Welcome to AP Biology Boot Camp 2010

AP Biology Summer Assignment 2020-2021

Welcome to AP Biology! AP Biology is a rigorous course designed to introduce you to one of the most fascinating and useful of all modern sciences. Due to the large amount of material that needs to be covered during the year, a summer assignment is essential. This summer assignment will help you deliver skills in experimental design and graphing.

What you get out of this class will be based on what you are willing to put into the class. Students who have success on the AP exam are those students who are willing to work throughout the summer and school year and who are willing to work independently.

Your summer assignment will be due by the end of the first week of school. If you do not turn in your assignment on time you will not receive credit.

The best way to reach me is at my email address: perryb@. Feel free to contact me over the summer. Best advice is NOT to wait until the end of the summer to start work!!

I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!

Mrs. Perry


|1 |Due before the |Email Mrs. Perry at perryb@ (Email Assignment) |

| |first day of school| |

| | |Welcome to AP Biology! We are going to spend a lot of time together next year, so it’s best if I get a head start on learning a bit |

| | |about you. |

| | | |

| | |Draft an e-mail to me: perryb@ |

| | | |

| | |Introduce yourself (your name) and tell me a little bit about yourself, like: |

| | |What do you like to do (hobbies, sports, music, interests, etc.)? |

| | |Who was your previous biology teacher? What did you like/dislike about your last biology class? |

| | |What is your motivation for taking AP Biology? |

| | |What do you want to do when you graduate high school? |

| | |Are there any special circumstances I should know about you or your life? |

|2 |Due by the end of |Login to YouTube and Subscribe to: |

| |the first week of |BozemanScience |

| |school |Mr. Anderson has a series of AP Biology Video Essentials that we will be viewing regularly. |

| | | |

| | |ScienceMusicVideos |

| | |Mr. W has a variety of AP Biology music videos that help students learn through music and rhyming. |

|3 | | |

| |Due by the end of |Experimental Design Notes |

| |the first week of |Go to the Heritage Website and find my name (Brenda Perry) under teachers. Once on my page, select the “AP Biology Notes” tab. |

| |school | |

| | | |

| | |Open Experimental Design Power Point ( take notes using any format, but your notes must be neat/organized/colorful. One full page of |

| | |notes is required; one page means both sides. Diagrams and drawings are encouraged. |

|4 | |Complete the Experimental Design Assignment (attached) |

| |Due by the end of | |

| |the first week of | |

| |school | |

|5 |Due by the end of | |

| |the first week of |Graphing Notes |

| |school | |

| | |Go to the Heritage Website and find my name (Brenda Perry) under teachers. Once on my page, select the “AP Biology Notes” tab. |

| | | |

| | |Open Graphing Power Point ( take notes using any format, but notes must be neat/organized/colorful. One full page of notes is |

| | |required; one page means both sides. Diagrams and drawings are encouraged. |

Summer HW Name ____________________________________________________ Per _________

Experimental Design Notes

Show Mrs. Perry your Experimental Design Notes to Receive a Stamp:

• My policy is not to collect your notes.

• I will instead do a Notes Check at the start of class. Students will

work on a WARM UP while I check notes.

To receive full credit, your notes must be:

• one full page in length (both sides)

• organized (use outline or cornell notes format)

• written neatly

• contain visuals (drawings, diagrams, graphs, etc)

Experimental Design Assignment

1. What is a hypothesis? __________________________________________________________________________________


2. What is a null hypothesis?_______________________________________________________________________________


3. What is the difference between a control group and experimental group? __________________________________________


4. Why is it vital to work with large sample sizes of organisms in an experiment? ______________________________________


5. What is an independent variable (IV)? _____________________________________________________________________


6. Why is it important to have a limited number of independent variables? ___________________________________________


7. What is a dependent variable (DV)? _______________________________________________________________________


8. What are controlled variables (CVs) or constants? ____________________________________________________________


9. What is the difference between a control group and controlled variables? __________________________________________


Marsh Creek Scenario

To determine the effect sewage spillage in Marsh Creek had on local fish populations, the Marsh Creek Environmental Coalition counted the number of dead fish found downstream of the spillage each day for ten days. They also counted the number of dead fish found upstream from the spillage each day for ten days. It is assumed that fish populations in both areas live in water of the same temperature and pH, and that they receive the same amount of pesticide runoff and industrial waste. It is also assumed that the sewage always ran downstream from the spillage since the current is so strong in that direction.

10. Identify the following components in the scenario

a. Independent variable___________________________________________________________________________________

b. Dependent variable_____________________________________________________________________________________

c. Control group _________________________________________________________________________________________

d. Experimental group ____________________________________________________________________________________

e. Constants ____________________________________________________________________________________________

11. The Marsh Creek Environmental Coalition counted 125 dead fish downstream from the spillage and 52 dead fish upstream

from the spillage.

a. In hypothesis testing, what does it mean if a result has statistical significance? _______________________________


b. How could the coalition determine whether or not the difference (125 downstream and 52 upstream) is statistically

significant? _____________________________________________________________________________________

c. Why is it important to run statistical tests on data before accepting or rejecting a hypothesis? _____________________


12. Finish writing a HHS scenario similar in style to the Marsh Creek Scenario.

The Heritage High School AP Biology class conducted an experiment to determine the effects of _________________________




13. Identify the following components in your scenario

a. Independent variable___________________________________________________________________________________

b. Dependent variable_____________________________________________________________________________________

c. Control group _________________________________________________________________________________________

d. Experimental group ____________________________________________________________________________________

e. Constants ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Graphing Notes

Show Mrs. Perry your Graphing Notes to Receive a Stamp:

• My policy is not to collect your notes.

• I will instead do a Notes Check at the start of class. Students will

work on a WARM UP while I check notes.

To receive full credit, your notes must be:

• one full page in length (both sides)

• organized (use outline or cornell notes format)

• written neatly

• contain visuals (drawings, diagrams, graphs, etc)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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