Updated 1 Apr 2021 HYPERLINK "" \o "December 2020" ? DecemberJanuary 2021 HYPERLINK \l "February_2021" \o "Jump to February" February ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 New Year's Day2 3 4 5 6 7 District Roundtable700-8308 KoC Jockey Lot100-4009 KofC Jockey Lot800-10010 Order of the Arrow Zoom300-40011 12 13 14 15 16 Blue Ridge Council MBU17 18 Martin Luther King Jr.PLC Meeting600-63019 Council Roundtable Zm600-70020 21 District Committee Zoom630-73022 23 OA Winter Banquet24 25 Committee Meeting630-80026 27 28 29 30 Backpacking Trip--------->30 Jan 700 – 1 Feb 200CNX31 Backpacking Trip--------->30 Jan 700 – 1 Feb 200CNXNeeds:OA RepresentativeMB Counselors: Citizenship in the Community, Nation, and World, Emergency Preparation, CyclingFocus:Summer Camp class signup – first payment of $160 due 1 FebComplete adult leader training – Amy, Jess, Laura, MikeTroop electionsBackpacking Trip – 30 Jan to 1 Feb – Foothills Trail – Bad Creek Reservoir to Bear CreekShould be able to finish up Camping MB for several ScoutsMerit Badge Emphasis – Camping and Backpacking – Chris LuplowFebruary 2021 HYPERLINK \l "March_2021" \o "Jump to March" March ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 D5 NO SCHOOLBackpacking Trip--------->30 Jan 700 – 1 Feb 200CNXSummer Camp Paymnt 1$160Camp Cards Start1 Feb – 24 Apr2 3 4 District Roundtable700-830Leader Nominations Due5 KoC Jockey Lot100-400Backpacking Trip--------->5 Feb 500 – 7 Feb 3006 KofC Jockey Lot800-100COI Staff InterviewsBackpacking Trip--------->5 Feb 500 – 7 Feb 300Scouting For FoodDeliver Flyers7 Super BowlScout SundayBackpacking Trip--------->5 Feb 500 – 7 Feb 300Scouting For FoodDeliver Flyers8 9 10 11 Cub Scout Day Camp Planning Meeting Zoom630-73012 13 Council Yard Work Day800-300Scouting For FoodPickup14 Valentine's DayOrder of the Arrow Zoom300-400Scouting For FoodPickup15 Presidents DayPLC Meeting600-63016 Council Roundtable Zm600-70017 Ash Wednesday18 District Committee Zoom630-73019 Backpacking Trip--------->19 Feb 500 – 21 Feb 300CNX20 Backpacking Trip--------->19 Feb 500 – 21 Feb 300CNX 21 Backpacking Trip--------->19 Feb 500 – 21 Feb 300CNX22 Committee Meeting630-80023 24 25 26 27 Pack 41 Pinewood Derby0915-1200Blue Ridge CouncilWorkday900-20028 Focus:Summer Camp signup – first payment of $160 due 1 FebCamp cards 1 Feb – 24 AprLeader award nominations due at 4 Feb roundtableScout Sunday – wear uniform to churchScouting for FoodCouncil yard work day 27 Feb – yard tools and help needed at Council office – service hours!Recruitment? No open house, no crossoversCourt of Honor? Where and when – tentative 22 MarMerit Badge Emphasis – Personal Fitness – Chris L? FebruaryMarch 2021 HYPERLINK \l "April_2021" \o "Jump to April" April ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 Cyberchip2 3 4 District Banquet630-8005 KoC Jockey Lot100-4006 KofC Jockey Lot800-100Pack 41 Blue & GoldBanquet400-6007 8 9 Fireside Chat 60010 11 12 13 Trainers EDGEBethesda UMC730-230Aquatics with Troop 215YMCA 90014 Daylight SavingsOrder of the Arrow Zoom300-40015 PLC Meeting600-63016 Council Roundtable Zm600-70017 Saint Patrick's DayFireside Chat 60018 District Committee Zoom630-73019 OA Spring Fellowship--->19 Mar 500 – 21 Mar 20020 Start of SpringOA Spring Fellowship--->19 Mar 500 – 21 Mar 200COI Yard Work Day800-300Five Mile HikeFants Grove845-120021 OA Spring Fellowship--->19 Mar 500 – 21 Mar 20022 Committee Meeting630-800Court of HonorTentative23 Fireside Chat 60024 25 Summer Camp Rgstrtion100026 27 University of Scouting28 29 30 31 Fireside Chat 600Fireside Chats are with Council via Zoom to discuss future of ScoutingFocus:District banquet – awards for adult leaders, 2020 Eagle, and AOL