Lund debate society

center19875500Bylaws forLund Debate Society Adopted by the annual meeting on April 14, 2020Table of contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u ARTICLE 1: GENERAL STATUTES PAGEREF _Toc51225975 \h 3Section 1: Name PAGEREF _Toc51225976 \h 3Section 2: Purpose PAGEREF _Toc51225977 \h 3Section 3: Activities PAGEREF _Toc51225978 \h 3Section 4: Year of operation PAGEREF _Toc51225979 \h 3Section 5: Location PAGEREF _Toc51225980 \h 3ARTICLE 2: MEMBERSHIP PAGEREF _Toc51225981 \h 3Section 1: Membership PAGEREF _Toc51225982 \h 3Section 2: Membership fee PAGEREF _Toc51225983 \h 3Section 3: Support membership PAGEREF _Toc51225984 \h 3ARTICLE 3: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING PAGEREF _Toc51225985 \h 4Section 1: Function PAGEREF _Toc51225986 \h 4Section 2: Ordinary annual general meeting PAGEREF _Toc51225987 \h 4Section 3: Extra annual general meeting PAGEREF _Toc51225988 \h 5Section 4: Nomination Committee PAGEREF _Toc51225989 \h 5ARTICLE 4: THE BOARD PAGEREF _Toc51225990 \h 5Section 1: Funktion PAGEREF _Toc51225991 \h 5Section 2: Composition PAGEREF _Toc51225992 \h 6Section 3: Committees PAGEREF _Toc51225993 \h 6Section 4: Vacant board positions PAGEREF _Toc51225994 \h 6ARTICLE 5: AUDITORS PAGEREF _Toc51225995 \h 6ARTICLE 6: BYLAWS PAGEREF _Toc51225996 \h 6Section 1: Interpretation PAGEREF _Toc51225997 \h 6Section 2: Precedence PAGEREF _Toc51225998 \h 6Section 3: Amendment PAGEREF _Toc51225999 \h 7ARTICLE 7: DISBANDMENT PAGEREF _Toc51226000 \h 7ARTICLE 8: EQUITY COMMITTEE PAGEREF _Toc51226001 \h 7Section 1: Inclusion Policy PAGEREF _Toc51226002 \h 7Section 2: Task PAGEREF _Toc51226003 \h 7Section 3: Privacy PAGEREF _Toc51226004 \h 7Section 4: Work process PAGEREF _Toc51226005 \h 7Section 5: Violation of the code of conduct PAGEREF _Toc51226006 \h 7Section 6: Code of Conduct PAGEREF _Toc51226007 \h 8ARTICLE 1: GENERAL STATUTESSection 1: NameThe name of the association is Lund Debate Society.Section 2: PurposeThe association shall promote critical thinking and public debate among students at Lund University, mainly through the "British Parliamentary style" debate. Section 3: ActivitiesThe association shall achieve its purpose by arranging debates on current and interesting social issues,byorganizing participation in national and international debate competitions and, by offering courses in rhetoric, debate format and argumentation analysis.The association must be politically and religiously independent.Section 4: Year of operationThe association's year of operation extends from the first day of July to the last day of June. Section 5: LocationThe Board has its seat in Lund.ARTICLE 2: MEMBERSHIPSection 1: MembershipThe right to membership belongs to a student at Lund University who is also a member of the Academic Association. A member is one who has applied for membership with the secretary and fulfilled his obligations under this charter. A member can resign from the association by notifying the association's secretary. A member can be expelled by decision of the annual meeting. Such a decision shall be taken by a simple two - thirds majority. Decisions on exclusion can only be made on the proposal of the board.Section 2: Membership feeMember must pay membership fee each semester. The annual meeting decides on the size of the membership fee.Section 3: Support membershipA person who cannot acquire membership under 2: 1 can sign a support membership in the organization. Support member acquires the same rights as a regular member, except for the right to vote at the ordinary annual meeting, member meetings, or be elected to the board. Support member can join, resign, and be excluded in the same way as an ordinary member according to 2:1.ARTICLE 3: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGSection 1: FunctionThe annual meeting is the association's highest decision-making body.The annual meeting consists of all members of the association. Voting rights at the meeting of the annual meeting accrue to all members present. A member may not vote in decisions on discharge from liability for his own person. The right to speak at the meeting accrue to members and support members. Non-members can be co-opted with the right to speak.The annual meeting makes decisions by a simple majority unless stated otherwise in the bylaws. In the election for a position, the person or persons who have received the most votes are elected. In the case of personal elections with more than two candidates for a single position, voting takes place with a single transferable vote. In the event of an equal number of votes, the election is decided by drawing lots.Section 2: Ordinary annual general meetingThe