City of BedfordCity Council Meeting June 15th, 20207:00 P.M.Minutes Prayer: Ryan GriffithPledge of Allegiance: Brad BoughCall to Order: Mayor Samuel J. CraigThe Common Council of the City of Bedford, Indiana met for a Regular City Council Meeting on Monday June 15th, 2020 at 7:00 P M at City Concourse. Honorable Mayor Samuel J. Craig presided and called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Members in attendance:Judy Carlisle Penny May Dan Bortner Ryan Griffith Angel Hawkins Brad Bough Larry HardmanMembers absent:No members were absent Reading of Minutes- June 15th, 2020 – Regular MeetingDan Bortner made the motion to approve the minutes,Ryan Griffith seconded the motion,All votes were in favor of the motion. No One Opposed. PassedOld Business:Third & Final Passage-Ordinance 4-2020-Amending Part of Chapter 76 Traffic Schedule I-Speed Limit-Chief Terry MooreChief Moore received a request from Shawn Laszlo, who lives at 802 Glen Meadow Parkway for additional stop signs at the intersection of Glen Meadow Parkway and Windrose Drive. Currently, the only stop sign at this three-way stop intersection is traveling east on Windrose Drive. Mr. Laszlo is concerned with the amount of new traffic in the area due to new construction and the speeds individuals are moving. Also, there are no speed limit signs posted on Glen Meadow Parkway, Windrose Drive, or Fellowship Drive. Chief Moore believes posting new stop signs at the intersection of Glen Meadow Parkway and Windrose and posting 30 mph speed limit signs in the appropriate locations will slow down traffic. Chief Moore is requesting the board consider this request.Chief Moore is asking for passage of Ordinance 4-2020Larry Hardman made the motion to approve the third and final passage of Ordinance 4-2020,Brad Bough seconded the motion,All votes were in favor, No One Opposed, Ordinance 4-2020, PassedThird & Final Passage-Ordinance 5-2020-Amending Part of Chapter 76 Traffic Schedule III-Stop Street-Chief Terry MooreGlen Meadows Parkway-Traveling north to Windrose Intersection-3-Way StopGlen Meadows Parkway-Traveling west to Windrose Intersectin-3-Way StopChief Moore is asking for passage of Ordinance 5-2020Penny May made the motion to approve the third and final passage of Ordinance 5-2020,Judy Carlisle seconded the motion,All votes were in favor, No One Opposed, Ordinance 4-2020, PassedThird & Final Passage-Ordinance 7-2020-Amending 33.51 (A) (Insurance Coverage for Retirees) of the Bedford City Code-Mayor Samuel J. Craig, Greg Pittman, Denise Henderson, Miles ParkerCity Attorney, Greg Pittman said the city had reached out to Bose McKinney Law firm for guidance and were told it should not be a problem to amend the Ordinance as we had proposed it. Greg said after further research, it was determined that by State Statue, a retiree has 90 days after their retirement date to sign up for health insurance. Ordinance 7-2020 stated the retiree had to make the election at the time of retirement. Greg said because of that, we would need to amend that part of the Ordinance. Also, Section D of the new Ordinance will define what a retiree is, but all other aspects of the Ordinance will remain the same. Greg is asking for the council to rescind Ordinance 7-2020 and an amended Ordinance 9-2020 will be presented tonight. Dan Bortner made the motion to rescind Ordinance 7-2020,Penny May seconded the motion,All votes were in favor, No One Opposed, Ordinance 7-2020, RescindedTabled-Ordinance 8-2020-Ordinance Repealing 33.51(A) (Insurance Coverage for Retirees) of the Bedford City Code-Mayor Samuel J. Craig, Miles Parker, Denise HendersonState Statue requires the city to offer health insurance to retirees, which in turn makes the termination of health insurance to retirees invalid. Mayor Craig is asking for a motion from the council to rescind Ordinance 8-2020.Judy Carlisle made the motion to rescind Ordinance 8-2020,Larry Hardman seconded the motion,All votes were in favor, No One Opposed, Ordinance 8-2020, RescindedNew Business:Compliance with Statement of Benefits-Stone City Products, Inc.-Personal Property- 600 Ton Stamping Press Line-Resolution 8-2017-Stewart RairdenMr. Rairden said the estimated value for Stamping Press Line stated on the original documents Form SB-1 was $954,413.20, actual value on Compliance Statement is $982,306.00. Mr. Rairden said they have two sifts working now and are back to full employment during COVID.Estimated number of employees from SB-1: 82 Actual number of employees: 91Estimated salaries from SB-1: $2,494,874 Actual salaries: $3,402,468Dan Bortner made the motion to approve,Ryan Griffith seconded the motion,All votes were in favor, No One Opposed, PassedCompliance with Statement of Benefits for LNL Empire Group LLC-Real Estate Improvements-Resolution 5-2014-Debbie Deckard (Turpen & Deckard), Troy Lawyer, Kelly LawyerDebbie Deckard appeared before the council and presented the Compliance with Statement of Benefits for LNL Empire Group LLC (Revere Foods). Debbie said the numbers of employees estimated was 25 but actual number of employees is 35.Estimated salaries: $275,000 Actual salaries: $338,117Estimated net value upon completion of project: $409,500 Actual net value: $675,605.20Brad Bough made the motion to approve,Larry Hardman seconded the motion,All votes were in favor, No One Opposed, PassedCompliance with Statement of Benefits for LNL Empire Group LLC-Personal Property-Resolution 