ScoutsCyber chip – 1 MarNo open houseCamp cards 1 Feb – 24 AprSummer camp registration – 1000University of Scouting – training for all adult leadersConservation hours – Connector or Cole Bailey SchoolMerit Badge Emphasis – Family Life – Chris G – Starts 8 Mar? MarchApril 2021 HYPERLINK \l "May_2021" \o "Jump to May" May ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 Holy ThursdayDistrict Roundtable700-8302 Good FridayKoC Jockey Lot100-4003 KofC Jockey Lot800-1004 Easter5 D5 NO SCHOOLSpring Break-------------->NO MEETING6 D5 NO SCHOOLSpring Break-------------->7 D5 NO SCHOOLSpring Break-------------->8 D5 NO SCHOOLSpring Break-------------->9 D5 NO SCHOOLSpring Break-------------->10 Cleo Bailey900-120011 Order of the Arrow Zoom300-40012 13 14 15 Tax DayDistrict Committee Zoom630-73016 Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)----->16 Apr – 18 AprDay Camp Training------>Campout 16 Apr – 18 Apr17 Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)----->16 Apr – 18 AprDay Camp Training------>Campout 16 Apr – 18 Apr18 Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)16 Apr – 18 AprDay Camp TrainingCampout 16 Apr – 18 Apr19 PLC Meeting600-63020 Council Roundtable Zm600-70021 22 Cuboree Zoom70023 Leave No Trace Training23 Apr – 25 AprOrder of Arrow Conclave23 Apr – 25 Apr24 Leave No Trace Training23 Apr – 25 AprOrder of Arrow Conclave23 Apr – 25 AprCamp Cards End1 Feb – 24 AprMike’s Hanger Move 25 Leave No Trace Training23 Apr – 25 AprOrder of Arrow Conclave23 Apr – 25 Apr26 Committee Meeting630-800 CNXCourt of HonorSt Joseph600-80027 28 29 30 Council Cub-O-Ree------>30 Apr – 2 MayKoC Jockey Lot100-400Focus:Camp cards 1 Feb – 24 AprTurn in BSA Medical A,B,C in preparation for summer campIntroduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) – mandatory training for adults to be Scoutmasters and ASMsCouncil Cub-O-Ree – most of our adult leaders will be there; we need Scouts to assist and represent the troop!Very busy and congested month – difficult to schedule a camping trip with first two weekends outCooking MB Campout – Chris G and Ernest – moved to MayMerit Badge Emphasis – Cooking – Chris G – Starts 12 Apr? AprilMay 2021 HYPERLINK \l "June_2021" \o "Jump to June" June ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 Council Cub-O-Ree------>30 Apr – 2 MayKofC Jockey Lot800-1002 Council Cub-O-Ree30 Apr – 2 May3 Summer Camp Paymnt 2$190 + extra MB fees4 5 6 District Roundtable700-8307 8 9 Mother's DayOrder of the Arrow Zoom300-40010 PLC Meeting600-63011 12 Annual Council Program Launch Zoom600-70013 District Friends of Scouting Dinner615-80014 Cooking Merit BadgeCampout14 May – 16 May53015 Armed Forces DayCooking Merit BadgeCampout14 May – 16 May16 Cooking Merit BadgeCampout14 May – 16 May120017 18 Council Roundtable Zm800-90019 20 District Committee Zoom630-73021 22 Work Day at COI900-40023 24 Committee Meeting630-80025 26 27 28 29 30 Swamp Rabbits Scout Night300-60031 Memorial DayD5 NO SCHOOLFocus:Swim test for summer campCouncil Cub-O-Ree – most of our adult leaders will be there; we need Scouts to assist and represent the troop!Campout to work on Cooking MB – 14-16 MayMerit Badge Emphasis – CookingRecital week – second week of May? MayJune 2021 HYPERLINK \l "July_2021" \o "Jump to July" July ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 2 3 4 KoC Jockey Lot100-4005 KofC Jockey Lot800-1006 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Flag DayPLC Meeting600-63015 16 D5 SCHOOL ENDS17 18 19 20 Start of Summer Camp Rainey Mountain20 Jun – 26 Jun21 Camp Rainey Mountain20 Jun – 26 JunNO MEETING22 Camp Rainey Mountain20 Jun – 26 Jun23 Camp Rainey Mountain20 Jun – 26 Jun24 Camp Rainey Mountain20 Jun – 