Course Schedule - Indiana University Bloomington

SPH-K 200: Microcomputer Applications in KinesiologySections: #6658; 6659; 6661; 6666; & 6669350139024003000Spring 2021: Full 16 Weeks: Online: January 19-February 7 In-Person or Online: February 8-May 9Image from IU Academic CalendarCourse Schedule Week/Date(Monday-Sunday)TopicsTo DoDeadlineWeek 1 – Starts on Tuesday -January 19-24Week 1 -Getting StartedComplete the “Week 1 - Getting Started” module in CanvasGraded:COMPLETE: Accessibility Acknowledgement – No Accept Until DateGetting Started Quiz – No Accept Until DateSHARE: Please Introduce YourselfSunday, January 24,11:59 PM EDTWeek 2 - January 25-31Week 2 - Introduction to Online Learning in K200Complete the “Week 2 - Introduction to Online Learning in K200” module in CanvasWatch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded:Projects - Screenshot, Save, Submit File for GradingSyllabus Quiz – No Accept Until DateSunday January 31, 11:59 PM EDTWeek 3 - February 1-7Week 3 - Introduction to Computers & Using the WebComplete the module Week 3 - Introduction to Computers & Using the Web Watch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: Getting Started with Computer ConceptsIntroduction to the Web ProjectEvaluating Online ResourcesEXAM #1: Introduction to Computer Concepts & the Web (NO Accept Until Date; February 1-7 You can only take the exam once.)Sunday, February 711:59 PM EDTWeek 4 - February 8-14Week 4 - WordComplete the module Weeks 4-5 - Word Watch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: WORD: Ch1: Create Letter and MemosWORD: Ch2: Create Business ReportSunday, February 1411:59 PM EDTWeek 5 - February 15-21Week 5 - WordComplete and reference the module Weeks 4-5 - Word Watch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: WORD: Ch3: Create FlyersWORD: Ch 4: Create Newsletters and Mail Merge DocumentsSunday, February 2111:59 PM EDTWeek 6February 22-28Week 6 - ExcelComplete the module Weeks 6-7 - Excel Watch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: Major Project #1 - WordEXCEL: Ch1: Create Workbooks with ExcelEXCEL: Ch2: Insert Summary Functions and Create ChartsWednesday, February 24 11:59 PM EDT - Major Project #1 – WordSunday, February 2811:59 PM EDT - WeeklyWeek 7 - March 1-7Week 7 - ExcelComplete and reference the module Weeks 6-7 - Excel Watch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: EXCEL: Ch3: Manage Multiple WorksheetsEXCEL: Ch4: More Functions and Excel TablesSunday, March 711:59 PM EDTWeek 8 - March 8-14Week 8 - AccessComplete the module Weeks 8-9 - AccessWatch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: Major Project #2 - ExcelACCESS: Videos 1 & 2: Create Database - Table & Data Entry + Saving & BackupACCESS: Video 3 - Creating Database Objects: Forms & ReportsWednesday, March 10, 11:59 PM EDT - Major Project #2 – ExcelSunday, March 1411:59 PM EDT - WeeklyWeek 9 - March 15-21Week 9 - AccessComplete and reference the module Weeks 8-9 - AccessWatch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: ACCESS: Video 4 - Power of the Database – QueriesSunday, March 2111:59 PM EDTWeek 10 - March 22-28Week 10 - PowerPointComplete the module Weeks 10-11 - PowerPointWatch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: Major Project #3 - AccessPPT: Ch1: Getting Started with PowerPointPPT: Ch2: Format a PresentationPPT: Ch3: Enhance Presentation with GraphicsWednesday, March 24, 11:59 PM EDT - Major Project #3 – AccessSunday, March 2811:59 PM EDT - WeeklyWeek 11 - March 29-April 4Week 11 - PowerPointComplete and reference the module Weeks 10-11 - PowerPointWatch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: PPT: Ch4: Present Data Using Tables, Charts, and AnimationRequired Video: K200 - MP #4 - Slider Footer & Slide TransitionMajor Project #4 – PowerPointEXAM #2: Microsoft Office Suite (NO Accept Until Date; March 29-April 4; You can only take the exam once.)Sunday, April 4 11:59 PM EDT(Note: Everything is due.)Week 12 - April 5-11Week 12 - PodcastingComplete the module Weeks 12-13 - PodcastingWatch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: Podcasting - Weekly ProjectSunday, April 1111:59 PM EDTWeek 13 - April 12-18Week 13 - PodcastingReference the module Weeks 12-13 - PodcastingWatch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: Major Project #5 - PodcastingSunday, April 1811:59 PM EDTWeek 14 - April 19-25Week 14 - Online Website Creation & BloggingComplete the module Weeks 14-15 - Online Website Creation & BloggingIf any, watch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: Online Website Creation & Blogging with WeeblySunday, April 25 11:59 PM EDTWeek 15 - April 26-May 2Week 15 - Online Website Creation & BloggingReference the module Weeks 14-15 - Online Website Creation & BloggingIf any, watch & perform work demonstrated in videosRead pages and perform given instructionsGraded: Major Project #6 - Online Portfolio - TUESDAY DECEMBER 15TH No Accept Until Date! NOTE: You are given a few extra days to finish this project. ?TUESDAY May 5. No Accept Until Date!11:59 PM EDTNOTE: You are given a few extra days to finish this project. ?Week 16 - May 3-9 There is no final exam in K200!Thank you for taking K200 and us for this semester. Have a wonderful summer! Be well. Wear a mask. Get your vaccine. 2. Assessment and GradingTo get the highest grade possible, you need to complete all work. Projects in K200 build upon each other. If you skip one, the rest will not make sense. Weekly Projects Every week, you will find assigned projects which may include instructional videos, quizzes, and graded discussions. Everything that will be graded will be found in the weekly modules. Each project will have a point value assigned. Major ProjectsStarting on Week 3 major projects will be assigned with each topic. These projects are worth more points than weekly as they require more from you. Final Exam ?There is no final exam. Final Grade ?Each student’s final grade will be calculated as follows: Assessment MethodsHow ManyUnit PointsTotal PointsWeekly Projects 26[varies]830Major Projects6[varies]950Exams2[varies]230Total Points2010Grading ScaleGrades will be assigned on a proficiency basis, not on a curve. Every effort is made ?to provide clear expectations and criteria for successful completion of assignments, ?so you are expected to do well and be successful. There are no extra credit ?assignments. The grading system is based on the following range of percentages:?A+ 97-100%B+ 87-89%C+ 77-79%D+ 67-69%A 93-96%B 83-86%C 73-76%D 63-66%A- 90-92%B- 80-82%C- 70-72%D- 60-62%F Below 60%Extra CreditCheck extra credit rules given in syllabus. Do not depend on extra credit to pass the class. Extra credit is dependent upon your instructor. Check with them on extra credit offered in the class. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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