundraising projects. Cadets who are issued fundraising materials will be held accountable for either turning in the appropriate amount of money or for returning the unsold product. For accountability purposes, all money collected will be handled in strict accordance with the school’s policies regarding funds.CADET PROMOTIONSProgression through the MCJROTC rank structure is based on several variables (LE level, billet availability, maturity of the cadet, academic grades, dependability, school behavior, etc.). Promotions are earned, not guaranteed. Cadets who follow regulations, demonstrate maturity and the ability to perform as a team member, pass JROTC and other school exams, etc., may be promoted through the ranks. Likewise, cadets whose behavior, attitude, dependability, maturity level, etc. are found to be lacking may be demoted from their cadet rank and reduced to a more appropriate rank. This action may be a result of behavior/grades in JROTC or other school classes, or for actions which bring discredit to the school and JROTC during non-school hours (example: arrest for drug/alcohol use, inappropriate driving, etc.).ATTENDANCEAttendance at school is just like attendance at a job---it is expected! The State provides six reasons which constitute an excused absence (refer to the student handbook for these circumstances).Simply put, an unexcused absence is a leadership failure! By skipping a class, any class, a cadet is displaying a gross disregard for established authority, a lack of self-discipline and is failing to set a proper example for other cadets and students. Any cadet who skips classes will be held accountable by the school administrators, as well as by the MCJROTC instructors. Guilty cadets can expect to be removed from leadership positions and to be reduced in rank.Additionally, the state requires students to provide documentation of their absences within five days after returning to school. We have had too many cadets fail to receive credit for classes because they failed to submit the proper documentation in a timely manner. Submitting proper documentation is a requirement, not an option, and failing to do so demonstrates a failure to pay attention to details, lack of dependability, and leaves room to question judgment and integrity. When a cadet’s attendance record reaches three absences for which he/she has not provided documentation, they will be held accountable. Reduction in rank and removal from a leadership billet or a position of responsibility could result from their actions.DISCIPLINEViolations of school or county rules will be reported to and handled by school administrators. Violations of MCJROTC regulations will be handled by the MCJROTC instructors. Offenders of MCJROTC rules may, in severe cases, be dropped from the program. (Also see the paragraph on Cadet Promotions).MCJROTC Cadets are expected to set a positive example in all their actions both in and out of JROTC. That being said, it is recognized that occasional errors in conduct/behavior can occur and may require the intervention of an administrator. In School Suspension (ISS) and Out of School Suspension (OSS) are penalties which can be given to students whose behavior warrants such measures. Should a cadet find themselves assigned to ISS they will: (1) Contact their instructor to obtain their assignments for the day, (2) Return all assignments at the end of the day, and (3) Not wear their uniform the day they have ISS. If they have ISS on a uniform day, they will wear their uniform the next day they return to class.Cadets who are assigned OSS should undertake efforts to obtain assignments for the time they are away from school. The assignments are due the day they return to school. If they missed any uniform days/inspections, they should make them up immediately upon return to class.Cadets whose conduct causes them to be sent to ISS more than three times (three separate occasions) during a semester may be restricted from enrolling in future JROTC classes. Assignment to OSS will be handled on a case by case basis.SIGNATURE PAGEI have read this contract and agree to follow all rules, to assume personal responsibility for my actions, to properly care and maintain all property I am issued, and to enthusiastically participate in the MCJROTC program.1839035172076CADET’S NAME (PRINT) 2306102140335CADET’S SIGNATURE & DATE _______________________________________________________________________PARENT/GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE & DATE I grant permission for my cadet’s picture (group or individual photo) to appear on the JROTC Website. I understand his/her name will not be linked to the photo.PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATUREI grant permission for my cadet’s picture (group or individual photo) to be provided to media sources (TV/newspaper) in connection with MCJROTC activities.PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ................

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