The purpose of our 7 & 8 year old Pinto League is two-fold – to introduce children to the rules of the game of baseball and to provide a place for players to have fun. We have developed guidelines to reach both goals. Please review them and familiarize yourself with them.



Official Rules

Playing Field

A. Bases shall be 60’ apart and the pitchers plate shall be at 40’.

B. There shall be a chalked hash mark at 20’ after third base. This hash mark shall determine whether a player may advance to home or return to third base at the time of a contained baseball. A contained baseball is a ball held by an infielder within the baseline.

C. Pitching plate shall be in the center of a 12’ diameter circle.


A. Offense-one (1) coach is permitted at third base, one (1) coach is permitted at first base, one (1) coach pitching, and one (1) coach is permitted in the dugout for player control.

B. Defensive Coaches - There may be one (1) defensive coach along the right field line and one (1) coach along the left field line, provided they stay in foul territory and in the grass behind the offensive base coaches.

C. Only head coaches are permitted to approach the umpire.

Summary - There will be no coaches outside of the dugout between offensive base coaches and home plate. Only the coaches as described above are allowed on the field, all others must remain in the dugout.

Playing Rules

1. The head coach must submit a batting order to the umpire and scorer before game. All players must be listed in a batting order that will not change during said game. All players must bat in the order listed in the scorebook for the entire game. In the event a player is injured (umpire will justify), the scorer will be notified and said player will be out for as long as necessary or the remainder of said game with no penalty in the batting order. No player shall sit in the dugout for two (2) consecutive innings. Ten (10) players are permitted on defense and each player must play at least every other inning in the field unless injured.

2. A maximum of five (5) runs or three (3) outs will constitute an offensive inning.

3. Six (6) innings will constitute a game.

4. No intentional bunting is allowed. No walks allowed. Attempted bunting will constitute a strike.

5. A twelve (12) foot diameter circle is to be drawn around the pitching plate. The defensive pitcher must have at least one (1) foot on or inside circle until the batter contacts the ball unless permitted by the opposing head coach for safety purposes.

6. All outfielders must be positioned at similar radius from home plate. No short fielder will be permitted.

7. Each batter will be allowed five (5) pitches or three (3) swings per bat unless the fifth pitch or third swing is a foul ball. There shall be no limit to the number of foul balls on the 5th pitch or the 3rd swing. The batter shall be out on a foul tip caught by the catcher on the third or any succeeding swing.

8. There shall be no infield-fly rule.

9. No base stealing or leads are permitted. A runner leaving the base before the ball reaches home plate will be removed from the base and an out will be declared. This is a delayed dead ball call by the umpire. (A warning shall be given during the first half of the season)

10. Any base runner that fails to touch a base shall be called out by the umpire upon completion of the play. No appeals on missed bases will be allowed. This is a delayed dead ball called by the umpire.

12. The catcher must be in a squatted catcher's position and not standing.

13. Once a pitcher/coach releases the ball, he cannot be involved with coaching until time is called. There are base coaches to direct runners. The coach may not deceive defensive players to retrieve the ball before time is called. Penalty: All runners return to last base.

14. Base runners must be at least hallway to the next base when time is called in order to be awarded the next base. This will be up to the umpire’s discretion as to the position of the base runners when time is called. If a runner has not advanced half way towards the next base, when time is called, the umpire will send the runner back to the last base successfully reached safe.


1. Good sportsmanship will be required of all parents, coaches, spectators, and players.

2. All players are required to pre-register and attend an evaluation with Garner Baseball. The League Director and the coaches will draft players to selected teams. Siblings within the same league will be allowed to play on the same team. Special requests will be reviewed but may not be honored.

3. Players shall be permitted to play up to another league if all coaches agree the players skill level is to a standard where the player will be successful throughout the season. This must be voted on by the coaches after evaluations have been completed, and the result must be unanimous for a player to be allowed to play up.

4. The schedule will determine home and visitor. The home team dugout is along 3rd base and the visiting team is along 1st base. During tournament play the higher seeded team will always be designated as the home team.

5. No tobacco use by players, coaches, umpires, or parents is allowed on the playing field at any time including practices. There is to be no smoking or vaping around the fields.

6. One (1) head coach will be assigned to each team and may recruit up to three (3) assistant coaches and a team parent to help him. The GBI Board of Directors must approve all coaches.

7. All players must participate in a minimum of 50% of the scheduled practices. If a player is unable to participate in a minimum of 50% of the scheduled practices, the head coach should contact the League Director for further help in handling this situation.

