Richmond County School System

ASSIGNMENT: Write a 30-second TV commercial script. Submit script only by Thursday, April 2, 2020-Figure out what you want to sell. It can be a made up product that doesn’t exist. A fantasy item that you think would be something great to have since we have been quarantined. OR it can be anything you might want to write a commercial for that you have an example around your house: soda product, bicycle, bedding, your little brother…. Hahahahah! Or it can be a new ad for a commercial that already exists. Like a new State Farm ad. Or a new milk ad. Or a new Lincoln car ad. Or a new Liberty Mutual, etc.-Figure out your audience. Who is going to buy the product? Teenagers? People your parent’s age? Children? -Speak the language of your target audience. (, people your age, twenty year olds, parents age, etc.-Keep language and ideas simple.1- Watch the video from the first site.2- Then watch the tutorial from second site. It will help you set up the template.3- The other two sites are just some more examples.4- Figure out how you will eventually shoot this. Are you going to be the filmmaker and your little sister is going to be the actor? Are you going to shoot yourself as a selfie? Are you going to ask someone in your house (sister, mom, etc) to film you? Are you going to try to edit some of you, some of your sister or mom, and some video you pull from online (like a car racing on a street)? Or are you only going to attempt to edit in music and have yourself talking the whole time?5 – You only have to write the script this week and upload it to the Teams page by Thursday.6- Try to have as much fun with this as possible. And don’t STRESS! Make it as fun as possible within your abilities to edit online without much help!How to write a TV Commercial sites: to set up the template: on how to write a unique ad: are some examples of 30-second commercial spots: ................

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