Western Washington University

ENROLLMENT AND STUDENT SERVICES – STRATEGIC PLAN (2020-2024)Western Washington UniversityApproved: August 2020STRATEGIC ELEMENTSVisionEvery student graduates, prepared for a life of growth and purpose.MissionEnroll, engage, and support students to promote healthy development of the whole self and our communities.How does the mission of this division support the mission of the university?Enrollment and Student Services supports the mission of Western Washington University through providing a comprehensive set of programs and services to promote inclusive achievement, support student learning and development, and increase our impact across the state. Service PopulationAll Western students – past, present, and future.Access DiversityEquityInclusion (ADEI)How does the work of this division support access, diversity, equity, and inclusion?It is the explicit work of Enrollment and Student Services to support access, diversity, equity, and inclusion through every program, service, and structure of every department across the division.Division GoalsIncrease access and persistence to graduation for all studentsActively pursue justice and equity in policies, practices, services, and impactsProvide broad co-curricular programs and services to support student developmentCultivate partnerships to foster strong community and promote holistic wellnessCORE STRATEGIESGoal 1Increase access and persistence to graduation for all studentsWWU LinkageWhich university goal does this division goal support?? Education ? Place ? Environment ? EquityStrategy 1AEfficient enrollment management servicesUnit(s) TaskedEnrollment ManagementMeasure 1A-1Overall enrollmentsTarget18000Measure 1A-2Annual degrees awardedTarget4300Strategy 1BEffective student outreach and support servicesUnit(s) TaskedAll; esp. Student Success InitiativesMeasure 1B-1First-to-second year retention rateTarget87%Measure 1B-2Six-year graduation rateTarget75%Goal 2Actively pursue justice and equity in policies, practices, services, and impactsWWU LinkageWhich university goal does this division goal support?? Education ? Place ? Environment ? EquityStrategy 2AProgressive recruitment and admissions practicesUnit(s) TaskedEnrollment ManagementMeasure 2A-1Enrollment of students-of-colorTarget30%Measure 2A-2Overall enrollmentTargetRepresentative of stateStrategy 2BStrong inclusive engagement, education, and support programsUnit(s) TaskedAll; esp. Enrollment Management, LGBTQ+ Western, Student Engagement, Student LifeMeasure 2B-1Under-represented SOC retention rateTarget87%Measure 2B-2Under-represented SOC graduation rateTarget75%Measure 2B-3Retention rate of other marginalized student populations (DAC, LGBTQ+, VSO, etc.)Target87%Strategy 2CPersistent action to improve equity and justice in policies, practices, and structures; especially to advance the success of Black studentsUnit(s) TaskedAll; each unit and department is expected to maintain and assess specific, measurable goals related to action for systemic equity and inclusionMeasure 2C-1Student perceptions of institutional commitment to diversityTarget85%+Measure 2C-2Participation by students of color in programs and services (by department)TargetRepresentative of student populationGoal 3Provide broad co-curricular programs and services to support student developmentWWU LinkageWhich university goal does this division goal support?? Education ? Place ? Environment ? EquityStrategy 3AImpactful social activities and co-curricular programmingUnit(s) TaskedAll; esp. Student Engagement, Student Life, Western AthleticsMeasure 3A-1Co-curricular exposure rateTarget75%Measure 3A-2Co-curricular engagement rateTarget50%Strategy 3BRobust student professional development opportunitiesUnit(s) TaskedAll; Student Success Initiatives (Career Services)Measure 3B-1Student staff reporting increased professional competencies Target90%Measure 3B-2Graduate employment rateTarget80%Goal 4Cultivate partnerships to foster strong community and promote holistic wellnessWWU LinkageWhich university goal does this division goal support?? Education ? Place ? Environment ? EquityStrategy 4ACollaborative community wellness programsUnit(s) TaskedAll; esp. Counseling, Health, and Wellness and Multicultural Student ServicesMeasure 4A-1Access to social support and wellness servicesTarget50% increaseMeasure 4A-2Increased partnerships with university departments and community organizationsTarget20% increaseStrategy 4BSupportive and socially equitable university residential communitiesUnit(s) TaskedUniversity ResidencesMeasure 4B-1University housing vacancy rateTarget10% or lessMeasure 4B-2Residents reporting inclusive access and community experiencesTarget90%STRATEGIC COLLABORATIONSCollaborative StrategyCollaborating UnitsPrimary Contacts2B: Inclusive engagement and education programsEnrollment ManagementLGBTQ+ WesternStudent EngagementStudent LifeDirector of Disability Access CenterDirector of Veteran ServicesLGBTQ+ DirectorExecutive Director of Student EngagementExecutive Director of Student Life2C: Action to improve equity and justice*All*All department and unit leaders3A: Social activities and co-curricular programsStudent EngagementStudent LifeWestern AthleticsExecutive Director of Student EngagementExecutive Director of Student LifeDirector of Western Athletics3B: Professional development opportunities*All*All supervisors of student staff4A: Community wellness programsCounseling, Health, and WellnessMulticultural Student ServicesExecutive Director of Counseling, Health, and WellnessDirector of Multicultural Student Services ................

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