Farncombe Church of England Infant School | Inspiration ...

4656455-13822300Apple Class Working From HomeMonday 20th AprilWelcome back APPLE CLASSI hope you all had a good Easter holidays whatever you got up to at home! We had an Easter egg hunt in our garden ending in Jacob and Emily eating far too much chocolate! I am looking forward to going into school this week to see if any of you have written back to me with some suggested ideas for the class. Mrs Siviers said it was great to see some of you when she delivered the letters. Over the holidays I have been busy recording the rest of Fantastic Mr Fox chapters for you to listen to so look out for it on our school You Tube channel and then you can listen whenever you like. Written Task Well done everyone for reading The Twits by Roald Dahl I’m sure you really enjoyed it as it funny and disgusting. So this week I would like you to write a book review about the book for the year one children like we did before when we finished Charlie and the Chocolate factory.Each day we will focus on part 1 of the book review today we will start with ‘Did you enjoy the book?’ Please start a new page in your working from home book put the title Twits Book Review Then a subheading Did I enjoy reading The Twits book?I have attached another document which will give more details about what you need to include in your writing.Parents please see and share the attached sheet so you know what to discuss and what the children need to include in their writing. The children are quite familiar with the terminology I use but some might need reminding eg exclamation sentence which begin with a ‘What or How!’ If they are too confused please don’t worry about it.Maths TaskData HandlingThis week we are going to be collecting data and representing it in different ways. Today we are going to start with sorting data into a venn diagram using two different criteria.I have attached two different venn diagrams with information you will need to sort. If you don’t have a printer you can draw them and complete them into your Working from home book.ChallengeWhen you have completed the ones I have given you, you could try your own sorting of data.118554515557500Draw two circles that cross over (like the image below) – draw round a bowl or plate, you could even make your two circles with hoops or skipping ropes. Here is a list of things you could sort into the venn diagram with two different criteriaStraight sides/curved sidesEven numbers/multiples of 3Mutliples of 2/multiples of 3Odd numbers/multiples of 5Using lego – find different ways to sort lego bricks eg 6 bricks/red bricksYou can record these into your book or take a photo of your work and send it to school.Parents there will be lots of new vocabulary this week so you might need to explain the meaning of them Data = informationVenn diagram = a way to show information with one thing the same or common element (show diagram when explaining or you can create your own with hoops or skipping ropes) discuss why they overlap for something that is the same, discuss how information is sorted into the venn diagramMultiples = numbers in a times table patternCriteria = types of groups eg odd numbersThis link will help explain the intersection and also allows the children to sort information using different criteria are some other venn diagram activities the children could try out on this link. ActivityTry out your new Purple Mash login if you haven’t already, if you have any problems with login please let the office know. I have set you a 2do so when you login you will have an alert of a 2do or go to the 2do icon at the top of the page and play the racing game to practise 2, 5,10 times table facts.Fingers crossed it will be there if not just play one of the times table to reinforce quick recall of facts.Physical/Outdoor ActivityDash it! Game – choose four different coloured jumpers, objects whatever you might have. Place them in different places in your garden make sure they are spread out and you can see them. One person calls out the different colours in any order and you have to run to the different colours in the correct order. You can play this in different ways you can create short or long sequences of colours or you can time yourself and see if you can beat your time.Weekly SpellingsThis week’s spellings are words with ea, ee, e, eyfreezesqueezepleasereadingmoneyeverybodyWhen looking at these words think about how you pronounce the e sound but might be spelt differently. Write each word in an meaningful sentence but try and make your sentence interesting rather than a basic sentence can stretch the sentence to add noun phrases.Basic sentenceI get pocket money.Stretched sentenceI am saving up for a lovely, soft jellycat bunny so when I get my pocket money I always put it into my money box.Remember to practise writing your spellings everyday.Reading Make sure you are keeping up with your three or more reads every week and parents are drawing a star to show you have completed your reads. Keep reading! ................

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