What is Document Review? .edu

Document Review ProceduresFor 2021-2022Last Updated: April 2021Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u What is Document Review? PAGEREF _Toc69825926 \h 6What is Verification? PAGEREF _Toc69825927 \h 6How Do I Know Who is Selected for Verification? PAGEREF _Toc69825928 \h 6What is Document Review? PAGEREF _Toc69825929 \h 7What is File Review and What Does It Mean to “Move Into File Review”? PAGEREF _Toc69825930 \h 7What Systems Do We Use? PAGEREF _Toc69825931 \h 8What is the Difference Between Initiated, Received, Completed, and Waived? PAGEREF _Toc69825932 \h 8What is the Difference Between FA1 and FA2? PAGEREF _Toc69825933 \h 8What are Comment Codes and Where Do I Find Them? PAGEREF _Toc69825934 \h 8What are Comment Codes 400 and 401? PAGEREF _Toc69825935 \h 9How Do I Know Which Checklists Are Verification? PAGEREF _Toc69825936 \h 10What Does V1, V4, or V5 Mean? PAGEREF _Toc69825937 \h 11The 3 C’s – Checklist, Comment, Communication PAGEREF _Toc69825938 \h 11How Do I Add A Checklist? PAGEREF _Toc69825939 \h 11How Do I Add A Comment? PAGEREF _Toc69825940 \h 12How Do I Send A Communication? PAGEREF _Toc69825941 \h 12How do I get access to send a communication? PAGEREF _Toc69825942 \h 13How Do I Start? PAGEREF _Toc69825943 \h 15COVID-19 Updates PAGEREF _Toc69825944 \h 16EA April 3, 2020 PAGEREF _Toc69825945 \h 16EA August 21, 2020 PAGEREF _Toc69825946 \h 16Letter 3538 PAGEREF _Toc69825947 \h 16Checklist DRT – IRS Data Retrieval Tool for Student PAGEREF _Toc69825948 \h 17Checklist DRP – IRS Data Retrieval Tool for Parent PAGEREF _Toc69825949 \h 18Form 05 – Visa Status Verification PAGEREF _Toc69825950 \h 19Form 1D – Drug Conviction PAGEREF _Toc69825951 \h 21Form 23 – Student Income Form (Independent) PAGEREF _Toc69825952 \h 22Student Worked and Filed Taxes PAGEREF _Toc69825953 \h 22Student indicated they would use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool PAGEREF _Toc69825954 \h 22Student indicated they would supply use with the signed tax return or tax return transcript PAGEREF _Toc69825955 \h 24Student indicated they would have the transcript sent directly to WSU (ProVerify option) PAGEREF _Toc69825956 \h 28Student filed a Puerto Rican or foreign tax return PAGEREF _Toc69825957 \h 28Student was the victim of IRS Related Identity Theft PAGEREF _Toc69825958 \h 28Student Worked, But Did Not File Taxes PAGEREF _Toc69825959 \h 29I already have a letter of non-filing PAGEREF _Toc69825960 \h 31I would like to have the IRS send a copy of my Verification of Non-Filing Letter directly to WSU PAGEREF _Toc69825961 \h 31Student Did Not Work Or File Taxes PAGEREF _Toc69825962 \h 31Student indicated they were supported by financial aid funds PAGEREF _Toc69825963 \h 31Student indicated they were NOT supported by financial aid funds PAGEREF _Toc69825964 \h 32Form 24 – Student Income Form (Dependent) PAGEREF _Toc69825965 \h 34Student Worked and Filed Taxes PAGEREF _Toc69825966 \h 34Student indicated they would use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool PAGEREF _Toc69825967 \h 34Student indicated they would supply us with the signed tax return or tax return transcript PAGEREF _Toc69825968 \h 36Student indicated they would have the transcript sent directly to WSU (ProVerify option) PAGEREF _Toc69825969 \h 39Student filed a Puerto Rican or foreign tax return PAGEREF _Toc69825970 \h 39Student was the victim of IRS Related Identity Theft PAGEREF _Toc69825971 \h 40Student Worked, But Did Not File Taxes PAGEREF _Toc69825972 \h 40Student Did Not Work Or File Taxes PAGEREF _Toc69825973 \h 41Form 25 – Parent Income Form PAGEREF _Toc69825974 \h 42Parent Worked and Filed Taxes PAGEREF _Toc69825975 \h 42Parent would use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool PAGEREF _Toc69825976 \h 42Parent would supply us with their parent signed tax return or tax return transcript PAGEREF _Toc69825977 \h 44Parent indicated they would have the transcript sent directly to WSU (ProVerify option) PAGEREF _Toc69825978 \h 48Parent filed a Puerto Rican or foreign tax return PAGEREF _Toc69825979 \h 48Parent was the victim of IRS Related Identity Theft PAGEREF _Toc69825980 \h 48Parent Worked, But Did Not File Taxes PAGEREF _Toc69825981 \h 49I already have a letter of non-filing and will attach it below. PAGEREF _Toc69825982 \h 51I would like to have the IRS send a copy of my parent(s) Verification of Non-Filing Letter directly to WSU PAGEREF _Toc69825983 \h 51Parent Did Not Work or File Taxes PAGEREF _Toc69825984 \h 51I already have a letter of non-filing PAGEREF _Toc69825985 \h 52I would like to have the IRS send a copy of my Verification of Non-Filing Letter directly to WSU PAGEREF _Toc69825986 \h 52Form 26 – Student Amended Taxes PAGEREF _Toc69825987 \h 53Form 27 – Parent Amended Taxes PAGEREF _Toc69825988 \h 55Form 28 – Parent Household Form PAGEREF _Toc69825989 \h 57Which Parent Do I List Questions? PAGEREF _Toc69825990 \h 57Are the student’s parents married to each other? PAGEREF _Toc69825991 \h 57Do the student’s parents live together? PAGEREF _Toc69825992 \h 57Did the student live with one parent more than the other? PAGEREF _Toc69825993 \h 57Which parent provided more financial support over the last 12 months? PAGEREF _Toc69825994 \h 57Does the student have siblings? PAGEREF _Toc69825995 \h 57Does the parent(s) listed on the form support/have other people living in the household? PAGEREF _Toc69825996 \h 57Form 29 – Student Household Form PAGEREF _Toc69825997 \h 58Is the student married? PAGEREF _Toc69825998 \h 58Does the student have any children? PAGEREF _Toc69825999 \h 58Does the student support/have other people living in the household? PAGEREF _Toc69826000 \h 58Form 43 – Previous Degree PAGEREF _Toc69826001 \h 59Form 68 – Veteran Status Clarification PAGEREF _Toc69826002 \h 60I Am Not A Veteran PAGEREF _Toc69826003 \h 60I Am A Veteran PAGEREF _Toc69826004 \h 60Form 98 – Additional Information PAGEREF _Toc69826005 \h 62Form AW – Parent Asset Verification PAGEREF _Toc69826006 \h 63Form AX – Student Asset Verification PAGEREF _Toc69826007 \h 64Form BN – Educational Background PAGEREF _Toc69826008 \h 65Graduated w/ a High School Diploma before August of the academic year PAGEREF _Toc69826009 \h 65Completed High School, but do not have a copy of the diploma PAGEREF _Toc69826010 \h 65State Certificate or Transcript that is the Equivalent of a High School Diploma PAGEREF _Toc69826011 \h 65Education in a Foreign Country PAGEREF _Toc69826012 \h 66Completed at least 2 years of applicable credits towards a bachelor’s degree PAGEREF _Toc69826013 \h 66Homeschooled PAGEREF _Toc69826014 \h 66None of the Above PAGEREF _Toc69826015 \h 67Form HM – Homeless Verification PAGEREF _Toc69826016 \h 68Form IL – Graduate/Professional Status PAGEREF _Toc69826017 \h 69Form IN – Independence Verification PAGEREF _Toc69826018 \h 70Form LD- Legal Dependent PAGEREF _Toc69826019 \h 71Form LS – Social Security Card Required PAGEREF _Toc69826020 \h 72Form MM – NSLDS Data Mismatch PAGEREF _Toc69826021 \h 73Has Legally Changed Their Name PAGEREF _Toc69826022 \h 73Has NOT Changed Their Name PAGEREF _Toc69826023 \h 73Form NZ – Citizenship and Date of Birth Verification PAGEREF _Toc69826024 \h 74Eligible Citizen PAGEREF _Toc69826025 \h 75Eligible Non-Citizen PAGEREF _Toc69826026 \h 76Form PN – Parent Non-Filing Verification PAGEREF _Toc69826027 \h 77Form PV - ProVerify Checklist PAGEREF _Toc69826028 \h 78Form QE – Questionable Enrollment PAGEREF _Toc69826029 \h 79Form SI – Statement of Educational Purpose PAGEREF _Toc69826030 \h 80Form SN – Student Non-Filing Verification PAGEREF _Toc69826031 \h 82Form UA – Selective Service Verification PAGEREF _Toc69826032 \h 83Male, U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen, 18 but not yet 26 PAGEREF _Toc69826033 \h 83Male, U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen, never registered for the Selective Service PAGEREF _Toc69826034 \h 83Female PAGEREF _Toc69826035 \h 83Armed Services Active Duty PAGEREF _Toc69826036 \h 84Not Yet 18 PAGEREF _Toc69826037 \h 84Born Before 1960 PAGEREF _Toc69826038 \h 84Federated States of Micronesia or the Marshall Islands, or permanent resident of Palau PAGEREF _Toc69826039 \h 85Male, Released from Active Duty Before Turning 26 PAGEREF _Toc69826040 \h 85Non-Citizen, Enter U.S. After Turning 26 PAGEREF _Toc69826041 \h 85What is Document Review?What is Verification?Verification is similar to that of an audit. It is a process that is intended to improve the accuracy of the information submitted on a student’s FAFSA. Colleges will verify data elements provided on the FAFSA and require copies of documentation, such as income tax returns, proof of citizenship, and/or Selective Service Registration Confirmations, etc.Please keep in mind that while most students are federally selected for verification, there are some instances where we will institutionally select them.How Do I Know Who is Selected for Verification?There are a couple of ways to tell if someone has been selected for verification.First, you can look at their ISIR – this will let you know if they are federally selected for verification. To navigate this, go to My.WSU, Financial Aid, Federal Application Data, and the “Correct 20XX-20XX ISIR Records.” Once you are in the ISIR, you will navigate to the 4th tab: EFC\DB Matches\Corr. Under the “Database Matches\Flags” section, on the right-hand side, it will tell you if a student has been selected for verification and what type of verification.In the above example, we can see that the student was federally V1 selected for verification. In the above example, it shows that the student was not federally selected for verification. Please note that if the student was institutionally selected for verification, it would reflect as not selected.Second, you can go into the View Financial Aid Status screen. To navigate this, log into My.WSU, Financial Aid, and View Financial Aid Status screen.In the above example, we can see the Review Status is “Pending”, which means we have not completed the verification process. This shows regardless of federally or institutionally selected.Third, you can look at the checklists under the View Financial Aid Status screen. Make sure to click “View All” to be able to see all of the checklists.In the above example, we can see the student has 3 checklists for verification: 24, 25, 28. The Parent Household form (28) is marked as completed. This is because a doc reviewer has looked at the documentation provided by the student and verify it is complete. We can see the Student Income Form (24) and Parent Income Form (25) are still in Initiated status. This means the student has not completed the forms. Once the student completes the forms and turns them in, they will be flipped from “Initiated” to “Received.”What is Document Review?Document Review is the act of checking and processing the forms that were submitted for each checklist. The reviewers also determine whether the information the student provided is correct and what is needed to complete verification.What is File Review and What Does It Mean to “Move Into File Review”?File review is the act of completing and finalizing the verification process. This needs to be done by a full-time, trained SFS staff member. As a doc reviewer, you will move a file into file review, by initiating the FR checklist. To do this, make sure all verification checklists are completed, and make sure we have everything we need. Go into My.WSU, into the View Financial Aid Status screen, and initiate a checklist (FA1_FR or FA2_FR, depending on which aid year).What Systems Do We Use?My.WSU ()Imaging ()What is the Difference Between Initiated, Received, Completed, and Waived?Initiated – Checklist has been assigned, but student has not acted on it yet.Received – Student submitted documentation, but it has not been reviewed. This could be submitted by uploading directly to SubmitSFSDocs, dropping it off in person, or fax. Completed – A SFS staff member has reviewed the