Who Was St. Patrick? Was He a Real Person? - La Harpe, Kansas

MARCH NEWSLETTER ?Idea of Daylight-Saving Timeright000The idea of daylight saving was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin (portrait at right) during his sojourn as an American delegate in Paris in 1784, in an essay, "An Economical Project." Some of Franklin's friends, inventors of a new kind of oil lamp, were so taken by the scheme that they continued corresponding with Franklin even after he returned to America. The idea was first advocated seriously by London builder William Willett (1857-1915) in the pamphlet, "Waste of Daylight"?(1907), that proposed advancing clocks 20 minutes on each of four Sundays in April, and retarding them by the same amount on four Sundays in September. As he was taking an early morning a ride through Petts Wood, near Croydon, Willett was struck by the fact that the blinds of nearby houses were closed, even though the sun was fully risen. When questioned as to why he didn't simply get up an hour earlier, Willett replied with typical British humor, "What?" In his pamphlet "The Waste of Daylight" he wrote:"Everyone appreciates the long, light evenings. Everyone laments their shortage as Autumn approaches; and everyone has given utterance to regret that the clear, bright light of an early morning during Spring and Summer months is so seldom seen or used." This year, St. Patrick’s Day will be observed on Tuesday, March 17.Although the holiday originally?started as a Christian feast day celebrating the life of St. Patrick and the spreading of Christianity to Ireland, today, it is a day of revelry and a celebration of all things Irish. Look for local St. Patrick’s Day parades, 5k runs, and other festivities to celebrate—just?don’t forget to wear?green!Who Was St. Patrick? Was He a Real?Person?Saint?Patrick is the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. He?is credited with successfully spreading Christianity throughout Ireland—hence the Christian celebration?of his?life and?name.Why Is the Shamrock Associated With St. Patrick’s?Day?We wear a shamrock on St. Patrick’s Day because, legend says, St. Patrick used its three leaves to explain the Holy Trinity in his teachings. (The Trinity is the Father, the Son, and the Spirit as three divine persons who are one divine being [God].)?The truth of the St. Patrick legend, however, is in question, as there is no direct record that the saint actually used the shamrock as a teaching?tool.Note: The symbol of St. Patrick?is a three-leaf shamrock, not a four-leaf clover. However, long before the shamrock became associated with St. Patrick’s Day, the four-leaf clover was regarded by ancient Celts as a charm against evil spirits.?In the early 1900s, O. H. Benson, an Iowa school superintendent, came up with the idea of using a clover as the emblem for a newly founded agricultural club for children in his area. In 1911, the four-leaf clover was chosen as the emblem for the national club program, later named?4-H. Spring Equinox 2020: The First Day of Spring When Is the First Day of Spring in 2020?On Thursday, March 19, 2020, at 11:50 p.m. EDT, we welcome the official arrival of spring with the Vernal Equinox. This is the moment in the Northern Hemisphere when the Sun crosses the equator and the days and nights are equal in hours.Traditionally, we’ve celebrated the first day of spring on March 21, but astronomers and calendar manufacturers alike now say that the spring season starts one day earlier, March 20th, in all time zones in North America. Yet believe it or not, we greet spring in 2020 on Thursday, March 19, 2020! Even earlier!How could the first day of spring change from year to year?There are a few reasons why seasonal dates can vary from year to year. The first is that a year is not an even number of days and neither are the seasons.Another reason is that the earth’s elliptical orbit is changing its orientation (skew), which causes the earth’s axis to constantly point in a different direction, called precession. Since the seasons are defined as beginning at strict 90-degree intervals, these positional changes affect the time the earth reaches each 90-degree location in its orbit around the sun.The pull of gravity from the other planets also affects the location of the earth in its orbit. The current seasonal lengths for the Northern Hemisphere are:Summer — 93.641 daysAutumn — 89.834 daysWinter — 88.994 daysSpring — 92.771 daysAs you can see, the warm seasons, spring and summer, combined are 7.584 days longer than the colder seasons, fall and winter (good news for warm weather admirers).However, spring is currently being reduced by approximately one minute per year and winter by about one-half a minute per year. Summer is gaining the minute lost from spring, and autumn is gaining the half a minute lost from winter. Winter is the shortest astronomical season, and with its seasonal duration continuing to decrease, it is expected to attain its minimum value — 88.71 days — by about the year 3500.Length of Day Vs. NightAnother complication revolving around the vernal equinox concerns the length of day versus night. We have been taught that on the first days of spring and autumn, the day and night are equal to exactly 12 