26 Jun25 Camp Rainey Mountain20 Jun – 26 Jun26 Camp Rainey Mountain20 Jun – 26 JunCRM Ranger Camp26 Jun – 2 Jul27 CRM Ranger Camp26 Jun – 2 Jul28 Committee Meeting630-800CRM Ranger Camp26 Jun – 2 Jul29 Popcorn KickoffCRM Ranger Camp26 Jun – 2 Jul30 CRM Ranger Camp26 Jun – 2 JulFocus:Paperwork and planning in order for summer campNo district or council meetings for Jun and JulNo emphasis on merit badges or camping due to summer campPLC and Committee meetings adjusted for summer campCRM Ranger Camp – 26 Jun - 2 Jul? JuneJuly 2021 HYPERLINK \l "August_2021" \o "Jump to August" August ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 CRM Ranger Camp26 Jun – 2 Jul2 KoC Jockey Lot100-400CRM Ranger Camp26 Jun – 2 Jul3 KofC Jockey Lot800-1004 Indep. Day5 6 7 8 9 10 Day Camp Setup900-120011 Day Camp Orientation200-40012 Cub Scout District Day Camp------------------------>730-40013 Cub Scout District Day Camp------------------------>730-40014 Cub Scout District Day Camp------------------------>730-400Order of the Arrow Vigil Callout15 Cub Scout District Day Camp------------------------>730-40016 Cub Scout District Day Camp730-40017 Day Camp Takedown18 19 PLC Meeting600-63020 21 22 23 24 25 Gville Drive Scout Night200-600National Youth Leadership Training----->25 Jul – 30 Jul26 Committee Meeting630-800National Youth Leadership Training----->25 Jul – 30 Jul27 National Youth Leadership Training----->25 Jul – 30 Jul28 National Youth Leadership Training----->25 Jul – 30 Jul29 National Youth Leadership Training----->25 Jul – 30 Jul30 Cub Scout Resident Camp COI------------------>30 Jul – 1 AugNational Youth Leadership Training----->25 Jul – 30 Jul31 Cub Scout Resident Camp COI------------------>30 Jul – 1 AugFocus:Troop electionsCub Scout District Day Camp – most of our adult leaders will be there; we need Scouts to assist!No district or council meetings for Jun and JulBackpacking trip – difficult to schedule with Cub Scout activities but would LOVE to do 5+ day trip week of 18thAt least 5 days and 30 miles can complete Backpacking merit badge for many – Foothills TrailNYLT – Woodbadge level leadership for Scouts – learn how a troop runsWould LOVE for our older Scouts to attend this prestigious courseMust be First Class rank, at least 13, and have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops? JulyAugust 2021 HYPERLINK \l "September_2021" \o "Jump to September" September ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 Cub Scout Resident Camp COI30 Jul – 1 Aug2 3 Greenville Drive Free Tix for K-12705-10004 5 District Roundtable700-8306 KoC Jockey Lot100-4007 KofC Jockey Lot800-1008 Order of the Arrow Zoom300-4009 10 Council Banquet at COI$2611 12 13 14 15 16 PLC Meeting600-63017 D5 SCHOOL STRTCouncil Roundtable Zm600-70018 19 District Committee Zoom630-73020 21 22 23 Court of Honor630-80024 25 26 District 2 Adult LeaderGatheringClemson630-80027 Campout-------------------->28 Campout-------------------->29 Scout Day at the Drive300-600Campout30 Committee Meeting630-80031 Focus:District and council meetings resumeBackpacking or State Park trip – backup 5+ day backpacking trip week of the 8th Bare bones campoutCourt of Honor on the 23rdCampout 27-29? AugustSeptember 2021 HYPERLINK \l "October_2021" \o "Jump to October" October ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 2 District Roundtable700-8303 KoC Jockey Lot100-4004 KofC Jockey Lot800-1005 6 Labor DayD5 NO SCHOOL7 8 9 10 Adventure DayRecruiting630-83011 12 Order of the Arrow Zoom300-40013 14 15 16 17 OA Fall Fellowship------->17 Sep 500 – 19 Sep 18 OA Fall Fellowship------->17 Sep 500 – 19 SepBBQ Fundraiser Sale19 OA Fall Fellowship17 Sep 500 – 19 Sep20 PLC Meeting600-63021 Council