ordinary annual general meeting will be held annually in March.. Notice of an ordinary annual general meeting and the proposed agenda shall be sent in writing to all members no later than three weeks before the meeting. All documents belonging to the meeting must be available to the members no later than one week before the meeting. Motions intended to be considered by the annual meeting must be received by the board no later than two weeks before the annual meeting. At the ordinary meeting, the following matters shall be dealt with:The President declares the meeting open.Election of meeting chairman.Election of meeting secretary.Selection of two adjusters.Decision on the proper announcement of the meeting.Decision on the establishment of the agenda.Presentation of the Board's annual report.Presentation of the auditors' audit report.Decision on discharge from liability for the board.Election of President.Election of Vice President.Election of Debate director.Election of Secretary.Election of Treasurer.Election of Communications officer.Election of Socials officer.Decision on the number of additional members of the Board.Election of additional members to the Board.Election of members to the Equity committee.Election of one or more auditors.Election of three members to the Nomination Committee.Decision on determination of membership fee.Decision on adoption of an operational plan.Decision on the budget.Processing of received propositions from the board.Consideration of motions received together with the Board's opinions thereon.Other.The newly elected president declares the meeting closed.Section 3: Extra annual general meetingExtra annual general meetings shall be held when the board or the auditors decide to do so or if a quarter (rounded down) of the association's members request this in writing from the board. Notice of an extra meeting and the proposed agenda shall be sent in writing to all members no later than three weeks before the meeting. All documents belonging to the meeting must be available to the members no later than one week before the meeting.At an extra meeting, only those matters that form the basis for convening the annual meeting shall be dealt with.Section 4: Nomination CommitteeIt is the responsibility of the Nomination Committee to prepare nominations for members of the Board, auditors, and committee chairmen, if applicable.The Nomination Committee is elected by the Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee has a term of office of one year, beginning on the first day of April. The Nomination Committee appoints a convener amongst themselves. The Nomination Committee makes decisions by an absolute majority. ARTICLE 4: THE BOARDSection 1: FunktionThe board is the association's executive body.It is the responsibility of the boardto lead the association's activities,to convene the annual meeting and prepare its meetings,to provide the relevant documents for the auditor's report no later than four weeks before the annual otherwise handle all the association's affairs, except those whose responsibility is delegated to some other body. The board signs the association's company name. The board shall appoint one or more persons to sign the association's name at the first board meeting after taking office.The board makes decisions by an absolute majority. In the event of an equal number of votes, the opinion of the chairman applies as the decision of the board.The board meets at the invitation of the chairman or two board members jointly. Notice of a meeting and proposed agenda shall be sent in writing to the members of the Board no later than one week before the meeting.Section 2: CompositionThe board is elected by the annual meeting. The board has a term of office of one year, starting on the first day of May. The board consists of a chairman, vice chairman, debate director, treasurer, secretary, communications manager, responsible for social events and an additional member if decided by the annual meeting.The board may establish committees. Each committee shall be chaired by a committee chair appointed by the annual meeting. Each committee shall be chaired by a board member appointed by the board, unless the members decide otherwise during the ordinary annual meeting, or otherwise stated.Section 3: CommitteesUnder the Board, the following committees shall exist:Media, PR, and External Relations. The committee is headed by the head of communications.Social events. The committee is chaired by the person responsible for social events.Debate training. The committee is chaired by the Debate director.The Equity Committee exists under the Board. The committee's task is to maintain the code of conduct