hours all over the world. Yet, if you check the calendar pages in our Almanac, you will find that this is not so. In fact, our tables tell you that on the days of the spring and fall equinox, the length of daylight is actually longer than darkness by several minutes.The reason this happens can be attributed to our atmosphere. If the earth was a planet that did not have an atmosphere, then yes, on the equinox days the length of the day and night would be exactly even.However, our atmosphere acts like a lens and refracts (bends) its light above the edge of the horizon. Put in another way, when you watch the Sun either coming up above the horizon at sunrise, or going down below the horizon at sunset, you are looking at an illusion — the Sun is not really there, but already below the horizon.As a result, we actually end up seeing the Sun for a few minutes before its disc actually rises and for a few minutes after it has actually set. Thus, thanks to atmospheric refraction, the length of daylight on any given day is increased by approximately six or seven minutes. ?LOCAL NEWSAre you in need of grocery delivery service? Call 620-228-5570 for more information on this service.La Harpe Days T-Shirts available at City Hall.FREE Blood pressure & blood glucose clinic at La Harpe Senior Center – 111 S. Main St, La Harpe. Sponsored by Senior Life Solutions. If you need assistance after-hours please call the Iola Dispatch Center at (620) 365-1437, they will notify the proper personnel. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL LAHARPE CITIZENS CELEBRATING A BIRTHDAY THIS MONTH!!!! MAY YOUR DAY BE AS SPECIAL AS YOU ARE TO US! THE ANNUAL DOG CLINIC IS CHANGING. Take your animals to the Red Barn Veterinary Clinic located at 1520 – 1300 St. IolaTHE COST OF SHOTSAnnual or Rabies - $26.50Annual & Rabies - $29.00Kennel Cough - $12.50They will be offering the above prices from March 1, 2020 – April 30, 2020. The office charge for the above services will be waived if you show them your City of La Harpe utility bill for resident verification. PLEASE CALL 620-365-3964 TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT BEFORE April 30, 2020. (Note: Tags will be issued after current rabies vaccination) RATHER NOT DRIVE IN TO IOLA TO GET YOUR DOG(S) VACCINATED, WELL YOUR IN LUCK! ON SATURDAY, APRIL 4TH LORA HOLEMAN, WITH BRONSON VETERINARY CLINIC, WILL BE ON SIGHT FROM 1:30PM – 3:30PM. MORE INFO WILL BE PROVIDED AS SOON AS I HAVE IT.Dates to remember: March 11th: COUNCIL MEETING AT CITY HALL AT 7:00 P.M. March 16th: PRIDE Meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall March 25th: Past due Utility shut off date. If you can’t pay your account in full at this time then you must submit your reasoning to the City Clerk BEFORE March 25th.CITY COUNCIL NEWSCITIZENS CALL FOR BUSINESSRuth Jackson shared her idea of having a senior bus for La Harpe residents that will go to other places than just Iola. She stated she had spoken with Thrive about a possible grant to fund this and the SER program could pay for a driver. She stated there was 5 to 6 residents that would like to go to places that the senior bus can’t do now; like go to Chanute or a function at the Bowlus or maybe even Dairy Queen. Mayor Crowell stated she will visit with Marcia Davis and find out what grants are available.Marcia Davis shared a budget worksheet and narrative template on the Health Forward Foundation Grant, she pointed out that she added CPR/AED Training because it would help strengthen the grant request. She noted that she had spoken with Iola’s Fire Chief and he said the average response time to La Harpe could be 8-12 minutes. Ron Knavel mentioned La Harpe’s Fire Department has also been trained. Marcia was unaware of that and Fire Chief, Marc Waggoner confirmed that half of the firefighters were trained. Sharlyn Thompson asked about the park bathrooms being ADA accessible and Danny Ware Jr stated, you can make it usable but not in compliance. Sharlyn Thompson also asked clarification on a teeter totter; can we have one or not. Mayor Crowell asked Michelle to get with the insurance company and find out.Ray Maloney invited everyone to go out to the tech center and look at the mini homes that are going up. This fall there will be a nursing class added which is being sponsored by Neosho County. Ray asked where we were on the ordinance for the tiny homes and Mayor Crowell stated we have everything covered. Ray was wondering if the City had any property, they would be willing to donate so that a mini home could be set on it. Danny Ware Jr asked if the plan was to build one a year or more. Ray said for right now they will be doing one. Austin Lee asked how big the homes were; Ray stated they are 2-bedroom, kitchen, living room. The living area would be 576 square feet with an 8-foot porch. Ray also requested a bigger transformer for a piece of equipment he is wanting to buy. Mike Hedman stated he would get with Ray and find out what he is needing. Richard Luken asked to reserve City Hall on April 11, 2020 as a backup plan for the Easter Egg hunt. Michelle stated she would look at that and get back to him.NEW BUSINESSCity owned lots – Michelle stated there was individual wanting to build in La Harpe and would like