document the student submitted.Waived – No action needed. This could be student used DRT for either student or parent. They are not required to submit further documentation for that particular checklist, based on information submitted on the FAFSA.If you are changing the status on a checklist, it is EXTREMELY important that you make sure your WSU ID # is the one associated with this. What is the Difference Between FA1 and FA2?FA1 is the beginning of the checklist that is used for ODD years. Example: 2018-19 AY would use FA1, because 19 is an ODD year.FA2 is the beginning of the checklist that is used for EVEN years. Example: 2019-20 AY would use FA2, because 20 is an EVEN year.What are Comment Codes and Where Do I Find Them?Comment codes are found in My.WSU, Financial Aid, Federal Application Data, and the “Correct 20XX-20XX ISIR Records.” Once you are in the ISIR, you will navigate to the 3rd tab: Assumptions\School Codes. Under the “Comments” section, it will tell you what codes are on the account and what they ment Flag (C-Code) Checklists include 05 (Visa Status), 68 (Veteran Status), D4 (Prior Loan Discharge / processed by loans team), MM (NSLDS Data Mismatch), 1D (Drug Conviction), 43 (Previous Degree), DC (Independency Status Recertification), IN (Independency Verification), QE (Questionable Enrollment), 5B (Second Bachelor’s Degree), DM (Default or Overpayment / processed by loans team), LD (Legal Dependent), LO (Loan or Overaward / processed by loans team), UA (Selective Service Verification), NZ (Citizenship and Date of Birth Verification), LS (Social Security Card Required). What are Comment Codes 400 and 401?These codes are listed in “Correct 20XX-20XX ISIR Records”, then 3rd tab, “Assumptions\School Codes”, and scroll to the bottom. Code 400 is for the parent; code 401 is for the student. We only see these codes if either the student or parent uses the IRS Data Retrieval Tool; not everyone will have the code. The code tells us there is potentially conflicting information from the Data Retrieval Tool. In order to resolve this comment code, we need the signed tax return. We cannot accept tax return transcripts to resolve code 400 or 401. For example:Student has comment code 400, telling us there is potentially conflicting information regarding parent section. We need to review the following fields under the parent section: Educational Credits, Child Support Paid, Need-Based Employment, Grant/Scholarship Aid, Combat Pay, Co-op Earnings.If we jump to the parent information tab, we will be able to review these fields.We see Grants/Scholarships of $16,760. The tax return will tell us if they reported any taxable Grants/Scholarships. We can see the highlighted section below, on the dotted line, is blank. Because of this, we would remove the full $16,760 on the FAFSA. This taxable income is not shown on the TRT Below is an example of what the SCH paid section looks like on a tax return. This dollar amount would be reported on the Grants/Scholarships section of the FAFSA.How Do I Know Which Checklists Are Verification? SFS uses a lot of checklists – not just the verification team. It can be confusing, and may take some time, to remember which ones are actually verification checklists. Below is a full list of the checklists.Verification Checklists05 – Visa Status VerificationAX – Student Asset Verification Form1D – Drug ConvictionBN – Educational Background23 – Student Income Verification (Independent)HM – Homeless Verification24 – Student Income Verification (Dependent)IL – Graduate or Professional Status Verification25 – Parent Income VerificationIN – Independence Verification26 – Student Amended Tax ReturnLD – Legal Dependent Verification27 – Parent Amended Tax ReturnLS – Social Security Card Required28 – Parent Verification of Household SizeMM – NSLDS Data Mismatch29 – Student Verification of Household SizeNZ – Citizenship and Date of Birth Verification43 – Previous Degree VerificationPN – Parent Non-Filing 5B – Second Bachelor Degree Verification *Removing effective 20-21 Academic YearPV - ProVerify68 – Veteran Status ClarificationSI – Statement of Educational Purpose98 – Additional Information Request for FAFSASN – Student Non-FilingAW – Parent Asset Verification FormUA – Selective Service VerificationNon-Verification Checklists – We Do NOT Process! Continues on next page.*99 – Additional Information Request for WASFA*HBI – WASFA Verification Form – Indep Student*BG – Dependency Status Appeal*HBV– WASFA Verification Form – Dep Verification*CPF – Census Petition *HY – Homeless Youth Checklist – This is for scholarship*CO – ProPel Internship Program*LAR – Loan Action Request*CR – Cancellation/Reinstatement *LG – Scholarship Appeal*D4 – Prior Loan Discharge*PJ – Special Circumstances Appeal*DAC – DACA Student Eligibility Verification*PLD – Parent Loan Decline*DC – Independence Status Recertification*RB – SAP Appeal*DM – Default or Overpayment of Federal Funds*RL – Loans Additional Information *EFA – Notification of Estimated Financial Assistance*SCA – Special Circumstances Additional Info Request*FE – Academic Year Revision Request*SP – Scholarship Recipient Profile*FH – Award Appeal/Deadline Appeal*Z2 – Zero Hours Passed*HBD – WASFA Verification Form – Dep StudentWhat Does V1, V4, or V5 Mean?This is the Verification Tracking Group. V1 is the largest group of verification tracking. V5 comprises of both V1 and V4 groups.Verification Tracking GroupChecklists Associated with FlagV1 Dependent24, 25, 26, 27, 28V1 Independent23, 26, 29V4 DependentSI, BNV4 IndependentSI, BNV5 Dependent24, 25, 26, 27, 28, SI, BNV5 Independent23, 26, 29, SI, BNThe 3 C’s – Checklist, Comment, CommunicationThese 3 are typically done at the same time, with the same information provided. As a doc reviewer, you will send out the 3 C’s when you need to request more information from the student.How Do I Add A Checklist?In My.WSU, Financial Aid, View Financial Aid Status.Select the Aid Year you want.In the top right corner, click on this icon .Make sure to fill out the highlighted sections.Depending on the aid year, Checklist Code will be either FA1_XX or FA2_XX.The “comments” section needs to list what we need from the student. You will want to copy this information, because it will be pasted into the comment and communication.How Do I Add A Comment?In My.WSU, Financial Aid, View Financial Aid Status.Select the Aid Year you want.In the top right corner, click on this icon .Make sure to fill out the highlighted sections. The “comments” section will be pasted from what you copied in the 98 Checklist (information regarding what we are requesting from the student). Click Save.How Do I Send A Communication?In My.WSU, Financial Aid, View Financial Aid Status.Select the Aid Year you want.In the top right corner, click on this icon . Make sure to fill out the highlighted sections. The “comments” section will be pasted from what you copied in the 98 checklist (information regarding what we are requesting from the student).Click Save.How do I get access to send a communication?If you have never sent a communication before, or have been set up to do so, you will not be able to send the FFD communication (or any other). You will first need to set up your SACR Fast Key.Under Main Menu, Set up SACR, and User Defaults, you will click on the “Communication Speed Keys” button at the bottom of the screen.Click on the first plus sign (highlighted below) to be able to add a new communication.It should be blank in the “Communication Key” section. Here, you will want to type in “FA_FFD” or search it in the magnifying glass. Everything else should auto-populate. Make sure the “Print Comment” option is checked (otherwise, when you paste a comment in the communication, it will not show up). Click Save.How Do I Start?You will need to have two screens open: one for My.WSU and one for Imaging.In Imaging, in the FinAid Document Search section, type in the student ID # without the leading 0. You can also filter it further by adding the aid year. In the above example, we can see the student has submitted the student income form (24), and the parent household form (28). Now, let’s go into My.WSU.It matches what we see in Imaging. We have received the parent household form (28) and the student income form (24). Notice that the parent income form (25) is still in the initiated status. We also do not have it Imaging. This is because the student hasn’t submitted anything to us. We are able to complete document review for both the parent household form (28) and the student income form (24), but we will not be able to move it into file review, as we are still waiting for the parent income form (25) to be submitted. Please remember when changing a checklist from Received to Completed, that you add your WSU ID #. HYPERLINK \l "_COVID-19_Updates" COVID-19 UpdatesBecause of the COVID-19 Outbreak, the Department has relaxed some guidance regarding verification. EA April 3, 2020Per the Electronic Announcement from April 3, 2020, the following verification requirements have been affected:05- Visa Status Verification NZ – Citizenship and Date of Birth VerificationSI – Statement of Educational PurposeThe requirement for having either a signature from WSU SFS or a Notary has been temporarily relaxed. At this time, we do NOT need to have these – we can accept the first part of the form (where the student completes it) and their appropriate photo identification. We are ALSO allowed to accept expired documentation that would normally need to be unexpired, IF it expired after March 1, 2020.EA August 21, 2020Per the Electronic Announcement from August 21, 2020, the above guidance now applies through the end of the payment period that includes December 31, 2020 or the end of the payment period that includes the end date for the federally declared qualifying emergency related to COVID-19, whichever occurs later.Update from November 20, 2020: we just got notification that the EA from August 21, 2020 is now applied towards the 2021-2022 academic year.Letter 3538We have come across a new hurdle due to Stimulus Checks during the 2020 year. The hurdle is someone can order an IRS transcript or use the DRT and it only shows $1 AGI. There are 3 different scenarios that can occur, according to AskRegs KA-34988.Scenario 1 – Tax Filers // If someone used the Data Retrieval Tool and it was “Transferred, Not Changed” and it shows all 0s and an AGI of $1, we could accept the signed 2019 tax return to make the corrections. Per AskRegs KA-34988 and Electronic Announcement on 3/5/2021, institutions are not required to actively identify applications that may meet this condition.Scenario 2 – Nontax Filers // If we have a tax transcript from someone trying to order the IRS Letter of Non-Filing, and it shows an AGI of $1. They will need to contact IRS Customer Service at 1-800-829-1040 and explain that they used the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here Tool, are unable to obtain a LONF, and request IRS Letter 3538.Scenario 3 – Tax Filers Who Filed a Tax Return Solely to Claim the Recovery Rebate Credit // If we have a tax transcript showing $1 of interest income, $1 of total income, and a $1 AGI, then they truly did file taxes and should be reported as tax filers on the FAFSA. They should be verified as any other tax filer would be, in accordance with the Federal Register containing the verification documentation requirements for the applicable award year.Checklist DRT – IRS Data Retrieval Tool for StudentThere are no forms with this checklist. This checklist will be marked as received after the student uses the IRS Data Retrieval Tool on their FAFSA. This checklist is set by a document reviewer upon review of the 23 or 24 checklist, where the student indicated they would use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. To review this checklist, please go to their ISIR, then the “Assumptions\School Codes” tab and scroll to the Student IRS DRT Flags section to review. We are confirming that the