8. Players are required to wear long pants and baseball or athletic shoes during all practices and games. Catchers are required to wear protective equipment during games, warm ups, and practices. All players are encouraged to wear protective cups. Batting helmets are required of all batters and base runners. Only USA baseball bats are permitted. No USA Baseball T-ball bats shall be permitted. There is to be no jewelry worn by any player during a game or practice.

9. Any player who uses an illegal bat (non USA Baseball) shall be called out. The coach will be warned and reported to league director. Any subsequent bat violations shall result in the Head Coach being suspended for the remainder of the game and the entirety of the next game.

10. All players present at a game must play in every game unless serving a suspension or a coach’s disciplinary action. The head coach must notify the scorekeeper and opposing head coach of any player on the bench, but not on the line up card.

11. The head umpire has complete authority over the game. ONLY THE ACTING HEAD COACH SHALL CONFER WITH THE UMPIRE.

12. Each team must be on the field and ready to play at the scheduled time. If a team does not have enough players to begin the game, a forfeit will be called ten (10) minutes after the scheduled game time. A team may begin and end play with a minimum of eight (8) players. Additional players may be added to the end of the batting order if arriving late.

13. No more than ten (10) players shall be allowed on the field defensively. No more than six (6) players shall play on the infield. All players must start at least every other game and may not sit on the bench more than one (1) consecutive inning. Each player bats the entire game in the same continuous order whether or not the player is playing in the field. Failure to abide by this rule can result in disciplinary action against the head coach by GBI.

14. The pitcher/coach must start their pitch from the pitching plate located in the center of the pitching circle.

15. The adult pitcher must attempt to leave the playing field once the ball is put in play. A batted ball will automatically be declared a dead ball (no pitch) if it touches the adult pitcher whether intentional or non-intentional. The adult pitcher must be conscientious in staying out of the way of an ongoing play. If an umpire determines that the adult pitcher intentionally interferes with a defensive play, the batter will automatically be called out and the runners will return to their original bases.

16. The defensive pitcher must stay even with or behind the established pitching distance of 40 feet. This player must have 1 foot within the pitching circle until the batter touches the ball.

17. The defensive catcher shall have the first opportunity to make plays at the plate. Other infielders coming in may backup the catcher and only make the play if the ball gets past the catcher. A warning will be given for the first instance in which another fielder steps in front of the catcher and attempts to make the play. Additional instances of the above will result in the runner being called safe at the plate regardless of outcome of play.

18. Time out may only be called by a defensive player once that defensive player has control and possession of the ball within the baseline.

19. In order to maximize playing time, a courtesy runner for the catcher may be used at any time. This will be mandatory if there are two (2) outs. The courtesy runner will be the last player to make an out.

20. An inning will be complete when three (3) outs are recorded or the offensive team scores five (5) runs. A game is complete when a team is mathematically eliminated, or the time limit expires. All players must get at least one (1) at bat before the game is over. If a player has not had an at bat, play will continue until all players have had at least one (1) at bat.

21. Each team shall be entitled to one (1) offensive time out per inning. The umpire shall determine the length of the time out.

22. Only adults or children with adult supervision shall be permitted in the score booth. The home team will maintain the official score book.

23. There is a 75-minute or six-inning time limit per game. No new inning will begin after 75 minutes has elapsed. If at the end of the sixth inning the game is tied, one (1) additional inning can be played if started within the 75 minutes. If at the end of one (1) extra inning the game is still tied, it will end tied. Time delays due to weather, injuries, or disputes can be added back at the discretion of the umpire.

24. The following criteria will be used to set the tournament seedings and be used for tie breakers:

1. Overall record

2. Head to head record

3. Runs Allowed (Head to Head)

4. Runs Scored (Season)

5. Run Differential between runs scored and runs allowed

25. If a game is called due to weather and it does not qualify as a complete game (3 1/2 innings if home team is winning, 4 innings if visitors are winning), the game will resume at a rescheduled date from the point at which it was called. It will not be started over from the beginning and replayed.

26. Rained-out games will be made up as quickly as possible, hopefully within a one-week time period. A team that cannot complete a line up for the rescheduled, rained-out game will forfeit the game. The league will reschedule enough rained-out games to guarantee a minimum of 80% of regular scheduled games. (Local Rule)

27. Any player warming up another player in live ball territory must have a protective helmet.

28. All games will be played in the Garner Baseball facilities.

29. All teams must pick up trash and cleanup their dugout after each game.

30. Any player or coach ejected from a game by the umpire shall also sit out the entire next game (including tournaments). The ejected player will sit on the bench with their team in full uniform. The coach will not be allowed in the dug out or on the playing field.

31. Any questions or comments should be directed to the League Director.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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