to know what they Council is doing with the vacant lots. The Council would like to know what we have vested in the properties. This item will be on the March agenda.Heating at City Hall – Danny Ware Jr stated that he has been in touch with Dale Dickson on the units and he needs to come over and look at things a little better. His billing rate is $170.00 an hour and he thought it may be an 8-10-hour job, and he would assist us in looking over the bids. Mayor Crowell asked the Council if this was something we wanted to do and Ron Knavel stated we need to. Danny Ware Jr made the motion to hire Dale Dickson. Austin Lee seconded. Motion carried 5-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESSACARF Contract – Fred stated he has done up a similar contract with the City of Humboldt. Mayor Crowell stated in the past they have use our kennels at no charge and if we have to pay then they should as well. Mayor Crowell also mentioned a lot of our problems are dump offs. Fred stated he would look more into this and try to come up with something.Lease on County Fire Barn – Fred will work on this.Contract with Floyd Sinclair – Mike Hedman stated the City would be better off purchasing the truck, the truck is working well and at the time I don’t see any other options. Mayor Crowell was worried about it not passing inspection, she suggested Mike do some looking to see what you can find and for now just contract with Floyd. Mike stated we do have an offer for the old digger truck. The Mayor stated since it is a City vehicle, we do have to put it up for bids.Contract with Darrell Baughn - Fred stated he had sent that but Michelle reminded him that Mike Hedman was not happy with the wording. After discussion about the assistance that Darrell will provide it made more sense to Mike, therefore the contract is good to go the way it is.REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERSFred Works, City Attorney – Shared with the Council that it is not a good idea to not send out some sort of notice that utilities will be shut off if not paid, it protects the City to mail out the notice. After some discussion Fred and Michelle will get together and come up with something on the utility bills.Chuck Richey, Water District Representative- Absent from meeting.Mike Jewell, Police Chief – Shared his report for the month; 19 case numbers, 17 citations, 9 warnings and 8 calls. He stated everything has been running fine and there are no other issues.Penny Miller, Code/Animal Control – shared her report for the month. She mentioned that she took 2 dogs to ACARF this month and has been meeting with Fred on a few things and hoping to share something soon. She has also sent out quite a few reminders on dog tags.Marc Waggoner, Fire Chief- Mentioned he spoke with Dana, with the City of Iola, on the fire hydrants and we need to dig them up to see what size they are and what size of line they are hooked to. He told Michelle we could order them through our water supplier and would probably run around $1500.00 to $2500.00. Mayor Crowell asked how many hydrants and Marc stated there were 3 for sure. He also mentioned that he ordered an air packet system, for the County side, to fill our own bottles. January’s meeting minutes were also shared; Present: Marc Waggoner Sr., Dennis Sidebottom, Jeremy Kinzer, Marc Waggoner Jr., Michael Waggoner, Luke Chenowith, Mathew Waggoner and William Gay. Absent were Ronald Splechter, Tori Danford, Ronald Richardson, Josh Sparks, Meghan Waggoner and Craig Trester. Had fire meeting, discussed more SCBA training so we will do more training next month and more training on running trucks, then we ended the meeting. Next meeting will be February, 2020.Michelle Altis, City clerk- Had nothing to report.Mike Headman – Mentioned the tool inventory was completed, there are a few items that we may need. He also shares that the crew will be using a 4-wheeler to read the water meters west of town, I have a small travel trailer to transport and have spoken to all homeowners and they are fine with us doing that. Mayor Crowell was concerned about the usage of his personnel 4-wheeler, Fred stated he could work up a contract for Mike to sign giving the City authorization to use it. Mayor Crowell also asked Fred about the City hanging a gate on a customer’s property, stating the customer was okay with it and was purchasing everything needed. Fred suggested the customer be present when they do the work. Mayor Crowell expressed concerns of leaving ruts on the customer’s property. Fred stated that he could work up a blank form for the customers to sign to grant the City permission in using a 4-wheeler on their property. Mike also mentioned with the heavy moisture Terry McDonald’s water meter will have to be estimated until the pond water drops. Mayor Crowell suggested look into moving the water meter away from the pond. Mayor: City Attorney: Ella Mae Crowell (496-6219) Fred Works City Municipal Judge: Police Chief: Patricia Miklos Michael Jewell Fire Chief: City Clerk: Marc Waggoner Michelle Altis Assistant City Clerk: City Treasurer: Penny Ebert Teresa Driskel Maintenance Staff: Code/Animal Control Mike Hedman – City SuperintendentPenny Miller Penny Miller & Dereck Ranes City Council