and initiate action in the event of a breach of the code of conduct. Committee members are appointed during the annual meeting, and are elected for a term of one year. Its members cannot be elected by the board. Section 4: Vacant board positionsIn the event of empty board positions, the current board can, by a simple majority, elect a person to the position with a mandate until the next annual meeting. All members must be informed of the possibility of applying for the vacant position at least one week before the board meeting when the election takes place. ARTICLE 5: AUDITORSThe auditors are elected by the annual meeting. The auditors take office immediately and their term of office extends to the next ordinary meeting of the annual meeting.The auditors make decisions by a simple majority.It is the auditors' responsibility to review the association's activities and accounts, to submit an audit report on the previous financial year's review to the annual meeting during the month of February.ARTICLE 6: BYLAWSSection 1: InterpretationThe bylaws are interpreted by the association's President.Section 2: Precedence The language of the bylaws is Swedish. The statutes may be translated into other languages. In the event of a conflict between different linguistic versions of the statutes, the Swedish version takes precedence.Section 3: Amendment The bylaws can be changed by decision of the annual meeting. Such a decision is made by a simple majority of three quarters. Decisions on amendments to the articles of association can only be made on the proposal of the board or ten members in association.ARTICLE 7: DISBANDMENTThe association can be dissolved by decision of the annual meeting. Such a decision is taken by a simple two - thirds majority. Decisions on dissolution can only be made on a proposal from the board. Upon dissolution, the association's assets shall be used in a manner that benefits the association's purposes.ARTICLE 8: EQUITY COMMITTEESection 1: Inclusion PolicyTo ensure that all members have the opportunity to participate, that the debate club is, and will remain, a place where people are confident in expressing their arguments, each member must follow the debate club's code of conduct.The code of conduct applies during all of the debate club's events, and where members represent or can be considered to represent the debate club.Section 2: TaskThe Equity committee is responsible for ensuring that the Code of Conduct is complied with and maintained. The primary objective of the Equity committee is to ensure that article 8, section 1 is complied with. The secondary goal of the Equity committee is to ensure that the code of conduct is complied with.Section 3: PrivacyThe meetings and meetings of the Equal Treatment Committee are confidential, unless otherwise stated. Cases that deal with breaches of the Code of Conduct are always classified. Matters concerning members who come up to the Equal Treatment Committee shall be dealt with in a manner that ensures the anonymity of all parties. Section 4: Work processIt is up to the Gender Equality Committee to decide on, or resolve matters concerning ARTICLE 8 Section 1. A report on what has been decided shall be given to the Chairman of the Board. The Chairman has the right, if he deems it necessary, to decide that the Equal Treatment Committee's decisions concerning article 8, section 1 shall be taken up for a Board decision or an annual meeting. As far as possible, persons affected by these reports shall remain anonymous. Section 5: Violation of the code of conductViolation of a code of conduct that justifies exclusion leads to an automatic convening of a special board meeting where a member of the Equal Treatment Committee must report on an event that forms the basis for convening. The exclusion procedure is treated as under article 2, section 1. Section 6: Code of ConductMembers of the debate club undertake to follow the code below. This Code is not exhaustive, and it is the responsibility of each member not to violate, or undermine, article 8, section 1. No personal attacks, aggressive language, or behaviour.No discriminatory behaviour or statement against person or group. Especially regarding age, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or religion. No harassing, threatening, or similar behaviour towards participants or members of any kind. No destruction of property by members, visitors, or premises used by the debate club. Premises used by the debate club must be treated with respect and left in good condition. No conduct that otherwise violates the law or rights of participants and members. ................

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