445674453358CHECK LIST FOR LCCA REPORTSExisting Pavement:Project Type/Category:S. No.Itemsto ReviewItems Need to be Checked√ / XRemarks1,2,3GeneralCheck Cross section, layout plan, Location / ClimateRegion, Procedures & Assumptions for inputs4Calculate Lane miles5Check Report format (segments of projects-mainline, localroads, travel way, shoulders, ramps etc)6Check Different Alternatives, reasonable or NOT as per location of the project7Existing Level of Service (LOS)8LCCA FormCheck LCCA form is filled as per PDP Manual, Appendix OO guidelines or NOT (check reasons recorded for preferred and rejected alternatives)9MaterialReportCheck Material Report, Approved/reviewed or NOT10Check R-Value and TI Bases11Check structural section for all alternatives12Traffic DataCheck source of Traffic data (TI, AADT)/Traffic ForecastingUnit memo?13AADT: current, construction, 20 & 40 year14Annual growth rate15Check Added Time and vehicle Stopping Cost16Truck %age (SUT & Combination Truck %age)17Initial CostCheck Estimate Quantities and units (calculate total quantityif selected one alternative)18Check Initial Cost Estimate (specially JPCP or any other competing alternative unit cost & quantities etc): write: -Total Cost:19Considered forLCCA:20Future CostCheck Maintenance / Rehabilitation Cost multiplier: -21Calculate Lane-miles22Check Maintenance, MSL, & Rehabilitation frequencies23User Cost24RealCost 2.5.4 CAWork Zone Duration Days: Initial Construction (0 days), Rehabilitations (?)25Period of lane closure (lane closure chart from TMP ?)26Check warnings & errors27Compare results00CHECK LIST FOR LCCA REPORTSExisting Pavement:Project Type/Category:S. No.Itemsto ReviewItems Need to be Checked√ / XRemarks1,2,3GeneralCheck Cross section, layout plan, Location / ClimateRegion, Procedures & Assumptions for inputs4Calculate Lane miles5Check Report format (segments of projects-mainline, localroads, travel way, shoulders, ramps etc)6Check Different Alternatives, reasonable or NOT as per location of the project7Existing Level of Service (LOS)8LCCA FormCheck LCCA form is filled as per PDP Manual, Appendix OO guidelines or NOT (check reasons recorded for preferred and rejected alternatives)9MaterialReportCheck Material Report, Approved/reviewed or NOT10Check R-Value and TI Bases11Check structural section for all alternatives12Traffic DataCheck source of Traffic data (TI, AADT)/Traffic ForecastingUnit memo?13AADT: current, construction, 20 & 40 year14Annual growth rate15Check Added Time and vehicle Stopping Cost16Truck %age (SUT & Combination Truck %age)17Initial CostCheck Estimate Quantities and units (calculate total quantityif selected one alternative)18Check Initial Cost Estimate (specially JPCP or any other competing alternative unit cost & quantities etc): write: -Total Cost:19Considered forLCCA:20Future CostCheck Maintenance / Rehabilitation Cost multiplier: -21Calculate Lane-miles22Check Maintenance, MSL, & Rehabilitation frequencies23User Cost24RealCost 2.5.4 CAWork Zone Duration Days: Initial Construction (0 days), Rehabilitations (?)25Period of lane closure (lane closure chart from TMP ?)26Check warnings & errors27Compare resultsEA#: Dated: X = LCCA/or HDM guidelines not followed or incorrect information√ = LCCA/or HDM guidelines followed and information provided correct ................

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