Members: Austin Lee (496-2323) Danny Ware Jr. (496-2156) Cynthia Carr (496-7500) Sharlyn Thompson (496-3348) Ron Knavel (496-2508) Laharpe City Hall Hours: Monday-Friday 902 S. Washington 8:00-12:00 & 1:00-5:00 P.O. Box 10 Ph. (620) 496-2241 Laharpe, KS. 66751 Fax (620) 496-2240 CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE; Instant Pot Egg Casserole Ingredients8 large eggs1/2 cup whole milk1 teaspoon kosher salt, divided1/2 teaspoon black pepper, divided1 teaspoon olive oil8 ounces breakfast sausage links (about 5 links)1 cup chopped yellow onion (from 1 medium onion)1 cup chopped red bell pepper (from 1 medium bell pepper)2 Tbsp. minced fresh chives4 ounces mild cheddar cheese, shredded (about 1 cup)1 cup waterSour cream, for servingHow to Make It Step 1Whisk together eggs and milk in a medium bowl until well combined. Stir in 1/2 teaspoon of the salt and 1/4 teaspoon of the black pepper. Set aside.Step 2Set the Instant Pot to “Sauté.” Add oil, and heat until oil shimmers. Add the sausage links, and cook, stirring often, until browned, about 4 minutes. Add onion and bell pepper; cook, stirring often, until vegetables are tender and onion is translucent, 4 to 5 minutes. Stir in the chives and remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Remove sausage mixture from Instant Pot.Step 3Line the outside of an 8-inch springform pan with aluminum foil. Spread cheese evenly on bottom of pan. Top evenly with sausage mixture.4. Place the grate insert (or a trivet or steamer basket) inside the Instant Pot. Pour water into the Instant Pot. Place prepared pan on the grate insert in Instant Pot. Pour egg mixture over sausage mixture. Cover the Instant Pot, and set to 12 minutes on High pressure.Step 4Carefully release the pressure valve according to manufacturer’s instructions. Removelid, and let stand 10 minutes. Using aluminum foil or tongs, remove the pan from theInstant Pot. Remove the casserole from the pan, and cut into 8 slices. Serve warm or at room temperature with sour cream. Instant Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage Ingredients4-5 garlic cloves4 cups water2.5-3 lb. corned beef brisket - including spice packet2 lbs petite red potatoes - quartered3 cups baby carrots1 head green cabbage - cut into large wedgesInstructionsPlace corned beef brisket, spice packet, garlic and 4 cups of water into the instant pot. I used the rack to keep the brisket off the bottom of the pot.Cook on 90 minutes using the meat/stew setting or high pressure for 90 minutes. Once time is up, quick release pressure. Remove corned beef to a platter and cover with foil. Let rest while cooking the vegetables.Without discarding liquid, add potatoes, carrots, and cabbage to pressure cooker, you may remove the rack if desired.Cook at high pressure for 4-5 minutes. Do a quick pressure release before removing vegetables. Instant Pot Banana BreadIngredients3 Ripe Bananas, mashed 1/2 cup Butter, softened 1/2 cup Brown Sugar 1/2 cup White Sugar 2 Eggs, beaten 1 tsp Vanilla 1/4 cup Buttermilk (or Sour Cream) 2 cups All Purpose Flour, sifted 1 tsp Baking Soda 1 tsp Baking Powder 1/4 tsp Cinnamon 1/2 tsp Salt InstructionsAdd 1 1/2 cups of water to the inner liner of the pressure cooker (2 cups if using the 8 qt).Spray the cake pan with baking spray and set aside.In a mixing bowl, mash the ripe bananas using a fork.In another mixing bowl, use a hand mixer to cream the butter and sugars together.Add the beaten eggs and vanilla to the creamed butter/sugar mixture. Use a spoon to mix well.Stir the bananas and sour cream/buttermilk into the butter/sugar mixture and mix well.In another mixing bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and salt.Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and gently stir by hand, until just moistened.Spoon the batter into prepared cake/bundt pan and cover with foil, leaving some room for the bread to rise a little. Gently crimp the edges.Set the trivet on the counter, and put the cake/bundt pan on it. Carefully place it in the pot using the handles. Close the lid and set the steam release knob to the Sealing position.Press the Pressure Cook/Manual button or dial, then the +/- button or dial to select 50 minutes for a bundt style pan, and 55 minutes for a regular 7" pan. High pressure.After the cook time is finished, let the pot sit undisturbed for 15 minutes (15 minute natural release). Then turn the steam release knob to the Venting position to release the remaining steam/pressure.After all of the pressure is out and the pin in the lid drops down, open it and use silicone mitts or pot holders to very carefully remove the cake/bundt pan from the pressure cooker, using the trivet handles.Carefully remove the foil, and let the banana bread sit for 10-15 minutes to cool a bit. Then release the bread from the pan onto a plate. Either invert the pan, or with a push pan, set it on a can and gently push the pan down.Serve the banana bread warm, slathered in butter, or let it cool and drizzle with my Vanilla Icing Glaze.Tools You'll Need6 qt or 8 qt Electric Pressure Cooker Trivet with handles Mixing Bowls Hand Mixer 6 cup Bundt or Cake Pan (7" is ideal) Baking Spray Foil ................

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