5-2014-Debbie Deckard (Turpen & Deckard), Troy Lawyer, Kelly LawyerDebbie Deckard was in attendance to present the Compliance with Statement of Benefits for LNL Empire Group LLC (Revere Foods) for Personal Property.Estimated net value upon completion: $169,480 Actual net value: $78,447Debbie said there is approximately $231,000 in equipmentPenny May made the motion to approve,Angel Hawkins seconded the motion,All votes were in favor, No One Opposed, PassedResolution 4-2020-Authorizing Submission of CDBG COVID-19 Response Program-Phase 2 Grant Application and Local Match Commitment to the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs and Addressing Related Matters-Mayor Samuel J. Craig, Marsha PfeifferMayor Craig is asking for approval to prepare and submit an application for grant funding to address the need for economic development grants to businesses impacted or affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic to assist in the retention of jobs and to execute and administer a resultant grant including requisite general administration and project management, contracts and agreements pursuant to regulations of the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs.The CDBG Grant amount requested is $250,000.Clerk-Treasurer, Marsha Pfeiffer stated the city has funds already established in the form of cash from the a past Micro Loan Program Fund. The funds in this account will be used as local matching funds in the amount of $6,250.Larry Hardman made the motion to approve Resolution 4-2020,Ryan Griffith seconded the motion,All votes were in favor, No One Opposed, Resolution 4-2020, PassedOrdinance 9-2020-Amending 33.51 (Insurance Coverage for Retirees) of the Bedford City Code-Mayor Samuel J. Craig, Marsha Pfeiffer, Denise HendersonOrdinance 9-2020 added language to clearly define the eligibility of retirees for health insurance.As per State Statute, a retiree will have 90 days from retirement date in which they can elect to enroll in the city’s health insurance plan. To qualify: A retiree’s retirement date must be after June 30, 1986Retiree must be age 55 on or after retirement date but eligible for Medicare.Retiree must have completed 20 years of public employment, with the immediate 10 years preceding the retirement date.Retiree must have completed at least 15 years of participation in the retirement plan of which the employee is a member preceding the retirement date.Retiree will pay the full amount of the monthly premium to the Clerk-Treasurer.If Retiree fails or refuses to pay the full amount of their monthly premium cost promptly, the city retiree an any family members shall be terminated.Current City Retirees, who are participating in the city’s group health insurance program, but who do not meet the qualifications set forth above, shall be grandfathered and allowed to continue participation.Because the renewal date for the Health Insurance Plan is July 1st, 2020, the Mayor is requesting approval for the council to pass Ordinance 9-2020 at this meeting. Dan Bortner made the motion to approve the first passage of Ordinance 9-2020,Judy Carlisle seconded the motion,Angel Hawkins made the motion to approve the second passage of Ordinance 9-2020,Penny May seconded the motion,Brad Bough made the motion to suspend the rules and go to the third and final passage for Ordinance 9-2020,Judy Carlisle seconded the motion,Judy Carlisle made the motion for the third and final passage of Ordinance 9-2020,Dan Bortner seconded the motion,Brad Bough abstained from final voting, All Other Votes were in Favor, Ordinance 9-2020, PassedOrdinance 10-2020-Amending Section 6 of salary Ordinance 7-2019 and Ordinance 12-2019, As Amended-Mayor Samuel J. Craig, Marsha Pfeiffer, Denise HendersonThe language in the current salary ordinance regarding the amount that should be paid by city retirees was vague and confusing. Ordinance 10-2020 is being amended to clear this language up. Due to the timing of the insurance renewals and the inability to participate in the open market until January 1, 2021, the city will allow Retirees who are currently on the health insurance plan to pay premium amounts outlined in Chart A until December 31, 2020. After the expiration of this period, if Retiree chooses to continue with the city’s health insurance plan, the Retiree shall pay premium amounts as outlined in Chart B until June 30, 2021.Retirees will pay amount equal to fixed cost through the remainder of 2020 and rates will increase to the max cost starting on January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2021Ordinance 10-2020 also includes the updated premium amounts for all current employees as well as the current premiums for retirees. New rates are effective as of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.Because the renewal date for the Health Insurance Plan is July 1st, 2020, the Mayor is requesting approval for the council to pass Ordinance 10-2020 at this meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 10-2020 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 7-2019, ORDINANCE 12-2019 BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Bedford, Indiana as follows:Section 1. That the following section of Ordinance 7-2019 And Ordinance 12-2019 is hereby amended to read as follows:SECTION 6a. That all employees of the City of Bedford who meet the criteria shall be eligible to participate in the group insurance plan as