DRT successfully transferred all information to us. It is okay if the 1040 Schedule 1 Data shows “Not Transferred” as this only tells us that they did not file a Schedule 1. If any other item shows something other than “Transferred and Not Changed,” then we would need to ask for tax return or tax return transcript. In this case, everything is marked as “Transferred and Not Changed,” so we can mark the DRT checklist as complete, and move into File Review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Checklist DRP – IRS Data Retrieval Tool for ParentThere are no forms with this checklist. This checklist will be marked as received after the parent uses the IRS Data Retrieval Tool on their FAFSA. This checklist is set by a document reviewer upon review of the 25 checklist, where the student indicated their parent would use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. To review this checklist, please go to their ISIR, then the “Assumptions\School Codes” tab and scroll to the Parent IRS DRT Flags section to review. We are confirming that the DRT successfully transferred all information to us. It is okay if the 1040 Schedule 1 Data shows “Not Transferred” as this only tells us that they did not file a Schedule 1. If any other item shows something other than “Transferred and Not Changed,” then we would need to ask for tax return or tax return transcript. In this case, everything is marked as “Transferred and Not Changed,” so we can mark the DRP checklist as complete, and move into File Review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form 05 – Visa Status VerificationThis is a form that has to be printed and completed by the student, and then either notarized or have a member of WSU SFS validate it. This can be done by any SFS member at any branch location. There are two pages to the form. Please verify that both pages have been completed.We need both pages of the document, along with a copy of their documentation in order to complete this checklist. PLEASE SEE COVID-19 UPDATES FOR NEW INFORMATION.Page 1 consists of the following screenshot.Page 2 consists of the following screenshots. *Note: Due to COVID-19, Page 2 may not be part of the form the student has completed.The above section only needs to be completed if the student took it to a notary.The above section only needs to be completed if the student took it to a SFS member. PLEASE SEE COVID-19 UPDATES FOR NEW INFORMATION.We also need a copy of the documentation that was presented to the notary/SFS staff member. Please see the following screenshot for acceptable documentation.If you have all these items, you can complete the 05 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If you are missing anything, you can complete the 05 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) form requesting the missing information. If they completed the form incorrectly, instead of initiating the 98, you will want to initiate another 05, so they can access the form again. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form 1D – Drug ConvictionThis is a form that has to be printed out and completed by the student. This is a two-page form. Please make sure that the student uploads both pages of the form.If you have both pages, you can complete the 1D checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If you are missing anything, you can complete the 1D checklist, and reinitiate the 1D (Drug Conviction) form requesting the missing information. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form 23 – Student Income Form (Independent)Please see Letter 3538 for more information on if DRT or IRS Tax Transcript have an AGI of $1.Electronic signature update: We now have guidance from ED that we can accept electronic signatures on tax returns. Student Worked and Filed TaxesIf the student indicated on the form (in Imaging) that they worked and filed taxes, check to see what they said they would do:Did they indicate if they would use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool?Did they indicate they would upload a signed tax return or tax return database?Did they indicate they would have the transcript sent directly to WSU (use the ProVerify option)?Student indicated they would use the IRS Data Retrieval ToolThe first step is to see if they have already used the IRS Data Retrieval tool and/or if they are eligible to use it.In My.WSU, go to the Correct 20XX-20XX ISIR Records (Financial Aid – Federal Application Data – Correct 20XX-20XX ISIR Records).In the third tab, Assumptions\School Codes, you will be able to see if they used the IRS Data Retrieval Tool or are eligible to use it. In the above example, we can see that for the student, the DRT was presented to the student (under display). We can also see the status is “Transferred and Not Changed” (under Request). This means the information was successfully transferred. HOWEVER, we also need to check to see if the student has the 401 code on their ISIR. If you scroll 2 sections down, you will reach the “comments” section. If the 401 code is listed, the DRT is not acceptable, even if it says “Transferred and Not Changed.” We HAVE to have the signed tax return, and cannot accept their tax return transcript. For more information, please see the 400/401 Code FAQ section at the top. If there is no 401 code, mark the 23 checklist as completed, and move to file review, if there are no other outstanding checklists for verification. If there is the 401 code, complete the 23 checklist, open a 98 and use the appropriate 401 Standard Comment to complete the 3 C’s. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see that for the student, the DRT was presented to the student (under display). We can also see the status is “Used and Not Transferred” (under Request). This means that the student used the DRT, but was not successful in using it. The student will either need to log back in to the FAFSA and use it again, or supply us with their signed tax return or tax return transcript. You can complete the 23 checklist, and open a 98 (Additional Information). Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see that for the student, the DRT was NOT presented to the student (under display). We can also see the status is “Ineligible” (under Request). This means that the student is not able to use the DRT. The student will need to supply us with their signed tax return or tax return transcript. You can complete the 23 checklist, and open a 98 (Additional Information). Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see that for the student, the DRT was presented to the student (under display). We can also see the status is “Eligible and Not Used” (under Request). This means that the student is able to use the DRT, and has not yet done this. The student will need to log back into the FAFSA and use the IRS DRT. You can complete the 23 checklist, and depending on AY, open a FA1DRT or FA2DRT Checklist (DRT Used for Student). Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Check the Standard Comments to see to use for your comment and communication. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! Student indicated they would supply use with the signed tax return or tax return transcriptTax ReturnFor 2019 taxes, many people will only need to file IRS Form 1040 or 1040-SR (senior) without Schedules. However, there will still be people who do need to file with Schedules. See below signature examples for information on “Schedules”.Please make sure the tax return is signed by either the tax filer or the tax preparer. This signature is typically at the bottom of page two. See below for multiple examples of different signatures.In the above example, this is where we look for the signature. We can see there is no signature from the tax filer or tax preparer. In this case, this tax return would be considered unacceptable. You can complete the 23 checklist, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) to request a signed tax return. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see the actual tax filers did not sign the form. However, they had their tax return prepared by a tax preparer. We can see this in the “Paid Preparer Use Only section,” where the Preparer’s Name, Date, and PTIN are filled out. The PTIN acts as the tax preparer’s signature. In this case, we would be able to complete the 23 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see there is a signature from the tax filer. In this case, we would be able to complete the 23 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! SchedulesThere are 3 types of Schedules (1, 2, 3) that we are required to verify. We will need both pages for the 1040 form in order to verify if they filed any of these Schedules. See below for examples of what the tax return looks like. In highlighted green, that is where you will look to see if the Schedules were file or not.How To Know If They Filed Schedules 1-3If…Then…Schedule # ___ is Completed1040 or 1040-SR (senior)Line 7a is NOT blank and NOT zero*1Line 8a is NOT blank and NOT zero*1Line 12b is different than the amount in line 12a2Line 13b is different than the amount in line 13a3*Zero is not an amount for this purpose, because zero would be ignored in the calculation of the AGI. Blank, “None”, or “N/A” also is not an amount. A positive or negative figure is an amount indicating there was additional income on Schedule 1, Line 9 that is included in the calculation of the AGI, even if it is negative income.We will most likely NOT have the Schedules submitted with the 1040. You will need to determine if we need to have a Schedule or not. If we do, and don’t have it, complete the checklist, but open a 98 Additional Information checklist and request the missing schedule. Make sure to add a VER comment and send the FFD communication.If we have all of the required schedules, you can complete the checklist and move into FR.Tax Return TranscriptA tax return transcript can be several pages long, depending on information within the tax return.In the above example, we can see what the first page of the tax return transcript looks like. Most transcripts are printed front/back, and it’s very common to miss pages. One way to determine if we have all of the pages of a TRT is to look at the Headers.Income, Adjustments to Income, Tax and Credits, Other Taxes, Payments, Refund or Amount Owed, Third Party Designee, Form 8863, Part III. Please note that some transcripts may have more headers. Make sure you see “This Product Contains Sensitive Taxpayer Data” at the bottom of the transcript. If you have all of the pages of the transcript, you can complete the 23 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If you are missing pages of the transcript, you can complete the 23 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) form requesting the full transcript. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! Student indicated they would have the transcript sent directly to WSU (ProVerify option)If the student indicated they would use ProVerify to have the tax transcript sent directly to the IRS, you will see this indicated on their 23 form.If they choose this option, the 23 checklist will be marked as “Received” and the PV checklist will be marked as “Initiated”. As long as the PV checklist is initiated, go ahead and mark the 23 checklist as complete, while leaving the PV checklist as initiated. Do NOT set FR checklist!! After we receive the Transcript via ProVerify, the PV checklist will automatically flip to received. For processing information for the PV checklist, please click here. Student filed a Puerto Rican or foreign tax returnWe will need one of the following:A signed copy of the Puerto Rican or foreign income tax return (translated to English by student and converted to U.S. dollars as needed); ORA Puerto Rican or foreign transcript (translated to English by student and converted to U.S. dollars as needed) obtained from a government of a U.S. territory or commonwealth, or foreign central government that includes all of the tax filer’s income an tax information required to be verified.If you have all of the pages of one of these items, you can complete the 23 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If you are missing anything, you can complete the 23 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) form requesting the full transcript. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! Student was the victim of IRS Related Identity TheftPlease note that this is different than regular identity theft. IRS related identity theft is when someone files taxes under a SSN that is not their own.We need two things:A copy of the Tax Return Data Base View (TRDBV). This has to be ordered from the IRS. Below is an example.We will need a statement from the student (signed and dated) stating that they are the victims of IRS related identity theft. This can be a Word document.If you have all these items, you can complete the 23 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If you are missing anything, you can complete the 23 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) form requesting the full transcript. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Student Worked, But Did Not File TaxesIf an IND student said they worked, but did not file taxes, we require 2 things:A copy of ALL W-2s for the student for that year (see example below)For an Independent student, we are required to have a copy of the IRS Letter of Non-Filing for that year (see example below).On the 23 form, students now have the option either to upload a copy of their IRS Letter of Non-Filing (if they already have it) OR they can opt to use ProVerify (have the IRS send a copy of it directly to WSU.I already have a letter of non-filingIf student selects this option, they will be able to load their Verification of Non-Filing. If we have both of the items (all W-2s and IRS Letter of Non-Filing), you can complete the 23 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If we are missing something, you can complete the 23 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whichever document we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! I would like to have the IRS send a copy of my Verification of Non-Filing Letter directly to WSUIf the student selects this option, you will see this indicated on their 23 form.If they choose this option, the 23 checklist will be marked as “Received” and the PV checklist will be marked as “Initiated”. As long as the PV checklist is initiated, go ahead and mark the 23 checklist as complete, while leaving the PV checklist as initiated. Do NOT set FR checklist!! After we receive the Transcript via ProVerify, the PV checklist will automatically flip to received. For processing information for the PV checklist, please click here. If students are having difficulty obtaining the IRS Letter of Non-Filing or using ProVerify, we can accept an alternative letter in lieu of the IRS LONF. This is a last resort option. For more information regarding this, please see the procedures for the SN checklist here.If we are missing the W-2s, you can complete the 23 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting all W-2s for the year. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! Student Did Not Work Or File TaxesStudent indicated they were supported by financial aid fundsThe IND student will need to obtain a copy of the IRS Letter of Non-Filing for the correct year.I already have a letter of non-filingIf student selects this option, they will be able to load their Verification of Non-Filing. If we have both of the items (all W-2s and IRS Letter of Non-Filing), you can complete the 23 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If we are missing something, you can complete the 23 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whichever document we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! I would like to have the IRS send a copy of my Verification of Non-Filing Letter directly to WSUIf the student indicated they would use ProVerify to have IRS Letter of Non-Filing sent directly to the IRS, you will see this indicated on their 23 form.If they choose this option, the 23 checklist will be marked as “Received” and the PV checklist will be marked as “Initiated”. As long as the PV checklist is initiated, go ahead and mark the 23 checklist as complete, while leaving the PV checklist as initiated. Do NOT set FR checklist!! After we receive the LONF via ProVerify, the PV checklist will automatically flip to received. For processing information for the PV checklist, please click here. If students are having difficulty obtaining the IRS Letter of Non-Filing or using ProVerify, we can accept an alternative letter in lieu of the IRS LONF. This is a last resort option. For more information regarding this, please see the procedures for the SN checklist here.If we are missing anything, you can complete the 23 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting the missing information. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! Student indicated they were NOT supported by financial aid fundsThe IND student will need to obtain a copy of the IRS Letter of Non-Filing for the correct year, along with completing their Non-Filer Expenses and Income Details Worksheet. We need to know how they were supported.I already have a letter of non-filingIf student selects this option, they will be able to load their Verification of Non-Filing. If we have both of the items (all W-2s and IRS Letter of Non-Filing), you can complete the 23 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If we are missing something, you can complete the 23 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whichever document we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! I would like to have the IRS send a copy of my Verification of Non-Filing Letter directly to WSUIf the student indicated they would use ProVerify to have IRS Letter of Non-Filing sent directly to the IRS, you will see this indicated on their 23 form.If they choose this option, the 23 checklist will be marked as “Received” and the PV checklist will be marked as “Initiated”. As long as the PV checklist is initiated, go ahead and mark the 23 checklist as complete, while leaving the PV checklist as initiated. Do NOT set FR checklist!! After we receive the LONF via ProVerify, the PV checklist will automatically flip to received. For processing information for the PV checklist, please click here. If students are having difficulty obtaining the IRS Letter of Non-Filing or using ProVerify, we can accept an alternative letter in lieu of the IRS LONF. This is a last resort option. For more information regarding this, please see the procedures for the SN checklist here.If we are missing anything, you can complete the 23 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting the missing information. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! Form 24 – Student Income Form (Dependent)Please see Letter 3538 for more information on if DRT or IRS Tax Transcript have an AGI of $1.Electronic signature update: We now have guidance from ED that we can accept electronic signatures on tax returns. Student Worked and Filed TaxesIf the student indicated on the form (in Imaging) that they worked and filed taxes, check to see what they said they would do:Did they indicate if they would use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool?Did they indicate they would upload a signed tax return or tax return database?Did they indicate they would have the transcript sent directly to WSU (use the ProVerify option)?Student indicated they would use the IRS Data Retrieval ToolThe first step is to see if they have already used the IRS Data Retrieval tool and/or if they are eligible to use it.In My.WSU, go to the Correct 20XX-20XX ISIR Records (Financial Aid – Federal Application Data – Correct 20XX-20XX ISIR Records).In the third tab, Assumptions\School Codes, you will be able to see if they used the IRS Data Retrieval Tool or are eligible to use it.In the above example, we can see that for the student, the DRT was presented to the student (under display). We can also see the status is “Transferred and Not Changed” (under Request). This means the information was successfully transferred. We also need to check to see if the student has the 401 code on their ISIR. If you scroll 2 sections down, you will reach the “comments” section. If the 401 code is listed, the DRT is NOT acceptable, even if it says “Transferred and Not Changed.” We HAVE to have the signed tax return, and cannot accept their tax return transcript. For more information about the 401 code, please see the FAQ section at the top. If there is no 401 code, mark the 24 checklist as completed, and move to file review, if there are no other outstanding checklists for verification. If there is the 401 code, complete the 24 checklist, open a 98 and use the appropriate 401 Standard Comment to complete the 3 C’s. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see that for the student, the DRT was presented to the student (under display). We can also see the status is “Used and Not Transferred” (under Request). This means that the student used the DRT, but was not successful in using it. The student will either need to log back in to the FAFSA and use it again, or supply us with their signed tax return or tax return transcript. You can complete the 24 checklist, and open a 98 (Additional Information). Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see that for the student, the DRT was NOT presented to the student (under display). We can also see the status is “Ineligible” (under Request). This means that the student is not able to use the DRT. The student will need to supply us with their signed tax return or tax return transcript. You can complete the 24 checklist, and open a 98 (Additional Information). Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see that for the student, the DRT was presented to the student (under display). We can also see the status is “Eligible and Not Used” (under Request). This means that the student is able to use the DRT, and has not yet done this. The student will need to log back into the FAFSA and use the IRS DRT. You can complete the 24 checklist, and, depending on the AY, open a FA1DRT or FA2DRT Checklist (DRT Used for Student). Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Student indicated they would supply us with the signed tax return or tax return transcriptTax ReturnFor 2019 taxes, many people will only need to file IRS Form 1040 or 1040-SR (senior) without Schedules. However, there will still be people who do need to file with Schedules. See below signature examples for information on “Schedules”.Please make sure the tax return is signed by either the tax filer or the tax preparer. This signature is typically in the middle of page one. See below for multiple examples of different signatures.In the above example, this is where we look for the signature. We can see there is no signature from the tax filer or tax preparer. In this case, this tax return would be considered unacceptable. You can complete the 24 checklist, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) to request a signed tax return. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see the actual tax filers did not sign the form. However, they had their tax return prepared by a tax preparer. We can see this in the “Paid Preparer Use Only section,” where the Preparer’s Name, Date, and PTIN are filled out. The PTIN acts as the tax preparer’s signature. In this case, we would be able to complete the 24 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see there is a signature from the tax filer. In this case, we would be able to complete the 24 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! SchedulesThere are 3 types of Schedules (1, 2, 3) that we are required to verify. We will need both pages for the 1040 form in order to verify if they filed any of these Schedules. See below for examples of what the tax return looks like. In highlighted green, that is where you will look to see if the Schedules were file or not.How To Know If They Filed Schedules 1-3If…Then…Schedule # ___ is Completed1040 or 1040-SR (senior)Line 7a is NOT blank and NOT zero*1Line 8a is NOT blank and NOT zero*1Line 12b is different than the amount in line 12a2Line 13b is different than the amount in line 13a3*Zero is not an amount for this purpose, because zero would be ignored in the calculation of the AGI. Blank, “None”, or “N/A” also is not an amount. A positive or negative figure is an amount indicating there was additional income on Schedule 1, Line 9 that is included in the calculation of the AGI, even if it is negative income.We will most likely NOT have the Schedules submitted with the 1040. You will need to determine if we need to have a Schedule or not. If we do, and don’t have it, complete the checklist, but open a 98 Additional Information checklist and request the missing schedule. Make sure to add a VER comment and send the FFD communication.If we have all of the required schedules, you can complete the checklist and move into FR.Tax Return TranscriptA tax return transcript can be several pages long, depending on information within the tax return.In the above example, we can see what the first page of the tax return transcript looks like. Most transcripts are printed front/back, and it’s very common to miss pages. One way to determine if we have all of the pages of a TRT is to look at the Headers.Income, Adjustments to Income, Tax and Credits, Other Taxes, Payments, Refund or Amount Owed, Third Party Designee, Form 8863, Part III. Please note that some transcripts may have more headers. Make sure you see “This Product Contains Sensitive Taxpayer Data” at the bottom of the transcript. If you have all of the pages of the transcript, you can complete the 24 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If you are missing pages of the transcript, you can complete the 24 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) form requesting the full transcript. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! Student indicated they would have the transcript sent directly to WSU (ProVerify option)If the student indicated they would use ProVerify to have the tax transcript sent directly to the IRS, you will see this indicated on their 24 form.If they choose this option, the 24 checklist will be marked as “Received” and the PV checklist will be marked as “Initiated”. As long as the PV checklist is initiated, go ahead and mark the 24 checklist as complete, while leaving the PV checklist as initiated. Do NOT set FR checklist!! After we receive the Transcript via ProVerify, the PV checklist will automatically flip to received. For processing information for the PV checklist, please click here. Student filed a Puerto Rican or foreign tax returnWe will need one of the following:A signed copy of the Puerto Rican or foreign income tax return (translated to English by student and converted to U.S. dollars as needed); ORA Puerto Rican or foreign transcript (translated to English by student and converted to U.S. dollars as needed) obtained from a government of a U.S. territory or commonwealth, or foreign central government that includes all of the tax filer’s income an tax information required to be verified.If you have all of the pages of one of these items, you can complete the 24 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If you are missing anything, you can complete the 24 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) form requesting the full transcript. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! Student was the victim of IRS Related Identity TheftPlease note that this is different than regular identity theft. IRS related identity theft is when someone files taxes under a SSN that is not their own.We need two things:A copy of the Tax Return Data Base View (TRDBV). This has to be ordered from the IRS. Below is an example.We will need a statement from the student (signed and dated) stating that they are the victims of IRS related identity theft. This can be a Word document.If you have all these items, you can complete the 24 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If you are missing anything, you can complete the 24 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) form requesting the full transcript. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Student Worked, But Did Not File TaxesIf a DEP student said they worked, but did not file taxes, we require 2 things:A copy of ALL W-2s for the student for that year (see example below)For a dependent student, we are NOT required to have a copy of the IRS Letter of Non-Filing for that year. If we have all W-2s, you can complete the 24 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If we are missing something, you can complete the 24 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whatever we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Student Did Not Work Or File TaxesIf the dependent student indicates that they did not work or file taxes, there is nothing further that we need from them. Complete the 24 checklist and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form 25 – Parent Income FormPlease see Letter 3538 for more information on if DRT or IRS Tax Transcript have an AGI of $1.Electronic signature update: We now have guidance from ED that we can accept electronic signatures on tax returns. Parent Worked and Filed TaxesIf the student indicated on the form (in Imaging) that their parents worked and filed taxes, check to see what they said they would do:Did they indicate if they would use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool?Did they indicate they would upload a signed tax return or tax return database?Did they indicate they would have the transcript sent directly to WSU (use the ProVerify option)?Parent would use the IRS Data Retrieval ToolThe first step is to see if they have already used the IRS Data Retrieval tool and/or if they are eligible to use it.In My.WSU, go to the Correct 20XX-20XX ISIR Records (Financial Aid – Federal Application Data – Correct 20XX-20XX ISIR Records).In the third tab, Assumptions\School Codes, you will be able to see if they used the IRS Data Retrieval Tool or are eligible to use it.In the above example, we can see that for the parent, the DRT was presented to the parent (under display). We can also see the status is “Transferred and Not Changed” (under Request). This means the information was successfully transferred. We also need to check to see if the student has the 400 code on their ISIR. If you scroll 2 sections down, you will reach the “comments” section. If the 400 code is listed, the DRT is not acceptable, even if it says “Transferred and Not Changed.” We HAVE to have the signed tax return, and cannot accept their tax return transcript. For more information about the 400 code, please see the FAQ section at the top. If there is no 400 code, mark the 25 checklist as completed, and move to file review, if there are no other outstanding checklists for verification. If there is the 400 code, complete the 25 checklist, open a 98 and use the appropriate 400 Standard Comment to complete the 3 C’s. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see that for the parent, the DRT was presented to the parent (under display). We can also see the status is “Used and Not Transferred” (under Request). This means that the parent used the DRT, but was not successful in using it. The parent will either need to have the student log back in to the FAFSA and use it again, or supply us with their signed tax return or tax return transcript. You can complete the 25 checklist, and open a 98 (Additional Information). Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see that for the parent, the DRT was NOT presented to the parent (under display). We can also see the status is “Ineligible” (under Request). This means that the parent is not able to use the DRT. The student will need to supply us with their parent signed tax return or tax return transcript. You can complete the 25 checklist, and open a 98 (Additional Information). Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see that for the parent, the DRT was presented to the parent (under display). We can also see the status is “Eligible and Not Used” (under Request). This means that the parent is able to use the DRT, and has not yet done this. The parent will need to log back into the FAFSA and have their parent use the IRS DRT. You can complete the 25 checklist, and open a DRP Checklist (DRP Used for Parent). Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! Parent would supply us with their parent signed tax return or tax return transcriptTax ReturnFor 2019 taxes, many people will only need to file IRS Form 1040 or 1040-SR (senior) without Schedules. However, there will still be people who do need to file with Schedules. See below signature examples for information on “Schedules”.Please make sure the tax return is signed by either the tax filer or the tax preparer. This signature is typically in the middle of page one. See below for multiple examples of different signatures.In the above example, this is where we look for the signature. We can see there is no signature from the tax filer or tax preparer. In this case, this tax return would be considered unacceptable. You can complete the 25 checklist, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) to request a signed tax return. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see the actual tax filers did not sign the form. However, they had their tax return prepared by a tax preparer. We can see this in the “Paid Preparer Use Only section,” where the Preparer’s Name, Date, and PTIN are filled out. The PTIN acts as the tax preparer’s signature. In this case, we would be able to complete the 25 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!In the above example, we can see there is a signature from the tax filer. In this case, we would be able to complete the 25 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!SchedulesThere are 3 types of Schedules (1, 2, 3) that we are required to verify. We will need both pages for the 1040 form in order to verify if they filed any of these Schedules. See below for examples of what the tax return looks like. In highlighted green, that is where you will look to see if the Schedules were file or not.How To Know If They Filed Schedules 1-3If…Then…Schedule # ___ is Completed1040 or 1040-SR (senior)Line 7a is NOT blank and NOT zero*1Line 8a is NOT blank and NOT zero*1Line 12b is different than the amount in line 12a2Line 13b is different than the amount in line 13a3*Zero is not an amount for this purpose, because zero would be ignored in the calculation of the AGI. Blank, “None”, or “N/A” also is not an amount. A positive or negative figure is an amount indicating there was additional income on Schedule 1, Line 9 that is included in the calculation of the AGI, even if it is negative income.We will most likely NOT have the Schedules submitted with the 1040. You will need to determine if we need to have a Schedule or not. If we do, and don’t have it, complete the checklist, but open a 98 Additional Information checklist and request the missing schedule. Make sure to add a VER comment and send the FFD communication.If we have all of the required schedules, you can complete the checklist and move into FR.Tax Return TranscriptA tax return transcript can be several pages long, depending on information within the tax return.In the above example, we can see what the first page of the tax return transcript looks like. Most transcripts are printed front/back, and it’s very common to miss pages. One way to determine if we have all of the pages of a TRT is to look at the Headers.Income, Adjustments to Income, Tax and Credits, Other Taxes, Payments, Refund or Amount Owed, Third Party Designee, Form 8863, Part III. Please note that some transcripts may have more headers. Make sure you see “This Product Contains Sensitive Taxpayer Data” at the bottom of the transcript. If you have all of the pages of the transcript, you can complete the 25 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If you are missing pages of the transcript, you can complete the 25 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) form requesting the full transcript. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Parent indicated they would have the transcript sent directly to WSU (ProVerify option)If the student indicated their parent would use ProVerify to have the tax transcript sent directly to the IRS, you will see this indicated on their 25 form.If they choose this option, the 25 checklist will be marked as “Received” and the PV checklist will be marked as “Initiated”. As long as the PV checklist is initiated, go ahead and mark the 25 checklist as complete, while leaving the PV checklist as initiated. Do NOT set FR checklist!! After we receive the Transcript via ProVerify, the PV checklist will automatically flip to received. For processing information for the PV checklist, please click here. Parent filed a Puerto Rican or foreign tax returnWe will need one of the following:A signed copy of the Puerto Rican or foreign income tax return (translated to English by student and converted to U.S. dollars as needed); ORA Puerto Rican or foreign transcript (translated to English by student and converted to U.S. dollars as needed) obtained from a government of a U.S. territory or commonwealth, or foreign central government that includes all of the tax filer’s income an tax information required to be verified.If you have all of the pages of one of these items, you can complete the 25 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If you are missing anything, you can complete the 25 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) form requesting the full transcript. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Parent was the victim of IRS Related Identity TheftPlease note that this is different than regular identity theft. IRS related identity theft is when someone files taxes under a SSN that is not their own.We need two things:A copy of the Tax Return Data Base View (TRDBV). This has to be ordered from the IRS. Below is an example.We will need a statement from the parent (signed and dated) stating that they are the victims of IRS related identity theft. This can be a Word document.If you have all these items, you can complete the 25 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If you are missing anything, you can complete the 25 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) form requesting the full transcript. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Parent Worked, But Did Not File TaxesIf a parent said they worked, but did not file taxes, we require 2 things:A copy of ALL W-2s for the parent for that year (see example below)For a parent, we are required to have a copy of the IRS Letter of Non-Filing for that year (see example below).On the 25 form, students now have the option either to upload a copy of their parent’s IRS Letter of Non-Filing (if they already have it) OR they can opt to have their parent use ProVerify (have the IRS send a copy of it directly to WSU.I already have a letter of non-filing and will attach it below.If student selects this option, they will be able to load their parent’s Verification of Non-Filing. If we have both of the items (all parent W-2s and parent IRS Letter of Non-Filing), you can complete the 25 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If we are missing something, you can complete the 25 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whichever document we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! I would like to have the IRS send a copy of my parent(s) Verification of Non-Filing Letter directly to WSUIf the student indicated their parents would use ProVerify to have the IRS Letter of Non-Filing sent directly to the IRS, you will see this indicated on their 25 form.If they choose this option, the 25 checklist will be marked as “Received” and the PV checklist will be marked as “Initiated”. As long as the PV checklist is initiated, go ahead and mark the 25 checklist as complete, while leaving the PV checklist as initiated. Do NOT set FR checklist!! After we receive the Transcript via ProVerify, the PV checklist will automatically flip to received. For processing information for the PV checklist, please click here. If parents are having difficulty obtaining the IRS Letter of Non-Filing or using ProVerify, we can accept an alternative letter in lieu of the IRS LONF. This is a last resort option. For more information regarding this, please see the procedures for the PN checklist here.If we are missing anything, you can complete the 25 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whatever is missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! Parent Did Not Work or File TaxesThe parent will need to obtain a copy of the IRS Letter of Non-Filing for the correct year, along with completing their Non-Filer Expenses and Income Details Worksheet. We need to know how they were supported/paid living expenses. If the Parent indicates they are receiving some sort of benefit (Social Security, Disability, Veterans, etc.), we will need a copy of their yearly statement for the applicable year.I already have a letter of non-filingIf student selects this option, they will be able to load their parent’s Verification of Non-Filing. If we have everything, you can complete the 25 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!If we are missing something, you can complete the 25 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whichever document we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! I would like to have the IRS send a copy of my Verification of Non-Filing Letter directly to WSUIf the student selects this option, you will see this indicated on their 25 form.If they choose this option, the 25 checklist will be marked as “Received” and the PV checklist will be marked as “Initiated”. As long as the PV checklist is initiated, go ahead and mark the 25 checklist as complete, while leaving the PV checklist as initiated. Do NOT set FR checklist!! After we receive the Transcript via ProVerify, the PV checklist will automatically flip to received. For processing information for the PV checklist, please click here. If parents are having difficulty obtaining the IRS Letter of Non-Filing or using ProVerify, we can accept an alternative letter in lieu of the IRS LONF. This is a last resort option. For more information regarding this, please see the procedures for the PN checklist here.If we are missing anything, you can complete the 25 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting the missing information. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form 26 – Student Amended TaxesElectronic signature update: We now have guidance from ED that we can accept electronic signatures on tax returns. This checklist is assigned when we see that a student has amended their taxes. We need two things:Signed copy of the 1040X (Amended tax return); ANDSigned copy of the 1040 (Original tax return) or the tax return transcript.ORCopy of the IRS Record of Account Transcript (acts as both 1040X and 1040)The amended tax return is typically two pages (similar to a regular tax return). Below is an example of the header for the Amended tax return.If we have signed copies of BOTH the 1040X AND the 1040/tax return or tax return transcript, you can complete the 26 checklist, and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists.If they upload the original tax return, we also need Schedules 1-3, if filed. See below for help determining if they filed Schedules 1-3.There are 3 types of Schedules (1, 2, 3) that we are required to verify. We will need both pages for the 1040 form in order to verify if they filed any of these Schedules. See below for examples of what the tax return looks like. In highlighted green, that is where you will look to see if the Schedules were file or not.How To Know If They Filed Schedules 1-3If…Then…Schedule # ___ is Completed1040 or 1040-SR (senior)Line 7a is NOT blank and NOT zero*1Line 8a is NOT blank and NOT zero*1Line 12b is different than the amount in line 12a2Line 13b is different than the amount in line 13a3*Zero is not an amount for this purpose, because zero would be ignored in the calculation of the AGI. Blank, “None”, or “N/A” also is not an amount. A positive or negative figure is an amount indicating there was additional income on Schedule 1, Line 9 that is included in the calculation of the AGI, even if it is negative income.If we are missing something, you can complete the 26 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whichever document we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form 27 – Parent Amended TaxesElectronic signature update: We now have guidance from ED that we can accept electronic signatures on tax returns. This checklist is assigned when we see that a parent has amended their taxes. We need two things:Signed copy of the 1040X (Amended tax return); ANDSigned copy of the 1040 (Original tax return) or the tax return transcript.ORCopy of the IRS Record of Account Transcript (acts as both 1040X and 1040)The amended tax return is typically two pages (similar to a regular tax return). Below is an example of the header for the Amended tax return.If we have signed copies of BOTH the 1040X AND the 1040/tax return or tax return transcript, you can complete the 27 checklist, and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists.If they upload the original tax return, we also need Schedules 1-3, if filed. See below for help determining if they filed Schedules 1-3.There are 3 types of Schedules (1, 2, 3) that we are required to verify. We will need both pages for the 1040 form in order to verify if they filed any of these Schedules. See below for examples of what the tax return looks like. In highlighted green, that is where you will look to see if the Schedules were file or not.How To Know If They Filed Schedules 1-3If…Then…Schedule # ___ is Completed1040 or 1040-SR (senior)Line 7a is NOT blank and NOT zero*1Line 8a is NOT blank and NOT zero*1Line 12b is different than the amount in line 12a2Line 13b is different than the amount in line 13a3*Zero is not an amount for this purpose, because zero would be ignored in the calculation of the AGI. Blank, “None”, or “N/A” also is not an amount. A positive or negative figure is an amount indicating there was additional income on Schedule 1, Line 9 that is included in the calculation of the AGI, even if it is negative income.If we are missing something, you can complete the 27 checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whichever document we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form 28 – Parent Household FormIn this form, we want the student to list every person that lives in their primary parent’s household. The parent must provide over 50% of support for an individual to be listed on the form. So, who should be listed? Ask yourself (and potentially the student) the following questions:Which Parent Do I List Questions?Are the student’s parents married to each other?If yes, list both parents on the form.If no, go to the next question.Do the student’s parents live together?If yes, list both parents on the form.If no, go to the next question.Did the student live with one parent more than the other?If yes, list that parent and their spouse, if remarried.If no, go to the next question.Which parent provided more financial support over the last 12 months?List that parent and their spouse, if remarried.Does the student have siblings? If yes, list all other children (even if they do not live with the parents), if the parents