Roundtable Zm600-70022 Start of Fall23 District Committee Zoom630-73024 Wood Badge Weekend IMorning Start24 Sep – 26 Sep25 Wood Badge Weekend I24 Sep – 26 Sep26 Wood Badge Weekend I24 Sep – 26 Sep27 Committee Meeting630-80028 29 30 Focus:We need to send an invite to all District Webelos and AOL Scouts for a campout no later than Sep roundtableI will contact Packs 15 and 41This helps their advancement and gets us noticedDuke Energy Merit Badge University – Likely 5 SepWood Badge – Best adult leader training; highly encouraged – requires two weekendsState Park trip – Plan games and Scout skills to teach Cub ScoutsMerit Badge Emphasis – Citizenship in the Community – Guest Help or Volunteer? SeptemberOctober 2021 HYPERLINK \l "November_2021" \o "Jump to November" November ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 KoC Jockey Lot100-400District Fall Camporee1 Oct – 3 Oct2 KofC Jockey Lot800-100District Fall Camporee1 Oct – 3 Oct3 District Fall Camporee1 Oct – 3 Oct4 5 6 7 District Roundtable700-8308 9 Clemson MBU10 Order of the Arrow Zoom300-40011 Columbus Day12 13 14 15 16 Wood Badge Weekend II16 Oct – 17 OctCampout with AOLs?17 Wood Badge Weekend II16 Oct – 17 Oct18 PLC Meeting600-63019 Council Roundtable Zm600-70020 21 District Committee Zoom630-73022 23 Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)----->23 Oct – 24 Oct24 Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)----->23 Oct – 24 Oct25 Committee Meeting630-80026 27 28 29 D5 NO SCHOOL30 Mile Backpacking TripThru Nov 2?30 31 HalloweenFocus:District Fall Camporee – Guessing at the dates; 2020 was first weekend in OctClemson Merit Badge University – Likely 16 OctWood Badge – Best adult leader training; highly encouraged – requires two weekendsIntroduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) – mandatory training for adults to be Scoutmasters and ASMsBackpacking Trip or Fall CamporeeMerit Badge Emphasis – Emergency Preparation – Guest Help or Volunteer? OctoberNovember 2021 HYPERLINK \l "December_2021" \o "Jump to December" December ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 D5 NO SCHOOL2 Election DayD5 NO SCHOOL3 4 District Roundtable700-8305 KoC Jockey Lot100-4006 KofC Jockey Lot800-1007 Daylight Saving Time Ends8 9 10 11 Veterans Day12 13 14 Order of the Arrow Zoom300-40015 PLC Meeting600-63016 Council Roundtable Zm600-70017 18 District Committee Zoom630-73019 20 21 22 Committee Meeting630-80023 24 D5 NO SCHOOL25 Thanksgiving DayD5 NO SCHOOL26 D5 NO SCHOOL27 28 29 Recharter!30 Focus:Recharter – due by 2 Dec Roundtable!Journey to Excellence2022 Calendar and future plansSummer camp Backpacking TripMerit Badge Emphasis – Citizenship in the Nation – Guest Help or Volunteer? NovemberDecember 2021 HYPERLINK "" \o "January 2022" January ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 2 District Roundtable700-8303 KoC Jockey Lot100-4004 KofC Jockey Lot800-1005 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Order of the Arrow Zoom300-40013 PLC Meeting600-630Troop Christmas Party630-80014 Council Roundtable Zm600-70015 16 District Committee Zoom630-73017 18 19 20 D5 NO SCHOOLNO MEETING21 Start of WinterD5 NO SCHOOL22 D5 NO SCHOOL23 D5 NO SCHOOL24 D5 NO SCHOOL25 Christmas26 COI Winter Camp-------->26 Dec – 29 Dec27 D5 NO SCHOOLCOI Winter Camp-------->26 Dec – 29 DecNO MEETING28 D5 NO SCHOOLCOI Winter Camp-------->26 Dec – 29 Dec29 D5 NO SCHOOLCOI Winter Camp26 Dec – 29 Dec30 D5 NO SCHOOL31 D5 NO SCHOOLFocus:Recharter – due by 2 Dec Roundtable!Paperwork and planning in order for winter campNo emphasis on merit badges or camping due to winter campNo meetings 20 and 27 Dec ................

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