approved by the Board of Works and Safety. The City shall assume the General Fund and Insurance Fund costs listed below from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The City shall pay 100% of the Dental Insurance.City of Bedford AnthemJuly 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021Employee Renewal RatesPlan 1 - $1,500 Individual/$3,000 Family DeductibleEmployee OnlyEmployee/SpouseEmployee/ChildrenFamilyTotal Monthly Cost$976.93$2,540.00$1,924.54$2,793.99General Fund($568.00)($1,476.77)($1,118.93)($1,624.44)Insurance Fund($219.61)($570.97)($432.63)($631.08)Total Employee Monthly Cost$189.32$492.26$372.98$541.47Employee Per Pay$94.66$246.13$186.49$270.74Plan 2 - $3,500 Individual/$7,000 Family DeductibleEmployee OnlyEmployee/SpouseEmployee/ChildrenFamilyTotal Monthly Cost$894.96$2,326.90$1,763.07$2,559.57General Fund($568.00)($1,476.77)($1,118.93)($1,624.44)Insurance Fund($194.52)($505.84)($383.20)($556.29)Total Employee Monthly Cost$132.44$344.40$260.94$378.84Employee Per Pay$66.22$172.20$130.47$189.42SECTION 6b. Due to the ‘timing’ of the insurance renewals and the inability to participate in open market until January 1, 2021, the City of Bedford will allow Retirees who are currently on the health insurance plan to pay premium amounts outlined in Chart A until December 31, 2020. After the expiration of this period, if a Retiree chooses to continue with the City’s health insurance plan, the Retiree shall pay premium amounts as outlined in Chart B (coincides with the regular employee renewal rates) until June 30, 2021. CHART ACity of Bedford AnthemJuly 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020 Retiree Renewal RatesPlan 1 - $1,500 Individual/$3,000 Family DeductibleEmployee OnlyEmployee/SpouseEmployee/ChildrenFamilyTotal Monthly Cost $846.94$2,202.02$1,668.45$2,422.21Plan 2 - $3,500 Individual/$7,000 Family DeductibleEmployee OnlyEmployee/SpouseEmployee/ChildrenFamilyTotal Monthly Cost$775.87$2,017.27$1,528.47$2,218.98CHART BCity of Bedford AnthemJanuary 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021 Retiree Renewal RatesPlan 1 - $1,500 Individual/$3,000 Family DeductibleEmployee OnlyEmployee/SpouseEmployee/ChildrenFamilyTotal Monthly Cost$976.93$2,540.00$1,924.54$2,793.99Plan 2 - $3,500 Individual/$7,000 Family DeductibleEmployee OnlyEmployee/SpouseEmployee/ChildrenFamilyTotal Monthly Cost$894.96$2,326.90$1,763.07$2,559.57Section 2. Unless specifically modified herein, all other parts of Ordinance No. 7-2019 and Ordinance 12-2019 shall remain in full force and effect.Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.Dan Bortner made the motion to approve the first passage of Ordinance 10-2020,Angel Hawkins seconded the motion,Penny May made the motion to approve the second passage of Ordinance 10-2020,Judy Carlisle seconded the motion,Brad Bough made the motion to suspend the rules and go to the third and final passage for Ordinance 10-2020,Ryan Griffith seconded the motion,Angel Hawkins made the motion for the third and final passage of Ordinance 10-2020,Larry Hardman seconded the motion,Brad Bough abstained from final voting, All Other Votes were in Favor, Ordinance 10-2020, PassedDiscussionMayor Craig informed the council of Agenda items discussed at BOW meeting:Mayor Craig received approval for a contract with Wisley Pyrotechnics Inc. to provide fireworks for the city. Wisley Pyrotechnics agrees to furnish the fireworks display at a cost of $10,000. Mayor Craig said the fireworks display will be at Wilson Park on July 4th, 2020. The city received over $10,000 in donation and will continue to take donations. Any additional donations will be used towards the fireworks event and increase the cost to Wisley Pyrotechnics accordingly.Bid received from MAD Properties, LLC (owner is Dustin Matlock) for $7,500 for vacant property located at 429 I Street.Misty is received approval for Infrastructure Systems, Inc. to make repairs to the existing stone box storm sewer under J Street. ISI offers to perform the following:Mobilize equipment to the site to perform the work required.Excavate and shore for storm sewer structure installation on the east side of J Street.Furnish and install 4’ x 6’ box base section with 4’ diameter riser sections to grade on the existing box storm sewer.Furnish and install pipe through the existing box section under J Street.Fill the existing box section under J Street with a cellular grout mix.Remove shoring and backfill to grade with stone.The total cost is $75,512.00Larry Hardman asked about the costs associated with the Oakland City Building and what was the plans for the building. Mayor Craig informed the council that he is in the process of asking for approval to have the building and the 7 lots across the from the building appraised. Mayor Craig plan is to put the building and the lots up for sale.AdjournBrad Bough made the motion to adjourn,Angel Hawkins seconded the motion,All votes were in favor, No One Opposed, Passed, Meeting AdjournedBedford City Council 2020Judy Carlisle, President _________________________Penny May _________________________Ryan Griffith _________________________Angel Hawkins _________________________Dan Bortner _________________________Larry Hardman _________________________Brad Bough _________________________Attest: Marsha PfeifferClerk-Treasurer _____________________________________ ................

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