provide more than 50% of support for the academic year or the child can answer No to every dependency question on the FAFSA. Please remember: we do not count siblings in US Military Academies OR Foster Youth in Household Size.If no, don’t list anyone else. Does the parent(s) listed on the form support/have other people living in the household?If yes, list those people, if they have an income, and what the total dollar amount the parent provided for support to that person.If no, don’t list anyone else.If the number in household/number in college do not match the FAFSA exactly, that is okay. Household sizes can change from the time they complete the FAFSA to the time they are selected for verification. If it looks like everyone is listed, go ahead and complete the 28 form, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification documents.If we are missing information, go ahead and complete the 28 form, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) form, requesting whatever information we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! Form 29 – Student Household FormIn this form, we want the student to list every person that lives in their household. The student, or their current spouse, must provide over 50% of support for an individual to be listed on the form. So, who should be listed on the student form? Ask yourself (and potentially the student) the following questions:Is the student married?If yes, list the spouse on the form.If no, don’t list anyone.Does the student have any children?If yes, list them on the form.If no, don’t list anyone.Does the student support/have other people living in the household?If yes, list those people, if they have an income, and what the total dollar amount you provided for support to that person.If no, don’t list anyone else.If the number in household/number in college do not match the FAFSA exactly, that is okay. Household sizes can change from the time they complete the FAFSA to the time they are selected for verification. If it looks like everyone is listed, go ahead and complete the 29 form, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification documents.If we are missing information, go ahead and complete the 29 form, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) form, requesting whatever information we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! Form 43 – Previous DegreeThere are only two options when the student completes this form. Regardless of what they put, all you need to do is complete the 43 checklist and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form 68 – Veteran Status ClarificationThis form is assigned when a student selects they are a veteran on the FAFSA. There are two answers to this form.I Am Not A VeteranIf the student indicated they are not a veteran, they need to log back into the FAFSA and change the Student Data regarding being a veteran to “no.” You can complete the 68 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!I Am A VeteranIf the student selects they are a veteran and meet one of the three criteria listed on the form, they will need to upload a copy of their DD-214. The DD-214 needs to say “Member-4” in the bottom right-had corner of the page (see below example). If the student uploaded the DD-214, you can complete the 68 checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form 98 – Additional InformationThis form is what we use when we need to request any additional information from the student. In other words, they are either missing required information or they completed the form incorrectly. In the case with all 98s, you will need to look to see what additional information we were requesting. The best way to do this is either to look at the latest VER comment under “View Financial Aid Status” or you can click on the 98 checklist, Then click on the “Checklist Management 1” box.Here we can see what the original comment was.If it looks like we have what we requested, go ahead and complete the 98 form, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification documents.If we are still missing information, go ahead and complete the 98 form, and initiate another 98 (Additional Information) form, requesting whatever information we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form AW – Parent Asset VerificationWith this form, we just need to verify 3 things.As long we have dollar amounts listed on the form (including $0), go ahead and complete the AW form, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification documents. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form AX – Student Asset VerificationWith this form, we just need to verify 3 things.As long we have dollar amounts listed on the form (including $0), go ahead and complete the AX form, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification documents. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form BN – Educational BackgroundGraduated w/ a High School Diploma before August of the academic yearIf the student indicated they will have a high school diploma by the August prior to the start of the academic year (example: August 2019, for the 2019-20 academic year).If yes, there is nothing further that needs to be checked. Go ahead and complete the BN checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification pleted High School, but do not have a copy of the diplomaIf the student indicated they completed high school, but they do not have a copy of the diploma, they will need to mark what their anticipated graduation date is.If they listed this date, there is nothing further that needs to be checked. Go ahead and complete the BN checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists.State Certificate or Transcript that is the Equivalent of a High School DiplomaIf the student marked that they a state certificate or transcript received after taking and passing a State-authorized examination (GED test, HiSET, TASC, or other State-authorized examination) that the State recognizes as the equivalent of a high school diploma, we will need a copy of that document.If they supplied us with a copy of the document, there is nothing further that needs to be checked. Go ahead and complete the BN checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists.Education in a Foreign CountryIf the student marked that they completed their education in a foreign country, we will need a copy of their Secondary School Leaving Certificate or other similar document.If they supplied us with a copy of the document, there is nothing further that needs to be checked. Go ahead and complete the BN checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification pleted at least 2 years of applicable credits towards a bachelor’s degreeIf the student indicated that they completed at least two years of applicable credits towards a bachelor’s degree at a community college or junior college, but they do not have a high school diploma or GED, then we need a copy of their academic transcript.If they supplied us with a copy of the document, there is nothing further that needs to be checked. Go ahead and complete the BN checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists.HomeschooledIf the student marked that they were homeschooled, we will need a copy of their Secondary School Completion Credential.If they supplied us with a copy of the document, there is nothing further that needs to be checked. Go ahead and complete the BN checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists.None of the AboveIf they clicked “No” to the homeschool question, they will need to initial next to a statement of “I do not meet any of the requirements listed above and understand I am ineligible to receive financial aid at WSU.If they initialed, there is nothing further that needs to be checked. Go ahead and complete the BN checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists.Form HM – Homeless VerificationThere are 5 ways this can be answered. Please make sure the student has typed in a person statement. As long as we have that, we can complete the HM checklist, and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form IL – Graduate/Professional StatusThis form is used, because information on the FAFSA is different than information listed within My.WSU. The student has the option to select one of four options regarding their student status. Regardless of what they pick, as long as they uploaded the word document (if needed), go ahead and complete the IL checklist and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID # to yours!Form IN – Independence Verification There are 4 ways for a student to complete this form. As long as we have the supporting documentation (if needed), all you need to do is complete the IN checklist, and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form LD- Legal DependentThere are 2 ways for a student to complete this form. As long as everything corresponds to what they indicated, go ahead and complete the LD checklist, and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form LS – Social Security Card RequiredFor this form, we need to have a readable copy of the student’s social security card. If they uploaded a copy of it, you can complete the LS form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing the card or are not able to read it, go ahead and complete the LS form, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) form, requesting a copy of the card. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form MM – NSLDS Data MismatchThis form is assigned when information doesn’t match on the FAFSA and information within NSLDS. This form has two different answers.Has Legally Changed Their NameIf the student indicated they have legally changed their name, we need all three documents: copy of birth certificate, copy of social security card, copy of legal name change paperwork. If we have all three of these things, you can complete the MM checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we do not have all three of these, you can complete the MM checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) form asking for the missing document(s). Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add the VER comment and send the FFD communication. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Has NOT Changed Their NameIf the student indicated they have not legally changed their name, we need both documents: copy of birth certificate and copy of social security card. If we have both of these things, you can complete the MM checklist, and move into file review, if there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we do not have both of these, you can complete the MM checklist, and initiate the 98 (Additional Information) form asking for the missing document(s). Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add the VER comment and send the FFD communication. Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form NZ – Citizenship and Date of Birth VerificationThis is a form that has to be printed and completed by the student, and then either notarized or have a member of WSU SFS validate it. This can be done by any SFS member at any branch location. There are two pages to the form. Please verify that both pages have been completed.We need both pages of the document, along with a copy of their documentation in order to complete this checklist. PLEASE SEE COVID-19 UPDATES FOR NEW INFORMATION.Page 1 consists of the following screenshot. Page 2 consists of the following screenshots. *Note: Due to COVID-19, Page 2 may not be part of the form the student has completed. The above section only needs to be completed if the student took it to a notary. The above section only needs to be completed if the student took it to a SFS member. We also need a copy of the documentation that was presented to the notary/SFS staff member. Please see the following screenshot for acceptable documentation. PLEASE SEE COVID-19 UPDATES FOR NEW INFORMATION.Eligible CitizenIf the student indicated they are an eligible citizen, please make sure we have both pages of the form, along with a copy of either their U.S birth certificate, naturalization papers, or U.S. Passport.If we have everything we need, you can complete the NZ form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing anything, go ahead and complete the NZ form, and initiate another NZ (Citizenship Verification) form, requesting they complete it again due to missing information. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Eligible Non-CitizenIf the student indicated they are an eligible non-citizen, please make sure they have added their Alien Registration Number to the FAFSA. We will also need both pages of the form completed, along with a copy of their documentation showing they are an eligible non-citizen. PLEASE SEE COVID-19 UPDATES FOR NEW INFORMATION.If we have everything we need, you can complete the NZ form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing anything, go ahead and complete the NZ form, and initiate another NZ (Citizenship Verification) form, requesting they complete it again due to missing information. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form PN – Parent Non-Filing VerificationThis form can be used if the parent and/or parent’s spouse is having difficulty receiving the IRS Letter of Non-Filing. In order to be eligible to use this form, the parent or spouse MUST have attempted to order the IRS Letter of Non-Filing at least 10 business days prior to completing this form. They can attempt to order the IRS Letter of Non-Filing either by ProVerify (status of rejected or missing, or never actually used ProVerify) OR through the IRS (online, fax, or mail).This is an optional form to be completed on our website. Typically, a verification team member will have directed the student to complete this form.Once we have this form, go ahead and mark the PN checklist as complete. Do a review of the account and if we have everything, go ahead and set the File Review checklist. If we are missing something, please set the appropriate checklist and ask the student for it.Form PV - ProVerify Checklist When a PV checklist is marked as “Initiated”, it means that the student/parent has opted to use ProVerify to have either their IRS Record of Account Transcript sent to WSU to act as either IRS Letter of Non-Filing OR the IRS Tax Return Transcript. Processing steps are as follows:Do NOT flip the PV checklist to received! This will happen automatically when we receive the transcript from ProVerify. Just leave it alone.When a PV checklist is marked as “Received”, it means that ProVerify has submitted the IRS Record of Account Transcript. This transcript acts as both the IRS Letter of Non-Filing AND the IRS Tax Return Transcript. Processing steps are as follows:Check Imaging to see if we have the PE checklist (ProEd Transcript) uploaded.If yes, mark the PV checklist as complete, review account to determine if we are missing anything, and set either File Review or Additional Information as needed.If no, leave the PV checklist as initiated until we have the transcript uploaded. If it has been longer than 24 hrs, please let Kalyn or Claudia know for follow-up.Form QE – Questionable EnrollmentWhen you come across a QE checklist, you will notice there are no forms within Imaging. In fact, there are no forms at all. In all cases of processing the QE, as a doc reviewer, all you need to do is complete the checklist, and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. You do not need to put on a comment or send a communication on the student’s account. The file review team will process the QE.The QE requires access into NSLDS to be completed, which is why doc reviewers do not process them.Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form SI – Statement of Educational Purpose This form requires that the student print out the form in order to complete it. It also needs to be verified by a staff member at WSU Student Financial Services (any branch) OR by a notary. PLEASE SEE COVID-19 UPDATES FOR NEW INFORMATION. The student MUST complete the “Student Information” section. If an SFS member completes the form, then they only need to do the “Statement of Educational Purpose” section. If a notary completes it, then we need all 3 sections completed, with the exception of the WSU Staff signature line. We also need a copy of the photo identification that was presented to the SFS member or notary. PLEASE SEE COVID-19 UPDATES FOR NEW INFORMATION.If we have everything we need, you can complete the SI form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing anything, go ahead and complete the SI form, and initiate another SI (Statement of Educational Purpose) form, requesting they complete it again due to missing information. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Form SN – Student Non-Filing VerificationThis form can be used if the student and/or student’s spouse is having difficulty receiving the IRS Letter of Non-Filing. In order to be eligible to use this form, the student or spouse MUST have attempted to order the IRS Letter of Non-Filing at least 10 business days prior to completing this form. They can attempt to order the IRS Letter of Non-Filing either by ProVerify (status of marked or missing, or never actually used ProVerify) OR through the IRS (online, fax, or mail).This is an optional form to be completed on our website. Typically, a verification team member will have directed the student to complete this form.Once we have this form, go ahead and mark the SN checklist as complete. Do a review of the account and if we have everything, go ahead and set the File Review checklist. If we are missing something, please set the appropriate checklist and ask the student for it.Form UA – Selective Service VerificationMale, U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen, 18 but not yet 26If the student selected this option, we will need to have him register for the Selective Service.We will need a copy of their Selective Service Registration, along with some documentation that shows date of birth (U.S. driver’s license, state ID, birth certificate, or passport).If we have everything we need, you can complete the UA form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing anything, go ahead and complete the UA form, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whatever information we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Male, U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen, never registered for the Selective ServiceIf the student selected this option, we will need to have him register for the Selective Service.We will need a copy of their Selective Service Registration, along with some documentation that shows date of birth (U.S. driver’s license, state ID, birth certificate, or passport).If we have everything we need, you can complete the UA form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing anything, go ahead and complete the UA form, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whatever information we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!FemaleIf the student selected this option, we will need a copy of their documentation that show shows gender and date of birth. Please note that at this time, the Dept of Education recognizes the gender at birth. If a transgender student was born female, they do not need to register for Selective Service. If a transgender student was born male, they will need to register for Selective Service. Both cases are true, even if the student underwent reassignment surgery.We will need a copy of their documentation that shows gender and date of birth (U.S. driver’s license, state ID, birth certificate, or passport).If we have everything we need, you can complete the UA form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing anything, go ahead and complete the UA form, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whatever information we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Armed Services Active Duty If the student selected this option, we need a copy of their active duty military ID, along with a copy of documentation showing date of birth.We will need a copy of their documentation that shows active duty status and date of birth (U.S. driver’s license, state ID, birth certificate, or passport).If we have everything we need, you can complete the UA form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing anything, go ahead and complete the UA form, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whatever information we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Not Yet 18If the student selected this option, we need a copy of their documentation showing their date of birth.We will need a copy of their documentation that shows date of birth (U.S. driver’s license, state ID, birth certificate, or passport).If we have everything we need, you can complete the UA form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing anything, go ahead and complete the UA form, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whatever information we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Born Before 1960If the student selected this option, we need a copy of their documentation showing their date of birth.We will need a copy of their documentation that shows date of birth (U.S. driver’s license, state ID, birth certificate, or passport).If we have everything we need, you can complete the UA form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing anything, go ahead and complete the UA form, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whatever information we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Federated States of Micronesia or the Marshall Islands, or permanent resident of PalauIf the student selected this option, we need a copy of their documentation showing their residency of the Federated States of Micronesia or the Marshall Islands, or a permanent resident of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Palau).We will need a copy of their documentation that shows residency and date of birth (birth certificate or passport).If we have everything we need, you can complete the UA form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing anything, go ahead and complete the UA form, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whatever information we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Male, Released from Active Duty Before Turning 26If the student selected this option, we need a copy of their DD-214, along with a copy of their documentation showing their date of birth.We will need a copy of their documentation that shows DD-214 and date of birth (U.S. driver’s license, state ID, birth certificate, or passport).If we have everything we need, you can complete the UA form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing anything, go ahead and complete the UA form, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whatever information we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours!Non-Citizen, Enter U.S. After Turning 26If the student selected this option, we need a copy of their Official Immigration Entry Document that shows the first date of entry.We will need a copy of their documentation that shows first day of entry into the U.S. and date of birth (U.S. driver’s license, state ID, birth certificate, or passport).If we have everything we need, you can complete the UA form and move into file review, as long as there are no other outstanding verification checklists. If we are missing anything, go ahead and complete the UA form, and initiate a 98 (Additional Information) checklist, requesting whatever information we are missing. Check the standard comments for a template for your 3 C’s. Don’t forget to add a “VER” comment and send the “FFD” communication! Don’t forget to change the WSU ID to yours! ................

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